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> Note that the input is a 3D array of real numbers; not a 2D array of complex numbers.
@Adám So we cannot take input as an array of complex numbers? :(
@Mr.Xcoder Nope. That would make it trivial.
:( Then Husk cannot compete
@Mr.Xcoder hint: rmaptp
@EriktheOutgolfer Nope. Husk's lists must be homogeneous.
So you cannot take a 3D list like that as input
[[(TNum, TNum)]]
Tuples don't seem to work either
Ah, nevermind.... I accidentally had an extra (
You know, about the var t = this, you can never be sure,
(made in 20 mins in gimp ಠ_ಠ)
@Mr.Xcoder Why?
@Adám Read the messages after that. It can compete, I am just dumb
Is it just me or I shouldn't need the ¹ here?
I think you do
Yeah but why
because implicit input doesn't work like Pyth :P
@tfbninja It's an anagram haha.
And I feel like should work instead of mm if given a list of lists of tuples
@Adám I am not editing in directly because I don't know which to replace, but you should add .
I think is the best to remove
I don't think applies.
I think can be... Oh ninja'd
oh yeah
> For challenges involving either three-dimensional graphics, three-dimensional geometry or spatial data structures in three dimensions (e.g. octrees).
@Mr.Xcoder I thought of that, but I understood the tag description as placing into one of a multitude of categories rather than a T/F.
Wait you've been a challenge writer on this site for so long and you didn't know what is for? :P
has been for less time than he was a challenge writer
Ah lol ok.
(but it's still there for a long time)
Javascript is nowhere near esoteric as our programming languages.
CMP: When considering parse trees, do you think about it starting from the root (Expression) or from the leaves (Literal, Identifier, etc)?
uhh, I now only need to test the functions and I will be able to release Pepe
But I'm too lazy to test 'em all
just release untested code and fix it when people bug-report it
I feel that I'm deleting too many. Is the behavior problematic?
@Mr.Xcoder No.
@user202729 too many deletions at once will get you an automatic kick, yeah
@user202729 In general, it depends on why you delete a lot. If it's due to misunderstandings of others' messages due to language barriers (because from my understanding you are ESL, correct?), then that's understandable. If it is because you don't think through your messages first, then that could be an issue and you could try to fix that.
Oh is autokick invoked for that? I didn't know about that lol
What is ESL?
The latter. (I don't think through my messages)
@user202729 English as second language I think?
@Mr.Xcoder It should work. I think we have a bug (which is not surprising, since inferring vectorized types is a mess).
@Zgarb I don't know much about Husk/Haskell: can it manipulate variables?
@Fatalize Makes sense.
Or are function inputs necessarily "set"?
@Fatalize Husk doesn't have variables, it has combinators :P
(although it does have references to a function's arguments)
@Fatalize All variables are immutable.
About language barriers, that's not too frequent and I can lookup dictionary in that case.
@Zgarb And they have set values right?
ESL = English Second (i.e. Not First) Language
@Fatalize In the sense that the value is definite, yes. Although with lazy evaluation, that value may be computed later.
@Zgarb I see. So inferring vectorization is always possible then (albeit annoying as hell to implement)
@EriktheOutgolfer As far as I am aware, there is no automatic kick system. However, if a user constantly deletes their messages, it impairs conversation, so a mod or a RO may kick the user.
well, messing with the penguin too much would have such an unnegotiable response one could consider it automatic :P
but honestly, I think I read somewhere that an automatic kick system is in place
@Fatalize The issue is type inference. Every variable and expression in Husk has a type, which is implicit in the source and inferred before the program is run. Type inference is nondeterministic and actually feels a bit like Prolog. During that step, I want to guarantee that all vectorized operations have correct types, preferably without brute force guessing since the inference process is slow as molasses even without it.
@Zgarb Why is that non-deterministic? If the input has type T1, isn't it deterministic to determine that built-in X outputs type T2, and chain this to get the type of every steps? Or are there language constructs that mess up with this?
@Fatalize Even the syntax is overloaded
Do you have a simple example?
