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@Mr.Xcoder Use collections.Sequence then
Also you should import sympy properly instead of doing __import__("sympy") all over the place
Ok, I'll use collections.Sequence. I was planning to import sympy, but I had __import__("sympy") because it's a heavy package and at first I thought I wouldn't use it too much. Turns out I need it, so I'll switch now. Thank you for the pro advice :-)
@Mr.Xcoder If you use sympy even once, you still have to import it and pay the startup cost. Might as well do that up-front for cleaner code.
@Mego APL: Invert a non-square matrix:
@Mego Well, if you don't know upfront if you're going to use it, I'd still use __import__.
Import is in bold because it's important?
Import is in bold because I keep forgetting __ is a thing in Markdown.
@Dennis It's entirely legal to use the regular import inside of a non-global scope, so there's no reason to use __import__ unless you need to import something that is given at runtime. Even then, importlib's tools are preferable.
@EriktheOutgolfer Look at the history of Dennis' message and you'll understand
@Adám But which pseudoinverse are you using?
that's not an inverse actually, Adám most probably meant
I guess I am going to import it globally because I'll heavily use it
@Mego I'd have to refactor Jelly quite a bit, but that would work.
And honestly having import sympy in 1/4th of the functions is not too pleasant, aesthetically speaking
@Mego Sorry: . Given a non-square matrix M, return a non-square matrix N such that N×M is an identity matrix.
@Mr.Xcoder @Dennis You could also look into using lazy imports
@Adám Again - which psuedoinverse? Unlike true inverses, pseudoinverses are not unique.
@Mego That looks cool, but it would be an additional dependency I'd much rather like to avoid, given that not many people have it installed
AFAIK, at least
@Mego Really? [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5]][[-1.08,-0.33,0.42],[0.83,0.33,-0.17]]. Any other?
@Mr.Xcoder That's why you use a setup.py and let setuptools handle requirements
@Mego I think I tried that once and it went very wrong.
Ok, how does it look now?
Looks like someone figured out my thing. I know it counts as a language, too. if it doesn't i'll be suprised.
Also, first 100 rep \o/
@moonheart08 I get this, is that right?
Heh, you figured it out. It's paused by default (Just noting in case you've never used TPT, which, to note, is capable of everything that defines a language on this site \o/)
If you post that in the robbers thread, i'll mark it as cracked. I'm impressed.
hullo. I'm learning c++ from Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ . The book suggest using Visual Studio, but it tkes 7 GB of download. Would using code:blocks suffice ?
I was expecting it to draw a triangle, but I guess an animation counts too...
Yup! Atom or something similar works as well.
Just note it'll deviate slightly from the book
or largely, depending on your choice (psst don't go and choose vim)
@AlexKChen I've used codeblocks in the past, it's a minimalist "IDE"... I wasn't too impressed, but it does work.
for a total beginner like me, what do u suggest ? @Mr.Xcoder @others
I personally use Atom. but Atom is a bit heavyweight, so if you're on a lowend computer, avoid it.
But I'd much rather use TIO instead of Codeblocks :P
@Adám I don't believe that specific matrix has any other pseudoinverses
I use Notepad++.
Codeblocks is definitely enough.
(you can download codeblocks and g++(mingw) separately, because the built in mingw version isn't really good)
I was trying to figure out how to ping tsh, because it's him who figured it out, but it's not necessary anymore :P
@Mr.Xcoder Syntax highlighting? For beginners it's too easy to make errors without...
@totallyhuman I got home, opened the SE app and found +100 waiting :P
I'd rather use vim than anything else :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing that makes sense, you have two questions out
i don't :P
@AlexKChen For a beginner, Codeblocks suffices. I'd also recommend CLion if you're willing to pay (or otherwise you can try out the free trial)
@NieDzejkob Not on Windows.
@totallyhuman Well, you have a lot of answers :P
For Linux, I use Sublimetext.
@user202729 If you want a snippet for this I'd recommend you edit it in, I can't do JS
Me too. @NieDzejkob?
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks !
I use VS for C++ and Atom as my text editor
(I mean I can do JS but not too familiar)
> 31 new answers to this question
Visual Studio is very, very not lightweight.
Note to self: Never leave PPCG challenge tab open overnight
@Mr.Xcoder @AlexKChen Also note that CLion is free if you apply for an open-source license. You can only use it for open-source work, but learning C++ should certainly count.
3 mins ago, by user202729
(you can download codeblocks and g++(mingw) separately, because the built in mingw version isn't really good)
For example C++11 string functions (std::to_string, std::stoi) is not supported IIRC. (assuming Windows)
If you can't use C++11 anyway then no problem.
ok. so which one is better between codeblocks and clion ?
@user202729 OK, I'll get going
I prefer CLion, but it's mostly personal preference
Try both and see which you like better
i use atom, it's probably the only one that hits the sweet spot of customization for me
That was a fun solution for me to come up with. I'm impressed it was cracked in the way they did it, as well. (I didn't realize it saved variable names in the compressed BSON)
I use Notepad/IDLE when using Python :P
... Also codeblocks feels really slow for me.
Q: Pascal's Triangle (Sort of)

AdmBorkBorkMost everyone here is familiar with Pascal's Triangle. It's formed by successive rows, where each element is the sum of its two upper-left and upper-right neighbors. Here are the first 5 rows (borrowed from Generate Pascal's triangle): 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 . . . Collapse t...

