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@user202729 It's not the worst challenge on main, but it could do a much better job explaining what it's asking for. I guess that the fact that there's an exhaustive list of inputs and their associated outputs the challenge technically clear, but posting a competitive answer requires a deeper understanding of the task at hand.
So for practical purposes, I'd say the challenge is unclear and should remain closed until improved.
@Dennis imo it does not
is that the exact format we should output?
if not, what do the slashes mean?
there are … in a couple test cases; is it really necessary to support them? (more of a downvote reason)
Does J have user defined data structure?
@EriktheOutgolfer I did panic
The comment was very appropriate
@user202729 No, I don't think so.
@Dennis How comes I can see this chat profile but not the SO profile linked from there?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

simonalexander2005Title: Output numbers, more or less... The Challenge Given an input string (or array) consisting of <, > and =, output a sequence (array or string) of integers such that: the operators are all correct all integers are positive (1 or greater) the sum of the integers is as small as is mathemati...

@Adám I assume the associated main account was deleted.
@Dennis But the chat account can still exist on its own?
(chat is buggy :P)
Is there any tool to check if a python format string is valid and how would it parse?
@Adám Looks like it. I'm not a mod on SO, so I can't look into it.
@Adám Same way that ais523 still has a chat account linked to their old PPCG account
@EriktheOutgolfer You know, any online tool that let's me check how would Python parse a format string (ex. test {} example)
You could either use a Python online interpreter or I don't understand the question.
"parse" the string how?
@EriktheOutgolfer You know how the string.format function work in Python right? I would want a tool that will highlight what exactly gets parsed and what does not. I got a large string and something works quite not right, when parsed by the parse library (which just does the reverse)
how can formatting a string be reversed? also str.format (not string.format) isn't related to any imported stuff
Just use f-strings.
"test {} test" + "test blah test" = ["blah"]
@Dennis f-strings?
new in 3.6
strings of the form f'...', introduced in Python 3.6
> a = 3
> print(f"a is {a}")
< a is 3
Alright; this seems to do the trick for PyCharm. The problem is that the string is quite large, so I saved it in a file
and f-strings expect you to put something in the {}
whatever, I'll try
@EriktheOutgolfer That's good. I always fill them
then how is the "test {} test" example relevant?
Q: Is there a way to include literal {} in a .format string? E.g. 'abc \{\} def {}'.format('1') => 'abc {} def 1' or something similar?
@EriktheOutgolfer I just wanted to make sure you get what I want to say
@Soaku Not in the same way. You need to provide an expression in f-strings. tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/…
@cairdcoinheringaahing apart from print('abc {} def {}'.format('{}','1'))?
@cairdcoinheringaahing {{}}
@Dennis Thanks for mentioning f. But about the expressions, well, I figured it out already.
@Dennis In such a state, are you able to grant explicit write access?
I'd have to try.
Assuming the chat account is still usable.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AJFaradayFirst sandbox, so sorry if I'm doing this wrong. The game involves an API which I haven't yet implemented or deployed, but I'd love to have it done in the next couple of days... API Easter egg hunt! There's an API at http://easter_egg_hunt.andrewfaraday.com which will provide a special Easter...

