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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

It's funny. nearly the entireity of QUARK's first half of the codepage (There are 3 halves now, i've moved to 10 bit encoding to allow even more shenanigins, and some dedicated optimization hints) is for variations of the alphabet, a few basic symbols, and 6 combining modifiers. Oh, and 5 repeats of the alphabet, with 3 of them just being the alphabet with some modifier tacked on
notably, a repeat of the alphabet and some symbols are given the e̲ modifier directly, to allow aliasing them as strings. QUARK now has two ways to make strings: u̲n̲d̲e̲r̲l̲i̲n̲e̲d̲ text and the usual quotes
What's the vote count (not net, but for each)?
i dunno
anybody with that privilege on english.se?
@cairdcoinheringaahing +1/-7
I assume that people google havn't vs hadn't and wind up there.
:O I officially love that userscript
@MartinEnder I want to beat you to Steward so badly.
is there a reason why that's not been shut down by SE?
We are neck and neck
@totallyhuman Yes, because SE doesn't mind people knowing the vote counts. The reason it's disable at first is because of performance
it's likely you will
there tend to be more LQPs than First Posts
I saw something in LQP but when I went to review it it was gone. I missed it by 35 seconds T_T
@DJMcMayhem Nah, you're a good 18 ahead :P
that seems weird but ok
@cairdcoinheringaahing 18 out of 1000 is like a 1% margin
O_o bad sign for me: On ppcg i earned 10 more rep than on qc.se today ...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Every penny counts
watches as QC drags away our userbase
Maybe my real goal should be to eventually one day handle more flags than Martin :P
Good luck :P Martin may have to stop being mod though
;-; I want the MathJax back
He has a sizeable 3-year lead on me
From competitive programming we’ve come to the point where we compete on who reviews more :P
It just occurred to me that Doorknob has been a mod for over 7 years
So he was a mod at 10 yo? O_o
A: Does P&CG need a new moderator?

Grace NoteI'd actually been poked about this a few times before now, which is why, as dmckee noted, I had been polling the moderators about their thoughts on the matter. I'm pleased to announce that starting today (some hours before now, as it were), Doorknob has joined the ranks of the pro tem moderators....

@DJMcMayhem Four years in May.
@DJMcMayhem Check the revisions, Doorknob got edited in waaay after the others :P
Ah, Must have missed that lol
Q: callableStatement function "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException

MiquelI have this code DBConnect db = new DBConnect(); conn=db.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{? = CALL holaMundo()}"); stmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); ...

@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠ NinDJ'ed
71 seconds. Probably my personal record, but there's still some room for improvement :D
I just realized that the Octave documentation online was written in 1997! gnu.org/software/octave/doc/v4.0.0/Timing-Utilities.html
@moonheart08 not enough arrows :P
@moonheart08 You can never have enough arrows in a code-page. -> Not enough arrows.
i'm using arrows to represent the various loop types, is that good enough? :p
@moonheart08 I guess. But then again what do I know, 1/5th of Dirty's codepage is arrows.
QUARK's new codepage (which i'm still building) actually has some codepoints assigned to entire strings of characters
for example, 0BA is }1↻ (End block, while not 1 loop)
So it's tokenised (TI-Basic esque)
Is that "OBA" -> "}1↻", or 0xBA -> "}1↻"
@Οurous 0x0BA. 10 bit codepage
Ooooh neat
0x000 through 0x2FF
Tokenization has tons of advantages, and i'm mixing it with a compiled golfing language
Choosing 2^10 different characters for a code page must be really difficult :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing hence why i chose to have some be tokens
plus, QUARK has some quick tokens to make stuff like strings take up less space, so things like the alphabet and some symbols have multiple repetitions, eating up codepage space :P
I'm being really liberal with my space usage
And for tokenizations i can't just fit in the codepage, you have parser/compiler quicks
for example, i̐ is the compiler quick used to tell the compiler optimization hints
(and also tell it what arch to target for some code blocks, if thats possible. But that's for later)
main point of me allowing embedding code for other archs is to potentially allow GPU accelerated QUARK, just to make it better at performance challanges. I've decided i wanted to focus on performance for my redo.
because by allowing the arch target to be set, you can have a codeblock target SPIR
and as QUARK has some lowlevel qualities, stuff like pointer to function can be used to use said SPIR for GPU shenanigins, if i add support for that
@moonheart08 so golflang with inline assembler?
@Οurous Somewhat. I don't know if i'm actually going to allow inline ASM, due to unpredictability of the program's resulting structure lol
@moonheart08 if Clean's inline ABC, which you can then inline ASM in has taught me anything, it's that you can always inline ASM. Even where it makes no sense.
The first page is getting pretty full with variations of the alphabet lol imgur.com/CqPj0iJl.png
also, ignore the 'dd' that was a derp
@moonheart08 combining characters in a codepage for a golflang?
yea. Tokenizing :P
\o/ this just released in Mathematica: Built-in Partial Application with Curry!
The resulting encoded data will be much smaller than what it would normally be
@Riker lool :D reddit at its finest
@moonheart08 is it starting compiled, or initially interpreted and then compiled later?
@Οurous Starting compiled. Old design for QUARK was interpreted. Interpreted can come later tho, LLVM has the ability to interpret IR
(Altho, it can't always do it. It depends.)
Q: Create a large prime using only pi

