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(That's how my dyads will work, - will work like stack.append(stack.pop()-stack.pop()))
Have I said how much I hate bitbucket? (I don't want any of you seeing my Github)
@Zacharý What? I was asking why I got kicked. I had no idea why it happened in the first place then as soon as I asked about it, I got kicked again.
The latter one is insanity, the former was probably you just doing something stupid.
@Zacharý Why not?
It's got some repositories that I don't want associated with me on PPCG, but still need to keep for one reason or another.
@Zacharý OK
@Zacharý So make a new Github account... Bitbucket is crap
yeah asking why you got kicked immediately after you get kicked = kicked
you have to wait at least ten minutes or so before asking that
@StepHen Tried doing that ... got deleted >.<
@Zacharý (with a different email?)
@Zacharý I have two accs, dunno if I'm not supposed to or what
Second is literally the same as the first, with a 2 at the end
@DestructibleLemon oh
I'll have to try that again some day ...
Some day ...
(Unlimited private repos are nothing to scoff at) - Someone said that on TNB in June...
@Zacharý That was me :) the interface is crap though, at least it was last time I used it, Github Desktop is so much better easier to use
(but if you are any good with command line git ignore that, I'm not)
Yeah ... but github hates the D language.
The syntax highlighting for D constantly breaks
@Zacharý If you're a student, you get that for free on github
@StepHen Wait, there's Git GUIs?
@Mendeleev 0.o yes
I am ... I just never got around to that.
@Zacharý You also get $50 in DigitalOcean credit :P
@Mendeleev Never used command line git in my life, you can do everything (that I try to do at least) in Github desktop or even in most IDEs
@StepHen It's Win/Mac only
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilASCII Art Turtle As you know, the LOGO programming language allows you to manoeuvre a turtle and draw lines in a graphical way. It occurs to me that we can do this for ascii-art. A minimal set of commands to produce ascii-art would be the R(otate right), F(orward) and P(en) commands. For exampl...

@Mendeleev sorry
It works fine on Windows
Yeah ... I'd rather stick with the possible 2.5k and trip to Denmark for the benefits of being a student :p (Dyalog 2017 Student Competition)
@Zacharý What?
I modified it, does that clear it up.
@Zacharý have you ever done custom iterator classes in Python? I know I need one but I still don't really know Python
What are those! (I'm sorry about that)
I tend to avoid iterators and generators whenever I can.
@Zacharý a custom class that you can do a for i in myClass on
Q: How to write a generator class?

PritamI see lot of examples of generator functions, but I want to know how to write generators for classes. Lets say, I wanted to write Fibonacci series as a class. class Fib: def __init__(self): self.a, self.b = 0, 1 def __next__(self): yield self.a self.a, self.b = ...

That sound pretty useful.
@Zacharý Yeah, my current cQuents interpreter just does a loop when I run my program, but I want to be able to create "function" sequences that you can loop over (i.e. divisors of a number), so I don't want to print out each item, so I want to be able to iterate over my AST and do stuff with it. AKA abstracting more and more.
I just don't know Python really so I don't know what I should be doing
I'm planning on doing loops and stuff by using a function dictionary of my atoms and having a monadic atom for the conversion of a string to a function, along with one for application of a function. And then basing everything off of that (hacky, I know)
@Zacharý why not have all functions be stored as strings and call a builtin on a string to call the func
Storage of functions as strings prevents the functions from having a lexical scope.
My line of thinking is for APL +/ one would push the code point for +, turn that into a string, turn that into a function, then apply the reduce command. Then to call it, one would would use the application command. (I know, it's so hacky)
(Sum is a single command though(
That's bad, right?
I dunno functional langs so I dunno
I ain't talking Haskell here.
But if you were, I would be able to help
APL is semi-functional, so I would be able to help there.
@betseg Hey We must have joined around the same time!
@WheatWizard Nice
You've ... been on ... every day??
Where can you see that display?
@Phoenix its on your profile
I always thought betseg had been here for a while before me
@WheatWizard He's been on here at least 700 days if he's visited 350 days but none are consecutive
I have 77 consecutive days, for which I blame a certain trip to Peru where I had no internet.
Ah I see. I didn't realize 350 days meant 350 days visited not 350 since joining
I wanted to see Dennis' but apparantly it only lists it for your own profile.
@WheatWizard visited 350 days can't get much clearer than that :P
@StepHen His profile says 11 months. Thats about 350 days
@WheatWizard 0.o guess I'm wrong then sorry, that makes no sense to me though
> visited 1254 days, 818 consecutive
@Phoenix ^
Did anyone ever prove the thing we were talking about in chat?
I verified it up to 2^11,000,000
someone on Math.SE said it's unknown for non-trivial bases
Q: $2^n$ base $5$ contains more than ones and zeros?

