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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

I started liking Julia when I found I could easily save bytes on several holes (Christmas Trees, Diamonds, Fizz Buzz, etc.) by defining my own freakin operators
is there a one-char operator for ==?
greater than or equal, less than or equal
depending on context
nvm, found it
I tried using APL ≤≥ in Perl 6's repl and it killed my terminal
Just stuffed a bunch of garbage characters in
it's awesome how I can just stick random mathematical operators into Julia code and they do what I want them to
I hate perl 6 repl. I find it easier to use tio
I find it easier to use Perl :P
I figure if I'm gonna use such a hella weird language I might as well go full blast on the weirdness
If I wanted something with an actual type system I'd use Python
@ETHproductions 37 for leap years
implicit multiplication by a constant is great
If I want an actual type system, I'd use something more strongly typed than python :P
You mean statically
Python is strongly typed
> ...more strongly...
Python's strong typing is like when you call a kid strong. Sure, for a kid...
I thought Python was duck typed.
Yeah, but it could be a really strong duck
for a duck
there are cows that can also quack
@Cowsquack no way! Really!? ಠ_ಠ
And there are ducks that scream: youtube.com/watch?v=nHc288IPFzk
Every birb can screm
locally scoped while loops are functionally useless without a global keyword
n = 10
while n > 0
    global n -=1
that's why my fibonacci is so bad
i've been trying for like 30 minutes to affect a globally scoped variable without the global keyword
Just found out I'll have to learn JS this semester and now I'm sad.
I also don't understand how in the world I can save 2 bytes by rearranging stuff in Fibonacci in JS
I think it might be an entirely different approach
i'm stuck at 34
pretty sure you can get at least that far by just rearranging stuff :P
I'm doing b+=a and print(a=b-a) each iteration
not what I have
hah! you just saved me a byte
oh hell :P
yes, you can get 33 just by rearranging what you have ;)
how long is your terminating condition?
@JoKing haven't looked at it but probably an error; the interpreter is really primitive and was coded in a matter of minutes. Feel free to update/contribute to it!
5 bytes
And 7 for variable initialization
one of those is too long
i'll let you figure out which
I'm assuming it's a=b=1
I haven't figured out how to rearrange the loop body without adding bytes though
Thanks for the encouragement :)
it looks like it's backwards, but still works ;)
roman is on the move
he matched my emirp and happy :(
still got him on more encoder, at least
and I've got him on spelling numbers and conway
@primo this doesn't seem to work with tuples though
what doesn't?
the eval(:(n+=1)) thing
oh, probably
eval(:(a,b=b,a+b)) throws LoadError: syntax: invalid named tuple element "a"
I have no idea what that means tbh
:( ) is an alias for quote( )
it's likely trying to accept each of them as a separate argument
or something, i don't know xD
interestingly, it works fine again if I include global
but then :((a,b)=(b,a+b)) also works
try :(a,b=(b,a+b))
that does not work
both have to be explicitly tupled
(obviously, i'm using a different method)
CMC: Given a multiline string, strip all trailing whitespace from each line without using regex.
Q: Translate English to Corpus

SkidsdevThe Corpus are a fictional faction from the popular video game Warframe who have a somewhat interesting language. Whilst other factions in the game such as the Grineer have some logic behind their language, the Corpus is simply a lossy substitution of the English language. All Corpus words are ...

X without Y?
@DJMcMayhem JS: 45 bytes
@Skidsdev also trims leading whitespace
@dzaima JS: 48 bytes
@DJMcMayhem Jelly, 6 bytes: Ỵœr€⁶Y
note: only trims 0x20
Vim, 16 bytes: Try it online!
Or 7 in V: ÎÁ bf D
@DJMcMayhem Trim the newlines, too or no?
@AdmBorkBork I'm not sure how that would work on a per-line basis.
not per-line
@ETHproductions uh... you just linked my code?
trim the newlines on the multi-line string itself
I'll clarify. Given a multiline string, strip all trailing spaces or tabs from each line without using regex.
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh, no don't bother with that.
@Skidsdev that's odd, I swear I copied the new permalink
Notepad++, Alt-Shift-S, Esc
I think you win
That might only work because I have my version replace tabs with 4 spaces... Don't know.
@DJMcMayhem Japt, 4 bytes
Nope, it works for tabs, too.
@DJMcMayhem Python 2, 49 bytes: lambda s:'\n'.join(map(str.rstrip,s.split('\n')))
Q: Does this Set Represent a Natural Number?

