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it seems its impossible to commit harakiri on ppcg :)
does anyone understand who is in charge of handling requests to delete your account?
@Lembik it's not, ais523 did it
@Lembik Mods can delete accounts. Not sure if they handle requests sent through SE though
What is harakiri :/ (English please?)
@user202729 Harakiri (or hara-kiri) most often refers to a form of seppuku (or ritual suicide), often miswritten as "harikari".
@ASCII-only hmm.. well it isn't working for me
I have asked on the stackexchange meta
@Lembik did you send a request?
yep.. a few days ago
and yesterday there was a banner saying it would be deleted in 60,59 etc. minutes
There's possibility to remove account for a single site, not sure how it works for StackExchange account
and then nothing
@Soaku it hasn't been removed for ppcg
I guess I just need a sufficiently important mod
my guess is that a person has to approve it for losers like me with higher rep
who are the ppcg mods?
Dennis, Mego, DJ, Doorknob, and Martin.
thanks.. which of those is around at this time of day :) ?
3 of them.
hi @Dennis .. I am trying and failing to delete my account. Could you help please?
Why do you need to delete account anyway, especially consider that SE makes it extremely hard...
Just not use it.
@user202729 in theory it's just a button press
@Lembik for you. Of course it's easy for CMs.
Community Managers.
complete muppets?
ah ok
is it harder for other people?
@user202729 and mods?
@user202729 ... some people do want to delete their account. you do know that right
@Lembik huh. that must be a really bad bug :/
@ASCII-only I guess I will wait for Dennis to get my message
@Lembik when does it start to get interesting
@ASCII-only sorry when does what start to get interesting?
@Lembik the video
@ASCII-only oh sorry :)
for some reason it's loading really slowly and i don't want to skip like 10 times
I just liked that they are checking what the millionth digit was
@Lembik You should use reply to message...
please feel free to ignore
@user202729 I will never learn!
that's a lot of rep
@Lembik i'm curious how (how they're using proofs to do this), since people have already computed it to 12 trillion digits
@Lembik not for SO (see Jon Skeet's profile there, or even Dennis' rep here)
@ASCII-only cool
@ASCII-only right.... the point is that no one ever proved those 12 trillion digits were actually correct
for example, maybe the code was just buggy
@Lembik they're all checked with another correct algorithm
so the probability of both being wrong is basically zero
@ASCII-only isn't that like saying that if two people get the same answer in an exam it must be right?
@Lembik If it's a very hard exam (and not a multiple choice), yes.
that makes sense but there is a world of people who like proofs
from which you get a different sort of guarantee of correctness
Good news, The Funky Tokenizer has now been ported to C#
And I have a new respect for C#.
As it does quite a lot of things better than Java.
@Lynn Bug Report: On line 112 of the Cardinal interpreter, should it be y - pdy instead of x - pdy?
@Lembik yes. especially if the two people have an error rate of extremely low
@ATaco yes. yes it does.
@ASCII-only I suppose it's hard to measure the error rate in this case
Like the fact that I can index Dictionaries and Lists natively.
@Lembik yeah, it does. i'm pretty amazed they even managed to do it for the millionth digit
me too!
@Lembik I'm sure people have calculated the error rate of computers before
@ASCII-only This would be the error rate of the coder I think
@Lembik hmm?
of course I haven't watched the full video :)
@ATaco yeah. that's not fully OOP though which is why Java doesn't do that (I wonder why they do it for arrays though)
True OOP is a myth.
@ATaco yeah definitely, it's just too unwieldy
there's probably that one true OOP language out there, but IMO it's pretty unlikely one will ever be mainstream
how do you find the top rep for answering for a particular tag?
class Variable{
    Dictionary<Variable, Variable> vars = new Dictionary<Variable, Variable>();
This is promising so far.
@ATaco inside a function it's even better: var vars = <declaration>
I want to know who is really good at at maths.se
oh that was easy!
stack exchange data explorer. turns out it isn't needed
although I don't know the clicking route to get there :)
thank you
how about for a pair of tags? and
is that also easy?
@Lembik don't think so
@Lembik search tag -> top users at the bottom of the info box
@ASCII-only thanks
@Lembik this isn't very easy. i don't think it really matters though because usually (e.g. in this case) there are very few questions with all the tags. here there are only 172 questions so you could just look through the first few one by one and see who answers them
@ASCII-only that is true
for the top asymptotics person in the last 30 days math.stackexchange.com/users/75808/clement-c
I haven't found a single asymptotics question yet!
which is slightly mysterious
@Lembik kinda weird considering it's actually pretty high up (only ~1 in 20? questions though)
@ASCII-only found them
he/she just writes a lot of answers :)
I worry about their postdoc :)
>_> oh yeah that's the smart way to do that
I finished creating a debugger for Pepe... in JS...