ZacharýThis math problem was posted on The Nineteenth Byte over at Programming Puzzles and Code Golf. It states this: Prove that for all [integers] $n > 0, 2^n$ will contain a digit other than $1$ and $0$ in base $5$. TNB came up with these conditions for a counterexample: $2^n \text{ mod } 5 = 1$ ; ...

Yeah, I gave up and couldn't wait.
I was thinking of making a terminal game recently
does anyone have any game suggestions maybe?
I made a small weird terminal-gui-thing recently using D and ncurses (hacked by using extern)
@StepHen There's an answer.
@StepHen you should try Git Command-Line™, it has 10/10 very powerful UI :P
A: $2^n$ base $5$ contains more than ones and zeros?

Takahiro WakiWe assume it can be written as $N=5^{a_n}+5^{a_n-1}+・・・+5^{a_1}+1$ Since this equal to $2^n$. Let $n=4m$, $2^{n}-1$ $=16^{m}-1$ $=(3*5+1)^m-1 $ $=(3*5)^m+・・・+m(m-1)/2*(3*5)^2+5*3m$ It must be $3m=5^{b_1}=1$, or $5^{b_1}+1$. $9m(m-1)/2$ must be $5^{b_2},5^{b_2}+1$. So possible case are two. ...

Thanks for the upvotes!
@WheatWizard I didn't see it 0.o and I had it favorited
@Mendeleev GitKraken?
I think the proof may be flawed
Does anyone here use CMDer, and would that anyone know how to set a .bashrc for it?
@WheatWizard It proves that there are no b-5 1111.....11111 I think
But I don't understand half the syntax he uses so idk
@StepHen No it proves that 2^n cannot be expressed with n 1s.
@StepHen What syntax is bothering you?
@WheatWizard That's what I was trying to say.
@WheatWizard None of it, I just haven't spent enough time in math to understand the proof
@WheatWizard The last math class I had with a teacher was Algebra 1
I think we are thinking two different things. He has proven that the total number of 1s is not the same as the power of n.
Ah, I'm a math major so this is my jam.
@WheatWizard Oh, now I understand. Yeah, I've seen your profile. I just graduated high school and I'm going to be taking several math courses in college so I'll get it there, but I basically taught myself geometry through calc
I think their proof is actually good. They just have a hiccup in their notation
they used n for two different things
@WheatWizard They switch when they say Let n=4m right?
yeah, but they use n on both the first and second lines, when it should just be one of them
I thought I understood it pretty well this morning, lemme look at it again
My college jumped a last minute scholarships opportunity on me, with a really good chance of getting it. I will be so much better of financially if I can get it
You'll be a freshman at college this fall?
@ETHproductions Yup
Cool, me too
@WheatWizard So should the n on the first line be some other letter?
@ETHproductions Probably m since then they say n is 4m
I think the n on the first line is just completely arbitrary, though of course I could be wrong
@LegionMammal978 Fixed the problem, just restarted the server, not sure why this happened.
CMC: Given n (0 or 1 indexed), find the nth term in the infinite sequence 10,8,12,8,14,8,16,8,18,8, ...
@Downgoat Make GitGoat for PC please
why isn't it downgit
@DestructibleLemon git down
@DestructibleLemon git is down?
@StepHen can it be 2 indexed
@betseg No
@betseg Unless you can't make it 0 or 1 I guess but then it's non-competing :P
It's almost 5 am, so take this not very golfed competing answer: C, 22 bytes: f(n){n++;n=n+8-n%2*n;}
(1 indexed)
lambda n:[n+n%2+10,8][n%2]
Lel C folder than Python?
@betseg That's smart
> C folder than Python
class A {}


