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@CatWizard "The robber's code must also differs in output from the cops program for some number larger than n." what if this happens because of int overflow?
@Rod lol wanna prepare a funeral?
RIP , you're not in the code anymore, but you will be forever in my heart — Rod 16 mins ago
@Cowsquack Then that's a crack.
Oh yeah aren't overflows platform specific?
Q: Hardcoding the Cops and Robbers (Cops)

Cat WizardAn interesting question to think about is the following: If I have a sequence of numbers how many of them do I have to provide before it is clear what sequence I am talking about? For example if I want to talk about the positive integers in order starting from \$1\$, I could say \$1,2,3, \d...

Q: Hardcoding the Cops and Robbers (Robbers)

Cat WizardThis is a Robbers' thread the Cops' thread is here An interesting question to think about is the following: If I have a sequence of numbers how many of them do I have to provide before it is clear what sequence I am talking about? For example if I want to talk about the positive integers i...

@Cowsquack ⍵: String. ⍺ (optional): field separator chars. Result: two element vector of 1) Boolean vector: which tokens are proper numbers; 2) Numeric vector: proper numbers as numbers, other tokens as 0.
@EriktheOutgolfer I tried to make an ascii casket, but failed miserably. Then I tried to come up with a pun with comma / cremation but failed too :c
@Dennis I have an issue with Dodos: shouldn't this return (1, 2) instead of (0, 3)? also
@EriktheOutgolfer "surrender"
look at the example
um, is that a pun? because "surrender" is exactly why the first one should return (1, 2) instead of (0, 3)
> |0 - 1| = 1 ≥ 0, so trying to compute f(1) will raise an exception, and f(0) returns its argument (0).
from what I understand, because dip'ing 0 results in a value larger than itself, dodos surrenders
try removing main and you'll see that it does return (1, 2)
@JoKing I'm working on a faster verifier + some tools for programming in Lost, so hopefully the verification shouldn't be too bad.
but, since main is called with (1, 2), where (1, 2) > (0, 3), it should return its (new) argument unchanged, i.e. (1, 2)
of course, adding a dab as in my second link should make the final output be (2) (not () or (0, 3))
How do y'all keep track of so many programming languages in your head that you can read and understand them at a whim ...
@AdmBorkBork Well, it was made by Dennis, which automatically makes it important, and Dodos only has 3 commands, so it's super simple.
that is, if I haven't caught a bug
@AdmBorkBork I looked at the readme :)
@CatWizard Did you ever end up posting? I managed to not go on PPCG for an entire week so I missed it if you did.
@AdmBorkBork I only know the two I wrote, the two I use at work all the time, and the a couple golfing languages that I'm terrible at
I just like learning programming languages
I don't know quite as many as Quartata, but I know a lot
Here's an interesting thing about Q#: Like F#, it has let foo = bar and let mutable foo = bar, but you can also declare a mutable variable without giving it a value, like in C#, so you can do let mutable foo;
And I think that looks a bit silly.
hi all
Does the number 2097158 have any signficance? I just got it an exit code from dotnet.
It doesn't seem to be divisible by 256, or any kind of over/underflow...
if you look up 'dotnet 2097158' on Google you find a handful of issues in the dotnet program/repository, not sure if that's relevant here or not, @Pavel
@Pavel post what?
Seems to be a bug in dotnet itself
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ngnSaddle points in a matrix A matrix can be thought of as the altitudes of a surface in 3D space. Consider the 8 neighbours (orthogonal and diagonal) of a cell as a cyclic sequence in clockwise (or anticlockwise) order. Some neighbours may be higher than the original cell, some lower, and some lev...