@Dennis Please.
Write access to what room?
@Dennis Oh, 52405. SOrry.
@Adám Seems to have worked.
@Dennis ais523 has been able to use their old account a rather long while after it was deleted...
: the ability to not have or delete chat accounts
@Dennis Looks like it. Thanks.
@EriktheOutgolfer You can not have a chat account by never using chat. Deletion may require mod intervention.
are you able to delete chat(.SE) accounts?
I would like to be able to control my own accounts though :P
I think so. That would leave the transcript a mess though, so I don't think it should be done on request.
On second thought, I'm not sure if it would anonymize messages.
I think it would, I remember that happening once
In that case, there's a good reason to disallow it.
It would probably become userXXXXX's message?
well, you can't just delete your account on main either, you need to contact mods 'n' staff (unless you have only posted max. 1 post)
Announcement: APL Cultivation in 24 mins.
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't think that's true. codegolf.stackexchange.com/help/deleting-account
@Dennis apparently the recent account deletion update made that possible... -1 I don't like that idea at all
You literally just said that you would like to be able to control [your] own accounts.
They still send you an email if you have enough reputations
And you have to wait through a 24 hour grace period
I meant that I would have wanted my chat account to be able to be deleted independently of other accounts, not that I should be free to click the "RAGE QUIT" button
It's not a ragequit. You have to confirm by email and wait a full day.
How is rage quitting from chat different than rage quitting from main? And why would SE force you to keep your account?
well, if I would have wanted to delete my account because I had posted adult stuff, and there was no other pretty convincing reason stated by me, would that actually happen? also, I assume internet 101: whatever you associate your name with online can remain associated like that forever
(however I think you can disassociate posts by contacting staff)
You can delete your account for whatever reason you'd like. The email and delay are just security features.
^ that (I didn't even get a chance to say that >.<)
@user202729 I fixed line wrapping issues by removing the fancy buttons and replacing them with normal links. fancy buttons should only be used for buttons not links :p
I joined and posted an answer on philosophy.SE yesterday, and it now has more votes than any of my answers on PPCG ._.
oh you're challenger5? wondered where that person had gone :p
Interesting how that question is on philosophy
philosophy is a vast subject
Very true. It just seems a sneaky way to get it on philosophy.SE instead of mathematics.SE
Anybody has an idea about my problem? Still didn't solve it...
Oh my god, it started working!
Woah, 7 upvotes in the sandbox... and the question doesn't even have a month.
@cairdcoinheringaahing In one place (the 3 possible changes) you say "You may edit the behaviour of one existing command" and later you say "You may not remove or change previous commands, including the character used." So I can change it or no?
@Soaku Yes, must have missed that. Thanks!
@cairdcoinheringaahing You don't know what way this language will go, so if it were me I'd leave out the reliance on commands entirely (e.g. would adding a dictionary-compressed literal syntax be the addition of a new command?). Instead, you might reward smaller changes to the interpreter and penalize large changes to backwards compatibility in existing programs (especially changes that make programs longer).
Also, how do you prevent people from just special-casing the 20 problems?
"In order to be valid, a new submission must have golfed submissions for at least 2 of the problems, by at least 1 byte for each." ?
@Cowsquack You need to provide example programs for at least 2 problems given
With each being at least 1 byte long
@Cowsquack They mean that an update must improve submissions, I think.
that message was supposed to be a reply to your comment on preventing special-casing
ah ok
@EsolangingFruit I think so too. Providing just examples could be stupid - every submission can include the same examples which just don't change
Q: The Great API Easter Egg Hunt!

AJFaradayAPI Easter egg hunt! There's an API at http://easter_egg_hunt.andrewfaraday.com which will provide a special Easter egg hunt, just for you... You can see the API docs at the above address, or try it from here. The API: All calls to this API are GET requests, which will return a JSON string. ...

