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@Zacharý Both our commit count and our problems continue to rise
Can you link to it?
Should there be a "bad gateway" error?
On the custom site ^
Ugh ... I typed "gmail.cm" into a college application >_<
@Zacharý Definitely not
I'm wondering if it's just my end.
Oh, deploy messed up
1 hour later…
I've made a realization: I'm excellent at golfing java because there's usually no way to golf java, making the obvious way the shortest
hahahahahahaha xD
@thecoder16 that's incorrect
@thecoder16 wait. You golf Java??? looks at post history
@quartata grabs pitchfork
think i screwed up this post
not funny or allegorical enough. should have gone back to the copyeditor
@Mego Jython is actually cool because you can use Swing from it
Beats Tk for sure
@quartata this is not a pro this is a con
real solution is VSL which has cocoa bindings
(also doesn't have dynamic memory but that's besides the point)
@Downgoat OK, how about JavaFX?
You may not like Java the core language or its patterns but its standard library is good
@quartata java core lang is fine but standard library is too bloat
@quartata ew
I don't think that's a bad thing in a standard library at all
maybe it's bearable if you use a heavy IDE
but I am not fan of heavy IDE
@quartata tkinter is the one true gui library
using tkinter in production was an extremely regrettable period in my life
@quartata Luckily I never got that far - the docs are a strong deterrent
daily reminder that it works by emitting Tcl code
2 hours later…
@Adám ah that makes sense, yeah J is weird
7 hours later…
I used 6 hours to write 210 lines of Lean code
I'm not sure what that means
phew, managed to match Canvas using Charcoal
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Luis felipe De jesus MunozEscaping the imperial forces This is actually a programming exercise from my college. Hope you like it Our heroes, aboard the Millennium Falcon and trusting Han Solo's expertise, are trying to escape the rebel forces. To confuse the imperial forces, Han Solo wants to enter an asteroid field. ...

@LeakyNun well, either Lean or whatever you're trying to do is very hard is my guess?
@Neil noo now i have to golf that monstrosity D:
can't you just agree to tie?
oh god so many obvious golfs
i should explanation but 100 bytes :|
bah, I should have kept my trap shut
hey hey I got second place in the Dyalog APL Programming Contest! ✨🎉
Q: I done did made a spaceship maw!

Kevin CruijssenIntroduction: Inspired by this comment of @MagicOctopusUrn on @Emigna's 05AB1E answer for my "It was just a bug" challenge: 8F9ÝÀNð×ý}».∊ I done did made a spaceship maw! And I was all excited about suggesting a 12-byte edit. – Magic Octopus Urn Jul 17 '17 at 20:10 Which is a 05AB1E (legac...

Q: Check my tunneling arrays

CharlieImagine you have an array of integers, whose positive values are pointers to other positions in the same array, only that those values represent tunnels, so if the value in position A is positive and points to position B, then the value in position B must be also positive and point to position A ...

@Adám 1200 usd cash prize? I might start learning APL ....
@NewMainPosts I was playing around with other stragegies and this happened :p
@LuisfelipeDejesusMunoz I'll be happy to teach you so you'll be ready to compete next year.
@NewMainPosts A very long & wrong, but still fun answer to that
1 hour later…
@LuisfelipeDejesusMunoz Lynn actually won $1350, because of the Phase I prize.
@LeakyNun what was it on?
Q: Simulate an NFA

BWOA nondeterministic finite automaton is a finite state machine where a tuple \$(state,symbol)\$ is mapped to multiple states. Ie. we replace the usual \$\delta : Q \times \Sigma \to Q\ \$ transition function of a DFA with another function \$\Delta : Q \times \Sigma \to \mathcal{P}(Q)\$. If you kn...

