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TBH most CnRs are underhanded in some way
We just don't tag them as such
Q: Inverse quine: print everything except your program

Purple PWrite a program which will eventually (given enough time) print all possible strings of printable ASCII characters EXCEPT itself. You may print either all strings with length less than or equal to your program, or all strings regardless of length. If your language requires characters that are not...

@NewMainPosts I'm 100% sure this is a dupe, but I can't find it :/
I know there's a challenge that's like "output every ASCII/0-255 char except the program" but that's just output the single complement string, not output every possible string except the program
maybe this one has been done too before
I never should've linked @RedwolfPrograms to the Review Stalker userscript :/ Now I'm no longer the only user in all 6 recent review lists :P
If it wasn't you I'd have done it myself lol
Do you use it too? Must be more prevalent than I thought
You uh gave me the link
oh there's a userscript to stalk review? lol
..I forget who I gave it too, alright :P
yeah my review stats are pretty bad, to be completely honest :P not because i'm not willing to, otherwise i wouldn't nominate, but because there's never anything in it lol
@HyperNeutrino I'd link it to you, but I don't want more users competing against me in the review queues :P
fair enough :P
@HyperNeutrino laughs in 696 reviews away from a gold badge
wait, there's a review badge? wat
4 to be precise
Custodian, Reviewer, Steward and Proofreader
why can't i find it in the badge search box :/
Steward is mad difficult though
other than custodian
Interesting that more people have "Complete 250 review tasks" than "Complete 100 Suggested Edit reviews"
when i search for badges in the "next badge to track" thing i don't see them
do you see them there?
wait. maybe I'm not allowed to
@HyperNeutrino iirc, it only shows badges you're somewhat close to completing
@Lyxal I see "Illuminator" which I have 10/500 on
I kind of remember seeing somewhere that moderators cannot get any review badges, but I'm not sure...
12/500 here :D
5/500 for me D:
@HyperNeutrino how many silver code golf tag badges do you have?
@Lyxal You can only get 1...
@cairdcoinheringaahing x to doubt
I only have the one for [code-golf], all others are bronze
Once you get a tag badge, you can't get it again
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes you can
wh- what
Check my profile
> Awarded Aug 4 at 8:37 Awarded Aug 4 at 8:37
That;s for sure a bug
I've got 2
1 more than everyone
@cairdcoinheringaahing I figured that much
w h a t. okay then lmao
Q: Duplicated bronze tag-badges

kennytmSome bronze tag badges are shown twice on the badges page. They are io [1], [2], j2ee [1], [2], and vb6 [1], [2].

Maybe open a post on Mother Meta
Except for the fact that I like having 2 badges
begins writing meta post
Oh wait that's a joke
Oh lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing I modded my review stalker to play a noise when there's something in the queue
It plays three very distinct square wave tones, which is usually enough to get my attention
I usually just glance over on occasion
I'll be doing something else and see it no longer just says review
I've had it installed on all the work computers I've been given, but since work-from-home that's not an issue :P
Speaking of userscripts (I know I've mentioned this before), but how do I fix the graduation uscp leaderboard?
@Lyxal No idea, but if you do, let me know
(uscp standing for userscript because SwiftKey so desperately wants to correct it to users riot)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't have any idea either. That's why I asked
What's the graduation userscript? If the issue is something semi-obvious I might be able to help
A: Graduation Design Ideas

DowngoatGraduation Design Userscript A collaborative graduation user-script has been put together. Github Repo Pictures Main Question: Leaderboard: Auto TIO Execution: Meta: Chat: Color Scheme: If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to comment below. Features: See vote counts e...

