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How do we do CW questions?
If I edit enough times it goes CW automatically i think
If it gets enough answers too. But the preferred way to make a question CW is to flag it for mod attention and let a moderator do it.
@sepp2k We might want to remove the auto-CW resulting from too many answers
We're naturally going to get many questions legitimately getting lots of answers
A: Print 1 to 1000 in C++ without semi-colons

Noah Roberts#include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "1 to 1000 in C++ without semi-colons" << std::endl; }

Could someone kindly ask Noah to be constructive rather than posting answers that are obviously not wanted
@marcog Well, enough downvotes will do the trick. :-)
@marcog He has a tendency to post questions that are obviously not wanted either. :-P
@ChrisJesterYoung So far his questions have been on-topic IMHO
@marcog His questions had this snarky way of being anti-golf, which got on my nerves. Granted, the site is not entirely for code golf, but, some people are noticeably more hostile towards golfing than others.
I have a vested interest in seeing the site not get overrun by golf-haters. So when I spot one, I kind of have to keep a watch on them.
@ChrisJesterYoung Yeah I see his last lines are always "this is not golf".
I don't believe in powertripping or anything, but if I do have mod privileges, his post (the one you linked to) would be the first to get deleted.
I don't think we should "boot" them, as we have been tending to expand scope. But we do need to remove the friction between sides who are pro and anti code golf
@marcog I agree. I hope we can come up with some good strategies to have some peace in this regard.
@ChrisJesterYoung @marcog I say this because such posts are intentionally disruptive. It reminds me too much of Rich B, and behaviours like that have to be nipped in the bud.
I agree. Code golf receives a lot of negative attitude on SO and that's a major reason for this site. We don't want that negativity to come over here and lose that benefit.
@marcog Exactly. *nods*
/me waves to @SMark.
@SMark hi
first time here :-)
I had half a temptation to use my unicorn avatar as my Gravatar. But my current one is probably more theft-proof. :-)
We need to come up with a really nice question to post on reddit to get new users in
@SMark Welcome! :-D
@marcog Or Hacker News. :-)
@ChrisJesterYoung Both!
Have you been involved in other beta sites before?
Me, or S.Mark?
Both of you :)
Wondering how this site's progress compares to other betas
I was part of the Stack Overflow beta (my SO userid is 13). I also did betas for Server Fault, Super User, and Cooking.SE, though I didn't participate enough in the last two to actually be considered a "fulfilled commitment".
I was active for a while a year ago, and was away from SO, until I got email from codegolf.se is on private beta
I think codegolf would be like that, if there is many questions like others, that will be very hard to posters
@SMark Nice. :-) (Speaking of golfing personages with "Mark", I wonder where Mark Byers has been.)
LoL, I am far from Mark Byers
he is genius
I love codegolf but seldomly write those, because I am weak at math :P
@SMark I'm not super-strong at maths either, but I like algorithmic problems.
I might try to tackle the Sudoku ones if I can find the time.
/me is pretty strong at maths
love algorithms :)
@marcog \o/
@marcog Do you love Google Code Jam?
i'm a bit over sudoku problems though tbh
@ChrisJesterYoung yip!
@marcog Hehehehe. :-)
i'm doing round 2 of facebook hacker cup tomorrow
@chris, cool, I tried to write sudoku solver myself before, but when I see norvig's sudoku solver, I knew that I am far from that. :P
@marcog KirarinSnow and I have been doing Google Code Jam continuously since the new format came out. (Actually, I met KirarinSnow in the #gcj channel.)
@SMark Hehehe, awww....
@marcog, I saw your blog and u must really good at those ;)
@ChrisJesterYoung I did GCJ since before the new format
@marcog KirarinSnow is doing that too. I thought the FHC was too poked during the qualification round, so I didn't even enter.
yeah, it was
@marcog Me too, but I didn't care for the TopCoder system. :-(
but i have strong reason to enter :)
i'm heading to work there later this year
@marcog ...for real, or as an intern?
for real
@marcog Holy cow! Congrats!
cool, congrats @marcog
@ChrisJesterYoung Regarding TC, I don't like their platform either
only done about 4 TC SRMs
@marcog That's more than me. :-P
@marcog I'm a vi user. So I chafe at the fact that I can't code in a familiar environment. :-P
/me too, but i use the fileedit plugin which lets you use any editor
Hahahaha, it seems you entered GCJ with purely Python solutions. :-P
(Assuming your username on GCJ is also marcog.)
it is
I try to be more diverse with languages when I can, though I don't use nearly as many languages as KirarinSnow does.
and that choice sometimes bites me
wrt time limits
i sometimes use perl when appropriate, and c++ when i feel like it
I wrote the only GolfScript entry in GCJ10. :-P
nice :)
@marcog Hehehehe, Perl is my comfort language, so that's what I use when push comes to shove.
But, I <3 Scheme, so I try to code with Scheme when I can.

Apparently Nabb also wrote GolfScript solutions for GCJ, but he didn't know about go-hero.net, so he didn't submit the GolfScript solutions.
i haven't found the time (yet) to dig too deep into functional, but i'm getting some people to run a 2-day haskell course at my uni which i'll be attending next month
really want to learn scala
I keep meaning to learn Scala. I even bought a book on it (and Erlang, and Clojure).
i have the erlang book, but haven't read it yet :-/
The perfectionist in me finds it really hard to accept Clojure. Call it the uncanny valley if you want, but Clojure is not Lispy enough for my taste.
heh, I wish I knew those too, :D now I only know C, Python, javascript and regex :P
When I learn new language, I find for regex and then stop learning after that :P
Of course I know C, JS, regex, and (some) Python too, but they're not my preferred languages.
you are good at ruby right?
Yes, we use Ruby at my day job.
thats cool!
It's not Scheme, but it's not bad either. :-)
i see
my work title is not programming, so I could only do by creating some tools with python for internal stuff.
Would you like to be a professional programmer?
I was before as C# developer and I moved to networking field
I see. :-)
I've done some years of sysadmin myself, so I've seen some of it.
i see
when I was in previous company, there was lots of overtime. So I decided to be network engineer, and doing programming as hobby :P
Yes, it's nice to have a change.
Less burnout. :-)
yeah :-)
@KyleRozendo: Welcome!
@ChrisJesterYoung - Thanks :)
2 hours later…
Getting into this CG way of thinking is tough
@Kyle, the difference between this site and many other golf site, is that we compete and collaborate at the same time. plenty of people will help give you tips to improve your solutions
8 hours later…
Anyone here?
Hi @Aurel300!

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