Reminder to self: Don't make online debuggers with syntax highlighting
@Soaku protip: use Ace/TextMirror...
it will save you 100% of the work
@ASCII-only But do they support custom syntax highlighting?
@Soaku yes, which is why i mentioned them >_>
@Soaku protip: if it's that hard, you must be doing something wrong (no offense)
@ASCII-only It's JS, everything like this is quite hard in it.
@Soaku nope...
disclaimer: i've only written one language with JS and it's super simple and has no debugger so i have 0 experience with this
@ASCII-only Syntax highlighting is really hard in it
@Soaku nope.
especially if it has regex built in
the easy way to do it isn't efficient, but your language is simple so it's fine'
@ASCII-only JS regex is really poor, and most languages have it built-in
@Soaku JS regex is more than good enough...
@ASCII-only But how do you make colored text in the textarea then?
@Soaku you can't.
which is why you should use Ace/CodeMirror
@ASCII-only And I did it without any of them, that wasn't easy
so much easier to create highlighting (as an added bonus, it will work on most editors)
@Soaku well you can't do it in a textarea though, can you :/
I created a Syntax Highlighter for Funky.
It was incredibly slow.
@ASCII-only Doing it with contenteditable is hard, because the cursor will teleport to the beginning every highlight refresh. It's extremely hard to find anything on getting and setting cursor position in <div>, most of methods don't work
I made it with textarea and a div over it
And then set all the CSS rules so it can work properly
What I did with Funky was slightly different
(And Highlight.js)
@ATaco Highlight.js is not for textarea-like items
It's only for static code
I overlayed a textarea over a div in which text is opacity:0
@Soaku Hightlight.js is not designed for textarea-like items.
Generating color's ain't hard. Hard is displaying them
@Soaku it's not hard
I did that for some kind of REPL last year IIRC
@ASCII-only Then how you'd do it??
It's easy on unchanging code, but not on code that's edited by user
@Soaku wait. div
that's hard
you kept saying textarea which confused me
Input box. Any, either div or textarea
Screams into the void
@Soaku it's really easy finding cursor position in a textarea because it was intended to be edited
@Soaku div is not an input box...
@ASCII-only I know, but how would you color it?
textarea isn't an input wither fyi
Div has contenteditable attribute
sure, and that's probably the easiest way
I know, it's not <input> but it accepts input.
but it has terrible browser support IIRC?
No, that's not the problem
@Soaka As I said before, just put the textarea over the colourful div, and make the text invisible.
yeah, i'm just saying
@ATaco That's how I did it
That too is how I did it.
@Soaku well it isn't that hard to implement though is it
textarea+div method is laggy. contenteditable method is hard, because you'll keep losing cursor position every highlight refresh. And I couldn't find any function to change it
just listen for keypresses -> if it's backspace then s = s.slice(0, -1); recolor(s); otherwise s += event.keyChar; recolor(s); or w/e
How would you restore cursor position?
@Soaku protip: don't refresh highlight
@Soaku you don't need to if it's a textarea
also i don't see wy it would be laggy
But you can't color textarea
@Soaku you can color the div behind
goddamn, are you even reading what I type?
I don't want to repeat the same third time
3 mins ago, by Soaku
@ATaco That's how I did it
>_> i realized you already mentioned how you do it (that's not the message; that's the one that confused me)
I got lost in the discussion already
@Soaku sorry. one thing though: you shouldn't need to reparse what you've already colored
if you do, you're doing something very wrong. highlighting syntaxes basically don't reparse
@ASCII-only I know.
@Soaku so you shouldn't lose cursor position if you don't update anything else though?
@ASCII-only But JS only has a method to change the whole text
how can this idiotic question have so many votes?! math.stackexchange.com/q/2743302/72724
@Soaku what method
@ASCII-only I mean, I can only change the whole innerHTML.
@Lembik That's not an idiotic question.
@Lembik the answer seems incorrect
@Soaku yeah that's what you're doing wrong...
r/2 + r/2 ?
@ASCII-only Then how else I can do it?
@Soaku you should never ever doo el.innerHTML = foo
@Soaku DOM methods...