Zenon This is my first post here, so please have mercy and don't use any well-known, usually-forbidden loopholes I might not've known to mention. Output the largest prime number possible in as few bytes as possible using no number but pi. Your score will be the prime number produced divided by the...

Question: How does one convert a number (say, as 32 bit integer) to a string of characters. Not using a builtin like tostring (because that's what i need to implement)
@moonheart08 make a case by case analysis for a one digit number
then do it for every digit by considering the remainder mod 10, then dividing the original number by 10 and again modding etc
Doesn't sound the fastest, but it'll work for an initial implementation.
writing a new language?
New golfing language, yea. It's a compiled one, and i want to avoid using the C std for too many things (Some things CAN use it tho), mostly because i'm not using null terminated strings.
@Riker 25°! I wish it were, it's below 0 here!
lol nice
._. it's like 80 here
@Riker how are you not dead
@flawr (hint, 80 in murica is basically 25 everywhere else)
Fahrenheit Bloody Americans, not using proper measurements... mutter mutter
@DJMcMayhem that makes me wonder, how do you write e.g. kilo-celsius?
1000°C = 1°kC or 1k°C?
Kansas City?
It's a chilly 285° K round here
@flawr The unit is probably °kC, but 1k°C can also mean 1000°C
apparently it is e.g. 12 m°C (12 millidegrees Celsius) (wikipedia)
Now I just need to invent a new unit that starts with M...
hello everyone
@DJMcMayhem 1 DJMcMayhem or 1M: Average length of a BrainFlak solution to a given task e.g. "My code is 2M, it's clearly way too long" or "Yes! Finally got less than 1 DJMcMayhem on Challenge X"
Now I just need to scrape every bflak answer ever posted and average their lengths
@DJMcMayhem why?
To mess with millidegrees celsius
I don't get it, can you give me an example?:)
TFW you realise you have the same bug in 12 different files ಠ_ಠ
How many DJs could a DJMcMayhem if a DJ could McHayhem?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Zenon Output the largest prime number possible in as few bytes as possible using no number but pi. Your score will be the prime number produced divided by the number of bytes used for your code. If your language has a built-in variable for pi, use that. Otherwise, let pi equal 3.1415926535898. Any ...