Q: Is OEIS down for anyone else?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I had troubles accessing OEIS more or less 2 hours ago
but it loaded after a few retries
@cairdcoinheringaahing It is down for me.
ಠ_ಠ OEIS goes down right when a challenge is posted
ಠ_ಠ You wanted to search OEIS? Come up with a formula yourself! :P
github, please...
Does anyone know of another way to browse Jelly wiki?
try clearing the tz cookie off of github then refresh
Hullo @EriktheOutgolfer will you play a round of Super Tic Tac Toe ?
I don think it can help.
for me that's how I regained access to github
the name of the cookie
you go to the github.com cookies, and delete the "tz" cookie
@cairdcoinheringaahing I timed it especially.
Q: Do you favourite questions, and if so, why?
I've favorite'd one question, because it's my favorite question on the site.
1. They provide data that I often need, search for
2. I want to follow changes in it
I favourite questions on PPCG because I want to take a crack at them at some point :P
agh i can't remember the language that uses a colon for operator arguments
It's fun how The Powder Toy meets the PPCG requirements for being a language
I'm tempted to try golfing in it noncompetitively for fun. Just need to figure out how to actually measure it
@moonheart08 Savefiles?
Which language is that?
Save files seem a little clunky.
... "operator arguments"? What's that?
It makes a little more sense to, maybe, answer in particle count?
@moonheart08 A lot of games are good for PPCG challenges. Minecraft is quite a good one :P
@moonheart08 Well, unless there's another method to reproduce state from a countable sequence of bytes, that's what you're stuck with
@Mego i'm talking about scoring. unless that's what you mean.
probably is what you mean
That is what I mean
noncompetitive it is then
This looks terribly like some Lisp dialect, but I can't find a working one...
you can write a golfing language that can only output TPT savefiles
@moonheart08 Most people don't use those kind of languages to win, but just because they're fun to use
I though you had alredy posted in that language?
@cairdcoinheringaahing if in particle count, TPT could win some simple challanges. But yea, save file score makes sense
We count everything in bytes, because that's the only sensible measurement. Anything else would be comparing apples to pineapples.
@user202729 i think lisp is a red herring on that one
TFW you google something and Geobits is the first result :/
nah, doesn't convince me you typed that randomly at all
why :/
do you not want to see geobits
> 27283891147 is even number
Reading through the chat transcript can be great
yeah transcript's often more fun than regular chat lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing why?
@NieDzejkob Check my message above that
I know, but is that bad?
just refresh if the ordering is bothering you
Not bad per se, but not good either
@cairdcoinheringaahing JavaScript disagrees. 27283891147777777 is truly even though
All sane languages should disagree :P
Can/should I google things for The programming language quiz challenge?
... looks like it's useless anyway ...
you can't reasonably enforce otherwise anyways
Winning criteria.
TPT is rather good for quines (suprisingly). It's better than jsfuck at least lol
it's possible to build a configuration of particles that duplicates infinitely
I may as well make a quine in TPT then. It'll be fun.
@moonheart08 Everything is better than JSFuck :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing True. :P
So to pull this off i'm going to need two "scanning" heads that use DRAY to duplicate one part of the machine at a time...
@cairdcoinheringaahing JSFuck? Do you mean javascript? :p
Nah, JS is better than PHP
so I didn't predict a thing while working on the TPLQ2 snippet and now firefox is "not responding", the cpu usage is up to 100% while the stackexchange javascript console is probably serialising a recirsive object
any ideas how to recover from that?
@NieDzejkob pkill fox
Uh, the entire firefox? Odd.
but then wouldn't I lose the code I already wrote?
... too bad ...
Don't you store the code somewhere else?
I thought firefox uses threads to isolate and run each tab seperately. But yea, you're gonna have to kill it
I guess that's a nightly thing
... auto recovery may work ... or not.
> Multiple users are discussing PHP.