@Soaku you do realize every time you change color you're creating a new element right?
el.innerHTML = foo is what made I am Typing so injectable.
and even the text at the end is its own node
Well, one of the many reasons.
I mean you could ask for a proof that r/2 is irrational I suppose
@ASCII-only Technically yes.
which is not so idiotic
But what methods can I use instead?
@ATaco works fine there though :P
^ is what sane people (i.e. most people) use :P
How I hate JS...
@ASCII-only math.stackexchange.com/a/2743345/72724 do you mean that is incorrect?
Managing text-nodes is so weird, the whole DOM is completely weird.
@Lembik that's basically what OP had. it's correct though
@Soaku no...
@ASCII-only And I don't want to make it all from the beginning
@Soaku that's what people would do in a normal programming language, why not JS
@Soaku you don't have to...
@Soaku can your parser update without reparsing all tokens
@ASCII-only Yeah? Now find exactly what has changed, what if the user removed by a selection? Don't break previously created elements...
@Soaku 1. that's for later 2. that isn't that hard if you have the selection event...
textEl = textDiv.lastChild
colored = document.createElement('span')
colored.setAttribute('style', <insert css here>) // you can also to e.g. colored.style.backgroundColor = 'properetyvalueasstring' (this is just showing that the property names are camelCase if accessing via object)
textDiv.insertBefore(colored, textEl)
textDiv.removeChild(textEl) // remove user text since you just inserted the colored version
for adding an element (or something similar)
I'm using jQuery btw
I hate plain js
I can't judge, I do too.
@ATaco then why "oh no"? :P
Because best practices.
@ATaco Just like if using plain js was good practice :P
True that.
Whatever, if I ever wanted to make it a proper parser, that's not gonna happen today
Rome wasn't built in a day.
But we're not building Rome
@Soaku . . .
@Soaku well doesn't that just mean it's 100x easier though...
@Soaku how is it not...
@Soaku there's a reason why zQuery is a thing
@Soaku well you shouldn't be using a proper parser for a syntax
@JoKing Oops, it really should! I fixed it
@Lembik OP asked for more like a proof that it works for all irrational numbers or w/e (which isn't hard)
wait it's still broken
after fixing like 10 things lol
Q: Two Efficient Teams

Sandip KumarA company has n employees numbered from 1 to n. It wants to divide them into two non-empty teams. The team sizes may be unequal, but each employee must belong to exactly one team. For some small groups of employees, it's known that they would work more efficiently if all members of the group are...

Oh God. Drawing an image using HTML tables, code here (cc @Riker @flawr)
@KevinCruijssen nice explanation :) It's easy to forget that "winning condition" isn't understood by newbies :)
@ASCII-only that's pretty neat
@ConorO'Brien the JS is completely terrible too
Funnily enough, I made the editor show letters it hasn't parsed yet as grey and it all looks like e-ink
@Soaku +1
it's accidental tho :P
Although it does weird things if the text overflows the textarea
@betseg programmers are insane, and that is proof.
@betseg @moonheart08 yeah that's beyond insanity
@moonheart08 what's basically the same as drawing that in paint though
@ASCII-only which is also insane, btw
@J.Sallé also when you think about it they probably already had the sprite already drawn and used that as a reference
@ASCII-only ah yes, I highly doubt they did that from scratch
@HyperNeutrino how are you invoking the SSH
right click the container and click SSH Terminal
@HyperNeutrino I don't use Firebase, but... Google has no doc on response_type?
@HyperNeutrino you don't need to enter anything? not even the target URL?
there is an SSH url but I'm on school wifi right now
the SSH terminal in codeanywhere isn't a real ssh I think
because my school wifi blocks ssh
@HyperNeutrino why would it not be
is codeanywhere not the thing connecting to SSH
well my school wifi blocks ssh so i'm not sure how codeanywhere's ssh works
so you don't have to do a SSH connection on your side at all...
but it probably is, idk
ok maybe that's why
@HyperNeutrino i mean what it looks like is you're missing ?response_type=whatever_this_is_supposed_to_be. i'm probably wrong though
not sure how to fix though
@HyperNeutrino could you screenshot codeanywhere's ssh connection window
What is the appropriate level of passive-aggressiveness required when you comment with an improvement to an answer and they clearly see it but don't update their answer?
i hope that's the right picture
@JoKing None. If they don't want to improve their answer that's up to them.