Consider m+2 with argument [1,2], which should mean "map (add 2)". It is parsed as op(op(m, +), 2). The op is overloaded to be either function application or one of 4 kinds of function composition.
Very nice challenge @LuisMendo :) (I haven't seen it before now)
In this case the outer op is application and the inner is standard function composition.
I see
Also, is this the best way to input a 3D matrix in MATL? @LuisMendo
The inference engine just tries each combination, backtracking when it encounters a type error.
@Zgarb I knew it! :)
@Zgarb can one count the bugs of Husk's type system? :)
@Zgarb You implemented your own backtracking engine or do you use a library?
@EriktheOutgolfer Sure, roughly +∞ :P
@Mr.Xcoder eh, that's too much if you'd ask me. I'd say it's something around Ackermann(Graham's number, Graham's number)
You sure have forgotten to include a hardy hierarchy in there
@Fatalize I rolled my own. Using a proper library might make it faster...
@EriktheOutgolfer 99% of them are in the vectorization code. :P
percents don't count ;P
what a normies language
Q: Voting to close question if it's unclear for some?

Stewie GriffinThere are cases where a challenge asks for some specific inputs/outputs, for instance 3-dimensional matrices, or a matrix where each element is a tuple or something similar. This is perfectly fine and clear in some languages, while it might be impossible in others. Therefore, people start asking...

@StewieGriffin Thanks!
That's probably the best way, yes. They cannot be input directly
You may want to convert to 2D complex instead of concatenating along a third dim
@LuisMendo but then the input is two matrices, not a 3D matrix.
Same as in your example, isn't it?
That makes the challenge much easier.
Well, no (I think).
The input specs for that challenge are unclear
The input to the Code-part will be a 3D matrix. So the header 3Xc would not be part of the code itself.
@LuisMendo I agree... The problem is that it's clear in many languages, so I don't know if it should be closed or not.
I'm not sure if that makes sense though... It's similar to what I did in my Octave answer at least...
@StewieGriffin Octave functions can input 3D arrays (even if they need to be defined in several steps). MATL programs cannot input 3D arrays
as there's no way to define them via user input
Good point...
I'm close to my "max number of minutes using a screen"-limit today, so I got to go...
@MagicOctopusUrn Is it: Narcotic Gum Soup?
It's been 3 months since I fell, and I can still only use a screen for approx 30 minutes a day... :/
@tfbninja No, it's Caruso Computing IIRC
@StewieGriffin What happened? (or did you already post that in chat?)
@Mr.Xcoder That makes more sense
@StewieGriffin wow didn't know, hope it goes away soon
@tfbninja Keep it sfw please...
@Mr.Xcoder Seemed pretty SFW to me
I am not sure how it seemed SFW. Anyway, a mod seems to have removed it
Does anyone know how msbuild call commands on Linux?
I deleted it because it was starting to accumulate offensive flags, not because I agreed with the flags. I'd rather not have tfbninja annotated and suspended over this nonsense.
(I tried calling them directly but got either a mscoree not found / Wine Mono is not installed (if called with wine) or a
Could not find a part of the path (if called with mono))
As msbuild is a #!/bin/sh ¶ mono /usr/share/msbuild/MSBuild.exe "$@" ¶ script I guess it's mono.
@Mego Regarding this deleted answer, linking this would be more useful. (side question: can the answerer receive notification if the answer is deleted later?)
how to write striketrough in chat?
--- text ---.
(some research please?)
I tried stuff that are used on other websites but couldn't find anything
Google for "stackexchange chat strikethrough"
and read this
Aww, bluefeet changed his username :(
@user202729 You need to pass $MONO_OPTIONS to mono.
Conclusion: TNB doesn't have the answer for everything. :(
@labela--gotoa at the bottom right of chat there is a "help" link which actually provides useful help
including strikethrough markdown
@Poke Good to know, I never look at the footer
yeah i had someone point it out to me as well, haha
Also, it is quite difficult to see with the PPCG userscript
@Poke Because our help center is too useless?
@user202729 because most help centers are useless
have you ever been happy to hit F1 in windows
or your web browser
:O TIL what f1 does
@cairdcoinheringaahing Who's bluefeet?