Ignore them.
Good to see that bluefeet has a sense of humour :P
@MDXF is going to get on to a surprise when they see my answer was cracked. (They were trying to crack it)
Also, you guys can crack anything can't you.
I highly suspect some of you are wizards in disguise
@moonheart08 Just you wait. Dennis hasn't even got involved yet :P
Yes, Dennis cracked a ??? submission.
Ah yeah, just noticed.
@moonheart08 you're wrong. Most of the wizards in this site aren't at all interested in disguising themselves.
lesson learned, starting from scratch :(
I'd say that "Heeby Jeeby Man" was a half-decent disguise, given that it took some people about a day to realise
fortunately I didn't have a lot done
@cairdcoinheringaahing indeed. Me included >.>
@NieDzejkob No, don't do Scratch, that'll get cracked easily.
on that note, how did 7zip decompress the TPT savefile? TPT save files have a header that contains TPT version information, a checksum, etc.
CMP: 5 programming languages everybody should know? (inspiration)
end of list
no u
Everyone should know rust \o/
@AdmBorkBork can't tell if you are serious
@cairdcoinheringaahing Python
i'm suprised no-one has done an encoded Magic The Gathering deck. Magic The Gathering is turing complete if I remember right.
how do you know? :P
Just recalling from a discussion in #esoteric on freenode
@NieDzejkob Totally for srs. Scratch would get cracked almost instantly just by looking at the picture.
and true
@moonheart08 is there an interpreter for that?
@NieDzejkob Yes, it's called a person. :p
@moonheart08 I'm not sure that counts
Meh. I'm just noting :P
15 mins ago, by NieDzejkob
so I didn't predict a thing while working on the TPLQ2 snippet and now firefox is "not responding", the cpu usage is up to 100% while the stackexchange javascript console is probably serialising a recirsive object
@AdmBorkBork Build BYOB program, make people think it's Scratch
... why should I include program in robber post?
So that people can see the program without having to click through?
@moonheart08 I could probably do that, but what's the point?
@Pavel but then it would still work in Scratch
remember, they don't have to guess the language you used, but any language in which it works
@NieDzejkob Yeah, I realize. Tried to make a joke based on the programming language Scratch and your comment that you were "starting from scratch"
@EriktheOutgolfer Has anyone even use BYOB? I've heard of it, but I've never actually seen a BYOB program.
@user202729 Convenience for readers
@Pavel btw BYOB is now called Snap!
TIL C# classes can be split across multiple projects. Thank you C# for letting me write ever shittier code.
... it seems that an answer in any practical language would be cracked immediately.
@Pavel Yep, partial classes. VB.NET has the same "feature"
@user202729 Not if it were disguised as another language
Or just that I think so. I don't know.
But there are a lot of keywords...
It's used a lot for WinForms - the designer will make a partial class with all the element loading and positioning handled (poorly), and give you an almost-blank class to implement behaviors in
@Mego It was only very recently that they could be split across projects though. Now, depending on which assembly you compile, the exact same class can behave differently and have different methods.
@Pavel Oh right, projects, I missed that bit
That's terrifying
For example:
... I don't know. Probably I can just try to just do it.
@Mego I think I might actually have a usecase for it. I'm building a game, for which there's a 2 projects for the server and the client, with a shared core project holding all the commonalities between them. The client project extends the partial class to include a Render method and such, which relies on a graphics library that won't run on the server and so can't be included in the base class.
@Pavel You can also just write it in C++. Problem solved. (Don't actually do this, split code in C++ is ugly and hard to maintain)
@moonheart08 Unfortunatly, this is a group project, and I was not able to convince three other people to learn C++
Q: Do we need an tag for community votes on things such as TNB room owners or nominations for mods?
I can't just use inherit the core class to include graphics, either: If GraphicsObject extends BaseObject , and BasePlayer extends BaseObject, what does GraphicsPlayer extend?
CMQ for those who are not learning APL: Why not? What would make you?
CMQ for those are learning APL: What is difficult? Which problems are you having?
I am really bad at learning keyboard layouts, apparantly.
@Adám Time constraints
Not enough hours in the day for everything that I want to do and have to do
@Adám Golfing it. I'm fine making a program in APL, but its always twice the size of something you or Uriel post
I'm reading through these and thinking that 18 bytes is waaay too long for a fib program :/
And ಠ_ಠ for The score of your solution is the sum of the UTF-8 characters in your source code. This means both "A" (U+0041 Latin Capital Letter A) and "😉" (U+1F609 Winking Face) cost the same despite the 1:4 ratio in byte count.
surely if it's just script then Firefox's slow script warning should pop up at some point
@Neil the problem is that it probably went into an infinite loop in C code, which would not be detected
How do you guys like the UI of this snippet?
I doubt the stackexchange console is written in C
@NieDzejkob Looks good to me
@Neil but the builtin javascript string representation generator
I will probably add a language column to the cracked answers
and add a safe answers section
I feel its time to post this: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14755/77516
its ~2.5 days and I guess no new feedback
JSON.stringify throws an exception for cyclic values
idk then
maybe it was just a random hang?
toString on an array that contains itself just seems to ignore that element
Q: Which is easier to read/identify paths of numbers? First or second?
I wonder how many games you can physically make a quine in. you can kinda do it in factorio (Using the Recursive Blueprints mod)..
@Adám Definitely converting dfns into tacit fns (and remembering the orders of the operators and what'll be executed first)
@moonheart08 you could make a hexadecimal display that shows the savefile data one nibble per frame
@J.Sallé Noted. However, isn't it much easier to remember APL's order of execution that that of other languages (which do have a precedence table)?
True. That'd be insane, but it might be possible
I don't exactly understand this question codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/155152/… on how the spiral is generated
Q: Print a outgoing spiral of pangram

