for this challenge of mine I think using the brain-flak integer metagolfer may help. Just do the first char with the metagolfer and then for each next char dupe the last one and sum the difference you needed found by the metagolfer
in brain-flak almost always it is golfier to just do a small number to adjust a larger number rather then just dumping the old number and creating a new one
almost is key, multiples of like 2 and such are very golfable
@Zacharý Taking the sum of the multiplicative inverses of the first 10000 positive integers takes almost 4 seconds with Fraction, yet 0.06 seconds with mpq.
I'm planning to port all numbers to GMP types, it's more for things like symbolic variables and expressions (of unknown type) - this is so the expression can be evaluated to the specified precision
I have no idea why breaks. Specifically, no idea why it breaks with a stack overflow. The interpreter handles infinite loops fine, and it can sum larger ranges of numbers. :/
@Dennis the weirdest thing is that the inaccuracy caused by caching isn't even consistent. like on the same page they load data from two different places? preposterous
@HyperNeutrino That happens everywhere though. Your rep count in the top bar is updated automatically, but those on your user cards and your profile page are not.
So John finally has his holidays! And what better could he do than watching some movies. He indeed has a lot of movies to watch, but he is unable to decide which one to watch first. He has a list of movies, each in the format: <Movie name> (<Year>). So he makes a simple set of rules...
I wonder how Mathematica figures out required significance for calculations - do they just calculate increase significance of the operands iteratively until the significance requirements are met?
I have a question concerning how one of the operators in Jelly works (the G monad in particular, but that's irrelevant). I noticed there isn't a tag for it, and that I have much too poor a reputation to add a tag myself. Since there already is a tag for a language of the same name, I'm assuming t...
HRM is a game that you use an assembly-like language to program very simple things on a Harvard architecture "machine" (separate data RAM and instruction RAM)
the assembly is very simple and I think it's good to be used as a recreational language
Update: The comments and answers here made me realize there's a more general question to be asked, so I asked about video-game language questions in general on Meta.SE.
There's a Steam/iOS game called "Human Resource Machine", where you solve levels and advance by programming in a proprietar...
@user202729 "It's provable (see HyperNeutrino's answer for a more detailed proof) that, there exists a transformation rule if and only if there exists a nontrivial prime factor of X that is congruent to 2 mod 5." Where's the "only if" in Hyper's proof?
@user202729 Because it refers to a time where toys contained actual radioactive materials as the good old days. Sarcasm is always welcome on the starboard.
What I want is the following one (which I think should be included in prelude since it is very useful in text processing):
split :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
split ";;" "hello;;world" = ["hello", "world"]
Which is already implemented in Data.List.Utils, but this is not always availab...
wow, a rule was clarified here, and, while we all thought it wasn't unclear enough to close (a different meaning was understood), only one solution survived...
try changing The Departed (2006) to the Departed (2006)
@ManishKundu well, since "Ignore case-sensitivity" is a tad unclear but clearly refers to the case of the input strings, but yet there is "be case-insensitive" too (second revision), there are two things which refer to the case of the input strings and have different meanings, one can't be sure as to which one they should follow
Occasionally, PPCG gets an off-topic post or two. Usually, these are closed fairly quickly, and the user is informed that this isn't what this site is about. The majority of the time, the user is posting here because they have misunderstood the point of the site, not because they want to...
Inspired by this meme, which was originally inspired by this meme
Given an input of a positive integer between 1 and 4 (inclusive, and can be 0 indexed if noted in answer), output the corresponding phrase exactly as it appears below:
1 - can I have some oats, brother?
2 - Might you ...
Inspired by this meme, which was originally inspired by this meme
Given an input of a positive integer between 1 and 4 (inclusive, and can be 0 indexed if noted in answer), output the corresponding phrase exactly as it appears below:
1 - can I have some oats, brother?
2 - Might you ...
A while back there was a C&R question where someone (Sp3000?) posted the obligatory semiprime factoring answer. But then it was unexpectedly cracked, after someone else spent roughly $80 on a compute cluster. Does anyone remember who/what question it was?
737262825 208413108 3974530688 3445680972 2916831257 works but isn't an arithmetic progression. Factored in 3 hours 20 minutes. 512-bit numbers were apparently doable in 72 hours for $75 on EC2 two years ago, so I think that would have been safe. — Peter TaylorAug 27 '14 at 22:15