@EsolangingFruit That has been a problem I've been struggling with. I think that ^^^^^^^^ is probably the best solution, but I'm open to suggestions
ok now you're just making me count carrots :P
Cows Quack's quoted message
CMC: given a non-negative integer n, output the number of digits that are zeroes in all integers in [0, n]
@totallyhuman octave: 1
but that is probably not what you meant :D
oh yeah whoops
@flawr he said non-negative, not positive :P
@EriktheOutgolfer my answer does hold for all nonnegative n!
@totallyhuman yep:)
@totallyhuman V, 11 bytes: ÀO-1<esc>V{g<C-a>Ø0
@flawr [0, 0] has 2 zeroes, not 1 ;)
urgh that's another misinterpretation
@EriktheOutgolfer :D
CMC: given a non-negative integer n, output the number of digits that are zeroes in all integers 0 <= k <= n
ok now i think it's clear :P
surely we can have k=n+1, since (1<=k)==1 and 1<=n
but to be serious: in haskell something like that would work: f n=sum[1|k<-[0..n],'0'<-show k]
@totallyhuman Jelly, 5 bytes: ọ€⁵S‘
(the obvious version is 6 bytes: 0rDẎċ0)
@flawr f n=sum[1|'0'<-show=<<[0..n]]
@H.PWiz I was just trying to shorten it using this monadic Wizardery
what is "wizardery" :p
the more humid version of wizardry
it actually sounds a lot drier lol
@totallyhuman PowerShell, 34 bytes -- (-join(0.."$args")-split0).count-1 -- Try it online!
plus a regex matching version at 45 bytes and the canonical method at 52 bytes
Wait, I don't care about whitespace. 33 bytes
@totallyhuman Add++, 13 bytes: L,ßRBDBFÞ!L1+
Alternative also 13 bytes: L,d0ßrBDBFÞ!L
@totallyhuman SOGL, 8 bytes
@EriktheOutgolfer Neat. I came up with a different 6 byte solution -- ḊDẎċ0‘
@totallyhuman Dyalog APL, 11 bytes: +/'0'=0⍕0,⍳
@AdmBorkBork hold up, how'd I miss you learning jelly
I've been slowly learning it.
I'm not very good yet.
is anyone? :P it's a tricky language to master
I find it hard to translate my PowerShell mindset, using a pipeline, to Jelly's mindset. Pretty sure that's my biggest weakness when it comes to using it.
jelly 3 bytes: ᾷᾥὪ
no autographs, please
@totallyhuman I'd say Dennis, possibly Jonathan and maybe miles
@Poke What? That doesn't look like valid Jelly.
it's not supposed to
It's meant to be a joke
i've been found out
you guys are too smart for me
CMC: find a challenge that doesn't require any output
Q: Shortest infinite loop producing no output

Cows quackYour task is to create the shortest infinite loop! The point of this challenge is to create an infinite loop producing no output, unlike its possible duplicate. The reason to this is because the code might be shorter if no output is given. Rules Each submission must be a full program. You mus...

