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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

eh whatever
What brings the ward here today?
If I had to guess... the favorite rooms button ;)
Makes sense
Ward does come here occasionally.
Yeah, I don't know why I thought him coming here would be a WARDing of a flag.
When does Winter Bash end?
Q: Now we're thinking in n dimensions!

bushdid911The question: Given an a number n ≥ 2, how many distinct pairs of points on an n-dimensional n x n x n x n x n x n ... x n lattice, where the coordinates range from 0 to n - 1, are a distance at least n apart? The pairs {(2,1,3,1), (3,2,1,3)} and {(3,2,1,3), (2,1,3,1)} are not considered distinct...

in Charcoal HQ, 15 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
@Mithrandir Winter Bash won't end for 18 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, and 34 seconds. GO EARN SOME HATS!
Q: How should C macro be scored?

user202729Sorry if this is a duplicate... Recently, an answer of Peter Taylor here says: To get a macro equivalent to f(n){n=n?:1;} you need -Df(n)=((n)?:1) which is longer, so there's no point. So how should C macros be scored? Which of the following criteria should be satisfied: ...

Anyone have a fast computer with a fast internet connection that they'd be willing to run this on? The resulting file (that will take between 4 and 20 hours to generate based on your connection/CPU speed) will only be about 60MiB
OEIS language?
Builtin for a language I'm writing
I hope this language is good everywhere else.
This will not be the only functionality, no.
It's meant only to work with (floating point) integers so I'm adding every number builtin I can think of
How long will this take?!
The language or the script?
Script ...
5 mins ago, by MD XF
Anyone have a fast computer with a fast internet connection that they'd be willing to run this on? The resulting file (that will take between 4 and 20 hours to generate based on your connection/CPU speed) will only be about 60MiB
between 4 and 20 hours to generate ....
I'm at A136489 on my cloud9 server after starting ~7 hours ago
I'd like to see a Tacit OEIS language.
@ATaco This is going to have builtins for all the sequences, if that's what you mean
They'll be hardcoded but still
Nah, I mean being able to easily say Take all the prime indexed triangular numbers.
I've had the idea before, so I'll start it ... I might stop running it.
Alright, I've got it running on 4 different computers, just wondering if anyone has one that will finish earlier
The main issue is that you need to program all the sequences at that point.
@ATaco Did you look at the script I linked?
Just have a 2-argument builtin or something
Yeah, but that's still only hard coded to like, 70.
Should I modify it to pipe it into a file?
@Zacharý Yep
oeis.c or something of the like
Oh I locally updated it so that it shows you what number you're on, maybe I should change that in the gist
No, I've got it
Check the gist, it prints the currently downloading number to STDERR
How does this look?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
touch oeis_big.c
for i in `seq 1 296700`; do
    echo $i
    printf -v s "A%.6d" $i >> oeis_big.c
    echo -n "int $s[] = {" >> oeis_big.c
    wget -qO- oeis.org$s/list | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/^.*<pre>/<pre>/' | cut -c 7- | cut -f1 -d"]" | tr -d '\n' >> oeis_big.c
    echo "};" >> oeis_big.c
That works too, of course you could just do echo $i >/dev/stderr and then pipe the script to oeis_big.c
Okay, it seems to be going at a pace of 4 sequences per second.
Nice, that's about what mine's at too
How on earth do you want to receive the file?
GitHub gist? Email?
Paste it here? :P
It's already at 400, is that good or not?
Good? 4 per second is good, mine is closer to 3.5
I'm surprised the OEIS allows this many wgets though
They won't blacklist apparently, mine is at 141k and they haven't blacklisted
Now, if we get the entire PPCG to do it, they might black list
But who will they blacklist?
And the entire PPCG would be pointless because we only need one file. Once I get my spare computer to constantly check for new sequences and add them to the file, however, they might blacklist. I'm not sure how often sequences are added though.
@MDXF I'm not sure how valid this language will be for this site. Most challenges require submissions to theoretically work for arbitrarily large inputs.
Scrape the code??
@H.PWiz The entire language isn't going to be based on these sequences, it's just a builtin
It is currently at 1350
Okay. Well I guess that built-in will only have fairly specific uses then
@H.PWiz The thing is, the farther you get into a sequence, the larger the numbers get, and C doesn't have a large enough type for them anyway
So whether or not they're hardcoded or you're computing them, C can't store the larger values, so it's no different
We probably should've done this in Python or something
I agree, but for some reason I cannot stop writing language interpreters in C :P
Python is better, you can copy Dennis' code :P
I'll probably port this to a Python script after I finish,
Stupid bluetooth keyboard! I keep typing , instead of ..
I have to prepend long long to every line because every time I ask someone to run it I forget to change the script first
Wait ... it finished already?
Am I running this for nothing?!
When it's done I will have to do that
s/int/long long/
That should be easy
Yep. Of course I'm using vim so vim oeis.c -c "%s/int/long long int/g"
Would it have been easier to use strings?
A: What is your best programmer joke?