flags for deletion
I know caird posted it but I navigated to meta from mobile
So I didn't want to waste the effort
well now i don't know which one to delete :c
Installing the userscript, I'll see if I can find any issues.
The one that isn't mine later one, duh :P
@RedwolfPrograms The leaderboard has stopped working, for whatever reason
Well yeah but issues in the code :p
Yet the snippet leaderboards work
Just letting you know what the main issue is :P
@Lyxal That's built in to SE
@cairdcoinheringaahing I know I was giving a comparison that the same code should hypothetically work both places
How do you typically get to the leaderboard? Or should it show up automatically?
It shows automatically
@HyperNeutrino cmon, you coulda at least made it a demand for butter! :P
It's usually hidden underneath a collapse thing
There's an issue in the asynchronous XMLHTTPRequest that I assume is used for that
But for some reason, it does show who's winning
As in the first place answer
Underneath the question
> The current winner is Luis Mendo's MATL answer at 5 bytes
Yeah like that
That still works
But the leaderboard don't
FYI the gradscript and review stalker don't work well together when you have >20 tabs open
Don't judge me
I've seen worse
A whole lot worse
To my credit, I never have >30 tabs open in a single window
I may have multiple windows open however
@cairdcoinheringaahing One friend of mine has about 3-4 chrome windows open with about 40+ tabs open in each
And I thought I was bad for having 6-7 tabs open...
And he never restarts his computer out of fear of losing said tabs
@Lyxal I fluctuate between 2 and 10 windows with 20-30 tabs
D&D has a lot of rules, alright
@Lyxal Sometimes Chrome will reopen your tabs after a restart. I haven't figured out the exact conditions, though.
@DLosc on Mac?
Click "History -> Recently Closed"
Dunno, I'm on windows.
But don't worry, we tried telling him that
@cairdcoinheringaahing tried telling him that too
@Lyxal TBF the laptop I'm currently using went ~1 year without ever being turned off
Certainly, if it doesn't work, it'd be a pain to reopen all those by hand--so it's safer just not to reboot.
@DLosc My experience is that so long as Chrome thinks the windows were unexpectedly closed, it saves them
@DLosc yeah probably
The one thing I didn't recommend was using a tab manager like toby
Just write all your open URLs on a post-it note
@Lyxal i could've :P but i probably will only do that to bots. unless you explicitly want me to collapse your oneboxes into something else :p
@HyperNeutrino I give you permission to change that post
@cairdcoinheringaahing perfect solution 10/10 why didn't I think of that
@JoKing and anyone else interested: I made a BitCycle interpreter in JS. It has fancy animations so you can watch your code run! :D
@Lyxal well, I can't anymore because it's deleted. lol rip
@HyperNeutrino aw
You shoulda changed it to something like "HN is the best mod and no one can change my mind"
I would have been totally fine with that
On the other hand, deleting it is neutral ground
Whoa whoa whoa, there's no way the issue with the leaderboard is this simple
Oh, I'm right.
It's not.
feels bad
I'm so used to the code-golf-y |0 to floor a number that Math.floor seriously looked like a mistake to me
oh, lol. wait |0 floors? huh TIL (is that just javascript having really weird type management)
All javascript bitwise operators will convert their operands to a 32b integer, which will truncate the fractional parts
ah. okay. if one side's a string will it try to parseInt it? and if it's a large integer will it wrap/overflow it or just bring it down to 2^31-1
Not sure. Knowing JS it converts to an array first, takes the third element, converts back to a string, then errors.
@DLosc yeeeees
._. yeah that honestly sounds about right, lmao
Please. We all know it converts it to bf code, then executes it as JS code, before returning undefined 5/8 times it's run
I'm getting closer to fixing the leaderboard; the SE API call it makes is returning an empty list of whatever it's supposed to have in it
@JoKing Feedback welcome. :) I have a few more ideas to add, but I wanted to put it up once it seemed complete and usable.
Unless the author of the code is Arnauld, in which case any random set of characters produces the desired output
