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worked fine for me
@DJMcMayhem of course you have to define foo and a but yeah it works fine
>>> foo = lambda x: x < 16
>>> a = 1
>>> while foo(a):print a;a*=2
Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AM
D64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> foo=lambda a:a
>>> a=7
>>> while foo(a):print a;a*=2
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    while foo(a):print a;a*=2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@Riker What version of python are you on?
that's because print has no parends
Oh poop
works fine in py3 if you add them
Well i r dum
Sorry @tfbninja
I thought it went to 296700 ?
@Riker What exactly is unclear?
@DJMcMayhem it's cool I approved it (somebody else also did so it worked out)
@cairdcoinheringaahing the bot doesn't have the right syntax, it doens't specify what happens to the to_server at each round start
doens't have examples on how to use the 'say' command
BTW, on a semi-related side note, @tfbninja It makes me super happy to see you being more and more active on PPCG. :)
no clue how the mafia/cop/doctor thing works, i.e. when do yuo output the name of your target and how do you get that msg (the from_server? when?)
I have now officially introduced two active users to the site.
also, it's unclear really how the heck we know what we are
since the OP hasn't said we can save data in files
and we're not told what we are every single round
(how are we supposed to store our data?)
in general it's just pretty underspecified @cairdcoinheringaahing
@Riker You may create, write to or read from any file in your bot's folder,
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah ok missed that sorry
doesn't answer my other questions though
@PhiNotPi Some very hard to come by and rather expensive rackmount stuff. A friend is building a homelab.
and I'm frustrated because I feel like @Christopher2EZ4RTZ didn't really think things through before jumping the gun and posting the challenge
there was a reason monorail didn't post it, because it wasn't quite finished
tl;dr: I'm salty but it is really unclear
@Riker I agree with that. It seems to be more of a rep grab than posting because the challenge should be posted
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, and no offense @Christopher2EZ4RTZ, but I feel like all of your taken challenges (i.e. you didn't write them) have been a bit of a rep grab
and I'm pretty dissapointed
@cairdcoinheringaahing in other news are you planning on writing a bot?
I'm trying to make a bot class thing that's extendable for main logic
@Riker No. I dislike taking part in KoTHs. Mainly because I can't think of a good game plan :P
lol ok
I'm honestly just trying to make the first functioning bot >_>
Steve was a good bot. In 2014 :P
What KOTH are we talking about?
Q: Let's Play Mafia!

Christopher 2EZ 4RTZMafia (also known as Werewolf) is a party game that plays roughly like this: The game begins on day 0. After every day n comes a night n. After every night n comes a day n+1. i.e. D0, N0, D1, N1, D2, N2... At the dawn of day 0, a host secretly chooses players to fill certain roles:   Some num...

@PhiNotPi hey, I didn't really realize you were back
you used to be the KOTH champ
@Riker I never left, I'm just more visible now.
ah cool
Mafia will be an interesting KOTH. The human-readability is uncommon for KOTHs.
I actually have been pretty absent these past couple weeks, though. School is busy and I have a GPA to maintain.
can somebody approve htis edit?
I want to edit hte post but I can't while that is pending
@Zacharý Sure, many times. I'm expecting it to happen again tomorrow.
@LuisMendo you got outgolfed in the convolution challenge:)
Q: 52 Week Challenge

JamesWrite a program that completes the following: Displays a heading in a function describing the 52 Week challenge(The 52 week challenge is a way to save money. For example, Week 1, you save $1.00. Week 2 you save $2.00, and it continues through the year, adding one more dollar to each week’s savin...

On a site which encourages language agnosticism, conventional "languaged" programmers are turned away from the nuances of this site...
Can you elaborate?
I've seen many challenges that have been closed on this site which talk about the use of a for loop, or a void function, or something to that effect. For them, they have no reason to assume anyone answering their challenge wouldn't use a language that didn't have these concepts. Why would I, as a Java or C or C++ or JavaScript programmer, who visited this site to share a "programming puzzle", ever think about languages like Brainfuck or Jelly, which do not have a for loop?
(them being the new challenge makers)
@ConorO'Brien Did you just say Jelly doesn't have loops? (ಠ_ಠ). Apart than that, I mostly agree
for loops
Wut? should do it
that's "each" not for(a;b;c){}
regardless, a regular programmer wouldn't know that
Ah yeah. That's true, if that's what you were referring to
Just because someone is new doesn't give them carte blanche to ignore site conventions. The quality of the challenge and not the author of the challenge should be the basis for votes, close votes, etc.
I think someone went through some of my answers.
@ATaco You can't complain :P Though you're probably not gonna be too happy if they get removed :P
But I have no idea how close I am to the Taco hat.
@AdmBorkBork I never said such french should be given to new users. I'm saying there's a problem in the way our site handles and greets new people. It's very unreasonable to comment on a new person's question with "This is unclear because it has no winning criterion" when the larger problem is that they don't understand what this site is about.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

