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Not too late to Vote Phi
I just hope the user which won't win doesn't get upset. You're all great! The choices were very tough.
@ATaco not enough
@PhiNotPi a tad too late now
It ended!
we don't even have results
This election ended 22 secs ago.
so... when do we get to know?
it takes a few moments
dang it, I was like 1 minute too late to see the final countdown xD
This was not VTC but CTV
Very shortly
Loading ballots from file codegolf-stackexchange-com-2018-election-results.blt.
Ballot file contains 3 candidates and 580 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 580 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2018 using Meek STV.
3 candidates running for 2 seats.

 R|PhiNotPi       |DJMcMayhem     |Mego           |Exhausted      |Surplus        |Threshold
... And openctv isn't even in Linux
580 ballots - that's more than 2016 (512)
Congratulations to DJMcMayhem and Mego, our new moderators!
Congratulations all candidates! It was hard choosing between you three :P
Wow. A 2 vote margin
@PhiNotPi Congratulations to the 3rd place :/
@PhiNotPi To say truth, I have my 1st vote for you
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, I'm amazed at how close it was between you two
@Mego So are you a mod now or does Grace Note need to put words on our meta first
@DJMcMayhem actually 22
@DJMcMayhem Not actually, it was wider with the transfer votes.
@Pavel The second one
no one voted for me :(
@Pavel well chat name tag isn't blue yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It was far too difficult to pick candidates this year.
@Mego where did you get those?
Wow... So, so tight! Congratulations all!
@Mego @DJMcMayhem Congrats boys, may your hammers be swift and accurate.
amazing to think that any one of us who voted DJ first could have caused a tie just on our own
@orlp on the bright side: no one downvoted you either
And now my countdown is stuck there ;-;
@DJMcMayhem @Mego You should get an email from SE soon. Also be sure to look refresh PPCG.SE to see the diamond pop up in the top bar.
@flawr Downloaded from the election page and ran it in OpenSTV
@Mego Congratulations!
You'll have to accept the Moderator Agreement before being granted access to your powers.
@Mego that was quick o0
@totallyhuman I did the same, it's not hard to click a link, download a txt file, and then hit "run election" :p
@Mego uh, complicated
@Riker it's not hard, I didn't say that :P
:o only 580 people voted
Wow PPCG is small.
3 mins ago, by Mego
580 ballots - that's more than 2016 (512)
@Mr.Xcoder "4,375 voters were eligible, 1,760 visited the site during the election, 1,243 visited the election page, and 580 voted" - SE site
@Mr.Xcoder crypto had 337 last week :p
@Mr.Xcoder too bad it is not a power of two
@Mego Pretty bad growth rate though
@SEJPM And they have a design :(
how does it count that
@Mego Shhh...
PPCG getting a design is the first sign of the apocalypse.
@labela--gotoa eligible = 150+ rep on PPCG.
I wish political elections worked this way too. Here you get a group of experienced individuals who truly care about the community nominating themselves explaining why they're all very good choices for our community, and it's hard to choose because they're all really good choices. In political elections you get a bunch of people with absurd ideals nominating themselves explaining why the others are worse than them (except in some cases where you get actual good political candidates).
@Mego even better
I have a cryptography shirt
Q: 2018 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonProgramming Puzzles & Code Golf's second moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes...

@orlp soon I'll have two :p
at least @Mego is now on the /election page
it was fixed lol
Lol It was reverted
oh wait it was redownvoted
@DJMcMayhem is now also on /election
@Mego @DJMcMayhem you should now be able to access your mod powers (after accepting the agreement)
:O The diamonds have appeared!
8 mins ago, by PhiNotPi
Not too late to Vote Phi
"They'll be joining the existing crew shortly" so no one is relinquishing their diamond??
