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How to get your question reopened... ping everyone who closed it? thinking
@Quintec so you're saying that doesn't work? :^)
@Veskah Well, I suppose "all of it" is a valid answer... :P
Pro-strat: When doing ascii art, make sure to reflect any leading white-space as trailing white-space
Some days I'm real dumb. The problem is that it's most days
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jo KingThe real treasure was the numbers we made along the way code-challenge restricted-source Your task is to write a program, function or snippet (yes, a snippet is allowed), that outputs a number. However, you must be able to separate your submission into prefixes that also produce numbers. You ca...

2 hours later…
Is chocolatey not working for anyone else
2 hours later…
> Repository 'http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable Release' changed its 'Origin' value from 'Google, Inc.' to 'Google LLC'
Did Google change it's legal framework? Interesting...
apparently it was actually a while back as part of the alphabet thing
still funny to think of google as “limited liability”
I guess changing the debian package metadata was pretty low on the list of priorities.
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TFeldI'm not sure if this is a duplicate. The first, the last, and the rest Given two numbers output the two numbers, and then the range between them: Examples: Input Output 0, 5 -> [0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4] -3, 8 -> [-3, 8, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] 4, 4 -> [4, 4] 4, 5 ->

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnushThis is a follow up to Count arrays that make unique sets . The significant difference is the definition of uniqueness. Consider an array A of length n. The array contains only positive integers. For example A = (1,1,2,2). Let us define f(A) as the set of sums of all the non-empty contiguous s...

hi all
4 hours later…
trickier question posed
Q: Count arrays that make trickier unique sets

AnushThis is a follow up to Count arrays that make unique sets . The significant difference is the definition of uniqueness. Consider an array A of length n. The array contains only positive integers. For example A = (1,1,2,2). Let us define f(A) as the set of sums of all the non-empty contiguous s...

@NewMainPosts Nice timing!
thanks, says the machine :)
please do let me know if it is unclear
question deleted
I need help checking the examples
@user202729 Do you have a version of codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/174302/9207 that outputs all the possible solutions? I am trying to use it to see if there is only one but it sometimes reports an array and its reverse and sometimes doesn't
so it's hard to tell when the answer is unique
@Anush Change the - between or and print to a space.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnushThis is a follow up to Count arrays that make unique sets . The significant difference is the definition of uniqueness. Consider an array A of length n. The array contains only positive integers. For example A = (1,1,2,2). Let us define f(A) as the set of sums of all the non-empty contiguous s...

howdy folks
@user202729 Hmm.. I did that and even ungolfed it a little but I must have done something wrong. would you be able to check one of the cases for codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… please?
if you could just check s = 2 and n = 6 that would be very helpful
What's wrong?
@user202729 my version of your code does something screwy
e.g. for the array 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2 it gives two equivalent arrays (3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2), (3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2)
but why not the reverse?
For each A/reverse(A) pair, it may output one of them or both.
So actually it does not output all solutions, but it's sufficient to check if an array is unique.
Q: Find the pattern v2

l4m2Related I feel tired to do "find the pattern" exercise such as 1 2 3 4 (5) 1 2 4 8 (16) 1 2 3 5 8 (13) Please write a program that finds the pattern for me. Here, we define the pattern as a recurrence relation that fits the given input, with the smallest score. If there are multiple answers ...