My brain just died... anyone else want to try to parse and find the error with this python3 beauty?: q=[x for x in d for d in i if c in d for i in a if s in i for s in q]
@thecoder16 aren't you supposed to reverse the order of all of the quantifiers?
am i? i always write x = [int(i) for i in x] so i kinda just went from there...
my brain truly fried
@thecoder16 um...I don't think you can read the value of an undefined variable
for example, d is only defined after the first for loop
did you see that ludicrous display last night
@ASCII-only When running from the command line (python3 interpreter.py file), it would wait for input, and I took that as it hanging
2 hours later…
can any ruby gurus explain how to prevent the second function call from destructing the array in this code?
(besides using lambda instead of Proc.new)
user image
Welcome to PPCG! That's quite an impressive score for someone in their first week...
how old is that screenshot?
regardless of how old it is, Zacharý has been contributing way before the "New contributor" indicator
Taken a few seconds before posting
it can't be zachary, the badges don't match
maybe it's from meta?
(the badges match there)
yeah, Zacharý is indeed a new contributor over there
It took me a few moments to realise it isn't broken, it's just that Zacharý hasn't posted to meta before, so is technically a new user despite much experience
I believe this is , as meta and main are two different communities, just with the same users whose reputation on meta is the same as on main and can't be affected there
I agree - there are differences in meta so it's worth knowing who is new to it even if they are already established members of the community. I just hadn't thought of it until seeing this so I had a moment of complete confusion...
the difference isn't immediately apparent, but think of it like this: meta is a community about itself and its respective main, while main is the community about its actual topic
Python list comprehension solves edge cases beautifully intuitively and I can’t believe it
CMP: Which of your answers on this site do you a) believe got more upvotes than was worth and b) didn't get nearly as many upvotes as it was worth?
a) easily this one ... b) maybe this one, or any of my near-100 0-point answers, lol
I just hope b) != self-promotion
My b) is on a closed question so I don't mind sharing as it can't be voted on
a) I remember thinking this one got a lot more votes than I expected
my b's would all be self promotions
so just go look at my answers
Of course it's self-promotion. I just hope that people here are understanding enough to recognize that it's not an attempt for "plz send teh updoots, lol"
my b's would be an attempt for more updoots, lol
plz send
@trichoplax answers on closed questions can perfectly be voted on...
@EriktheOutgolfer You're absolutely right - I mixed up. It's also locked, which is what prevents the voting
@trichoplax so are you going to post it or not? :P
@AdmBorkBork that's what I hope...
(Btw, my a) is any answer of mine with a nonnegative score...)
Actually my b) has far more votes than I expected, so it's not undervoted, just has much less votes than my a) on the same challenge, which was one of the less interesting answers and massively overvoted for being early. a) and b) ( b) was the work of 5 people and took far more effort and I think looks better)
I just got a notification bar stating "It is too late to undo this request." Anyone else?
Not here. Chat or main?
Chat. Weird.
You weren't trying to unstar something?
I don't even know what I'd be undoing.
Last thing I starred was DJ's marriage announcement, but I didn't try to unstar that.
(in another sense, all my answers are overvoted - thanks voters)
I'll blame DJ anyway, since he arrived in chat about the same time I got the notification. Thanks, DJ!
Actually, looking at my answers page, I do have a massively overvoted answer with 1 upvote. As a trivial self answer to a broken challenge, it definitely didn't deserve a positive score
Your daily reminder that there are no do-overs in life.
yay, I can eat as much gyros as I want and be free to complain if I ever get fat :D :P
@feersum Ha ha I read that as about my broken challenge :)
2 hours later…
I've updated this answer. Can someone who has the knowhow update the image?
@cairdcoinheringaahing It is a bit cumbersome. Click the link in the post, paste the code in, and click Generate Graph!. Open your browsers inspector and copy the svg element to a file. Then use a conversion utility to convert the svg to a png. Then put it in the post.
Q: King-Of-The-Hill but fully cooperative?

HyperNeutrinoSo, I've seen this question, but I feel like mine is different enough to warrant a new post because I have a specific victory objective that I can use to satisfy the winning criterion requirement. Feel free to disagree with this in the comments or votes. So here's what I was thinking. Players ca...

@cairdcoinheringaahing a) b)
love SE's new redesign :)
yay cs in a university
@betseg ?
got accepted to a university
@betseg oh wow congrats :D
thanks :D
Decided today to try to learn C. Not fun. That language deserves a page on Esolangs!
im offended
@Scrooble Try learning APL instead.
@betseg Here's to success!
To success!
A toast!
im 17 heh
And I'm just a year older. Shhhh...
its legal here to drink at 18 🤔
Oh, yeah. There are places outside of the US.
For now
@Scrooble ... if any country takes over the world: let's all hope it's not the US. If one country takes over everything, let it be Switzerland or something
@cairdcoinheringaahing Done
OK, stop it guys.
Ok good night
Does anyone know if python has a datatype like a Java/C# array, where the elements are mutable but the list itself is of a fixed size?
(And if there isn't one builtin, does anyone know of one on PyPI?)
I don't think there is one built-in
Probably wouldn't be too hard to implement though
Oh, numpy has one

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