> For challenges involving either three-dimensional graphics, three-dimensional geometry or spatial data structures in three dimensions (e.g. octrees).
@user202729 In general, it depends on why you delete a lot. If it's due to misunderstandings of others' messages due to language barriers (because from my understanding you are ESL, correct?), then that's understandable. If it is because you don't think through your messages first, then that could be an issue and you could try to fix that.
Oh is autokick invoked for that? I didn't know about that lol
@Zgarb I see. So inferring vectorization is always possible then (albeit annoying as hell to implement)
@EriktheOutgolfer As far as I am aware, there is no automatic kick system. However, if a user constantly deletes their messages, it impairs conversation, so a mod or a RO may kick the user.
@Fatalize The issue is type inference. Every variable and expression in Husk has a type, which is implicit in the source and inferred before the program is run. Type inference is nondeterministic and actually feels a bit like Prolog. During that step, I want to guarantee that all vectorized operations have correct types, preferably without brute force guessing since the inference process is slow as molasses even without it.
@Zgarb Why is that non-deterministic? If the input has type T1, isn't it deterministic to determine that built-in X outputs type T2, and chain this to get the type of every steps? Or are there language constructs that mess up with this?
Consider m+2 with argument [1,2], which should mean "map (add 2)". It is parsed as op(op(m, +), 2). The op is overloaded to be either function application or one of 4 kinds of function composition.
There are cases where a challenge asks for some specific inputs/outputs, for instance 3-dimensional matrices, or a matrix where each element is a tuple or something similar.
This is perfectly fine and clear in some languages, while it might be impossible in others. Therefore, people start asking...
I deleted it because it was starting to accumulate offensive flags, not because I agreed with the flags. I'd rather not have tfbninja annotated and suspended over this nonsense.
(I tried calling them directly but got either a mscoree not found / Wine Mono is not installed (if called with wine) or a
Could not find a part of the path (if called with mono))
As msbuild is a #!/bin/sh ¶ mono /usr/share/msbuild/MSBuild.exe "$@" ¶ script I guess it's mono.
@Mego Regarding this deleted answer, linking this would be more useful. (side question: can the answerer receive notification if the answer is deleted later?)