import ModuleA
func f(arg: A) { ... }


import ModuleB
// Should `A` also be imported?
module question: ^
@totallyhuman wait, teaching the autocorrect the word "golfier". Golfier. Golfier golfier. Yup it recognizes the word now.
@Downgoat I'd say yes
but wouldn't that cause global scope pollution?
and violate encapsulation
And then cause global scope warming
Well here's my totally unbiased submission: cQuents, 11 bytes: #8=10:A,y+2
Get it, cause pollution... Warming... NVM
@totallyhuman *global scope warning
@Downgoat what if a function call in f() requires class A?
yea so that is dilema
also doing what you said then will mean you get #include chain madness like C
@ETHproductions yes I'm rather certain it should be.
@Downgoat import_pure ModuleB to not import ModuleA?
0/10 for underscore in keyword :P
pureimport ModuleB
@betseg impurt
Purt sounds like a fart though
@Dennis Whoah
Can I get some eyes on this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Step HenNinjas in a Chat Log code-golf (other tags?) Often in chat, someone will ask a question, and multiple people will answer it at the same time. Usually, the person who was beaten to the gun will say "ninja'd", creating even more unnecessary chat. Given a chat log similar to the following: Commu...

Q: Make a string into a triangle

MendeleevChallenge Given a string, make it into a triangle as shown below: Input Hello, world! Output H He Hel Hell Hello Hello, Hello, Hello, w Hello, wo Hello, wo Hello, wor Hello, worl Hello, world Hello, world! The first line contains the first character of the string. The following lines con...

Q: Lorum Ipsum Generator

Lyndon WhiteLorum Ipsum is placeholder text used when preparing layout without wanted to have content already filled. One of it's key features over using some arbitrary text is that it is nonsense. It isn't even valid latin (though it is close). This prevents anyone being shown the layout from becoming dist...

@StepHen 👀👁️👀
@NewMainPosts Look, a popcon that might actually survive.
@StepHen Already got a close vote
was downvoted once already o_o
my challenge has 5 answers, 0 votes. lol
@Mendeleev It's trivial and uninteresesting, expected results :P
@StepHen Not trivial in most languages
Just golfing ones. lol
@Mendeleev Just a for loop I think, not golfy but still trivial
No its pretty trivial all around
@Mendeleev pseudo code is for c in s: r += c; print r + '\n';
Is a list of strings allowed
@StepHen might work in python actually
@Mendeleev ofc it would
@Mendeleev Guess it's golfy, I'll post it
Just look at Dennis's solution
Python is pseudocode
XD I promise I didn't see it before I stuck that in chat
Great now xnor out-golfed Dennis
@ETHproductions That's the most American-English sentence I've ever read :P
Tfw brainfuck is golfier than "practical" languages
@Qwerp-Derp What's wrong with it? :P
@StepHen Nothing's wrong with it, I just found it interesting
...I do not understand, probably because I'm American :P
earlier in this chatroom, I asked if anyone had any suggestions for a terminal game I might make. does anyone have any now?
@ETHproductions same
I'm guessing "university" and "autumn"
isn't the american "college"?
@Mendeleev And what is a freshman?
@Dennis first year
(I know.)
@ETHproductions ikr
@Dennis Oh.
American college == Non-american university, American community college == Non-american college (so I've been told)
Is it just me, or is this newest challenge an exact dupe of Spell out the Revu'a?
@ETHproductions How did you even find that
It is
@ETHproductions It's a dupe to me, different input format and the RTL but yeah it's a dupe
Wait, it auto-comments for you? I did not know that.
@ETHproductions No...?
Why do all these challenges have the weirdest names
@Mendeleev I answered it way back when
Oh that one
I remember almost every challenge I answer for some reason
@Dennis I was going to say XD
Also, should I close the one I linked for lack of a winning criterion?
> Wait, it auto-comments for you? I did not know that.
And it auto deletes
mind blown
Actually, should probably comment first
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChristopherMake me some ASCII cities! Your job is to pseudo randomly generate ASCII cities (top down view) with n building per row with x rows. Each house should have a number label starting with 000 and working up. First number is the row (assume x<9) and the other two are places in the row. i.e 000, 001,...