One of the CMs
I guess I don't need the help menu when/if I ever write any application.
Although, I think they may no longer work for SE, given that they recently got removed from the "Who are the CMs?" post
:43075138 Think carefully before posting please or some mod/RO may kick you.
@user202729 did you actually say it to yourself?
CMC: Literally the latest challenge on Main, but you are allowed to take input as a matrix of complex entries.
How do you say that to your self? :P
Um, wrong reply?
Yeah sorry
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 3 bytes: Ṡ⁼Z
I wish ┬♂♂áß= worked.
Same solution as Dennis in Jelly
I was literally stunned for a second when I saw "3 bytes" :P
Except that I had ZṠ⁼
Jan 9 at 20:55, by Wheat Wizard
Ok we have selected a name it is "Jelly, 3 bytes"
I guess I prefer forks over hooks.
fork? hook? Jelly terminology? Why have I never heard of that?
What is the difference? All the 'forks', 'hooks' and 'atops' confuses me
... I didn't notice that ffi is still draft, not on TIO.
@Dennis lol those aren't even "forks" to begin with
⁼Z is a fork.
Dyad-monad pattern?
why do you call it that? isn't it just monad-after-dyad in a monadic chain?
In a monadic chain?
I don't know, probably tacit terminology.
(I never know that it have a name (present simple correct?) (because it's not mentioned in the Jelly tutorial))
It's J terminology. <link1><link2> is a fork if the output of link2 is fed to link1.
Does J use non-ASCII characters?
Isn't using only ASCII the point of J over APL?
I don't know both...
ASCII vs non-ASCII is certainly the most obvious difference, but there are many others.
@Dennis Why is Jelly "inspired by J" and not by APL? It seems more similar to the latter
In what way do you find it more similar to APL?
Trains are a J thing. Some APL flavors got them too, but that's a recent-ish addition.
Probably because the name.
Whenever I've seen an APL answer, I've gone "That's fairly easy to port to Jelly", but less so with J answers
@Dennis What are trains in Jelly?
... Chains
choo choo
chains don't choo choo :p
choo choo chains
why. @Dennis why
i have a lisp
it's a pun
(lisp ((is(weird)) and (is(too(nested)))))
Parsing lisp with regex must be only second to HTML in terms of how bad it'd be
@cairdcoinheringaahing haha
xkcd.com/224 [anti onebox]
I seen this yesterday
deja vu .-.
Already posted by Mego?
Hey I don't search in TNB to see if someone posted the same meme before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, I see nothing wrong in parsing HTML with regex, if you make recursion in the parent language, not regex .-.
oh no, a large message with "Timeout" appeared!
@Mr.Xcoder Or, do I?
@labela--gotoa Where?
@cairdcoinheringaahing for me. .-.
what the heck, se chat didn't do that before
for me
Wait, did you get kicked?
uh, I don't think that's why that appears
if you're kicked it says something along the lines of being banned from participating in the chat room (if you are lucky enough to still be there)
I was kicked once :< I know how is it
It just redicted me to a page saying "You have been kicked", unlike now
uhhhh did someone timeout the room o_O was it TNB? @label
that's weird
Nope there was no timeout
except that that's not how room timeouts appear
Sherlock chat mode activated
was it an internet issue on your end lol
uh, I don't think so
if there is an internet issue "timeout" doesn't come from the top
when I have an internet issue then a green message shows next to messages I send
not a white bar on the top
(where light green = hasn't been sent to the server yet)
idk what it was, chat js doesn't seem to have any line about this
maybe userscript
Does anyone have any news regarding the newest feature request of gettin mathjax back?
@flawr I asked Grace Note about what we should do next (twice), but they didn't answer.
@Mr.Xcoder Despite user name and avatar: He.
I think Grace Note is a woman
@Adám Seems to be right: stackoverflow.blog/2011/08/10/…
@flawr how did you actually draw that conclusion from this post? :D
How much do you like hate Pepe?
@Mr.Xcoder I think I'll have to retract that.
@DJMcMayhem Wonder if one can chose the pronoun "it"?
why do a lot of languages have gendered third person pronouns

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