dylnanSpiral Matrices code-golf decision-problem array matrix Inspired by this challenge. Definition I will define a spiral matrix as a matrix that has all entries equal to 0, except a spiral of nonzero numeric entries. You can assume the nonzero entries are all positive or all negative if that he...

@ConorO'Brien I do absolutely agree, but it's not unreasonable for us to require all challenges to be A) Very specific to one language. Which is heavily frowned upon, but IMO can be very interesting. Or on the other side of the spectrum B) Abstracted enough to the concepts of "Input-Calculation-Output" that any language that could reasonably participate can.
It's the middle ground that's bad
TFW when you want to post a welcoming comment to a new user but it's too long by 3 characters.
@Mr.Xcoder golf out three spaces
@ConorO'Brien Mea culpa for strawman-ing your argument. I misunderstood. I agree that we can strive to be more welcoming to new users, but that's tangential to the quality of individual challenges.
What do you think about this? Am I still too strict in my explanations?
Also, can you please VTD this?
@DJMcMayhem the problem with a site like this is that we allow both extremes, so one thinks that the middle ground is ok. Sites like anagolf are strictly of the input-output mentality. I've always liked this site for its more free conceptualization of challenges. This encourages people to answer, since most types of answers are acceptable. However, challenge writing is a beast on its on right. I wish this site could have a popup before opening the question dialog that explained everything
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if we had the more anagolf format. It's kinda nice because if the input format isn't great for your given language, it totally doesn't matter at all because it affects every answer in that language equally.
@Mr.Xcoder No, that is a really thorough intro comment.
@Mr.Xcoder Make three "typos".
However, I also greatly appreciate the flexible input format so that my languages that are horrible at parsing and handling edge cases are actually usable
Yup, that ^ is why I love PPCG
same, but this also creates the mentality of "parsing is a bad thing". people on this site, from what I've seen, tend to be against parsing as part of a problem. While I am generally against, say, parsing JSON in a challenge about squaring numbers, we shouldn't always tell a user to remove input parsing/validation from their problems.
(IMO of course)
Having community-established rules, non-cumberstic I/O, a community-moderated site is great IMO. The biggest issue with PPCG being part of Stack Exchange is that it kind of lacks some really important features, while still having some which we hardly ever use.
(IMO of course) :D
@ConorO'Brien i agree with this. i've seen a good amount of challenges that are put on hold because "parsing takes away from the challenge"
XD of IMO (course)
brb, changing XKCD to XDIMO
eventually i will finish my kerning challenge which is completely about parsing :]
IMO input validation is a form of chameleon challenge, where the actual meat (aka the interesting bits) of the challenge gets lost. Once you've done one input parsing challenge, what's the point of having it on every other challenge? That's one of the things I like about PPCG - input can be flexible.
@Poke For a second there, I thought you said kernel challenge
Me too, I completely agree with Adm
And I was slightly horrified
@AdmBorkBork i think you need to take it on a challenge by challenge basis though. i agree with you for many challenges but sometimes it doesn't make sense to not have input validation/parsing/etc
@DJMcMayhem rofl, was it because of the kerning of chat :x
@AdmBorkBork I agree. Tho that doesn't stop people from posting the same generic kolmogorov-complexity problem
@Poke Colonels confusing 'kerning' kerning confusion caused kernel confusion
@DJMcMayhem now i'm confused
(sees a terrific pun)
(Don't ask me how 'Colonel' got in there)
@Poke The kerning on the word 'kerning' was confusing, so it made me think your challenge was about kernels. It caused a kernel confusion.
colonels from kearny?
that helps a little
@DJMcMayhem I just noticed you use And YOU Get A Hat! as a beard... Clever :)
@Mr.Xcoder You mean a corny pun?
yesterday, by DJMcMayhem
My cat has a beard now
yesterday, by DJMcMayhem
Also, it just occurred to me that if anyone didn't know I was talking about Winter Bash, they would be horribly confused right about now
@DJMcMayhem I was actually talking about my difficulty of reading that message, it's not about the pun itself xD
I didn't get any notifications from the SE app the entire day, but I took a nap for like 2 hours and got ~ 8 o.O
@DJMcMayhem I pronounced that kerny in my head
...pun goes on...
I wonder how far wee could take it...
Colonels infernal 'kerning' kerning confusion caused internal kernel confusion in vernal
please don't kern my head xP
Like the buffalo sentence.
@Poke Very true.
@DJMcMayhem removes RO status
@Adám 0 == [], [[]] is greater than both
[0, [], [[]]]
because [[]] becomes [0] which is a non-empty list
which is greater than any empty list
Python gives [0, [], [[]]], but I think 0 == [] and [[]] > [] == 0
I am a Pizza.
@Adám None. You're comparing unlike objects, so any ordering is nonsensical.
@ATaco I wear you on my head.
@Mr.Xcoder If [] == 0 then sorted([[],0]) should give [[], 0], no?
@Mego so error?
@Mego they all look like strings to me, huehue
@Adám yes?
but taht's invalid syntax
sorted([[],0]) is what you mean I think
sorted takes only 1 arg
@Riker Sure. Error, eject the disk drive, sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /, whatever.
@Mego or just error with the message: noots angrily you're comparing apples to pears!
@Adám Correct. sorted is stable.
@Mr.Xcoder Right, I tried that, so clearly 0 precedes []
Python 2's insane need to define an ordering for everything is terrible
Okay so 0<[] according to Py 2
@Mego The reason I ask is because we are contemplating adding a TAO (Total Array Ordering) to Dyalog APL.
PowerShell sort it either [] [[]] 0 or [[]] [] 0 ... it's hard to tell which.
@AdmBorkBork Shouldn't be hard to tell, just store the result and compare it to the two options, no?
Comparing arrays in PowerShell is ... weird, shall we say.
@Adám fwiw, this is how J does it:
   sort 0;'';<<''
| |||||
| ||++|
   sort |.0;'';<<''
| |||||
| ||++|
(assuming boxes and arrays are basically the same thing)
:41892080 It's because the -eq (and similar operators) iterate over arrays.
@ConorO'Brien I know. And K agrees. Our CTO is arguing that it should be the reverse of that, so I wanted to check with the experts here.
So something like (1,2,3) -gt 1 will yield array (2,3)
@Adám "experts"
@ConorO'Brien Btw, did you know that J's ordering isn't total? There exist values A and B such that (A~:B) *. (/: A;B) -: (/: B;A)
@Adám FWIW, ngn/apl has 0<⍬
huh, I didn't know that. which values are those?
@ConorO'Brien Try it online!
Q: Is it a Rubik's Cube?

