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@El'endiaStarman You do realize you have three votes, right? :P
but the votes are ordered
It's a really tough decision this year. We have three amazing nominees :-)
@DJMcMayhem Oh, that's true. Still, like Erik said, I have to order those votes...
too bad neil got removed
Q: Three polyglots, two period-two quines, and one code-golf challenge

noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆProduce a program A such that running it in language A produces Program B, and running program A in language B produces program C. Program B, when run in language B produces Program A, and running program B in language A produces program C. Program C, when run in language A or language B, print...

For me, it's easy. Mego, then Dj, then Phi.
Out of respect to the other candidates, I'm not going to say what my #2 and #3 choices are
@Mego who is your #1
Would there be a good place to ask about procedural generation? (StackOverflow won't let me chat in it's chatrooms to ask ):)
@Poke ಠ_ಠ Try to guess
@Poke Myself, naturally :P
hey man, maybe you were throwing a curveball
who am i to make such an assumption
If I wasn't willing to vote for myself as #1, I wouldn't have nominated myself
s/you were/he was/
eh, looks like you're DJ's #1 too...unless that's #2 :P
Proposal: We take all 3 candidates.
IIRC I voted for other candidates (and not myself) in every election I've been in.
like, #1?
@El'endiaStarman And won at one point anyway. Nice.
Yeah. Kinda like "If I'm not the best person for the job, then I think these others are.".
@Pavel Yeah well, that one was a shoo-in, basically. Four pro-tem mods that everyone liked in an election for four mod positions.
I've also run for mod at PPCG, but that wasn't an entirely serious effort. Come to think of it, those are the only elections I've been a candidate in. I nominated myself for pro-tem on Mythology, but didn't get picked.
CMC: SEDE query to sort SE users by how many sites they have diamonds on.
do you intend to become another ChrisF? :P
Pre-election survey (thanks Google Forms for actually supporting this kind of voting)
eh, but you shouldn't be voting in there, or anybody else for that matter, because the penguin may use the data for more targeted shameless self-advertising :P
@Mego Before voting – When will you reveal the results of the survey?
Obviously this survey is not official in any capacity
But I can put multiple choices in the same columns...
@Mego No can vote. No Google account.
@user202729 Fixed
Also, we can't see results.
@Mego Time to pull out my 7 google accounts.
@Mr.Xcoder At some point during the nomination period. Probably when it's no longer relevant because there's a 4th nomination :P
... IIRC I only have 5.
@Hosch250 Sorry. There's not a good way to prevent duplicate votes other than requiring a Google account
> Golpher Supreme – Doorknob♦ 2 hours ago
@EriktheOutgolfer Only 4? Pfff, Rory Alsop has 7 diamonds :P
@Pavel That's intentional - you can't see results in the real election until it's over, either
(fake quote?)
50 secs ago, by PhiNotPi
@Mego Time to pull out my 7 google accounts.
@PhiNotPi Please don't :(
Grace Note has >100 diamonds.
Grace Note is a CM, not a mod. They all have ~170 diamonds :P
@user202729 SE employees don't count because they have diamonds everywhere :P
(yes I know)
Grace Note OP, please nerf
@PhiNotPi Please vote for me: Phi, Mego, DJ.
Am I the only sane person that only has 2 Google accounts? :P
I have 1
I have 3 5 :P Yeah, I see your point
@Hosch250 sure.
2 mins ago, by user202729
... IIRC I only have 5.
I have 3 that I know of
Casual-use account, professional-use account, and Petri dish account
I have 4, one of which might not be allowed to get a new account because it was used and deleted. Never tried it out though.
I....only have one Google account. That I know of.
That's even saner :P
I used to have a bot/alt account (this account) that had just enough rep to chat :P
I have one account [AFAIK]
I have: Normal account, GitHub email account, spam account, second spam account and one I have no idea why I have it
Oh right, I have 4 accounts. I forgot about DataBot (now Lambda)
@Mego I need to get myself a professional-use account, because my gmail is kinda silly. I've been using my hotmail instead.
i only have like 1 or 2 google accounts but i have thousands of aim accounts
I have my main account and the one I give to professors and use when I register at contests that require an email account.
I have one for my phone and one for google scholar
@Poke Is aim like an old person thing?
@Pavel check yourself, bud ;)
Oh wait, I actually have two or three more Gmail accounts, I think. I just don't use them.
