@marcog His questions had this snarky way of being anti-golf, which got on my nerves. Granted, the site is not entirely for code golf, but, some people are noticeably more hostile towards golfing than others.
I have a vested interest in seeing the site not get overrun by golf-haters. So when I spot one, I kind of have to keep a watch on them.
I don't think we should "boot" them, as we have been tending to expand scope. But we do need to remove the friction between sides who are pro and anti code golf
@marcog I agree. I hope we can come up with some good strategies to have some peace in this regard.
@ChrisJesterYoung @marcog I say this because such posts are intentionally disruptive. It reminds me too much of Rich B, and behaviours like that have to be nipped in the bud.
I agree. Code golf receives a lot of negative attitude on SO and that's a major reason for this site. We don't want that negativity to come over here and lose that benefit.
I was part of the Stack Overflow beta (my SO userid is 13). I also did betas for Server Fault, Super User, and Cooking.SE, though I didn't participate enough in the last two to actually be considered a "fulfilled commitment".
@marcog KirarinSnow and I have been doing Google Code Jam continuously since the new format came out. (Actually, I met KirarinSnow in the #gcj channel.)
i haven't found the time (yet) to dig too deep into functional, but i'm getting some people to run a 2-day haskell course at my uni which i'll be attending next month
@Kyle, the difference between this site and many other golf site, is that we compete and collaborate at the same time. plenty of people will help give you tips to improve your solutions