Wheat WizardA venerated pass time of pedants is to point out that pictures of "Rubik's Cubes" (on t-shirts, posters etc.) are not actually solvable. There are a number of tests that can be done to determine this. I've put them in a spoiler tag below. Your task is to take a pattern as input and determine...

I feel obligated to point out that the Rubik's cube in your avatar is not solvable. It only has 4 squares on the side facing us, whereas a normal Rubik's cube should have 9. Not to mention the weird symbols on top of the squares. — DJMcMayhem 33 secs ago
@Adám I guess that's probably some JS thing
@DJMcMayhem LOL
@DJMcMayhem it's obviously 2x2
@Adám @ConorO'Brien I know that there are 2x2 cubes. I just wanted to be goofy
Strangely enough, 2x2's are way harder for me than 3x3's
I shudder to think of what a 4x4 would be like, ugh
As someone who works in chemical safety, this angers me the correct way
a 4x4 can solve like a 2x2 after a few permutators and commutators
I've almost solved this one without any help:
I struggle with a skewb e_e
@DJMcMayhem I know someone who owns (and can solve) a 7x7
@DJMcMayhem I have without help!
I have no clue how to do it anymore!
yay for short term memory!
@Riker nice! Most of it is fairly similar to a 3x3
It's just the end that get's kinda wonky
:p a friend of mine is really into rubics cubes, so he has like a 13x13 or something
(he's got an 11 also and I know that one is not the biggest)
I guess I shouldn't be surprised how many people can
this is kinda the place for that
@Riker For nerds you mean? :P
I just need to learn a good method :P the kind of method I know needs 7 different algorithms to place the last layer
@cairdcoinheringaahing old record, 33x33 exists now
@ConorO'Brien ಠ_ಠ
Is this where I say I have never solved a Rubik's cube
my SE avatar is made of rubiks cubes. they're sitting in my house
took 24 iirc
I want a floppy cube
@DJMcMayhem true. I have yet to appreciate the master techniques applied in that video
@DJMcMayhem How do you make a 2 and a half minute video on that???
it's a difficult cube obviously
Is anyone willing to give some feedback on this challenge proposal?
A: Let's Play Mafia!