That does not make my life easier
@AdmBorkBork I have experience with/can understand: APL, B, Batch, Bash, Befunge, BrainFuck, BASIC (multiple varieties), C, C++, C#, D, Dart, Forth, FORTRAN, Fortress, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Jelly, Julia, K, Lua, Mathematica, Pascal, Powershell, Python, Perl (sadly), VBScript and a few others... knowing so many just kills your coding style in all of them.
Oh no I didnt
Running it again leads to...
Error: Invalid parameter(s):
-lang Q#
    'Q#' is not a valid value for -lang (language).
fuck you, dotnet
I've already installed Q# twice today
@Zacharý Of course, I only really ever program in APL, D, JavaScript, and Python.
It works fine if I run the command from the console, but not if I run it with Process.Start.
@Zacharý important: which python :P
@ThomasWard Both... occasionally even 1 and 0.9.1
see that's the proper answer. some people only say "Python 2" or "Python 3" and get the other "NO WRONG ANSWER, YOU NEED TO KNOW BOTH OF THEM!" rant :P
as for 1 and 0.9.1, good for you!
A: When was this language released?

Sp300015 years, Python Versions: 0.9.1, 2.0.0, 2.2.0, 2.2.2, 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.3.0, 3.3.3, 3.4.0, 3.5.0 and 3.6.0a4. Versions not linked can be found on the downloads page. The release date of 0.9.1 can be found here. Unfortunately I had to skip a large bunch of years due to...

old in computing terms of "old", @DJMcMayhem
not necessarily age of the language
I know
I'm just sharing something interesting/relevant
Python 0.9.1
1 * 2
@ThomasWard Which is very different than a witch python.
@ThomasWard There's no a==b in Python0.9.1, only (a=b) ...
>>> 1*2
Unhandled exception: run-time error: integer overflow
Stack backtrace (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1
That ^ is 0.9.1
My Q# REPL is working a little bit
Only takes 7 seconds to evaluate HW
._. is that normal for Q#
The compiler is super slow.
I can't say I know how long setting up quantum circuits is supposed to take.
Well, emulating a quantum computer on a normal one cannot be very fast
Actuallly, when you're working with less than a dozen qubits, emulation is significantly faster than any IRL quantum computers we have.
I found this article incredibly amusing
(To say nothing of it's accuracy)
0/10 doesn't mention GNU APL
TL;DR 1) Don't ever learn Brainfuck, or any other esolang. 2) JS and PHP are as bad as brainfuck
:( never learn esolangs Boo!
Man, if I could get paid to write brainfuck...
I remember that a while back we were having fun with a website that, when given an image, tried to recognize the object therein (e.g we were laughing out loud about the output for Dennis' profile picture and stuff)... Does anyone know what this website called/have a link to it? (tried googling it, no luck)
Wasn't that Mathematica? I don't remember for sure
I think so, but I can't find the link to the relevant page :(
Oh I found it! Anyway thanks (indeed, it was Mathematica)
Every single one of their samples fail to upload lol
I could have searched for this in chat... pity me
GNUAPL tried.
Apparently Pavel is a digital clock
@Zacharý Did it though?
@Pavel Yeah, and then ngn/APL blew it out of the water.
I can't even get printing to work
It doesn't seem to know what quad is
._. I don't remember that...
CMP: What should I try to write in cross-compatible Python?
A tool to call .NET dlls from Python :]
@Pavel I still don't know why GNU APL is so bad. (Never used it.)
@Adám As I said, not even works
Uhh, addition works.
Not that much else does.
(Assuming, of course, you can get it to start, which is non-trivial)
@Pavel Tradfns and alpha-underbar/omega-underbar work.
The capability of your GNU APL varies depending on your system, the weather, and wether you've angered your god recently.
@Zacharý Does division work?
@Adám Yeah... and so does multiplication of floats.
Making programs work with 0.9.1 thru current is actually okay because try ... except is a thing.
print((2 <= 2.0)) this prints 0 in 0.9.1
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Luis felipe De jesus MunozDescendant pyramid addition Note: If there is a challenge like this please let me know. I couldn't find any Giving a sequence of positive and negative integers, create a function that output a descendant pyramid where the children are the sum of both parent numbers. Example: Given 4,5,7,3,4,2...