@ngn You cannot override a challenge spec with a bounty. If an answer solves only the bounty challenge, we'll have to delete it.
Good or bad: void class members to automatically return the instance (so chaining is easier)
@Dennis would it be ok if i require answers to include 2 solutions - one with and one without validation?
Sure, that's fine.
@Dennis i can't edit the bounty description. i'll say it in a comment.
@ngn I could refund it, so you can create a new one.
@Dennis if you have those admin super-powers, sounds great - thanks :)
@ngn Done.
@EriktheOutgolfer oh, right... "mod" :) i forgot
@user202729 Do you suggest I take the original array and its reverse in one set and the set of arrays outputted by your code in another set and look at the symmetric difference?
@user202729 or is there a simpler way to check for uniqueness?
CMC Given two arrays of integers, not necessarily the same length, output the corresponding sums, using 0 for any not-present value. Example: [1, 2, 3] and [-1, 5, 17, 22] output [0, 7, 20, 22]
Jelly, 1 byte: +
@AdmBorkBork Jelly... ninja
A lot of golflangs are going to be like one or two bytes. I'm more interested to see something like V or Brain-Flak or the like. ;-)
Brain-Flak...not so sure
you can't separate the two arrays
You could take the lengths.
Well, you know what I mean.
or the length ;-)
@AdmBorkBork I think I'll pass on brain-flak because I value my sanity
But challenge accepted for the V
Psh, sanity. That's worth, what, like 25 cents these days?
geez, no
sanity is one of the basic pillars of code-golfing
perl "-MList::Util 'max'" -MList::Gather, 66 bytes: sub f{my(\@a,\@b)=@_;gather{take@a[$_]+@b[$_]for(0..max $#a,$#b)}}
Takes two array refs. You get several warnings.
Perl is totally chill with adding undef to stuff
@AdmBorkBork V, 35 bytes: Try it online!
Not quite as gross as I thought it would be
@DJMcMayhem Would it be shorter without commas and spaces in input?
@Pavel At least it gives a warning
Rather than, you know, NaN
So does my (\@a, \@b)=@_
I'd be interested to see what someone who actually knows perl would do since 66 bytes seems way too long
@Pavel Actually, probably not
@Pavel sorry i cant be bothered
Oh ok
if that was supposed to be my cue
egotistical of me since primo is also in this room and is better
I don't think he is
(In this room I mean, I'm not doubting he's better than you)
@AdmBorkBork APL (Dyalog Unicode), 26 bytes {(≢⍵)>⍨≢⍺:⍺+⍵↑⍨≢⍺⋄⍵+⍺↑⍨≢⍵}. Can probably be done in like a third of the byte count but I'm too lazy to figure it out.
@J.Sallé (+⌿↑)? :p
17 bytes without abusing monadic (but still abusing it's dyadic version)
@dzaima as predicted >.> (I don’t think I’ve ever used )
@J.Sallé I've only used it maybe once before, don't worry :p
1 hour later…
is there a more succinct way of writing {arr} | {tuple(reversed(arr))} in python?
where arr is a tuple
{arr} | {tuple(arr[::-1])}
aha! Thanks
it would be nice if arr[::-1] were a tuple
given that arr is
Or even better {arr}|{arr[::-1]} since tuple(arr) is redundant
oh cool
>>> type(arr[::-1])
<class 'tuple'>
much improved
Why does it need to be a tuple?
@DJMcMayhem I think sets need tuples not lists
Oh, cause lists aren't hashable
in python
snap :)
@Anush I've never seen {...} | {...} syntax before
You could do {arr,arr[::-1]} for even more bytes saved
@DJMcMayhem that's a very good point
I can't believe I missed that
I am trying to finish of the examples for my question
my code isn't very fast for my fastest-code challenge :)
@Adám right, that's been annoying me for a while (though for me it only ever cuts off the bottoms of y, q ect.) Changed the height to the 12px that's the default (from 10px)
@dzaima Thanks, that works.
@Anush btw, why do you need to put a tuple and its reverse in a set?
@EriktheOutgolfer Let me post the question and then I can explain :)
PAX East tickets just because available
@EriktheOutgolfer I have been making the test examples for codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/175470/…
@EriktheOutgolfer my slow code creates the set of sums for an array then goes backwards to find all the arrays it could have come from. I need to test if that set is just the original array and its reverse. Because of the way I go backwards using @user202729's code it sometimes doesn't make the reverse
so I need a subset test
hopefully all the test cases are correct now
it was quite a lot of work to make the test cases so I hope someone likes the challenge :)
Q: Count arrays that are really unique

AnushThis is a follow up to Count arrays that make unique sets . The significant difference is the definition of uniqueness. Consider an array A of length n. The array contains only positive integers. For example A = (1,1,2,2). Let us define f(A) as the set of sums of all the non-empty contiguous s...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Luis felipe De jesus Munozpentomimo snake Taken from this challenge Given no input, output a representation of a pentomimo snake with the following set up. Use a 5x5 multidimensional array, list of lists or any suitable matrix representation. Number 1 goes in the middle. Make a "snake" of numbers up to 25 so that each...

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