LaikoniIn set theory, the natural numbers \$\mathbb{N} = \{0, 1, 2, 3, ...\}\$ are usually encoded as pure sets in the following way1: Zero is the empty set: \$ Set(0) = \{\} \$ For a number \$n > 0\$: \$ Set(n) = Set(n-1) \cup \{Set(n-1)\}\$ Thus the first few natural numbers are \$ 0 \leadsto \{...

He's making a list,
He's testing it twice,
SELECT * FROM users WHERE behavior='Nice'
SQL Clause is coming to town
@LeakyNun With my question? :D
@AdmBorkBork banned
@Laikoni right
rip python can't handle nested sets
@Mego Is that because it's not golfed? I don't know how to golf SQL. ;-)
@LeakyNun frozenset ;-)
no more answers?
@LeakyNun Looks like it's up to you to post 10+ answers within 15 minutes or so
nah I've better things to do
you dont even need a medical card
still no answers?
looks like somebody likes competition... :P
I mean, I answered in Python, so I expect to be out-golfed
maybe out-golf me in Python
a Jelly is incoming now... ;-)
PowerShell doesn't (AFAIK) have a set function, and I know it doesn't have an all function, so I think I'll pass on that challenge. ;-)
@AdmBorkBork You can grab the all from System.Linq, no?
And HashSet from System.Collections
Odd. Running even so much as stty --help renders sudo unusable
It does nothing when I press enter in the password thing
@LeakyNun -11 from your Python 3: f=lambda s:({*map(len,s)}=={*range(len(s))})*all(map(f,s))
I'm old
Dennis is way older...
@Pavel Possibly? I don't know anything about Linq. And yes, but I think you have to do something like $h = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]' and that's just ridiculous.
Unless this is a different All
@EriktheOutgolfer Dennis is relatively ancient compared to the average TNB-er, isn't he?
@LeakyNun very crazy 57 (also probably invalid): f=lambda s:{*map(len,s)}-{*range(len(s))}or any(map(f,s))
and now you've got competition :P
(different version though)
(also crazy)
@AdmBorkBork You should make a library that wraps Linq and other .NET features for golf use
Call it extended powershell or something
I'm already slowly working on Pish-Posh, a PowerShell-based golflang.
The absolute mad man
Yes, I am. I mean, I have 26k rep golfing almost exclusively in PowerShell, so I already have to be a little crazy.
Shoot, just make it so the .net math features and truncating casting are a thing and I'll be happy
To be honest, [math]::pow($a,$b) is one of the main driving forces
I blame every challenge under the sun being "take the power of foo and square it"
@EriktheOutgolfer I stand undefeated :P
Also who doesn't love "1"+"*$a"*$b|iex being two bytes shorter and way dumber
@Pavel Thanks.
@LeakyNun me too ;-)
first I thought "oh nice" then "just strip the commas"
Q: Just Twice Is Nice

Post Left Garf HunterLet's have string multiplication to take a string and a positive number and concatenate that string that many times. In Haskell: 0 * s = "" n * s = s ++ ((n - 1) * s) Your task is to write a program that outputs a number \$n > 0\$. When you double your program (with the described procedure) ...