@cairdcoinheringaahing i actually had the idea of writing a bf backend for javascript
well, at least handling click events and such
@JoKing As in a JS interpreter in bf?
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, Arnauld is clearly a code golf machine learning algorithm. :P
If that were the case, they'd be writing Jelly or 05AB1E answers instead of JS :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing More replacing js for a website
@JoKing Replacing the js with bf?
The idea was I'd make a brainfucking.website in the style of motherfuckingwebsite.com
To handle click events and button presses I'd have a bf program that reads input as click events and modify the tape (where the tape is the website html) in response
That sounds mad :P
Where would the leaderboard typically be?
Bottom of the question before getting to the answers
Before tags
Below all question text
I think SE restyled things and got rid of one of the class names this relies on. Did any styling break when the leaderboard did?
Don't remember noticing anything
Yeah there
Like that?
Yep, that's where it was IIRC
Well that's live on my end. Want the patch?
Cool, that'll be $5.99
@RedwolfPrograms if you come over to Australia with an eftpos machine I'll pay lol
Or if you accept gpay
@RedwolfPrograms Do you take caird coin? 1cc = whatever value you want
Would y'all rather me tell you what to edit (one line, not too hard), or just give you some code to copy/paste in?
@RedwolfPrograms don't listen to him
Ive got monopoly money
Lots of it
More than he can ever offer
@RedwolfPrograms First one works for me
Which one?
@RedwolfPrograms lol same
Tells us what to edit and where
Just open the edit page for the userscript, then Ctrl+F for .questions .post-text
Replace .post-text with .s-prose, and it should work
Okey doke I'll try that
When I'm back at computer that is
I think the class name change might have broken other stuff behind the scenes, but if nobody's noticed any differences I won't bother looking into it
Ight how much monopoly dollars you want?
30k? I can drop it in all 500s and 100s if preferred
@RedwolfPrograms Do you mean .question .post-text? It didn't work with the s
Yeah, that's the one.
Do you think I should submit a pull request with the change?
@RedwolfPrograms that'd be a good idea
Wait how do you make a pull request, I don't use github very often
@cairdcoinheringaahing :o
Looks like it's still borked for chat.SE
Broken etc.
Oh okay
Because "borked" is past tense of "bork"
Which is the noise a doggo makes
That's bark
> bork
past tense: borked; past participle: borked
obstruct (someone, especially a candidate for public office) by systematically defaming or vilifying them.
"‘We're going to bork him’, said an opponent"
When did the leaderboard break?
> bork
The sound doggos and puppers make
The doggo borked a lot at the kitter
@RedwolfPrograms 3 months ago ish
Okay, that was around the time the line height changed, right?
I made the pull request. Hopefully it will be approved eventually.
The last commit was 2018, so not very promising
Oh, never mind, it appears the user who maintains it (Downgoat) is still active on here
They're definitely active on the PPCG Discord if not here
Can you ping a user if they haven't been in this char for a while?
Apparently not
@Downgoat Please see the above conversation if for some reason this actually pings you
I pinged them on discord with the link to your message
So wait, is this technically my first contribution to an open source project?
mods can superping, but otherwise you can't
@RedwolfPrograms \o/ Congrats!
@JoKing With @@userid IIRC, right?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i think so. Haven't done it yet
offers myself as a test subject chat id is 274572 :P
Supersuperping (@@@userid): Exits the computer and enters the user's mind (only available to Jon Skeet)
yes, it's @@ID.
@cairdcoinheringaahing pong
@JoKing ping
Stupid ping (userid): doesn't ping at all
@RedwolfPrograms I finally have the leaderboard back at long last
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SisyphusVerify a Picture Hanging There's a classic puzzle that goes: Given a picture with a rope and two nails, hang the picture around the nails such that if you remove either nail, the picture falls. Here's a solution to that problem: Source: Picture-Hanging Puzzles by Demaine et al. We might then...