@DJMcMayhem Why would you ever use m°C instead of 3.6"C?
I don't know. Ask flawr
@Adám inch-celsius?
can someone help me understand one (of my own) sed regex?
@flawr No, seconds-Celsius. 1°C=60'C=3600"C, no?
the sudden realization of forgetting how stuff works (#feelsbadman)
why is this printing? echo "; x x y y"|sed -rn '/;(( .+)\2)*$/p'
@Adám well I had lunch today at 13° o'clock
@Adám Remind me again, how many Seconds-Celsius are there in a Mile-Fahrenheit?
@DJMcMayhem Mile? Not milli?
Yes, mile. As in 5280 feet
Filled one of 4 pages \o/
@DJMcMayhem One is a temperature, the other is temperature×distance.
@DJMcMayhem 1 Mile = 52.8 centipedes?
@DJMcMayhem I am afraid that doesn’t make any sense... :P
@flawr But how many pedes on a grade?
@Adám The first one is temperature*time in fact
@Riley help ^ (hi btw)
@Mr.Xcoder Oh, like that, I see.
@Adám what is a grade?
@flawr as in °C is centigrade
Mathematica has a Blockchain builtin now. Lovely.
@Pavel Wait, so can you mine bitcoins on wolframalpha.com?
Mathematica truly has a builtin for everything.
@Adám Probably, but you'd have to find a way to transfer the data out of W|A and you'd be severely limited by computation timeouts.
@Pavel Every little drop, you know… You can always screen-scrape…
But yeah, Mathematica can now mine and process transactions for arbitrary cryptocurrencies.
Well, not arbitrary.
Obviously, if you mine Bitcoin via Mathematica, they'll just keep it and claim that's the cost of keeping Mathematica for this month
The current version supports Bitcoin and Etherium built in, but it will be expanded in the near future.
You can connect to other blockchains with a bit of effort.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mathematica now has a builtin for mining and a builtin for charging bitcoin! The one to mine ends with BitCoinCharge[MathematicaAccount, 50%]
@MartinEnder This challenge? A brute-forcer should be possible, idk how long it would be to make though.
There's also now a Wolfram Blockchain that you can write arbitrary data to
'cause why not
I had a brute-forcer for some other challenge back when Cubix still lived in JSFiddle, lemme see if I can find it...
@Adám well 1 centigrade = 1°C = 1C (since 1° = 1^0 = 1) = 1 chain = 66 feet = 0.66 centipedes, so 1 grade = 0.66 pede
You can just run BlockchainPut[anything_at_all], and it'll be permanently stored.
> One of our long-term goals in the Wolfram Language is to be able to compute about anything in the world.
Now featuring: Electrical Engineering
^ Is now a builtin that you can operate on
@Pavel "One of"‽
@Adám I'm guessing other goals include also doing it at an amazing level of performance.
> In 11.3 there are already over 1000 ready-to-run models included—of electrical, mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, biological and other systems.
> bioloical
wat how
> FindTextualAnswer[WikipediaData["rhinoceros"], "How much does a rhino weigh?"]
> 15 tons
Mostly machine learning, but also wizardry
I bet they just have an army of slaves looking up those things.
Goddammit Mathematica can now identify emotions from photos of faces
When the robot apocalypse comes, I hope our overlords at Wolfram Research will be merciful
@Pavel But things have been able to do that pretty well for like two years?
@ASCII-only Yeah, but things haven't been able to combine it with the rest of Mathemata's power at the same time
@Pavel Also Wolfram won't be the one to make robots
@Pavel I'm more surprised it wasn't able to do that before :p
If they did, the robots would take like 10s processing everything you say
Mathematica is fast
Ooh, FindEquationProof builtin
; matches the ";"
your second capture group (.+) matches "<space>x"
the \2 matches "<space>x"
Now we repeat the first capture group but this time match "<space>y" for both
there aren't any characters left, so the $ matches the empty string at the end.
Does that make sense? I haven't used sed in a little while.
@seshoumara Hi to you too. I haven't seen you here in a long time (might be because I'm not very active anymore)
really nice to see you
yeah, since I got a new job in a company, and moved as well my free time has sunked