@LegionMammal978 Don't hammer it for sure
How can I fix the pop con criteria
@Christopher Don't post a popcon
Everyone hates them
@Mendeleev Unless it has something do with images
@StepHen True
@Mendeleev Why should what I post be effected if people like it. A well written pop con IMO should always be posted
@Christopher I see you removed Peart
@Christopher Never mind
@Mendeleev Yeah. XD Makes me feel less formal
I may add it back some time
I also removed my history of TNB kicks/suspensions
@totallyhuman It's adding NUL, SOH, STX, etc. to r and printing it each time
Eventually it hits formatting characters and looks weird
o0 why did community close as dupe
Close what?
Because the author agreed with the close votes.
@totallyhuman Because the author clicked yes to it's a dupe
What was closed?
And Community is a mod
Ah, that question
@Christopher How?
@StepHen s/m/g
> And Coggunity is a god
@DestructibleLemon not my point
it would be
@Mendeleev test
@Mendeleev what you can ping yourself
> And Cogmunity is a mod
I think someone here had on Github
@ATaco ono is LaTeX generator still up website says "in construction"
@Mendeleev XD link?
@Downgoat No onebox: amazon.ca/…
LaTex Generator is still up, but projects is down.
@Mendeleev pls no onebox
why is the onebox so huge though
Why do we have Amazon oneboxes, and why are they so giant?
Question: how to represent a "flatten" operation of a set in maths?
is it always like that for amazon
e.g.: {{1, 2}, {3, 4}} -> {1, 2, 3, 4}
@Dennis can you fix above star spam
Python iterators are so easy to set up, and do what I was doing manually so much better than I was doing 0.o
after some testing, it appears that chat.SE amazon oneboxes take too much text from the description
@Mendeleev I think I did
No wait, it was
@DJMcMayhem Can you tell me what that "algorithm" blurb in your description is about?
@DJMcMayhem Thanks
Most of my commit messages are Justin Roiland quotes
@DJMcMayhem wtf
I don't get it
@Mendeleev Opps. I meant to say on my profile description I removed the list I put there
Is it supposed to be a parody of trailers, or is it supposed to just be ridiculous
@Christopher oya ok
@Mendeleev I'm not really sure if there's anything to get. Pretty much all of Rick and Morty is just weird for the sake of being weird, and that episode was almost entirely improvised
@DJMcMayhem OK, thanks
It's a great show though. And an awesome episode
@Downgoat union
the axiom of union asserts the existence of union
huh ok thanks
no problem
if I say {a} + b does that mean { a + b } or {a, b}
@Downgoat it makes no sense in mathematics
@Downgoat Yes.
@LeakyNun :| is there good way to represent latter or is { a } U { b } best way to do. Reason is I have: $\bigcup_{g \in G} C(g)$ on RHS of equation and look weird with two Us
@Downgoat That depends entirely on who made up the notation. ;) In real analysis and topology, {a} + b usually means { a + b }. + is never concatenation in math.
@Downgoat yes, {a}U{b}={a,b}
that is the small $\cup$, it's dyadic
there is a monadic $\bigcup$ which is what is in $\bigcup_{g \in G} C(g)$
it is similar to folding by $\cup$.
$\bigcup\{\{1,2\},\{3,4\},\{5,6\}\} = \{1,2\} \cup \{3,4\} \cup \{5,6\} = \{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$
Question: would GeForce GTX 1080 do good for scientific computing or should I be looking at other type of graphic card