@Zacharý I was first :)
@ngn Was ngn/apl around before GNU?
@LeakyNun I'm reading a paper
that talks about the performance on an operation of a data structure where an operation was thought to be amortized O(1)
but it's O(log log n) instead
and I'm just sitting here
when does O(log log n) vs O(1) ever matter in a data structure?
first commit in ngn/apl:
`2011-06-06 21:35:28 +0300 2011-06-06 21:35:28 +0300 f63118f ngn initial commit of the mystery language`
first commit in gnuapl:
`r1 | j_sauermann | 2013-09-26 17:03:08 +0100 (Thu, 26 Sep 2013) | 1 line`
I don't see why they even tried, except maybe for tradfns...
@Zacharý it could be a religious issue - share-alike vs permissive licences
Speaking of that ... I should probably put RAD under a license... MIghT as well go with the MIT license.
@orlp Big Data?
@AdmBorkBork nope
@Zacharý my opinion about licensing has already gone through all stages: commercial software is better -> freedom is important (gnu) -> real freedom is unrestricted (bsd) -> why bother? if they violate my licence terms I can't make a credible legal threat anyway...
lg lg 2^64 = 6
and no one on earth stores 2^64 addressable things
Was the first stage when you worked at Dyalog?
@orlp Maybe it's relevant when you're doing that operation a kajillion times?
@DJMcMayhem constant factors still dominate
s/a kajillion/an exponential amount?
nope constant factors still dominate
even if you would do something for each atom in the universe
you'd still be at 8 ~= lg lg 10^80
So like O(1) * O(n!) is different then O(log log n) * O(n!)
* doesn't make sense like that
O(1) and O(n!) are sets
I meant it as shorthand
I mean it's technically different when n -> inf
Fine O(1 * n!) vs O(log log n * n!).
It would be O(1 * n!) and O((log log n) * (n!)) right?
I mean yes those are technically different
but only when n->inf
What's the worst O-complexity that's usually seen? O(n^n)?
Big Big Data. :p
define usually seen?
In computer science, bogosort (also permutation sort, stupid sort, slowsort, shotgun sort or monkey sort) is a highly ineffective sorting function based on the generate and test paradigm. The function successively generates permutations of its input until it finds one that is sorted. It is not useful for sorting, but may be used for educational purposes, to contrast it with more efficient algorithms. Two versions of the function exist: a deterministic version that enumerates all permutations until it hits a sorted one, and a randomized version that randomly permutes its input. An analogy for the...
Get the bogosort out of here.
@Zacharý the first stage - way before I even knew what apl is...
@Zacharý Reminds me of when I used "Comcast" as a curse word.
Jun 17 '16 at 19:21, by TimmyD
"Comcast" when used as a curse word -- What the Comcast?! That stupid Comcasting idiot! I'm going to go down there and kick the Comcast outta him!
That "worstsort" though ... lol
This library is such a gem. If you ever have to do any cross-platform UIs in a low-level language, take a look: github.com/vurtun/nuklear
I was actually just telling a friend about this, it's funny
Definitely going to try it for my next project
Have you used it in anything?
Yes, I'm building a patch editor for my synth with love2d+nuklear.
Amazing. My brain aligns much more with immediate UI than message-pump or callback UI (qt and stuff).
And love2d is cross-platform developments's best kept secret.
I'll probably stick with GTK#, because I hate myself apparantly
That's a very different beast.
@orlp maybe you have an algorithm that depends on it, and then O(n log log n) and O(n) kinda makes a difference?
@LeakyNun the point is that log log n < 8 for anything computable in this universe
ok then
This is partly why I hated studying big-O notation in university.
Oh boy, now I really want some kumquats. I tried to buy them yesterday, but they were out :(
I've never eaten a kumquat
theyre ok
I have thrown one at quartata's window though
thats funny you must be tweeting from jail
Now I feel dumb
Because you don't know what a kumquat is?
When I first read that, I assumed that "Pelting kumquats at @quartata's windows", meant "Windows OS"...
Ugh I hate it when people throw fruit at my operation systems
Gets in the USB slots and everything. That stuff's hard to clean out.
Worked well for Apple I guess
After brief testing I can confirm that even the fruit OS does not respond favorably to kumquats thrown at it
Pics or it didn't happen.
Sorry, webcam ruined by fruit flesh
@Pavel article 276 of the turkmenistan criminal code....
according to my lawyer
it;s written in russian so tough to read
i'm sure there's more crimes involved
not really my problem anymore
@AdmBorkBork Although I also don't know what a kumquat is (besides a fruit)
I've been on the run for a while
I'm currently lobbing kumquats at windows in kiev
...did you take a plane
or a bird?
or superman?
no i ran at 9825 kph
that's a VERY basic solution
with 9825000 pH
I would run from that too
oh I could actually use some of that, to clean up the starfruit
sure as hell
let me know where you got it...
maybe i wont call the ukraine embassy if you do
@orlp It would be so much simpler to just say 9.8 giga-ph
er, mega
Although that would sound like miles per hour. Ignore me
Q: Speverse Roonerisms