Do I win?
while we're on the subject of jelly
cjam is tastier than jelly
don't @ me on this
What flavour jam is 'c'?
(remember it stands for cherry jam for a reason)
Never mind :D
@totallyhuman how do you define output
Cherry jam/jelly is horribly overrated.
no u
Raspberry is the superior fruit goop
sounds like you haven't gotten the good stuff tbh
It's not bad
Raspberry is just better
Grape or riot.
Grape is really good too. Shame it's not sold anywhere over here.
APL compote…
Grape anything (IMO) is horrible, unless as the actual fruit
@cairdcoinheringaahing Grape juice?
@Adám Nope. Tried it a couple of years ago, found it disgusting
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wine?
There's two different kinds of grape juice (made from different kinds of grapes I guess) that taste absolutely nothing alike
One of them is excellent and the other is very meh
@Pavel Uh, not so. There are as many single-grape grape juices as there are grape types, and infinitely many possible mixtures.
> An appeals court said on Tuesday that Google violated copyright laws when it used Oracle's open-source Java software to build the Android platform in 2009
@Adám Hmm, that's an interesting case. I don't really like most wines (only 15yo), but but some are nice
@Poke oracle at this point should just die
@cairdcoinheringaahing Raisins?
@Poke a little late to the party
@Adám That's the fruit
sultanas >> raisins
@Pavel probably tannins
@H.PWiz truth
@Poke "violated copyright laws when it used open-source software"
@Adám In my experience they all seem to fall into two similar groups
@Pavel To me at least, there is a huge difference between a white grape juice, a rose one (red grapes), and red one (blue/black grapes) and concord.
while we're here
what is the deal with grapples
IDK, the rose and red taste the same to me
@quartata huh? that was a recent development from today
i realize the case has gone on for like 10 years
@quartata Grape Apples?
@quartata With what?
The white grape juice is amazing though
@betseg yep...
@Poke I thought they won the appeal a couple days ago
Grāpple ( GRAYP-əl) is the registered brand name for a commercially marketed brand of Fuji or Gala apple that has been soaked in a solution of methyl anthranilate and water in an attempt to make the flesh taste like a Concord grape. This solution does not add additional sugars or caloric content, nor does it affect the nutritional value of a standard apple. All ingredients are USDA and FDA approved and the process has been licensed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Contrary to what the name implies, it is an externally flavored fruit product, not a true hybrid of two fruits. ...
yes. Why do they exist
even Wikipedia calls it "an attempt"
@quartata as in yesterday evening?
@Poke #1 reason to avoid Java at all costs.
#2 reason is that C# exists
C#'s portability is still awful though.
Mono runs anywhere and isn't bad
@Poke ah yes right
.net core is hella weird though
@Pavel Mono is just as legally perilous
@Dennis unfortunately not something i can argue :\
If not more so
It's completely open source
There's a reason why banshee and tomboy don't come by default on distros anymore
(But then, so is java...)
@Pavel M$ could literally C&D the mono people at any time, they just choose not too
@quartata I haven't actually heard of those two
@quartata MS is the mono people
@quartata Microsoft is the Mono people.
Now, yes.
Not true a decade and a half ago when we were quaking in our boots at the infiltration of Mono into the GNOME ecosystem
Mono also sucked back then
Good thing we're talking about now
the bottom line is it's only until recently, really lining up with .NET Core, that C# was safe to use cross platform
They bought Mono, renamed everything to make things more confusing, and now provide two completely incompatible ways of compiling C# on Linux.
it's going to take a while
you can't ride on the Java people for not being early adopters of Mono
also tbh your code is probably bad if it doesn't work on .NET Core, in my eyes it's an inertia thing
also pretty sure that mono still doesn't support a good chunk of C# 6
@quartata What are you talking about, Mono fully supports C# 7.2
from what i have read there were patented or copyrighted functions that were exposed through java apis but something something licensing
@Pavel oh, that's new
Being owned by Microsoft helped it out a lot
> partial support for C# 7.0
not quite finished there but
anyways I still wouldn't use C# today
no cross platform GUI
Java's STDLIB is actually really really good
So is C#'s though
And Mono supports Windows Forms
@quartata I like the collections api
you don't get the implementation breakdowns in c# that you do in the javas
in c# you have "list"
but is that a linkedlist
an arraylist
No other language has the variety of containers that Java has, it's great
a queue, stack, etc
@Pavel Really? TIL. All the more reason Dyalog APL should support Mono then.
@Poke It's an ArrayList.
@Pavel yes it is
There's also a LinkedList.
@Adám It doesn't look quite the same as on Windows. They call it GTK#.
@Poke What kinds of collections are there in Java that aren't in C#? I'm actually interested.
Speaking of data structures, here's an interesting one: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter
@Pavel It's not necessarily that C# doesn't have the collection implementation; it's that you don't have the polymorphism
@Poke What do you mean, they all implement ICollection<T>
@quartata What even is that
a skip list
Right. What's a skip list.
In computer science, a skip list is a data structure that allows fast search within an ordered sequence of elements. Fast search is made possible by maintaining a linked hierarchy of subsequences, with each successive subsequence skipping over fewer elements than the previous one (see the picture below on the right). Searching starts in the sparsest subsequence until two consecutive elements have been found, one smaller and one larger than or equal to the element searched for. Via the linked hierarchy, these two elements link to elements of the next sparsest subsequence, where searching is continued...
ordered set, but better for concurrent access
Anyway, we have cross-platform curses and console color, making C# stdlib clearly superior /s
Pretty sure there's no PriorityQueue
@Pavel that's pretty high level. in java lists and sets are both collections but they are also different interfaces
and last I checked the TreeMap equivalent sucks
of course Java is also missing multisets so not saying it's perfect
also pretty sure there's no insert-ordered dict i.e LinkedHashMap
C# has ListDictionary
No that's something else
@Pavel No they don't. Gtk# is it's own toolkit, WinForms support is basic. I suggest you read mono-project.com/docs/gui
@mınxomaτ Oh, I thought it worked by translating WinForms calls to GTK# calls
That would make no sense.
Q: Predecessor-completed Ascii Cubes

LaikoniThe first Predecessor-completed Ascii Cube (PAC 1) is a simple cube with side length 1 and looks like this: /////\ ///// \ \\\\\ / \\\\\/ The PAC 2 is a geometric shape such that combining it with its predecessor (the PAC 1) completes a side length 2 cube: front back...