@Veskah Yep, but that only works if you have an integer exponent
True. Powershell is proof that God is dead
@Veskah uh... I think that's an insult and not a compliment to Adm...
I'm an atheist. God isn't dead, it just doesn't exist. ;-)
@AdmBorkBork I'm curious, do you have anything to show off about it yet?
No, it's all on pieces of paper with lots of arrows and notes
Well, have fun
@AdmBorkBork "God is dead" is how a christian or jew (god Yahveh) can also say "chaos ensued!!!"
It was a Ballroom Blitz
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh indeed. I minored in Religious Studies in university and actually took way more classes than the minor required.
That sounds super boring...
so, if Powershell causes chaos, Adm cries ;-(
Out of curiousity, were you already an athiest when you started taking those classes or did that happen later?
I was an atheist before taking the classes.
Then, why did you decide to do that minor?
let alone more classes than the minor required.
I took a lot of math calsses even though I do not believe in math.
To learn. I mean, it's obviously a huge factor in many people's lives and it's important to understand that.
Did any one in those classes or the minor know you're an atheist?
I also own a Concordance, as well as having read through the Bible (both Catholic and Protestant versions), researched the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.
Oh definitely. I didn't make it a secret.
actually, you might not believe in something, but it still has the potential to fascinate you
That ^
(Now being the only High School Student in Calc III and ODE seems weak)
I'm applying for a major in CS and a minor in Mathematics, doesn't get more boring than that I guess
CompSci live or die
Leaky got triggered
"Regular". "Not unusual".
@AdmBorkBork Oh no, you're one of them. The "Sequel"-ers.
Actually to one college I'm applying for a major in Computer Science and Realtime Interactive Simulation
Underwater Basket Weaving is the true Patrician's minor
@Zacharý Well the joke doesn't work otherwise
And it's an ancient joke
That pronunciation needs to burn.
Top all time on r/programmerhumor since last christmas
@AdmBorkBork I'm curious as to how others reacted.
@Zacharý The average reaction: "God I wish I wasn't here and at the bar instead"
@Zacharý Honestly I don't think I know a single person IRL who pronounces it S-Q-L.
Sequel is just fewer syllables
It actually comes from SEQUEL, IIRC. One doesn't pronounce APL as apple (except maybe for the sake of puns).
It's true that the predecessor to SQL was SEQUEL. S-Q-L is the "official" pronounciation, but it doesn't matter if most people pronounce it Sequel
So SQL is the ... sequel to SEQUEL. Ah, I thought it was just my school's old tech-admin.
It's a missed opportunity that SQL's predecessor wasn't PQL
A-P-L is a lot easier to say than S-Q-L, Q is a relatively akward letter to pronounce
I actually do pronounce APL as Apple in my head, but not out loud
@Zacharý Just fine. I wasn’t the only atheist
At least I wasn’t an anarchist like one of the other guys
@AdmBorkBork Not the only atheist in the minor, or in the classes?
Either both
What was your major? CS?
CS / Math dual
My honors thesis was on California Jack, the card game, and neural networks
I want to do a koth on it, but just don’t have time
My top college I want to get into doesn't even have a math major
Only a minor
Well, it's pretty small
That must be pretty small
That's what she said?
I think there are 1.1k undergraduate students this year?
It's pretty much entirely a computer science and animation school
RIT? No wait, I think that’s bigger
There's also a dual major of Computer Science and Audio Design, which has music built into
Sounds interesting, though, to be surrounded by people with the same interests
It's actually really interesting the way it works
Of course it was interesting attending a liberal arts university, too
Except for your first year, where you work only with people in your own major, every year you make a single project with a team of students from the animation, programming, and audio programs
Usually to make games
Anyway, gtg. That does sound awesome
I want to a liberal school. Engineering/CompSci building sucked. Business college was immaculate.
Sonsofguns had a friggin' stock ticker in the main foyer
Some of the games are great BTW. Check out Nitronic Rush, absolutely one of my favorite games of all time. And being a student game, it's free.
Also Portal, Portal's original prototype was a Digipen student game called Narbacular Drop. The entire team went to work at valve.
Same for Portal 2 and Tag: The power of paint
Nintendo of America headquarters is withing walking distance of campus, which is nice
They do guest lectures sometimes
@DJMcMayhem Apparantly a development version of Portal 2 got leaked at one point and it had Tag's gravity paint in it
Which was unfortunatly deemed way too mind-bogling to be worked with at the same time as portals
On the other hand, we got this at one point: store.steampowered.com/app/280740/…
Unless I'm missing something, Portal 2 did have bounce paint?
Yeah, also speed paint and portal paint
Am I the only that calls surfaces "Portable" and "Non-portable" in that game?
I know, but those aren't gravity. Unless they did additional things that weren't just "Jump high"
I do that on purpose, and everyone is like "You mean portalable?"
I call them White and Dark in my head ._.
Man, Portal 2 is the better game but Portal 1 is a better puzzle game by miles
The Paint puzzles were easily my favorite
They really could have done so much more instead of the "Hunt the portable surface" section we got in the middle
Hard light was super fun too
They co-op was amazing too
That's really where all the good puzzles ended up at
God dammit I'm not supposed to have nostalgia at 17
I remember grinding out those stupid potatoes and all that effort amounted to the game being unlocked early..... by like 2 hours, oh boy.
something something valve time
1 hour later…
@ETHproductions like Perl 6
@maxb no it's actually very, very easy to work with. Idk what kind of ancient software you use of it's hard to edit CSV
@maxb ... please use a built-in unit test module (yes, all practical languages have these)
@maxb damnit charcoal needs this
@Pavel who doesn't
Q: Dungeon Crawler

ArnauldInput A binary matrix \$M\$ representing the walls of a dungeon. The position \$(x,y)\$ of the player within the dungeon. The direction \$d\$ that the player is currently facing (0 = North, 1 = East, 2 = South, 3 = West) Output A pseudo-3D representation of the walls that are in the field of...

ew small star under question downvote button
@Skidsdev 92?
@ASCII-only 92 what?
I don


For playing the game Contact, where one person tries to "defend"...
I don't think you need the f= in the bytecount, because it's an anonymous function
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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