>_< libSegFault.so isn't doing it's job
@Mego @DJMcMayhem Welcome aboard! :) We're getting the goats ready for the inauguration ritual.
interesting to think how I've been around on this site for longer than Mego. I mean I lurked around for so long at the start that he started actually being active before I did but I did start (kind of) using the site before him :o
imagine Grace note just pops up and surprises is with our design
I'm blue now
➜ exodus git:(master) ✗ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libSegFault.so ./exodus
[1] 17131 segmentation fault (core dumped) env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libSegFault.so ./exodus
@Mego dabedidabida
@Mego :D looks so nice
@MartinEnder @Downgoat is sacrificial, now? :o
it should be giving me a sta- wait new mods
brb putting @Mego on the enemy team on the server
@Mego wait, b-but weren't you always blue? Your avatar says so
The diamonds were quicker than my badge updates :)
@Mego don't be blue, be happy!
they should make mod+RO italicized blue :P
you may need to refresh to see mego being blue
@SEJPM i was just uploading a ss
you may need to be on desktop to see Mego being blue
Too bad DJ isn't here at this very moment
he just said something a few minutes ago though
about the vote margin?
I know
oh he'll be here
real soon
oh you mean at this particular instant in time :P
I'm sorta here
@totallyhuman presses "desktop site" Don't tell me how to live my life.
I'm on my phone so it's really hard to keep up with all the pings
And I'm only at 12%
oh rip :(
@DJMcMayhem nice man!
@MartinEnder just make sure Downgoat isn't one of the goats :)
anyway, congrats for the new mods!
@HyperNeutrino wouldn't have tied anyway because of vote redistribution, you fool
And congrats to PhiNotPi too! It was absurdly close...
@DJMcMayhem I'm on desktop and it's not any easier lol
@DJMcMayhem I trust you will keep flacking
Of course
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks
Yeah it's not Brain-Flack!
as in flakes slowly come off of him (? i'll stop)
eh, sure, it's linked from the election page :P
@EriktheOutgolfer not everyone may have spotted that link there :p
ok now that the hype has downed a bit, I have an interesting problem
Q: 2018 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonProgramming Puzzles & Code Golf's second moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes...

Gee thanks NMP
import random
def random_tree():
    r = 1
    for _ in range(random.randint(0, 2)):
        r += random_tree()
    return r
@orlp Is this the algorithm for evaluating the votes?
what is the probability that random_tree returns an integer >= n?
lol that looks like it will rapidly die
keep in mind that randint(0, 2) is uniformly choosing 0, 1, or 2
@PhiNotPi it is painful to watch how close it was
also what is the probability that it terminates
Is stackexchange down for anyone else?
@orlp was just listening to that
Thank you to everyone who came out to vote.
@quartata ...true
@PhiNotPi like I was surprised how close the margin between DJ and you was with the first votes
@PhiNotPi Thank you for nominating yourself. Without you, nobody would have won.
I guess DJ was the favorite number... OK I'm not going to do that joke
@WheatWizard isup.me/https://stackexchange.com hm, maybe I'm linking to isup.me way too often
@PhiNotPi it's okay, I still love your challenges.
hey at least there's a chance you'll be called up after the election
@EriktheOutgolfer Figured. I'm able to load parts of the webpage.
that's more of an SO thing but it could happen here
yeah a mod can actually appoint or demod somebody else anytime they want to, single-handedly (?)
er no
@EriktheOutgolfer Definitely not
Only SE employees have that power
@quartata I wish, but I kinda doubt it.
ah, thanks for clarifying, meta.SE pretty much says nothing about who can appoint or de-mod another mod
@quartata I think it happened to Alex, if I remember correctly. He was appointed after Dennis won making two new mods when the election called for 1 candidate.
that was different because it was pro tem
I mean this:
Ok time to get back to work
@EriktheOutgolfer alex was also a pro tem before that
@Mego @DJMcMayhem you may want to know that your modship chat status does not carry over to the SO chat server nor the Meta.SE chat server
@MartinEnder but Hyper mentioned something about an election, which is kinda confusing...
@SEJPM I figured as much
I think they already know...
I'm familiar with the wonkiness of chat
@EriktheOutgolfer there was an inofficial election held on meta
@Mego excellent :)
Now I'm gonna go hide at work from all the pings
@Mego you sure you want to say that out loud?
@Mego contacts SE team
knowing it will probably generate even more pings? ;)
(times out TNB) there, no more pings
that's why he said hide
@HyperNeutrino mods don't care about freeze status :p
I don't get notifications on my phone, thankfully
yeah I know :P but still, slightly fewer pings
smoke grenade
:o where did he go?