The point of WinForms is to only depend on System.Drawing, while Gtk# is a bunch of different assemblies.
Well, the closest to graphics that I actually write is Curses, so I don't really know about this stuff
WinForms in Mono is also not supported for 64bit applications on macOS, meaning you can't run it at all with mono (as opposed to mono32). The issue for that is in mono/Future: github.com/mono/mono/issues/6701
@Riker @flawr oh wow this flag looks cool wink wink hint hint reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/87vjv1/…
@betseg Yes it does :P
@mınxomaτ wait, Mono's WinForms uses Carbon? Oh dear
It's not like you are supposed to use WinForms in any capacity anyway. Even on Windows.
:||||||||| i just found a bunch of things i need to fix on Charcoal
@mınxomaτ What are you supposed to do on Windows?
@mınxomaτ Fact is that lots of business applications do.
@Pavel WPF
@mınxomaτ Does that work with Mono?
@Adám I hardly see any actively maintained applications in the enterprise segment that are not using WPF.
@Pavel No, that is Windows-only.
For crossplatform GUIs on Mono (or .NET for that matter), one should use Gtk#.
I didn't know GTK# ran on Windows
That's why I posted that link earlier to the Mono docs explaining choosing a GUI framework in detail >.>
I must have missed that bit when I looked over it
> A Win32 port is available, with native look on Windows XP.
> Windows XP
Most prominently, MonoDevelop is a Gtk# app: monodevelop.com
CMC: Implement maximum of an arbitrary list of integers using a function that returns the minimum of an arbitrary list of integers.
So, NṂN?
(negate, minimum, negate)
@totallyhuman (Remove minimum item until length is 1.)
@Dennis Oh yeah, that's an approach I didn't think of.
@Adám That's what I had in mind, but I had a feeling it could be better.
Anyone here know Ruby well?
Define "well".
Can one overload method calling in Ruby?
@totallyhuman Dennis's method in APL: -⌊/∘- or -⌊/-⎕.
@Zacharý That... sounds awful, why exactly do you want that?
@Zacharý overload = multiple things with same name?
@ASCII-only Override
@totallyhuman Reasons.
@Zacharý wait you can't just redefine it?
or do you mean override every single method call
I mean does Ruby have an equivalent to __call__ in Python?
@Zacharý Oh ok, makes sense. :P
@Zacharý you could always override method_missing
Googling found this.
@ASCII-only Derp. I feel stupid.
It's not Python's __call__ but y'know...
@Zacharý but remember, it's a global so won't work the same way
This is for a Jagony rewrite, by the way
@ASCII-only ?
:||||||||| what are you trying to do
Make it so I don't have to parse anything...
you have to case over the name
@Zacharý method_missing gives you the name and args of the missing function
@ASCII-only that's not true
you override it for a given class
Ah. So there's two cases: one for a class (the reasonable one), and then there's the "wat" one: overriding it globally.
i mean sure but this is PPCG who here would use classes :P
It's using classes as a hack/
what are you trying to do?
Make a class that defines a property/method upon reference.
oh ok, then yeah method_missing is perfect
you'll want to use define_singleton_method also
Then comes the problem I had with python: referencing an object too early (or something, IDK exactly)
The property will be of that class, as well.
You probably tried to reference the object in the object definition. That doesn't work.
@Zacharý That sounds like a defaultdict.
@Dennis facepalm
facepalm, that deserved three facepalms
or 1.5 facefloors?
Nah, 1 faceceiling
@Zacharý ⌈⍨1 ?
@Adám, is there an I-beam for capitalizing the first letter?
@Zacharý 819⌶⍨∘1@1 ?
That works.
@Zacharý If in a train (so that you want it to take a left arg): 1(819⌶)@1⊢

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