@Downgoat What do you mean by scientific computing? Thats much more powerful than a scientific calculator if thats what you mean ;p
@StepHen How is the koth we talked about going? If you are not going to adapt it to like I suggested I would be happy to do it myself. Although I'd likely change the language to Haskell.
I mean like for running really-concurrent tasks and computations but should also not have too much slow down when synchronizing threads/CUDA cores
@Downgoat Things might have changed by now, but at least a few years ago, AMD was vastly superior for number crunching.
I'm going to ask this question again - is there an integer $n$ which has three other integers (I'll just refer to each integer as $b$) such that $$log_b(n+b) > 1$$ and is a whole number?
I've checked all numbers up to 48 million, and I haven't found a single one
> three other integers
> I'll just refer to each integer as bb
I'm a little confused by this, I only see two $b$s? are they all the same?
@WheatWizard They're all the same
I think I might need to rephrase the question
are there three or just 2?
How have you checked all the numbers up to 48 million? Wouldn't that be 2.3 pentillion log calculations? Thats like super computer numbers right there.
Is there an integer $n$ which has $3$ other integers which satisfy this property: $$log_b(n+b)>1 \space and \space is \space whole$$ (where $b$ is any one of the three integers)?
@WheatWizard I skipped over $b$ which weren't factors of $n$, so that reduced the amount of calculations dramatically
And I also ignored $b$ which were larger than $\sqrt{n}$
Do you mean that $log_b(n+b)$ should be whole?
@KritixiLithos Yup
@Qwerp-Derp wait why?
in Mathematics, 6 secs ago, by Leaky Nun
Is there integer $n$ such that the equation $\log_b(n+b) \in \Bbb N$ has three non-trivial integral solutions for $b$?
helped you ask it here
$\exists n: \exists !!! b: \mathrm{log}_b(n+b) \in (\mathbb{N}\setminus \{0,1\})$
@LeakyNun Thanks
@WheatWizard what?
I don't understand the notation
@KritixiLithos Thats a restatement of the problem
@Qwerp-Derp I believe the $>1$ is redundant
$n$ could be zero
CMC go help the attackers in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/53490/contact (no googling stuff)
@KritixiLithos right
wait b can't be negative, right?
@KritixiLithos sure it can't
@KritixiLithos $n$ and $b$ are positive integers
what is the solution with two $b$s instead of three?
@KritixiLithos there are many
but for one, $3^2-3 = 2^3-2 = 6$
ah right, $z$ does not need to be the same
Or 2184: $13^2-13=3^7-3=2184$
I'm on 62 million now, still no luck
@Qwerp-Derp I wonder if you mean $n$, $b$, or $z$.
That's a lot of Mathjax.
@LeakyNun 62 million for $n$
@Qwerp-Derp maybe you should search for $b$ instead, that'd make it faster
hint: a lot of $n$ is untouched
(People who don't have a mathjax renderer might be confused)
@LeakyNun Just trios of $b$ at a time?
@Qwerp-Derp no...
$b$ and $z$ make a plane
at least a quadrant of the plane
$f(b,z) = b^z-b$ is increasing in both directions
you can use this to your advantage
Wait what's $z$?
your question is equivalent to integral solutions of $b^z-b-n=0$
for fixed $n$
integral solutions? what does that mean?
integral is the adjective of integer.

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