@HyperNeutrino 100%
dont throw smokes plz they lag my pc
oh rly. ok
@HyperNeutrino let P be the probability that it terminates
then P is equal to 1 minus 1/3 times <one child survives> minus 1/3 times <at least one of two children survives>
P = 1 - 1/3*(1 - P) - 1/3*(1 - P^2)
which has unique solution P = 1
@orlp Uh... I'd like some context for this.
Hm okay, thanks. That makes sense.
@Mego just so you know, rn you're setting a bad example as a mod, smoke is definitely noise...and no, you're not a "retired" RO yet, despite having a shiny diamond there ;)
12 mins ago, by orlp
import random
def random_tree():
    r = 1
    for _ in range(random.randint(0, 2)):
        r += random_tree()
    return r
11 mins ago, by orlp
what is the probability that random_tree returns an integer >= n?
OH, "child" in the context of trees, not humans. That's better.
@EriktheOutgolfer ಠ_ಠ
Hello I would like to nominate myself to fill one of the newly-vacated RO positions. lol
Also this is probably not the most effective time to post a math problem in TNB.
@PhiNotPi Please explain.
Where was the meta post on what qualifies something as a language for PPCG
Q: What are programming languages?

Ingo BürkOften, answers to questions asking for "programs" or talking about "programming languages" utilize things like sed, awk, … in order to get around having to write an actual shell script. Therefore, a question comes to my mind: What qualifies as a programming language? Sure, ultimately the OP ca...

@PhiNotPi vacated? no, unlike mods, ROs don't tend to lose their RO status after they "retire", as can be seen, but all the work is left to the new ROs :P why do you think I haven't nominated as a RO myself? ;)
@PhiNotPi Is bribery acceptable on SE?
@Adám They're called bounties.
@Adám they're called stars
Yay. Today my goal is to make Dirty actually a language on PPCG. It can't test primality at the moment.
@PhiNotPi I was more thinking in the lines of "I'll make you a RO in The APL Orchard if you agree to learn APL"…
CMC: If you sum DJ's and Mego's user IDs, you get 77657. This number is somewhat special, because, when taking just the first occurrence of each digit, you get 765. So, given an integer N or a list of digits, check whether, when you remove duplicate occurrences of each digit (keeping the first one only), the result is a strictly descending sequence of consecutive digits. 77657 -> True, 838 -> False, 332233122 -> true, 6776 -> False
@Οurous FYI it doesn't need to actually, but it used to
@Adám doesn't seem to be disallowed: stackexchange.com/legal/content-policy (:P)
@EriktheOutgolfer that's okay, I still need a daily goal.
@Mr.Xcoder how could it possibly be non-increasing but not strictly descending? there can't be duplicate digits :P so you don't need emphasis on the strictly part (or even to put it there)
Also, there's no demand, and I have no leverage, but I would actually take an RO position if people are accepting applications.
@HyperNeutrino Bah can't edit...
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 5 bytes: QI=-Ạ
@Mr.Xcoder oh well, it works either way :P
Welp, that was fast
hold on golfing
ಠ_ಠ SE sites load very, very slow for me
@Mr.Xcoder they need to golf their JS more?
Sure they do
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 4 bytes: QI‘Ẹ (1 is false and 0 is true)
(deduplicates and then uses the result of that as a regex against the string 9876543210 to count the matches in it)
@HyperNeutrino Yay that's exactly my solution
yay :D
~ also works instead of
@PhiNotPi So, will you learn APL? :-)
@Mr.Xcoder Japt, 5 bytes ‰ r<
Because 8 and 3 are not consecutive
@Mr.Xcoder Oh, I also misread that. Hang on.
@Mr.Xcoder apparently I can't read. The 2nd occurrence of that today :p
everybody seem to forgot about the election :P
@PhiNotPi your lack of animal in your avatar clearly cost you the election
@labela--gotoa well, there isn't much left to be said, is there?
"congrats winners, now let's get back to work"
@SEJPM ikr
@Mr.Xcoder PowerShell, 68 bytes Try it online!
but it took a while and like the whole starred posts panel is filled with election jokes
@Mr.Xcoder TIL we have such a page.
