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@quartata am understand
He just doesn't want to talk to you
@LuisMendo VIM Fitness: you can come but you'll never (figure out how to) leave
Hotel California is obviously a metaphor for VIM
@Riker Nah, I live in Texas and avocado on burgers is everywhere. Then again, proximity to Mexico may play a factor :P
@Mego ¡viva la revolución!
Wrong country.
@Downgoat <esc>:q!
Hmm, improved an answer but guy hasn't been on since November.
@Veskah rip lol. link?
A: String analyser

Syed Hamza HassanJava (JDK), 162 bytes static void m(){String n="AWSALILAND";for(int i=0;i<n.length();i++){char c=n.charAt(i);int v=c;for(int z=0;z<v-64;z++)System.out.print(c);System.out.println("");} Try it online!

Oh, should've scrolled down to see the other Java answers
Probably why he left it
Oh thee well
Granted, simple restructures to save fat bytes, even in non-optimal methods, should still be pointed out.
ok since it got brought up
what is the deal with people interpreting "avocado toast" as sticking a knife into an avocado and smearing it on a piece of bread without seasoning
@quartata What is avacado toast, then?
am i alone in seeing people do this. im standing on land that used to be all avocado trees and its getting spit on
/me has never had avacado toast
@Pavel you gotta put some lemon and salt on it wtf
@Pavel D: you don't have chat commands usersccript???
no I do
I don't have a /me though
smh this is obviously a symptom of settler-colonial society
rt if you eat lemons without avocados or anything. rind include
CMC: solve Clock Hand Syzygy in Jelly
@quartata I don't believe the term "rt" is applicable to the current communication medium you're using
@Mego Lol both answers are @Dennis
@Pavel It's not surprising at all :P
@Pavel oh really
watch thjs.
4 mins ago, by quartata
rt if you eat lemons without avocados or anything. rind include
just typed that out by hand
4 mins ago, by quartata
rt if you eat lemons without avocados or anything. rind include
I'm gonna put an end to this real quick before the inevitable quote pyramids start
you cant retweet a native retweet anyways
retweets are not first-class citizens
anyways avocado on burgers are okay as long as the consumer is responsible enough to add some salt. which they never are so its not okay
@quartata I have two friends who just eat whole lemons plain and I will never understand it
also its usually cubed -- doesnt make sense
@Doorknob "Power"
@quartata I like to unscrew the top off of salt shakers and dump it on the avocado burger. Am I doing it right?
@Mego I do that but the parmesan shaker and pizza
I had a buddy who got an guacamole burger once and they put approximately 2-3 inches on top of the patty. He was displeased to say the least
@Mego no. go to jail now
@Pavel Well that's a given. Also the red pepper shaker.
@quartata I work at a startup SaaS company. Close enough?
@Mego Eh, I won't dump out the whole pepper thing
@Veskah like thicker than the patty? ahahaha
Only part
@quartata Yep. I had a good laugh at his expense
@Mego we are all in jail
@Veskah not gonna lie id probably eat it anyways. if its good guacamole
@Pavel I do, and then put the shaker on the pizza for extra cronch
@Mego That uses PHP, you forgot the PHP bit
@Pavel That's implicit, like PHP's variable declarations and horribleness
goat crunch
ok heres a real question "Asking the Tough Ones":
do you think downgoat has ever pet a real goat
@quartata Can't say that it was exceptional, this was several years ago
@quartata No
thats pretty sad.
Realer question: Has he ever fought a real goat
@Mego Done.
@Dennis How hard is it to port between the various golflangs?
Depends on the problem and the languages. I didn't quite port my old solutions though.
Kinda what I figured for the first part
Next up is Brain-Flak :P
@Veskah Depends if the builtins are the same between them
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienOutput Hello, World! ... sometimes code-golf On PPCG, we typically do not allow programs to work only part of the time. That is, all programs must work with 100% probability unless otherwise stated. This challenge is going to state otherwise. Your program must, with nonzero probability, output...