@NewSandboxedPosts 100% sure this is a dupe
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's it alright, or close enough. My search for picture hanging was not enough to find it -_-
@Sisyphus Unlucky :( Happens to the best of us
yeah, sometimes finding challenges is really hard cuz it could be called many things or be disguised :( does only have 8 challenges tho
Perhaps I can salvage it by turning it into 'find the shortest picture hanging', since it seems to be open problem for 2-out-of-n
Maybe someone can make a userscript that uses a list of common synonyms and some other things to make a better search for SE
I might try that tomorrow
@HyperNeutrino TBH the only reason I went "this is a dupe" is because I remember that exact challenge before
Beyond that, it could well have slipped through the gaps just to be VTCed on main
oh, I see lol. yeah, still better that it was caught on sandbox :P but yeah that's unfortunate
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosThree points on Poincaré disk What is Poincaré disk? Poincaré disk is a projection of 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry to the 2-dimensional Euclidean plane, or more precisely, onto the open disk \$\{(x,y): x^2 + y^2 < 1^2\}\$. Objective It is well-known that three distinct points on the Euclidea...

It's so nice having the sandboxed post's title actually display correctly
oh, yeah i didn't even notice that. 11/10 userscript btw :D it just makes sense to look this way lol
2 hours later…
Oh, thanks! I'm glad people are getting some use out of it, it was a lot of fun to make!
@Sisyphus google custom search is the best way to find dupes
I'm thinking of posting a challenge which is "given N points that all have to be at least 2 metres away from each other pairwise, what's the minimum side length for a square bounding box that they could all fit into"; is this a dupe, would it be too trivial, and what do you guys think?
I may decide to still sandbox it but it seems simple enough that I may bypass the sandbox on this one
If we're all placing challenge ideas before sandboxing them, then I'll have a go too.
Challenge idea: the most literal cnr you'll ever see
It's a koth and a cnr mixed together
The robbers would try and steal from a central program while the cops try and stop them
I'm just trying to make sure it's not an obvious dupe that I somehow missed or just somehow has a trivial mathematical answer; I'd usually still sandbox things but I occasionally bypass it if it's quite simple
I'm not bypassing just getting preliminary feedback before actually committing to a write up
The catch is that the controller program is only run once
fair enough, I think that's a good idea. that sounds like a really cool idea for a challenge though; I don't think it'd be a CnR? unless you have something in mind, because I'm not sure the KoTH and CnR win conditions are compatible
Ie. Where usual koths run multiple rounds to determine the winner, this would be a one off
If the robbers manage to get a certain amount stolen, they win
Otherwise, the cops win
And it would run in a week of posting
Adding a whole bunch of strategy like "when do I post" into the mix
KOTH because it's bots competing and cnr because there's a robbers team and a cops team each with their own goals
wouldn't everyone just post last second then lol
They would
But they'd want to post in time
Not leave it till the last minute just in case of missing out just because of internet
well, if you leave it to the last ten minutes I doubt anyone can counter-code something in that time restraint
But people could also post mock submissions (opposite of their real submission) and trick opposing side
oh, CnR doesn't require cops to hide a key/component in their solution, as long as it's a two-part challenge with opposite objectives. interesting
(don't mind the crap grammar in that last post)
@HyperNeutrino at least I think so
I'd definitely be pushing the boundaries a little
@Lyxal tag desc just says "For challenges which consist of two adversary (and asymmetric) sub-challenges." so I definitely think your idea would fit under this category
But as Smash mouth once told me: "you never know if you don't go"
wait, CnR isn't even a win condition. so this is perfectly fine
is it?
It is
It's cops VS robbers
Stupid autocorrect decided to upper-case vs
oh, right. CnR challenges just have safe and cracked solutions and it needs another win con to actually decide who wins amongst safe answers
this is a really cool idea, i'm not exactly sure about how some of the specifics would even work out but i'd love to see it done
And answers would be "cracked" (so to speak) during the heist
@HyperNeutrino I've been thinking about it on and off for about 5-6 months I think
If not, then 3-4 months
so, would cops write bots to defend an objective and robbers write bots to attack an objective, or something like that? usually with CnR a robber answer can only exist after a cop answer has been posted to break it, but here I think it'd have to work differently
@HyperNeutrino remember, it's also a KOTH
The cnr part is to have two different teams with different goals
The KOTH part is to create a different and unique cnr interaction
@HyperNeutrino but yes
It'd be a simulated code golf heist!
this but without all of the problems it would cause!
Like a master robbery of an art museum except all the paintings are actually highly valued code golf snippets
@HyperNeutrino not exactly
eh, nvm that's symmetric
That's seems more of a ctf than what I'm thinking of
yeah, you're right
As I described, it'd be reminiscent of a real life heist
In the dead middle of the night
(that'd be the setting)
But the question I'm yet to resolve is the actual "play board"
Like what the bots actually interact with
Potential ideas include: a) moving around on some sort of grid with rooms or b) moving around with choices like a Henry Stickmin game
It'd be python based because I haven't a clue how to include other languages
you can include other languages using subprocess and it wouldn't be too much slower if you pipe
And depending on the time taken to write the controller, it'd be held in the time range of November to January (if I decide to actually do it)
christmas heist :D steal the christmas tree
@HyperNeutrino that's for a different heist
I've got a whole 'nother story planned for a Christmas themed heist
Which would depend on the success (community reception) of the first heist
@Lyxal it'll probably be in January given how the next few weeks are looking like
(I pinged myself, saw one notification and started looking for who'd replied, forgetting that I pinged myself)
ooh, looking forward to that :D
@Lyxal lmao, nice. once when I edited one of your messages it pinged me (because editing re-pings) and took me a sec to figure out what pinged me, lol
@HyperNeutrino oh wow
@Lyxal but I won't get confused this time!
wow, has the sidebar still not updated
is it just me or are the election announcement and questionnaire still featured?
No, they're unfeatured
I checked after this mornings message
Which is why I said "now we wait and see how long the side bar takes to update"
Ah, okay. I still see them in my side bar so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If I was at my computer I probably would too
Clearing the cache doesn't fix it either
I can't imagine they'd cache the sidebar client-side but worth a try. that's strange :/
2 hours later…
@HyperNeutrino I think that's equivalent to packing N unit circles into a square, except that in your case you end up with a square 2 units smaller, since your square only needs to contain the centres of the circles
@Neil Hm, could be. For whatever reason I'm not convinced that's always true; I feel like removing the circle part and just reducing it to the centers may allow the square to fit more tightly if you rotate it rather than just shrinking by 2 units, but you could be right, I don't really have justification or reasoning for my thought.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinodimensional flipper maze test-battery (need a better name) You're stuck in a maze in one corner, and you want to get to the other corner. However, this maze is unfortunately one dimension higher than you (for simplicity of explanation, you are 1D and it is 2D). Thus, you can only see along one hy...