I browse new questions, but never have the time anymore to write answers
I just got moved to a new project that's behind schedule and have been working a lot of extra hours. I worked my first Saturday last weekend.
I don't even have time to follow new questions anymore :(
back to my ex, if \1 matches " x x", how come it also matches after that " y y"??. I have \1* basically.
I think it's matching " x" not " x x". it's closer to <string1><string1><string2><string2> I think.
On the second time through (from the * at the end) it captures a new string.
even so, it should only match after that only multiple of xs, or how I envisioned, multiple pairs of xs
Well that kinda sucks. There are no maintained/stable LLVM bindings for rust
I have to manually handle unsafe code ):
but it's not a s statement with g modifier, that would do it too, the regex has a start ";" and an end "$". This capturing of a new string in what is to my mind \1* is confusing me
g would just allow the whole pattern to match multiple times across the line.
The * basically makes this /;(.+)\1(.+)\2/p
\2 is overwritten the next time (.+) is matched.
This will print " y":
echo "; x x y y"|sed -r 's/;(( .+)\2)*$/\2/'
"Every Q&A site has its own theme." cough coughMego 10 secs ago
@Mego well some other sites in beta state have copied the PPCG design
let me think about that Riley. Damn, I used to eat these for breakfast, now I barely wrap my head around it. #outofpractice
Challenge: Do this in Lost.
@seshoumara I have to go for now. Ping me if I can help with anything else.
I've been trying for about an hour
@seshoumara link to regex101 pls
@Riley thanks very much. I will get it soon. Have a nice week and let's talk again sooner that before :)
also yeah
(       )* more than one of:
 ( .+)     space + thing
      \2   space + same thing
which I took it as (space+thing+space+same thing) zero or more time
so " x x y y " should not have matched, only " x x x x"
that's my dilema
so the regex itself inside ()* is actually replicated, not what that regex first matched, which in my case it was " x x"?
@ASCII-only * isn't more than one of
@seshoumara Yes.
@DestructibleLemon Oops, *zero or more of
@ASCII-only no, that's +
@DestructibleLemon yes >_> brainfart
* more than -1 of
@ASCII-only this regex matches literally anything
@DestructibleLemon yeah it's not the whole regex
go scroll up for the actual regex
(( .+)/2)/1* works?
my regex was ;(( .+)\2)*$
also that matches ` x x y y` because it can match just one
@seshoumara matches any string
except for the ;
no, since I have $ at the end
oh right
why does it start with ;?
is that the equivalent of ^ in some regex flavour?
that's what my text file had
oh ok
anyway. the regex i provided should work?
plus the ; and $, of course
trying it now
@seshoumara think of () as basically a sub-regex
@ASCII-only yeah ok
@DestructibleLemon slashes are the wrong way...
@seshoumara What are you trying to do anyway
@DestructibleLemon sorry pinged wrong person
@ASCII-only whoops
;(( .+)\2)\1*$ @seshoumara
@ETHproductions do you Ruby? here's how I did it for Wumpus: pastebin.com/eKZtqYXq
@MartinEnder Oh my god, it actually found one: )<@OP
oh wow, nice timing
@DestructibleLemon thanks, works
@MartinEnder Not really, but I found a fairly easy way to restructure the interpreter to be a brute-forcer in the browser
Gotta scram for a bit
> visited 365 days, 365 consecutive
I'm celebrating 600 days today.
@cairdcoinheringaahing addicts
@WheatWizard addicts
We need a platinum "religious" badge.
@Adám "addicted"
That's just most people
@Adám 1,000?
D: I have 2 consecutive
I forgot to visit two days ago
879/76 here
I missed Dec 26 due to being on the road
@Mego @DJMcMayhem What are these fractions?
Of course,
Jul 8 '17 at 0:50, by Dennis
> visited 1254 days, 818 consecutive
@Adám 879 days, 76 consecutive
Which whas half a year ago
@Mego Where do I find those?
On your profile page
Manually copypasting 265 diffrent tokens into your SRC hurts your fingers o_O
i vow to never do that again
i hope
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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