I guess I'll just post it as a separate answer
Is the user new? How much time has passed?
if it's a decently significant improvement i would recommend that
@HyperNeutrino is that not just a terminal :/ how are you invoking ssh then
idk it's called "ssh terminal"
@JoKing IMO if enough time has passed or you significantly golfed it you can post as a separate answewr
@HyperNeutrino O_o weird
@HyperNeutrino try ssh <url of firebase>?
what is the url of firebase though
It's @DjMcMayhem's Brain-Flak answer. He even pinged me and asked for an explanation of my golf from 184 to 170
@HyperNeutrino url of your firebase thing
uh idk what that is
@HyperNeutrino isn't it *************-**************.apps.googleusercontent.com
@JoKing did you give them an explanation
There's also this answer, but I understand if the golf isn't implemented, since it isn't as clean in comparison
@HyperNeutrino yes
and they've seen that too
@JoKing @DJMcMayhem pls see this
@Lembik Please don't leave us. :/ (The radio button is grayed out for me, saying that there's already a pending request. I see you've already contacted a CM.)
i guess i'll just give that data without asterisk-blocking
@HyperNeutrino you don't have to. but do ssh <that url>
He implied he was working on his own improvements, but it hasn't updated :(
@JoKing well it is only two days
@JoKing also since he said that IMO you can post yours if you don't want to wait
it does nothing when I SSH it
@HyperNeutrino do you know your username on the firebase thing (probably just your gmail) before the @
it's my email acc
@HyperNeutrino try username@url or username_without_dots@url then
still nothing
do you know how to enable javascript in the Links terminal browser
@HyperNeutrino Links?
text-based browser
@HyperNeutrino What version? Newer ones don't support JS anymore afaik.
@Dennis links 2.8
JS support was dropped after 2.1pre28, according to Wikipedia.
do you know how to install an older version
Does anyone know of a Linux equivalent to Mac's open?
Not quite sure what my open (which seems to be something called OpenVT) does.
Starts the program in a new VT?
VT being virtual terminal.
@JoKing Sorry, it slipped my mind to update it. I can do that now, but if you'd like to post a separate answer, your more than welcome too. I always view golfing comments as optional, not mandatory
It always fails with Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console so I have no idea
Is it a good idea to shortly describe each tag in this answer? It might be easier to pick the best fitting tag for the challenge, most especially for beginners.
@Pavel Most likely requires root. A normal user shouldn't be allowed to hijack a VT. Try sudo openvt bash and see if any of the first six VTs turned into a shell.
@Dennis once I've downloaded that, how do I install it? INSTALL says to do make install but then that fails because "no rule to make target install"
Careful, will be a root shell.
@JoKing Anyway, I can totally edit it in now, but I'll wait for your response because I'd hate to ninja you if you were posting an answer
@HyperNeutrino Did you run ./configure and make first?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdmBorkBorkDigit Product Sequences Here's an interesting sequence discovered by Paul Loomis, a mathematician at Bloomsburg University. From his page on this sequence: Define f(n) = f(n-1) + (the product of the nonzero digits of f(n-1)) f(0) = x, with x as any positive integer, written in base 10. So, sta...

oh. no, i didn't, thanks
They should come with the tarball though, and 2.1pre28 and 2.15 might have different dependencies.
@Dennis It did and now I'm not sure how to get it back :P
thanks. it seems to work now
Nevermind, it seems to restart on its own after a while.
I just did curl ... > links.tar.gz and then tar -xvzf links.tar.gz and then installed it
curl ... | tar xz is the golfy way. :P
oh god why
I just realized
the reason it wasn't working
is because the SSH terminal doesn't parse the URL correctly
so it was opening a substring of the URL ಠ_ಠ
yeah, I think so
Been there.
well, TIL and I hopefully will learn to copy-paste the URLs instead of trusting the terminal :P
> Sam: Percent sign ampersand dollar sign!
Max: And colon semi-colon too!
Psychic: What are you &#*ing doing?
Sam: Swearing in longhand, asterisk-mouth.
I edited this answer to add a short explanation to each tag. Any comments?
@DJMcMayhem, go for it
I want to try out KDE Plasma Mobile but the website seems to be too busy telling me how great it is to actually give me a download link or installation instructions.
It might not be that easy.
You also can't download "the Android".
I suppose
Well no, you can, and people download images to flash them onto their phones.
Yes, ROMs for their device.
Like if their OEM isn't giving them updates or if they want to root their phone.
Which can be found on the manufacturer's or some third-party website.
> Tested devices
(If you test it with another devices please add it in following list)

- LG Nexus 5 (hammerhead)
I don't think a lot of people are using Plasma mobile
Oh well

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