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Q: Is there a way for a program to read what is on screen and in turn react in a certain way?

JC TheanonymousI basically just want to download a file and then once that file is downloaded, I want the program to begin another download of a specific file, that way I don't have to be on my computer constantly having to check whether the file is done already and having to constantly begin downloading anoth...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HatsuPointerKunCalculate your Icy Score Do you know Icy Tower ? Here is a gameplay example of what i'm talking about The game concept is simple : you play as Harold the Homeboy, and your goal is to jump from floors to floors to go as high as possible without falling and getting off-screen ( the camera goes hi...

Finally, they begin to post a question.
@DJMcMayhem I think you have your I/O formats mixed up there; the output mechanism you're using only works in a full program but the input mechanism only works when you call it as a function
@Mendeleev I can do it in just 2 bytes of Jelly: Qṁ (Try it online!)
that answer handles unsorted input too (the order in the output is based on the first appearance in the input)
and both the input and output use the standard methods for functions (in particular, there's no implicit concatenation going on)
the basic idea is to take the unique characters from the input, and repeat them until we end up at the same length as the input
@ais523 Mixing up I/O formats is fine, e.g. functions can print to stdout
6 hours later…
@Dennis the menace - didn't know about either of those :)
3 hours later…
@Mendeleev APL, 3 bytes
is that invalid because it doesn’t sort?
ah that’s what ais did with Qṁ
@flawr I only learned about the UK version a few years ago, but by dad actually named me after the US version.
That's also where my GitHub user name comes from.
*my dad
Are were you a menace?
Apparently the British Dennis was considerably more menacing
@jaytea Probably. He also tried to use In the beginning, there was chaos. as my baptismal verse.
hi all
@jaytea Dennis the Menace?
The British one.
cool :)
Q: Terms of the EKG sequence

davidIntroduction The EKG sequence begins with 1 and 2, then the rule is that the next term is the smallest positive integer not already in the sequence and with a common factor different of 1 (they are not coprime). Firsts terms are : 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 9, 12, 8, 10, 5, 15, ... It's called EKG be...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

davidIntroduction The EKG sequence begins with 1 and 2, then the rule is that the next term is the smallest positive integer not already in the sequence and with a common factor different of 1 (they are not coprime). Firsts terms are : 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 9, 12, 8, 10, 5, 15, ... It's called EKG be...

1 hour later…
Q: Multiplicity Test

MonolicaUse any programming language to display numbers between 1 and 99 (including both) in such a way, so that: - the numbers are separated by single space, - if a number is divisible by 3, it should be in parentheses, - if a number is divisible by 4, it should be in square brackets, - if a number is d...

Q: Are infinite score allowed by default for "lowest score win"?

l4m2 Are submissions acceptable if their worst case score is unbounded? I think it worth a default exist

Q: Find the pattern v2

l4m2Related I feel tired to do "find the pattern" exercise such as 1 2 3 4 (5) 1 2 4 8 (16) 1 2 3 5 8 (13) Please write a program that finds the pattern for me. Here, we define the pattern as a recurrence relation that fits the given input, with the smallest score. If there are multiple answers ...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ETHproductionsMinimize your standard deviation code-challenge math The standard deviation of a collection of numbers is calculated in the following manner: Find the arithmetic mean of the collection. Find the difference of each item from the mean. Square each difference and sum them. Divide by the number...

Darn bots trying to take over our chatroom while no one else is around to chat :P
1 hour later…
Q: Find the number which comes singly in an array

Agile_EagleQuestion You are given an array of \$n\$ integers. In the array, \$n-1\$ integers appear in pairs. Find the integer which is single. Input Format The first line contains the number \$n\$. The second line contains the \$n\$ integers which form the array. Example Input 13 1 1 3 3 2 2 16 ...

