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Never mind, beat it
@primo There is this
Only matches global though
2 hours later…
music I've been working on for human performance: soundcloud.com/phinotpi/quintemplate01f
this is "Section 1" of something that will be 3 or 4 sections.
2 hours later…
@H.PWiz i think you got me
how long is the decoder, btw?
7 hours later…
@primo My shortest ascii solution is 180 chars
@flawr HTTrack is my go-to software.
3 hours later…
@H.PWiz mine is 185, although i have an idea that might reduce it considerably
Interestingly, I do almost exactly the same as my Haskell answer.
@flawr does it not save a copy every 60 seconds anymore?
that's what i'm going to try next ;)
@ETHproductions it does, but that just saves it on their server. I also want to be able to save my stuff locally in case they decide to discontinue their site.
@flawr HTTrack?
Or a Python script with requests?
@wizzwizz4 thanks for the suggestion, didn't see the notification for some reason:/
If you're good at regular expressions, should be pretty easy to set it up with a depth of 2 and a filter just to get the full-screen versions but crawl the IDE versions and let it loose on your fiddle list.
That'll get stand-alone rips of all your fiddles, iirc.
@wizzwizz4 unfortunately I'm terrible at regex :D
@flawr It's ok, you can get help pretty easily.
I'll show you. Observe:
Can anyone help me with this RegEx? h*ppy I want it to match "happy", "hoppy", "hippy" etc. but it doesn't work.
@flawr There. Now all the RegEx people will flood in to fix the obvious error, and you can jump on them with a harder problem.
@wizzwizz4 replace the * with [...], where ... is every single unicode character /s
@H.PWiz i actually can't a bigint solution to work
can we find a regex that matches all valid regexes?
@primo Interesting, too slow? I currently can't get a bigfloat solution to work, I wast to be able to do @evalpoly(a,<Array>...), but it doesn't seem to work like other varargs
for whatever reason, bigfloats keep popping up
i'm not using evalpoly o.O
I'm not either
maybe i should be
182 now, btw
21 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
CMC: We define a : nat -> nat by writing n = 2^v1 + 2^v2 + ... + 2^vk and defining a(n) = v1 | v2 | ... | vk where | is bitwise-or. Given n : nat, return n | a(n) | a(a(n)) | a(a(a(n))) | ...
@cairdcoinheringaahing You mean [\x00-\U10FFFF]?
@wizzwizz4 I think you just want h.ppy
@ETHproductions I do, thanks.
@flawr .*?
Matches all valid regexes, and some things that aren't.
Oh thanks, I have become the fool once again :P
@primo I really can't get a bigfloat solution to work. I suspect I'm loosing accuracy at some step.
I have almost no idea what the larger regex question means though
@H.PWiz you setprecision beforehand?
then i don't know
do bigints requre div, or can you just use / ?
I've been using div yes
maybe that's my problem >_<;;
BigInt(1)/BigInt(2) gives me 5.0e-01
@ETHproductions Almost got me too. I had to read the messages above for the actual context.
@wizzwizz4 you could probably answer 90% of all regex questions on SO with this :D
@primo My BigFloat one takes 192, the problem is that I take too many to compute the derivative
@LeakyNun ngn/k, 17 bytes: {2/|/'2\x,&|2\x}/
if n represents a set X, the positions of the 1-bits of X are its elements, and a(n) is its union
or their union
n|a(n)|a(a(n))|... is X united with its elements, united with its elements' elements etc, which is the transitive closure
@H.PWiz one thing that saved me quite a few bytes is the realization that x/x==1
evaluating the polynomial and its derivative "properly" isn't strictly necessary
Hmm.. I'll think about it. Currently, my integer one is at 178, only one more byte and I'll save a byte. (what I don't like about compressed source)
@H.PWiz what challenge is this for?
2 hours later…
@H.PWiz i can deduce from that that your decompressor is 2 bytes shorter than mine ;)
but i do know what you mean. i recently reduced by ruby solution by 5, but was unable to get it aligned properly to save even one
I'm at 175 now btw. Used a trick that I couldn't see a use for until now
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

12Me21What season is it? I don't think we have a challenge for this yet, surprisingly. The closest ones are: What season is it? (bad, closed) Determine Season (only uses months) Output the current season, using the astronomical definitions: Spring begins on the day of the spring equinox Summer b...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BMOsWAP THE cASE code-golf, string, unicode Given a UTF-8 character sequence your task is to swap each letter's case. For the purpose of this challenge a letter is a character with a codepoint in \$[65,90] \cup [97,122]\$, ie. all of the following: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY abcdefghijklmnopqrst...

If you have a dynamic/computer property with setter and getter
does it make sense for the setter to return?
For example if myObj.x is computed property should print(myObj.x = 3) be allowed?
in that usually in C-based languages the myObj.x would return a value (the value it was set to) in this case 3
however if this was done that would mean everytime you call a setter, you in turn call the getter
@Downgoat imo in that, it should print what print(localVariable = 3) would print (or error if that's invalid in whatever language you're talking about)
@dzaima so you are saying it make sense to essentially do print((myObj.set(3), myObj.get()))
@Downgoat why the get, wouldn't just print((myObj.set(3), 3)) work?
(that is, if the return value of assignment is the assigned value)
imo adding in a var = in an expression shouldn't change what it does, is all
hmm though with that logic, var+= val should return val. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Downgoat Not necessarily; you can just return the value that was passed to set.
@El'endiaStarman oh this is good idea
@dzaima well this would expand to var = (var + val)
@dzaima APL...
@Downgoat oh thought i said that already ._.
@Adám yeah, i thought of mentioning APL, but APL already does things very differently from other languages, nor are there getters/setters
@dzaima Dyalog has getters and setters, and still passes the value through, even for "+=".
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Zachary CottonRadiation Showdown KotH In radiation hardening challenges, the goal is to write a program whose behavior doesn't change when an arbitrary character is removed from its source. This KotH explores an adversarial variant on this challenge in which two programs compete to survive the most character...

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