RoadWarriorThe C language combines all the power of assembly language with all the ease-of-use of assembly language.

@Zacharý Yes :P
The language itself uses strings to represent integers too
But all the script is doing is downloading the OEIS list page, extracting everything between <pre>[ and ]</pre>, and wrapping it in int x[] = {...}
So based on how many numbers are too big for long long int I'll make the decision to search-and-replace numbers into strings
I'm just waiting for a certain number ...
"Within your language's limit" can be exploited ... :P
What do you mean?
I don't even know what I mean
This script has taught me alot about bash and wget
A: What is your best programmer joke?

mxcCommand line Russian roulette [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*

that's scary
What does Array(8).join("String"-1) result in in Javascript ... does this help Array(8).join("String"-1)+" Batman!"
Wait ... that will actually delete the entire OS 1/8th of the time?!
Actually, it's quite simple.
Actually actually isn't simple, but to what are you referring?
"String"-1 is trying to do arithmetic on a string, which Javascript defaultly returns NaN on, but .join stringifies it's arguments, so it's joining an empty array of 8 elements with "NaN", thus you get 7 NaNs in a row.
I know ... but []+[]
When an array is stringified, it stringifies it in the form of 1,2,3 rather than [1,2,3], And the default behaviour for objects without explicit arithmetic behaviour is to stringify and concatenate.
It makes sense when you know why, but looking at it on the outside, then it's like WTF?
Of course, but you can say that about all of programming.
You can't throw things you don't understand at other things you don't understand then be surprised when you don't understand the result.
@Zacharý 160k
You're probably going to finish first, but I'll just keep my own file possibly for another language.
It'll be in the Integral GitHub repository
Speaking of which... I need a better name
The only two names for my languages I'm happy with are Cubically and Triangular, and I didn't come up with them
@LeakyNun please help tested this now my computer won't turn on
Don't even joke about that
@Riker lol
@Zacharý Yes because Integeral is so much better than Integral :P
Why are you asking the guy whose language names are ÁÝ and MY?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it was more of an open-ended question as opposed to one directed towards you
I'm looking for something completely different from "Integral"
For example, Neim is an amazing number-based language, and its name has nothing to do with number/integer
@Zacharý ಠ_ಠ
sometimes I really wish make supported make instal so I can stop having to retype commands after a typo
esp when you come back after its been compiling for like 2 minutes to see make: *** No rule to make target 'instal'. Stop.
IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had to
@Riker Install fish, its autocomplete helps with typos
I like my shell fine tho
@Zacharý 165K!!!!! :P
165K double factorial double factorial factorial, holy crap OEIS got big :p
does anybody know of any site currently online that just returns a short text response? I need something to test Ohm's ·G GET request component, and I don't want to bother with the full example.com response
curl gives test
no trailing linefeed
Nathan? As in Natural numbers?
awesome, thanks
How does Nathan sound for a language name?
not good
Interesting I guess but doesn't seem too relevant
Natural numbers
Natural Numbers, Nanu maybe? I suck with naming things,
Me too, and 168k
@DestructibleLemon you here?
Is he good?
With naming things
Is Naturally a good name? In the veins of Cubically, Actually, and Seriously?
don't listen to the taco
I'm not listening to the taco, I'm listening to A TACO. We have articles for a reason ... :p
According to my calculations, the script will be done in about a day and 2 hours
Any body else got any ideas>
Enumerate ?
@Zacharý Yes, he named Cubically
Coincidentally, the language I'm most proud of
(And hate myself the most because of)
Any quirks about this language?
When did @DestructibleLemon last get on
@Potato44, do you have any ideas for a new name for Integral?
The language doesn't exist yet so I don't know about any features
Except it's syntax is the same as Implicit and it specializes in numbers
I'm learning TDD and writing this language with it, so development is going rather slow
I sorta like that but nobody knows about Implicit, I'm the only one who's used it (except Dennis wrote a quine in it), and it's semi-decent at golfing
Right now the file is 3MB
Well, I'm out. Cya!
1 hour later…
@MDXF (I wrote the same quine minutes after him :()
@ConorO'Brien Jelly is more readable then that :P
I'm going out on a limb here and saying you don't realize the nature of this program lol
@ATaco Ha I remember that
@Zacharý Btw, 233k, almost done :D
Woot, Got switch cases working in Funky!
probably not the best place to ask but anyone know why my cursor is invisible most of the time on win10?
But because Funky, they're upside down.
@ATaco that's taken... surprisingly long :P
It only occurred to me to add them yesterday.
@ASCII-only btw see slack. crazyguy got TC VSL compiler working :DDD
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mwahaha "Outhat"ed you again :D
@Mr.Xcoder This site hardly have any accepted answer...
I've got two wins now, it's great.
Both are in languages of my own design, and one of them was Funky :D
@ATaco i read that as one of the languages was funky >_>
Anyone got Brunhilde (hat) yet?
The problem with using Adjectives as names of languages :P
But Funky is undoubtably funky.
@user202729 You can't yet. Winterbash didn't last for 15 days yet.
;-; I just got a tag badge on SO
Should I go get werewolf hunter?
(with the bad effect of bumping some questions on top)
@user202729: Just choose interesting challenges, in that case why not
Btw. how long is winterbash?
@WheatWizard nice
That reminds me, I should still learn Prolog :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bruce FortePolynomial Interpolation Tags: code-golf, math, polynomials Relevant:: This, this and this. Explanation In this task you'll be given a set of N points (x1,y1),…,(xN,yN) with distinct xi values and your task is to interpolate a polynomial through these points. If you know what Lagrange inter...