@labela--gotoa well, if you want to live the election hype, I think Cooking.SE has one on-going
@SEJPM and i rather meant that the whole election stuff is no longer "interesting" since Mr.Xcoder started his CMC
Lol Luis and I are really at the bottom of the users/week page :D. At least it's 100% worth it
@dzaima I didn't realise digit lists were ok, but sure: Nice!
main (Address: 55bb08a64a73, Stack: 7ffe81fcd2e0)
I think this is clean enough for a start. Definitely could be better. But hey, the trace DOES work
@Mr.Xcoder how did you do it? :P
@labela--gotoa Bounties for Best of :)
congrats? :P
@Mr.Xcoder Hm, those should be relative losses. ngn lost almost a tenth of his rep this qeek. ⍥
@Mr.Xcoder hah, I was close :P
I've won a category too, so I guess the bounty will just end up as a no-op when it comes to my rep
Anyway, it doesn't really matter ;D Rewarding extraordinary posts is 1000% more important.
I would donate a bounty if my rep wasn't so low...
I'm not good at earning rep on se sites
my best question is 22+ on conlang, because it was a very basic question and it was the 4th/5th on the site ಠ_ಠ
Oh Turing-completeness?
and it's now the most upvoted question on the whole site ಠ_ಠ
you are on it too? :P
Nah not really but I did visit it a couple of times. Not a huge fan of conlangs
when Adám discovers the "voters" page :P
> 12,660 up; 0 down
that's something I would do
I almost never downvote
> 273 up; 2 down
@Adám he can't - he doesn't have the 125 rep :p
Yeah plausible :)
@dzaima lel
2 down? ಠ_ಠ That's a lot for me
Expected less
@dzaima That's why I noticed.
@dzaima I literally just looked up the privileges page and came here to announce my profound discovery in chat ಠ_ಠ
Interestingly, his only rep is an association bonus, but he isn't a member of any other SE community.
maybe his accounts aren't publicly linked
maybe they're hidden
I seem to have strong opinions: 1699 up, 417 down
Why do the chatrooms seem to only be displayed in the sidebar of the front-page of PPCG ~50% of the time?
@HyperNeutrino I didn't know that was possible.
He's an active member of Software Engineering iirc
Looks like he's only ever posted on meta O_o
@Adám Sorry about earlier, I saw the newline question (from Dennis), missed the "leading/trailing" answer.
@Adám https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/hidecommunities/<your user id> :P
@MagicOctopusUrn No need to excuse. It was just funny.
starts upvote rush
@labela--gotoa you can only do like 40 upvotes a day
@SEJPM ikr, it's a joke
I have my CR account hidden :D
@SEJPM I first found this out trying to upvote the first 100 posts in "one OEIS after another".
even if I upvote a lot, I never exceeded the daily limit
I upvote less than I think
@labela--gotoa go the opposite way with it then, start downvoting stuff.
how do you see a user's up/down votes o_O
@MagicOctopusUrn Oh good lord I'd earn some rep from your votes :)
@HyperNeutrino Can only see your own.
@HyperNeutrino User/Activity/bottom of the page
ok thanks
@Mr.Xcoder If you were in the first 30 you did receive some lol.
I don't think I was in the first 30
It was just too hectic for me to keep up back then
@MagicOctopusUrn Looks at his rep .-.
@Mr.Xcoder Lol I think I have a total of 10 deleted answers.
@MagicOctopusUrn I was in the first 30 3 times :P
@Mr.Xcoder 0 valid answers, 10 deleted.
> 1545 up, 92 down
Actually I have the 5th answer
that's in the 9 months following my account deletion lmao
Is it against the rules to "rep-boost" someone because they're new and their answers are stupidly good? I've never done it but I've been tempted lol.
I have 16 answers to One OEIS after another...
Rep boost as in upvote all 7 posts they have lol.
@MagicOctopusUrn you can give the answer (not them, the answer :P) a bounty
o huh I have 25 there
@MagicOctopusUrn yes but if you're caught doing it your way you lose 11324 rep (temporarily) :3
@HyperNeutrino Ah, so it is against the rules?
I memorised Dennis' id but I cannot memorise mine completely :(
@MagicOctopusUrn pretty sure it's voting abuse :P
@Mr.Xcoder lol same xD his is the only one I have memorized for some reason
@Mr.Xcoder I know my PPCG one, but not my SE one

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