@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠ Deleted just before I posted a "Check out the Sandbox" comment
hi all. I am now worried that codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/175470/… is too hard
not that I thought anything could be too hard for PPCG :)
has anyone read my challenge and decided it was too hard?
Nah, it just takes longer for a challenge like that.
@Anush Never say anything is too hard for PPCG. QFT
I love it when my distro has a GCC update since they recompile like all the packages and then half my system gets upgraded and looking at progress bars makes me happy
@Zacharý :) But what is QFT?
@Zacharý Cool! I hope you are right.
Quest for Tetris.
@Pavel Gentoo?
Tetris in Conway's Game of Life
ah yes.. that was very impressive
@Anush No, Fedora, but they still rebuild everything on their end
@Pavel got you
gentoo is only for crazy people :)
@quartata why is this on your twitter feed
@Downgoat Have you seen quartata's twitter
@Pavel oh ok
thinking about competing with the "Big Emitters' and selling huge tubs of vaseline and blowtorches, so people havehte power to make their own climate Changes
> lepidopterist
@Downgoat because goats are cool apparently
Quartata's twitter is ... wtf.
they hate me because i speak the truth
Q: Permutations to the nines redux

guest271314Notice: This question has been challenging to describe. Will try again here at PPCG nonetheless inspired by the first sentence of a comment by @user20279 at Fastest algorithm to output array containing all integers in range excluding duplicate digits I think this challenge is not interesting....

So many questions!
@quartata I can assure you that neither of those are true :P
@Mego Occasionally truth does come out of his twitter (I think)
if you dont think everything i post is 100% real then your mind has a big problem. i hope its still under warranty
@flawr i had absolutely no idea there were two different characters named this
Dennis and Gnasher (previously titled Dennis the Menace and Gnasher, and originally titled Dennis the Menace) is a long-running comic strip in the British children's comic The Beano, published by DC Thomson, of Dundee, Scotland. The comic stars a boy named Dennis the Menace and his Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound Gnasher. The strip first appeared in issue 452, dated 17 March 1951 (on sale 12 March 1951), and is the longest-running strip in the comic. The idea and name of the character emerged when the comic's editor heard a British music hall song with the chorus "I'm Dennis the Menace from...
they debuted on the same day. how is this possible.
march 12, 1951
It's 100% real ... that it's posted (aka, we're not hallucinating :-P )
As a response to PPCG dying, it doesn't look too much like it. It just seems there was a momentary spike in popularity (I just got access to site analytics!)
wow they have a huge Open Shelter in the ocean O_o :P
Q: Bank Amortise Problem

NoobishProgrammerSo I got this problem, probably a very simple solution but I just cant think of it. You got a bank account with a balance of 0. Every year on 31/12 you deposit 1000 into it. The intrest will always be 5%. What balance will the account have 20 years after first deposit including the 21st deposit...

@Downgoat Where is this?
@ASCII-only Please fix ´\/↘²‖M↘LF⊖NCχ⁰F⊖NC⁰χ as a) it should not crash b) it should produce the same output as ´\/↘²‖C↘‖MLF⊖NCχ⁰F⊖NC⁰χ.
in particular, diagonal lines should not be affected by diagonal reflections
I didn't know there was an american version
youve seen Dennis’s avatar though
Oh, I was thinking that he meant an american version of the Beano
Clicked the link now
And chat seems much quieter than it was before
"You may only load the close dialog once every 3 seconds"??? But what if I close it (the dialog) and didn't mean to. Why is that even a restriction.
where was that?
I was in the review queue (which I often keep in a separate window, bottom-right of the screen while browsing SE sites) and went to VTC a question, realised it was also in my review queue, went to VTC it there instead and got poked in the face by a notification.
It isn't exactly like a normal use-case, but it's a bit strange that they'd put that restriction there.
I could get behind time-limiting actual close votes, but not the dialog.
maybe they track people who click on the close dialog?
It has to fetch how many votes there are on it and which reasons.
It’s a little expensive, like opening the flag dialog.
rate limiting expensive joins
And I suppose it could also be a script deterrent. You can use the API for it but that has rate limits also.
yeah it needs a join most likely
and youre alive??
I'd personally use a loading spinner for the 3 seconds then, rather than "no, you can't do this"

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