Alex ReinkingA spoonerism is what you get when swap the beginnings of two adjacent words in a sentence. In this challenge, we'll try to find a plausible spoonerism based on one incorrect word. So, given a list of words** and an input word that is NOT in the dictionary, return a string (not necessarily a dict...

Oh, @FreezePhoenix has a new avatar, instead of the two he keeps switching between. It looks nice!
I've had the same avatar since forever
It's actually one of the 3 I switch between :)
I totally forgot I had an avatar until earlier today
@FreezePhoenix ._.
(This is my IPS account profile pic)
I've been looking at stasoid's profile, three hello worlds: and a f**k ton of answers to the behemoth polyglot
Seems like they can't be pinged?
@FreezePhoenix I have a feeling they only joined for that challenge ._.
@Zacharý That entire challenge was such a rollercoaster
Now he's just answering like crazy since the restriction is over...
@Theo And he just goes on it by himself now... on an abandoned/closed rollercoaster.
To be fair, it is probably significantly easier to some extent if you've spent like a year and a half with that code
@Zacharý Link pls
Q: Add a language to a polyglot

user62131This is an answer-chaining challenge in which each answer builds on the previous answer. I recommend sorting the thread by "oldest" in order to be sure about the order in which the posts are made. Note: This has become quite a long-lasting challenge, and posting new answers is fairly difficul...