@Mr.Xcoder Not anymore :P
Anyone got some feedback for that challenge?
@BruceForte Up to Jan 2nd
@cairdcoinheringaahing: Thx
Especially on the part with a duplicate title, not sure if that's a good idea..
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bruce ForteTraffic direction Tags: code-golf, decision-problem Rules Given an ISO3166-1-Alpha-2 country code your task is to decide on the traffic direction for that country: Input will be a valid country code You will choose one value, say for right (your choice) and will output that value iff the t...

Q: Boot a smallest char set

l4m2Choose a char set A. Write some code B in your language with a place, where: when written a string with chars in A, it can stimulate any Brainfuck program. Smallest size(A) win. When size(A) are same, smallest len(B) win. E.g. JavaScript eval("<chars in []()+!>") scores (6, 8), weaker than <cha...

Q: VEVO User Account Checker

Bagas Sanjayawelcome to my first challenge. We often saw music videos on Youtube. Many Youtube channel that host music videos are "powered by VEVO". Those can be easily identified by both embedding VEVO and appending VEVO to their channel name. Now write some code to test whether a string given by user is V...

is is allowed to mix I/O defaults? for example, give falsy with either returning 0 or an error, and truthy with 1?
1 hour later…
Q: Rational Polynomial Interpolation

Bruce ForteExplanation In this task you'll be given a set of N points (x1,y1),…,(xN,yN) with distinct xi values and your task is to interpolate a polynomial through these points. If you know what Lagrange interpolation is you can skip this section. The goal of a polynomial interpolation is to construct th...

Q: what algorithm can solve this task or what math background i would have it to solve this task?

MatGiven a drawing of the letter shoot system, where an existing piece of pipe is marked with a *, and an empty spot is marked with a ., your task is to compile a lexicographically sorted list of index tuples [entry row, entry column, exit row, exit column], where each index is 0-based. Entry and ex...

@NewMainPosts I didn't even have time to check the sandbox post!
@user202729 Ok, it's my fault.
[CMM] Does an answer with an undocumented built-in considered trivial?
Q: linear algebra- proof that two matrices are row equivalent under certain circumstances

Tal CordovaProve that if M(mxn) ∈ B, A two matrices such that 0 = Ax and 0 = Bx have the same solution space, so A and B are row equivalent.