Weijun ZhouIntroduction Write a program to output the outgoing spiral of the famous pangram following given rules. Challenge A pangram is a sentence using every letter of a given alphabet at least once. One of the most famous pangrams is the one used extensively in Windows font viewer, namely "The quick ...

Background: Our CEO asked me to present what is difficult for newcomers and what holds people back from taking up APL.
@ManishKundu Each character is repeated n times, where n is its position in the alphabet, unless it hits a corner, then the next letter in the string is used.
why does each line contain exactly 30 letters?
Because that's how many spirals it goes through before all letters in the string are used
12 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
Q: Which is easier to read/identify paths of numbers? First or second?
Any answer?
@cairdcoinheringaahing do you have to use numbers? / I would say the first. / Maybe you can use some HTML magic to do syntax coloring?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Python, Javascript, C / C# / some variant thereof, Haskell, and of course Triangularity :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing First.
Anyone can take a look at this?
Man, trying to use Go on Windows makes me hate this stupid language even more
@Adám it is, but I still don't get some of the ordering. I don't know if I'm too dense to work it out properly or something. I guess lack of practice is also a problem.
I'm about to post this challenge: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/4823/2867
My main concern is in the scoring. It's a cool concept, but I really have no idea how it will turn out.
Just try it.
@user202729 Should it be VTRO? Is the issue of programs can't be scored problematic enough?
@Mr.Xcoder C and C# are like Java and Javascript.
Proving BB(a) > b is not too hard (just find a program, assume it's true) but proving BB(a) < b is extremely hard.
I disagree that C is similar to Java or Javascript. C# might be, but IMO C isn't.
@Mr.Xcoder What I'm saying is that C is nothing like C#
Oh, I see now.
On the other hand, Java and C# are Python and Coconut.
@Adám There are so many languages out there I don't see any reason to learn APL in particular
It's the same language, but with more better features
@user202729 Uhhh.... why starring this?
@Mr.Xcoder You may be thinking of C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++
@Pavel C++ is nothing like C :P
From man killall: "kill processes by name" (unlike what its name may suggest)
@PhiNotPi What's stopping Mathematica from dominating the challenge by having a builtin?
C is highly superior by all means IMO
@Mr.Xcoder It's certaintly way closer than C#
@Mego Nothing. (.....)
Besides, if you look at my C++, with all it's mallocs, you might not be sure which one of the two you're looking it :P
Yet surprisingly Mathematica doesn't have a built-in Pascal Triangle.
It has Binomial.
@Mego I'm going by the whole "competition within languages, not between them" thing.
@user202729 kill all [instances of]. It's a sane name
@Mr.Xcoder Isn't that just Binomial
@PhiNotPi That's fair, I suppose
If TNB is abandoned for 1e9 years, will the highest-starred message rise to the top of the starboard?
Yes, I believe so.
Let's test!
@Mr.Xcoder sets timeout
@PhiNotPi The challenge is interesting enough that I just wasted 10 minutes trying to do polynomial interpolation, only to find that it's a terrible approach
CMC how long would it take of not starring things for the top starred post to rise to the top?
@Mego What's Polynomial Interpolation?
The opposite of monomial outerpolation.
I've posted my challenge.
Now I need to do other work, hopefully it doesn't implode in the meantime.
Q: Compressing the Atomic Ionization Energies

PhiNotPiThis is a different type of compression challenge. In a normal kolmogorov-complexity challenge, you are required to recreate a list exactly. Here, you are allowed to round the values in any way you wish. What's the catch? Your score is penalized based on how wrong your output is. At the bott...

Already downvoted, whelp.
That's why you use ECMAScript 6 /s
@Mr.Xcoder Because you call "math.log" before running requires?
Good point lol
it WAS a joke
i maintain a largeish IRC bot written in Node.js. I promise situations like that are hell.
@Mr.Xcoder Python is the only language I know which doesn't work this way. In other languages, the operator you want is ===. Python comparison is strict by default, while not in other languages
20 hours ago, by betseg
also, they said the bottom 2 streams were 2 boosters but they were the same
youtube.com/watch?v=bCc16uozHVE they edited the video!
=== has a completely different meaning in Python
And it's much saner in my opinion

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