I recently posted the challenge Write Moby Dick, approximately, which has proven popular and the answers are flowing in. However, it has one unforeseen issue that I'm tempted to try and fix.
The current best-scoring answers solve the problem in two steps: first strip out the newlines, then run s...
... moby dick became HNQ, which will make the upvote abuse worse ...
+46/-15 in comparison with +39/-0 ... too bad.
By the way...
@user202729 I believe that if you have a problem with this answer, you should take it to the PPCG Meta site or a chat room because it sounds as if this comment thread is very chatty and Stack Exchange rule discourage conversation in comments. (I have no intent or desire to cause any disagreement here.) — juniorRubyist4 hours ago
CMC: Given an integer, and a repetition number, repeat the transformation [1,integer] that many times. The order does matter. E.g. 42 0: 42; 7 2: [1,[1,7]]; 1 7: [1,[1,[1,[1,[1,[1,[1,1]]]]]]]
Challenge Given a finite list of unique integral points in the plane, find a polygon whose vertices are exactly those points, which does not self intersect. Details As input you can take e.g. two lists with each the x- and y-coordinates or a list of pairs. The input list contains at least 3 points. The list of inputs is can be assumed to be not co-linear (the …
if you have enough rep to have association bonuses then you have enough rep to chat (well, maybe except SO and Meta.SE where assoc. bonus can give you the rep right away)
If you got 1 initial rep, 100 assoc rep and 10 real rep, and then bounty away 100, can you answer protected question? What if you bounty away all until you get <10?
@Adám except that association rep is really just that, association with your earned 200 rep on another site of the network, there's a reason it's called that
@flawr Personally I think requiring the indices doesn't add anything to the challenge because going between the two is easy (mapping over list get-by-index one way, and mapping over list find-index the other way)
Given a German string and an indication of a case (lower/upper/title), fold the string to that case.
Input will consist only of a–z plus äöüß-,.;:!?'" in uppercase and/or lowercase.
The target case may be taken as any three unique values (please specify what they are) of a consi...
@AdmBorkBork No, it is just a random phrase which uses all three umlauts, has eszett both in the beginning and end of a word, and has some punctuation. I just made it up.
Yeah, that's kinda what I was getting from Google Translate, which is what made me think it was a joke that didn't translate well. Like, if the sound normally associated with oil is "ss zz" or something -- like a play on words.
> Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
A positive integer x is a square triangle number iff there are two different positive integers, y and z, which are smaller than x such that all of the sums
x + y
x + z
y + z
are perfect squares.
For example 30 is a square triangle number because
6 + 19 = 52
30 + 6 = 62
30 + 19 = 72
Square Number Chains
Given a positive integer n >= 25, it is conjectured that there exists a permutation of the positive integers which are less than or equal to n in which every adjacent pair of numbers adds up to a square number. There are also several numbers less than 25 that thi...
Build an adder in Rule 110!
Rule 110 is an elementary cellular automaton; that is, it is a one-dimensional two-state cellular automaton in which a cell's state in each generation is influenced only by its immediate neighbors' and its own in the previous generation. There are 256 such automata, t...
This question already has an answer here: Interpret brainf*** 44 answers Your Mission: Your objective is to create a compiler for the language Brainf#ck. There are only 8 simple commands in it (in case you weren't aware). Your code must accept a line of characte…
It does seem like making fun of someone who's unable to defend themselves. On the flip side, it's making fun of spammers in general, rather than one specific user
Terminalize Terminal Eyes
code-golf ascii-art interactive
You may or may not remember Xeyes, a demo that came with (and, as far as I know, still comes with) the X window system. Its purpose was to draw a pair of eyes that followed your mouse cursor:
Your challenge is to recreate Xeyes with A...