@NewMainPosts Whoa, you're busy today.
@BetaDecay Hi!
What's PPCG V2?
@HyperNeutrino Setting functions["⍺"] after tokenize is a mistake. I think this is better.
@BetaDecay An attempt for a new, better site with an improved user experience and features more suitable to code-golf made by Mego, Downgoat and Pavel mostly.
Is it available to use yet?
Not yet. Some critical features are missing.
@BetaDecay Public beta hasn't yet started and I don't think it will start soon. Here it is, though. (note: completely broked for safari)
Somewhat for Edge too. Let me see... There is a HTML1500: Tag cannot be self-closing. Use an explicit closing tag. message.
Hm, looks promising. Might replace the need for an app
@user202729 Hm I'll look into seeing if that's a good idea, thanks for noticing potential bugfixes. I haven't worked on Enlist in a couple of weeks (maybe months) by now, I should get back to it...
The title unit finally processed my car's title. I might actually be able to register the vehicle today
been trying to get it financed for the past month and a half
@HyperNeutrino You forgot to init ³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ in enlist (not .py) too.
Oh okay, I'll fix that sometime later thanks.
87400, why did I sign up to download the entire OEIS
Holy... I have seen an user which is suspended until 2026!
@Zacharý Our rule is "don't mention suspended users' name"...
Still though ... 2026?!
Effectively forever.
That's ... not effectively forever though. 2099 or something would do the job
Axiomatic set theory challenge: Prove that, in ZF without choice, A surjects onto B implies P(B) injects into P(A).
@LeakyNun P = power set?
No, no axiomatic set theory. Ask the math stack exchange or even Math Overflow
@user202729 yes
@LeakyNun "There exists"?
"A surjects onto B" means "there exists a surjection A->B"
verb vs noun
TIL that the Finnish word for "S" is pronounced as "ass"
Finnish orthography is based on the Latin script, and uses an alphabet derived from the Swedish alphabet, officially comprising 29 letters. The Finnish orthography strives to represent all morphemes phonologically and, roughly speaking, the sound value of each letter tends to correspond with its value in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) – although some discrepancies do exist. == Alphabet == The following table describes how each letter in the Finnish alphabet (Finnish: Suomen aakkoset) is spelled and pronounced separately. If the name of a consonant begins with a vowel (usually ä [æ])...
has that nice feeling when you golf 10% off your existing answer
Won't any "inverse function" suffice...? (sorry I don't know what does ZF contains)
@user202729 yes, but prove it
looking up ZF
@user202729 it won't help you
How won't that help...?
well, it would only give you the axioms, which won't help you much
So at least I know what to use.
it really won't help, but if you insist
just use basic properties of functions
looking up function properties
I really don't know what can be used in the proof.
alright just try to prove it
with anything
I'll tell you when I don't like it
ZF without choice is rubbish anyway :p
@AdmBorkBork ><
get out /s
I give up. I feel this is really trivial, but I don't have any ground.
you need to unfold the definitions
what does it mean for a function to be surjective? injective?
what do you need to prove?
A function f:A->B is surjective if forall b in B: exists a in A: f(a)=b. Injective doesn't seem to be that nice...
injective is nice
it has no existential
Let's see.. a function f:B->A is injective if forall b in B: there doesn't exist b' in (B\{b}): f(b)=f(b').
nah, there's a nicer definition
without any negatin
there doesn't exists b, b' : f(b) = f(b') and b != b'.
Better? (I don't think so)
without any negation, lol
Forall b, b' in B: f(b) == f(b') → b == b'.
but one direction follows from the definition of function
so you only need one direction
so what do you need to prove now?
wait a minute, copying Unicode...
∃f: ∀b∈B ∃a∈A f(a)=b
∃F: ∀b,b'⊆B: F(b)=F(b') ⇒ b=b'
@Mr.Xcoder Why is there an implicit doubling in this answer? I'm not familiar with 05AB1E.
I'd like to post this today, if anyone has feedback (specifically, one domino face or full two-faced domino? vote in the comments please)
Oh great, just got confirmation that a delivery guy stole one of the Christmas presents I had ordered. >:(
What was it?
@Zgarb I don't see one, the code fails for [1, 1] and probably needs a · somewhere.
Yeah, looks like he had one in the edit history
So it does. I left a comment.
My OEIS download is at 107500.
Q: Let's Play Mafia!

Christopher 2EZ 4RTZMafia (also known as Werewolf) is a party game that plays roughly like this: The game begins on day 0. After every day n comes a night n. After every night n comes a day n+1. i.e. D0, N0, D1, N1, D2, N2... At the dawn of day 0, a host secretly chooses players to fill certain roles:   Some num...

sanity check: does the body of the post mention printing things?
I don't see anything about that, but the example bot uses print not file i/o
@Zacharý Mine finished but crashed my server
@Mr.Xcoder can you at least link the profile?
Does it still have the file?
Yeah, it just came back up
Writing objects: 73%
I'll need to leave internet at ~2, so what on earth should I do with the program?
Whatever you like, I guess
Keep it for old times' sake? :P
I know I'm going to keep the file, I meant what should I do with the program that's running.
@MDXF it’s not nice to do that
CMQ: Is there a name for the law that problems cease to manifest themselves when the appropriate technician finally shows up to look at the issue?
I'm assuming that happened to you?
@Zgarb there isn’t. I am dumb
@DJMcMayhem fwiw that suggested edit to the tips answer is perfectly fine syntax
@Riker Really? I got syntax errors when i tried it
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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