4 hours later…
@Veskah well. it may be easy to port, but to get them all anywhere near golfed? that's a different story altogether
@quartata on the other hand, i live in a city where a festival that runs for like one week every year lets you pet goats. every year. :P
@ASCII-only I know someone who operates a horse, goat, and guinea pig breeding operation
@Pavel Equus × Capra I can kind-of see, but Equus × Cavia and Capra × *Cavia*‽
There is this challenge in the sandbox, which I can understand, but other people may find hard to understand, and I don't know how to reword it. Can anyone help?
@user202729 what is a switch? is it a pair of phone numbers? is it the same as a link?
Basically each link has a switch.
So it's possible to say that a switch is the same as a link.
(it allows turning "on" or "off" the connection)
@user202729 so, shortest path in a graph?
@ngn No. How could you understand it like that?
@user202729 well, i though vertices = phone numbers; edges = links; edge weights = switch state
so, we're looking for the smallest number of switches to flip in order to connect two phone numbers
It's not connect two, it's about constructing a matching.
The resulting graph must have a property that any matching can be constructed.
(any vertices in the same pair must be in the same connected component, and vice versa)
@user202729 it makes more sense when you say it like that
so, part 1 of the answer should build upon the input graph, possibly adding new vertices and edges
part 2 should get as input a specific set of vertex pairs and output a matching for them
if i understood correctly
personally, i prefer such a challenge to be stated in graph-theoretic terms. if not, i think "phone", "link" and "switch" should be defined first
when i first read the challenge, i thought a "switch" might be like a home router, with multiple ports where cables are plugged and one special uplink port
@user202729 what is part 1's input? is it a graph of pre-existing links, or just the number of phones, or nothing at all?
Part 1 is just the graph.
Although (obviously) you have to use a program to construct that graph to get good result.
(Because people are nice,) they will post the program used to find the graph anyway.
so, since part 1 doesn't know what the input for part 2 will be, it must make sure to connect every phone to every other
and all vertices will end up in the same connected component anyway
@user202729 one more thing: i think "just point" should be defined too, and it should be clear that it can't be part of more than one path in the matching
otherwise the trivial solution is: add a point and connect all phones to it
@Mego did you join just to comment? gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/166313/…
@Neil evidently no
> Member for 3 years, 2 months
oh, right, just been lurking for that long
yeah, the term "join" might be a bit wrong here
@primo (julia) ;)
I've done some quite "out-there" things in that solution
My answer here wastes at least 3 bytes on adding newlines between tress and I can't for the life of me figure out how avoid that...
@H.PWiz i'm still busy learning me a haskell >_<
4 hours later…
@Neil My motivations are hats all the way down
Pfft. Hats are for the weak
I have one hat.
I have no hats
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
I think you overused that eyelash curler thing
No, those are safety pins. He's trying to be extra goth.
Ah. For extra goth, might need to bold the eyes in general
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Play snake on a 50*50 grid. The snake will start at length 3, heading (2,0) with body (1,0) and (0,0). It shouldn't bump into wall or itself. There is always one food, which increases the length of snake by 1 when eaten. Smallest amount of steps till there's no space to place food win. Flexible...

I have a question regarding this challenge (in sandbox): Should I make it a little bit more complicated by using variable boundaries?
@flawr That would indeed rule out the direct use of trigonomentric functions so I think it's worth it. Plus, it'd make the challenge slightly more general so having variable bounda would be totally ok imo.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TriggernometryI'll Just Make A Snake I noticed a post (now deleted) that pointed out that 05AB1E (legacy), when called with no arguments and non-empty input, will make a "snake" using the input: Not sure what to do now with the input, so I'll just make a snake: ***** * * * ***** * * * ...

@H.PWiz (julia)
Q: How to start again the main function in c++ programming

user84745Int main () { Int a , b, sum; cout << "Enter number one"; cin >> a; cout << "Enter number two"; cin >> b; sum = a + b ; cout << sum; return 0; } So for that case want after get sum the program ask user either to continue or quit If continue ask user to enter again two number

CMC: We define a : nat -> nat by writing n = 2^v1 + 2^v2 + ... + 2^vk and defining a(n) = v1 | v2 | ... | vk where | is bitwise-or. Given n : nat, return n | a(n) | a(a(n)) | a(a(a(n))) | ...
cookies for whomever can figure out the relationship between this and the notion of the transitive closure of a set
@primo Noooo. I might look into compressing my source code tomorrow, and see if I can get any shorter. I'll also look at using fractional numbers
right after i pinged you i noticed one more
my 3:1 has 61 chars of overhead
if yours is longer than 65, you actually beat me :p
@NMP let me just slap some random tags onto this question (like pristine programming)
@primo I don't compress my source at all
The concept doesn't sit very well with me, and I was hoping I wouldn't have to
you've compressed the polynomial, at least?
Yes, I have quite a nice technique for that. Although I think it is only useful for small-range data
that's amazing
i almost feel bad for submitting mine now :P
I'm also not sure I have the best way to iteratively apply a function, i.e exec'x=f(x)'*n
Currently using foldl
TFW you post something and it gets a positive comment and no upvote :(
0:12 .|>n->global x=f(x)*n
is what i currently use <_<
or assuming f is unary, redefine an operator
45 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
CMC: We define a : nat -> nat by writing n = 2^v1 + 2^v2 + ... + 2^vk and defining a(n) = v1 | v2 | ... | vk where | is bitwise-or. Given n : nat, return n | a(n) | a(a(n)) | a(a(a(n))) | ...
CMP: Your favorite song involving a hair product.
For me, it would be Black No. 1 by Type O Negative.
Yep, that would count.
@AdmBorkBork Well that ruins the followup CMP: Favourite song involving a blood type
@cairdcoinheringaahing No no no, Type O Negative is the band name. I can't think of a song about a blood type.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh. Who knew that "blood type" was such a prominent lyrical phrase. I mean, Prince is on there, for example.
@DJMcMayhem Oh man, this one! Possibly my favorite of the VeggieTales silly songs. Pizza Angel is another contender.
Pizza Angel is about a hair product? ;-)
Uhhhh......yes, if you interpret it very creatively.
"Silly Song" implies VeggieTales has not-silly songs
@H.PWiz Thanks a bunch! |> and I've already been using, but don't think I've used @. anywhere yet--may need to look and see where it could be useful. The other . trick seems vaguely familiar, not sure if I've already used it.
3 hours later…
Is anyone here using jsfiddle.net? Do you have a good way (=quicker than copy/pasting every single one to a file) to make backups of your "fiddles"?
@primo I now have 127 chars with eval∘Meta.parse

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