He's went on that roller coaster SEVENTY TWO TIMES.
Lmao yep
> The nth program to be submitted must run in n different languages;
Gosh how could you even answer this at this point
omfg the code has emojis in it
Yeah. It was a war with @stasoid and @chance for most of it.
The winner was ... UP TO CHANCE based on whoever stopped/couldn't find one
What was the winning cretiria?
How is this actually answerable
We need a few more polyglot challenges, that way this man can get the bronze badge he deserves.
Yeah, but make it something easy
Like only 50 or 100 languages or something
I'm so makeing an account and writing a polyglot question
28 somethinigs...
Wait ... why are you even here if you don't have an account @FreezePhoenix ?
he has a Chat.SE account
I know: why is he in TNB of all places?!
because he wants to?
@Zacharý You guys are nice - and that ^
We're just wonderful people
@Zacharý Because I code...
And also: because this chat isn't dead...
cough lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks cough
English please.
(That's the name of the chat room)
(Main room for Linguistics.SE)
That's where imported conversations go to die.
Invert a language polyglot
Invert or Invent?
The Nth answer must print the Nth language name inverted, and be run in N languages
Crap why did i post my idea
I kinda don't think we should start a new one though, I need @stasoid to not get distracted so we can see how far he can take this one
$10 says that by the end of this decade he will have made it past 300
Nah I wanna distract him.
And the other dude @chance
We just need to get it to 100: that way the tag badges exist... then we can see if he can earn the gold badge with just that challenge
is what creates the behemoths.
is perfectly fine.
Yes i know
Although he is at a clean 10000 bytes rn, might not want to ruin that
This and QFT are the crowning acheivements of PPCG (and maybe the BF "Hello, World!")
        # v 1 6 / " < " 6
       / b . q @ " ( : : )      A lot more readable, right?? No?
      : : : ( 2 2 ) S # ; n
     4 " 1 4 " # > 3 N 6 @ 1
    5 o | > ^ * t t t * ~ + +
   ~ ~ ~ % # = ~ n J < R " 1 2
  " ; # [ p r i n t ( ( 1 / 2 a
 n d 9 o r 1 3 ) - ( 0 a n d + 4
) ^ 1 < < 6 5 > > 6 2 ) # 4 6 ( 8   | Note that the 0s below can be replaced
 9 9 9 9 + + + + + ! ) = # p r i    | With anything (except "`" or " "),
  n t ( 1 7 ) # 0 \ 3 2 = " " <     V as far as Hexagony is concerned
   0 ] # e c h o 2 1 # 8 ␛ d g
It not only looks cool but works just fine
I need links to the QFT and BF Hello world
I remember them very vaguely
I haven't been active for a while
Wait nvm found it
I need to read through this whoel thing again
can I tag a question as and say thats just to try to keep the answers smaller?
> quartata is working on a GCC backend, which will allow compilation of freestanding C and C++ code (and potentially other languages, like Fortran, D, or Objective-C)
So how is that going @quartata ?
Is it even going?
None of us are working on anything that we "should" be
I have code but not at all of it
Question: has BF been done in GOL yet?
@quartata That's a great github profile description.
Or resume header.
@Zacharý a BF interpreter would be trivial in QFTASM
@Zacharý do you have the link to the BF Hello World?
Just go to the hello world question, then find that answer with Control F
Q: Add a egaugnaL to a polyglot

FreezePhoenixThis is a answer-chaining question, which means that all answers are affected by those before them. The task The nth answer to this question must run in all languages that are present in answers before it. They need not run in order, but must print the name of the language currently running rev...

(Thats me)
I probably killed the challenge by using D...
Q: Add a egaugnaL to a polyglot

FreezePhoenixThis is a answer-chaining question, which means that all answers are affected by those before them. The task The nth answer to this question must run in all languages that are present in answers before it. They need not run in order, but must print the name of the language currently running rev...

I'd love to see how far this goes. D polyglotting (at least with non-esoteric languages) is definitely hard, I've tried.
Well, if so, you lost your chance at winning :P Second to last answer wins
@Zacharý -1, doesn't print
Actually maybe that would be a good idea
@DJMcMayhem THAT'D actually be a good challenge.
print the chars reversed
Don't do it yet, though...
It wouldn't really make it any different apart from having to look up the reversed form of the character
I think I have an idea for another one... but I'll just post that tomorrow.
Only 17 more questions to go till badgehood ._.
So that's all you do on PPCG?
@FreezePhoenix Yeah, pretty much.
maybe the wrong place for this
but is the "satisfies no similar equation of degree <n" necessary?
Um ... that's a misnomer if I ever saw one.
The "Related"?
Speaking of polyglots: I'm proud of this answer very much only to lose TO TWENTY-THREE BEFUNGES.
Look at the accepted answer.
Should you add the restriction that a person can't answer twice in a row, in addition to a wait time until one can answer again? That way we can have another war between Chance and stasoid
Hm... 2 days between answers?
@Zacharý quick, slip in another answer before I edit it
@FreezePhoenix One day seems fine to me. And after the victory condition is met: these restrictions should be removed
That way we have stasoid answering like a maniac.
> You may only post an answer every 24 hours. This means that your most recent post must say "answered 25 hours ago", or older.
Why? What benefit does that give?
Maybe change it to one hour?
@DJMcMayhem Prevents someone from repeatedly answering too often
@FreezePhoenix NVM about what I said.
But you already have You may not put 2 answers in a row.
The "can't answer twice in a row" should stop that,
@DJMcMayhem Ah...
Using different versions of the same language should be allowed, but without usage of a feature that returns version numbers (I don't know if it'll work with this challenge though)

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