@Pavel Hey, I resemble that remark.
@Pavel If by "old person" you mean "the de facto method of internet communication 10 years ago", then yes
i was online when aim died
saddest day ever
it was like 2:30 in the morning or something iirc
So, what is "aim"?
10 years is old to us. It's more than half my lifetime
@Mego Ok, there is no way AIM was around in 2008.
@cairdcoinheringaahing s/less/more/
@Pavel are you kidding with me
I'd have heard of it
aim came out in '97
@Mr.Xcoder My memory is failing, I'm old :P
AIM usage didn't start to decline until 2011
i'll always remember by favorite exploitable piece of software
In 2006, AIM had 52% of the instant messaging market share
So this? Never heard of it
yeah that
oh god the uri scheme
Q: Who had a MySpace account?
I never heard of it too.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I had one, but I forgot my password looong ago and didn't bother to click "Forgot Your Password" :P
i had a myspace once
@Mego I was a little young for instant messaging in 2006, but by 2010 I and most people I knew had a Skype.
he's a good one
;-; I still have Skype
anyone ever use xfire?
@Mr.Xcoder Weird :P I'm older than you (IIRC) but only heard of myspace about 5 years ago :P
Yes I can confirm, I think you are a bit older than me
By then, I couldn't be bothered to create an account :P
@Pavel Skype, SMS, and Facebook started to take over the market in 2012
@Mr.Xcoder A lot IIRC.
But most people use(d) Skype for video/voice chat, not text chat
i used skype for voip
skype is alive and well...?
before i switched to mumble
@user202729 No I don't think so. About 1 year or 2?
skype for messaging was awful
just acquired by Microsoft
and still is
I used Skype for text messaging right up until we got Discord.
@Mr.Xcoder What grade are you in school?
@EriktheOutgolfer Alive, yes. Well, that's a different story. I used partial past tense there to mean that Skype is and was primarily used for voice and video chat.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mr.Xcoder is 14 IIRC. See the profile page.
@cairdcoinheringaahing 8th Grade, 14 and a half yo.
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, I'm 15 and a half :P
... my memory was wrong.
@Mr.Xcoder Ah, back when half years were worth calling out :)
One of these days I should set up a Facebook account.
@Pavel Don't bother. Only trolls use it nowadays.
I registered my google account when gmail was in beta
@Pavel Nah, Facebook is a cesspool
@Hosch250 Trolls and old people :P
@Mego And yet, everyone else seems to be using it
@Hosch250 Counting like ya do for a baby, I'm 434 months old.
@Pavel Very few people are not trolls :)
@Pavel You must underestimate how many trolls and old people are around
Wait, so what are people using these days?
@AdmBorkBork 270 here.
@Pavel SnapChat or Instagram
@Pavel Real people talk face-to-face.
There's no good content on facebook, I just use it as a glorified messaging service for people I have no better way to communicate with.
Or on SE chat.
@Pavel SnapChat, Instagram, WhatsApp, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Discord
I'm a fan of GroupMe
WhatsApp? No-one in my year uses WhatsApp :P
@AdmBorkBork I'm ashamed to say I had to use a calculator to divide that by 12 :/
WhatsApp isn't a social media thing, It's like a drop-in for SMS.
Lots of international people use WhatsApp
Yeah, it's not really social media, it's more like SE chat
@cairdcoinheringaahing I used a calculator to come up with it, so /shrug
Discord, SE chat, WhatsApp are my top 3 "social" media.
^, but s/WhatsApp/Steam
SE chat is my one-and-only. I log into Twitter about 1 every 2-4 months and post something maybe once a year.
Also snap sometimes but I'm not a fan of it
Discord, SE chat, and iMessage
Evil Apples, Facebook Messenger and SE chat
I use Twitter daily, but I only follow news organizations and other companies, and don't tweet. I just use it for news and announcments.
@Mego I think you should release those votes sooner rather than later... after all you'll really only get the votes of those who are in chat right now.
I use Discord and a one national site. Lately I started to watch this chat, never been here for longer :p
I also use Messenger but only to contact my brother
@PhiNotPi Since it's stalled at 6 votes, I probably will
I just need to remember how to use that election program
FaceBook seems to be devolving more and more into ads and clickbait, sprinkled here or there with posts from friends. It's getting frustrating to use.
I haven't used much of Facebook other than Messenger for quite a while now, actually.
