I started liking Julia when I found I could easily save bytes on several holes (Christmas Trees, Diamonds, Fizz Buzz, etc.) by defining my own freakin operators
@JoKing haven't looked at it but probably an error; the interpreter is really primitive and was coded in a matter of minutes. Feel free to update/contribute to it!
The Corpus are a fictional faction from the popular video game Warframe who have a somewhat interesting language.
Whilst other factions in the game such as the Grineer have some logic behind their language, the Corpus is simply a lossy substitution of the English language.
All Corpus words are ...
In set theory, the natural numbers \$\mathbb{N} = \{0, 1, 2, 3, ...\}\$ are usually encoded as pure sets in the following way1:
Zero is the empty set: \$ Set(0) = \{\} \$
For a number \$n > 0\$: \$ Set(n) = Set(n-1) \cup \{Set(n-1)\}\$
Thus the first few natural numbers are
\$ 0 \leadsto \{...
@Pavel Possibly? I don't know anything about Linq. And yes, but I think you have to do something like $h = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]' and that's just ridiculous.
Let's have string multiplication to take a string and a positive number and concatenate that string that many times. In Haskell:
0 * s = ""
n * s = s ++ ((n - 1) * s)
Your task is to write a program that outputs a number \$n > 0\$. When you double your program (with the described procedure) ...
Except for your first year, where you work only with people in your own major, every year you make a single project with a team of students from the animation, programming, and audio programs
A binary matrix \$M\$ representing the walls of a dungeon.
The position \$(x,y)\$ of the player within the dungeon.
The direction \$d\$ that the player is currently facing (0 = North, 1 = East, 2 = South, 3 = West)
A pseudo-3D representation of the walls that are in the field of...