PeterThe example code didn't worked for me and I use python3 (I changed the main.py to make it work) so here is my fixed version for python3, I never programmed python before so maybe it is a horrible code but it is works :) run.sh: #!/bin/bash ./randy.py < from_server > to_server randy.py: #!/...

great first post
@flawr looks good to me
@Riker I like how you never noticed that I was going to give the winner all the rep i earn from the start of the mafia program, to the end of the koth
that includes anything else I post, also I was at work while everyone was asking wuestions
nuclear-powered quadcopter — what could possibly go wrong?
Q: Program an Uncircularness Score

flawrcode-golfmathgeometry Your task is to program a mathematical function s, that takes a finite set A of points in the 2D plane, and outputs an uncircularity score s(A) that satisfies following properties: Positive Definiteness: If there is a circle or a straight line that contains all points of ...

@Adám nothing
@Adám why would you want to compare these in the first place?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ yea I figured that
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ah I'm sorry, I did miss that
sorry for accusing you
112900... and there are probably some incomplete/duplicated lines
(With the OEIS sequences download)
@Riker all good
@flawr and by a lot! :-)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bushdid911How lit is this mountain? 🔥 A mountain is defined to be a set of line segments whose first point has coordinates (0,a) where a > 0, and whose last point has coordinates (b,0), where b > 0. All intermediate points have a y-coordinate (ordinate) strictly greater than 0. You are given the points o...

TIL Bitbucket is glitchy AF
Q: Output One More then Int Max

Caleb KleveterYour job is to create a program or function that will output a whole number (with no trailing decimal points) that is 1 great then the max number an integer can hold for the language; more or less this: MAX_INT + 1 You are not allowed to use Strings in your solution. Any other type may be used...

@NewMainPosts So many downvotes ...
@Zacharý Only 3 down. It could be much worse.
Down on each answer as well!
I recommend closing the question anyway.
@Zacharý Oh yeah, I guess if you count those it is quite a few.
That's what happens when you answer a question that is very unclear
@WheatWizard I don't think it is unclear at all. The prohibition on strings is questionable, but otherwise it is fine. It should also have a clause saying that languages without a limited integer type cannot participate.
@NewMainPosts APL, 4 bytes: 2*31
@Adám Why is int an integer type but not long? I think that saying languages with unlimited integer precision cannot participate is pretty implicit in the challenge as there would be no way to complete the challenge
@WheatWizard I didn't say that long isn't an integer.
That is true, but the answers seem to act like it is
@WheatWizard Well, those deserve a downvote for being invalid.
If long, unsigned and the such are also integer types how can the challenge be completed? I definitely think the author should be clearer about what they mean, especially if all the people to answer so far misunderstood the challenge
"the answers"? My answer uses 64-bit floats.
@WheatWizard Yeah, mine uses a 64 bit float too.
Ok, that is not a "long" but it is a higher precision numeric type.
@WheatWizard But not an integer type.
The OP doesn't say anything about what they mean by integer how can we know that its not an integer type? This seems like a lot of speculation
OP certainly didn't even go towards forbidding higher precision types, just Strings.
@WheatWizard Maybe the OP should require documentation and/or code showing that it is indeed a valid answer. E.g. in Dyalog APL, ⎕DR (Data Representation) of 2*32 is 645 meaning 64-bit float.
That might be good. But it is a little language specific. I don't know how to fix the question, I just know there is an issue.
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