4 hours later…
Q: Find all integer pairs that produce a given Loeschian number

uhohInspired by and drawns from Is this number Loeschian? A positive integer k is a Loeschian number if k can be expressed as i*i + j*j + i*j for i, j integers. For example, the first positive Loeschian numbers are: 1 (i=1, j=0); 3 (i=j=1); 4 (i=2, j=0); 7 (i=2, j=1); 9 (i=-3, j=3); ... Note that ...

Q: Geohash my positions

Kjetil S.About geohash Geohash is one of many encoding systems for geographic positions. Geohash positions have some advantages. It provides a short code instead of the two usual numbers for latitude and longitude. The challenge Given two numbers, the latitude and longitude, compute and return or print t...

@NewSandboxedPosts Is If you output a move that puts you on square (64, 64) a mistake? Not sure what that means.
@HyperNeutrino ^^ (forgot that wouldn't ping you)
Q: Converting Strings to Decimals (Gone Wrong)

SunnyMoonWhat? Many programming languages, both practical and esoteric, have functions, methods, etc to convert a given string to a decimal number. This is how the process might work: For each character in the given string. Take the character's ASCII value and subtract it by 48. Multiply the output by 1...

I want to learn Jelly. Where do I start?
@RedwolfPrograms Oh, basically I mean once you get to the end, you've finished the maze so it'll just stop your program. Not sure what the significance of that is, I could remove that line.
Ohh, I misread that. Now it makes sense.
@RedwolfPrograms I would recommend visiting Jelly Hypertraining (JHT), our chat room specifically for learning Jelly. Mr. Xcoder has made a really awesome summary of how the language structure works, so I recommend you take a look at the tutorial first, and then Mr. Xcoder's summaries,...
... and try some things out and ask in JHT if you'd like help.
Thanks! I'll read through those.
Of course the best way to learn Jelly is to become Dennis, but legend has it that only one person ever managed to do that
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