Stop using it then? :P
I have a group setup with friends that we use for coordinating get-togethers, else I probably would stop using it.
@AdmBorkBork That sounds like a "Switch to Discord" kind of problem.
Discord does calendaring?
I dislike Facebook myself. My brother uses it and that's the only reason I've got Messenger on my phone
Even if both of us have Discord
So you and DJ would win if that was the actual election? Sounds good to me
A survey to which 6 people responded is not too relevant nonetheless
Sorry if that sounded harsh Phi :/
Yeah, 6 people is a really small survey pool - the last election got 512 votes
> 512
Yes, 2⁹.
CMP: Will you vote this year?
(is it true that only programmers memorize powers of 2?)
@Mr.Xcoder Yes.
@user202729 I knew a math guy that memorized 2^100.
@user202729 Definitely not true
Interestingly, if the previous election was run with 6 seats, Phi and Digital Trauma would be mods
Also, I'll bet you that tons of people have the first 10 powers of 2 memorized thanks to the 2048 game.
@El'endiaStarman Guilty as charged
2^100 or 101 first powers of 2?
Oh no I played that game for over a year, don't remind me of it!
btw when I was looking at election posts, I have read "I'm not PhiPi" .-.
@user202729 Like, 2**100. I think he also had 2**50 memorized, but not 2**75.
@El'endiaStarman It's much less impressive if there are gaps :P
I have 2^63 memorized, but not 2^35~2^62.
Agree, star.
@Mego Oh, for sure. Still, memorizing 31 digits that are meaningless in everyday use is no small feat (says the guy who's memorized over 100 digits of pi...).
Is my memory very bad or Sp3000 used to be the 3rd or 4th user in the rep hierarchy?
Like, "the largest signed long long int value is 9223372036854775807"
@Mr.Xcoder I believe you're right. Sp hasn't been very active lately from what I've seen
@Mr.Xcoder SP is one of the old users. He's gone the way of Geobits.
@user202729 That's actually useful for us programmers, though
(I used to memorize 100 digits of pi. Not too much now.
there hasn't been a single challenge today ;-;
Sp hasn't posted since April '17
I've memorized phi exactly.
@PhiNotPi But not pi?
Not pi?
Ninja'd :/
1.618033989? I may be wrong...
@user202729 Ok, I'm correct.
hmm did somebody remove a mod nomination? i recall 4 nominations but there are only 3 now
@PhiNotPi Memorizing algebraic numbers exactly is easy though :P
This discussion reminded me of my first few interactions with PPCG. Back when Sp3000 was 3rd, and Martin was above Dennis... And Wheat Wizard had less than 5k... flashbacks
@totallyhuman Christopher and the joke nomination were both removed
Which joke nomination?
Pretty sure I was in the top 10 at some point.
@PhiNotPi About ~3 years ago perhaps?
@Mr.Xcoder Oh god. Don't remind me of those times. I had about 4 socks then :/
@Mr.Xcoder I kinda miss Sp3000.
@user202729 The less said about it, the better IMO
He is still somewhat active in chat (but not here)
...wait i think i lost my avatar's source svg :|
@cairdcoinheringaahing Your feet must have been very cold. I have at least 30 socks in my drawer.
Dogs only need 4 socks :P
30 individual socks or 30 pairs of socks?
@totallyhuman Individual
I started learning Jelly (ಠ_ಠ) Finally got the motivation
Proof that Phi is one of the old-ish users from PPCG: They don't have silver code-golf.
It's kinda sad reading the memes page and seeing how many of those dedicated users no longer frequent the site.

 Jelly Hypertraining

Practice your Jelly :) Rules and stuff are here: golfingsucces...
If you ever need help :P
they need access though
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you link me to the memes page again, pls?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks, I've seen the chatroom, but I think I want to learn Jelly myself rn.
I'm more of self-learning type
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks!
TIL that deleted posts don;t onebox
just look up memes on meta
no matter what happens, they can't be wiped off :P
It's deleted. There aren't really any links
there are
Visiting that page reminded me of undergroundmonorail, Geobits, Alex, Mama Fun Roll, ... Oh boy
The memes post was deleted because users were taking it as a "how to be annoying" guide. Let's keep it dead.
@Mego Trying to decide if you are a centipede in disguise or if you just layered them.
@Mego :(
@totallyhuman The long way is to visit this, then click through to the Mother Meta version, then find the revision when it got removed, then follow that. I just favourited it :P
That kind of happens when memes are spammed too often.
the memes got annoying because they weren't updated
anyways, pls let's not argue, all we're gonna get out of it is kicked
@Mego Surely it's fine to reminisce. Just so long as we don't try to revive the memes, it should be ok right? (Besides we have new memes now :P)
CR still has the same old memes and the same old users, and everything. It's kind of stagnant, which is nice, but also sad because it means the site isn't healthy.
@Mr.Xcoder Is it bad that I've basically stopped golfing?
Informal APL learning session tonight at 18:30 UTC in https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/apl. See https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/41299896 if you don't have 20 Stack Exchange rep points.
@PhiNotPi I tend to spend more time browsing meta and writing challenges than I do golfing
@PhiNotPi Bad for the site, yes. I've seen some of your answers (not necessarily code golf, but it still applies) and your challenges, and they're great. It's really sad that old users are drifting away from the site.
@cairdcoinheringaahing You guys aren't going to get rid of me that easily (though 2 years isn't exactly "old") :P
@Mego Just wait until you get a job.
He has a job IIRC
He just got one IIRC :c
retracts mod vote for Mego
@Hosch250 I start my new job on the 12th :)
Oh, nice.
Oh, I was thinking of Mr. Xcoder.
CMP: How long does a user need to be around for them to be an old user?
oh not a code mentor anymore?
@DJMcMayhem 2 years and 4 months
@Hosch250 Hmm, what do you mean?
Aren't you the 14yo?
@DJMcMayhem that's actually defined objectively, until they get off the "new users" page :P
@EriktheOutgolfer That didn't really work out. The platform is kinda terrible.
@Hosch250 I am :)
@Hosch250 No, I'm a bit older than that :P
@DJMcMayhem I'd say its not account age, but account activity
@Mego Yeah, you are the 36yo :)
That's AdmBorkBork...
@Hosch250 Too far
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh?
Maybe I need to go into memory care ;)
Hint: because of my current age in years, nobody likes me
@Mego Huh. I was here before you, though it doesn't seem like it.
@Mego Mighty convenient how that worked out :P
@DJMcMayhem It's almost like I picked that for a reason :P
@Mego That could be anywhere from 2 to 99+.
@Hosch250 Yeah, I'm the old fart in the room
@Hosch250 23
@Mego I don;t like preschoolers, so I reckon you're 5?
@Hosch250 You mean nobody dislikes babies/toddlers?
@Mego Is that a blink-182 reference? :D
@DJMcMayhem Yes it is :D
So tell me: what's my age again?
Is blink-182 another old person thing?
I like your music tastes
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing Good Lord I hope not.
Get off my lawn.
Well, what is it?
@Mego 26?
opens Google Ah, Ok
@Pavel A band
Blink-182 (often stylized as blink-182; pronounced "blink one eighty two") is an American rock band formed in Poway, California in 1992. Since 2015, the lineup of the band has consisted of bassist and vocalist Mark Hoppus, drummer Travis Barker, and guitarist and vocalist Matt Skiba. Founded by guitarist and vocalist Tom DeLonge, Hoppus and drummer Scott Raynor, the band emerged from the Southern California punk scene of the early 1990s and first gained notoriety for high-energy live shows and irreverent lyrical toilet humor. Blink-182 was initially known as Blink until an Irish band of the same...
That would explain why I haven't heard of them
SMH, how broken can JS be?
Oh, 23?
@Mego You ready for some sad news? That song is almost 20 years old
@Mego Without any socks, my feet would be very cold on your lawn :P
@Hosch250 very
@Mr.Xcoder Nailed it
Yuppe \o/
@DJMcMayhem Oh man. Why did you do this to me?
I'm setting a @(#)%$* property in an array used by jQuery datatables, and the whole table updates wrong.
Maybe b182 is old people music now 😭
TFW you have €Ð€€ in a Jelly answer ಠ_ಠ
3 years 3 months apparently. It's been a while
@cairdcoinheringaahing Same ಠ_ಠ
@Hosch250 That looks like Perl, not JS.
@DJMcMayhem Next they'll say A7X is old people music :(
@Pavel LOL.
@Mego That's too weird for me
I don't listen to them very much though
@DJMcMayhem And just when I thought we were friends :P
uh, what is A7X again?
@EriktheOutgolfer Avenged Sevenfold

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