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the hash has a space and the number 2 added
@HyperNeutrino ok
what did you multiply by?
since squaring a number doesn't change its parity
but it wouldn't work for negative numbers otherwise
you don't need it to work for negative numbers
look at the spec
oh whoops
in that case then g\n[\nd\nd\n]
hey on any input >9 we tie >100 i win
@Doorknob are you the doorknob in the elona discord server(/irc channel)?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ wait why?
Funny fact: My Windows shutdown becomes restart, for some reason.
Blame windows,
@HyperNeutrino wait
I think it's related to the registry, but I'm not sure.
I personally feel that restrictions are bad, especially if they're hard to prove or just trying ot prevent simple solutions.
@ATaco Which restriction?
Noticeably things like 'String-to-number conversion functions are not allowed unless explicitly declared and implemented within the code. Also, NO implicit conversions from strings to numbers.'
For example, Brainfuck does this implicitely as the only method of IO.
You've also banned Math.PI and functions which evaluate to it, but tau/2 isn't restricted.
My challenge is the "intersection of two triangle", not the "make a plain pie". Some mistake here?
(but you can comment below the post to notify the OP)
Yes, I am looking at the wrong challenge.
Searching for all occurences of "shutdown" in the registry is not a good idea...
and doesn't help too.
Okay I have a general doubt
Can someone help?
> Just ask; don't ask to ask.
I need to delete all files from a github repository how to do so? (instead of manually removing each file one by one?)
Okay I asked
Delete the repository?
I think git rm is what you're looking for. (Note: deletes local files as well)
Cannot do that, just need to delete all files from the repository not the repository itself
Isn't there any way through github itself?
I have never used git
git rm --cached <filename>
Not even set it up
you should do that, it's quite a nice thing
Do I need to login into it like github?
you only need to log in once, I think git caches your credentials
Blame caching ... >_<
Any idea on how to log in? I think I just cloned my repo from here help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository
@ConorO'Brien Not by default it doesn't.
it did for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ConorO'Brien iirc you use Windows? Git on Windows uses the Windows Credential Manager, which does the caching.
@Pavel how do you know that?
@Ponponhollamon I needed to use Windows for work.
Still, do you think the challenge (Intersection of two triangles) is ready for main?
@Riker no idea what that is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen LeppikYo Dawg I Heard You Like Code Golf code-golf metagolf kolmogorov-complexity Write a program that outputs another program that outputs another program that… etc. as many iterations as you want. The final program's output should complete the question title: So I put a code golf inside your...

@NewSandboxedPosts Duplicate...? I'm not sure.
Q: Modulus Summation

Stephen LeppikI call this sequence "the Jesus sequence", because it is the sum of mod.</pun> For this sequence, you take all the positive integers m less than the input n, and take the sum of n modulo each m. In other words: For example, take the term 14: 14 % 1 = 0 14 % 2 = 0 14 % 3 = 2 14 % 4 = 2 14 % 5...

> Your Password must be between 7 and 20 characters long, must include at least one letter and at least one number, and may not include characters other than letters and numbers.
"Yeah, hi, we operate on a [CENSORED] database and web form for authentication and we don't sanitize our inputs, so please don't use symbols and do as we say.:
that's basically what they're saying :P
@Downgoat where'd you find that by the way
Paypal doesn't allow spaces in passwords.
well, spaces are weird :p
@ThomasWard local community college
@Robert')drop table--;
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Heheheh...
good job you noticed me making an xkcd joke
considering i was using this as a prime example of "How to properly sanitize input BEFORE passing to a database"... yesterday... in a presentation to 50 systems administrators...
... yeah :P
TIO now hosts exactly 400 programming languages. https://tio.run
@ThomasWard haha
Woot, Go TIO.
If I recall, MaybeLater was #300
@ATaco 2f ra :P
@DJMcMayhem Everyone knows GB is worst TBGB ftw
.oO(The Black Gospel Blog? That can't be right.)
@Dennis what is .oO?
You confuse me dennis
thought bubbles
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ thank you for informing us? (also please see the "Don't make Noise" section: ppcg.github.io/chatiquette)
Worst/Best thing about funky is that for i=0; i<30; i++) print(i) is perfectly valid.
5 messages moved to Trash
May 17 at 20:38, by ETHproductions
@Mego Golfing language design tip #1: Every possible error is just a wasted opportunity to do something useful
Why do we have Trash and Sandbox (chatroom)? Why not merging them?
Sandbox is for testing, trash is for garbage.
Sandbox is not for garbage, and trash is not for testing.
But... why can't you test something in Trash? You can, right? What's the problem?
Why not separate them? Testing and garbage are two very different things, just because they're both misc, doesn't mean they should be forced to share a room.
@user202729 You can't, unless you have write access.
But the reason why Trash is locked is that Sandbox exists, right?
The reason trash is locked is because people (Totally not myself) were talking in trash.
No, it's locked because people kept having conversations in the garbage can.
@user202729 Sort of. There were two "problems" (I use quotes because one wasn't really a problem) with Trash not being a gallery room: 1) People got upset over being invited to Trash when their messages were trashed (which I don't really see as a problem but whatever), and 2) People were using Trash as a place to be stupid.
Making Trash a gallery room solved both in one fell swoop
@user202729 Funky is Evaluated Right to Left, not Left to right like you said on the OEIS post.
So 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 is identical to 1 + (2 + (3 + 4))
I know. Probably a mistake?
Well, it's evaluated left to right, but it's grouped right to left.
@ATaco The term you're looking for is right-associative :)
Technically it's a bug made feature, regardless of what it's called.
There are also some pretty bad/good ways you could golf this, but obviously that's not needed.
Golfed to 119 bytes. Try it online!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

i..Peter Piper Challenge Peter Piper is a classic English/American nursery rhyme. Create a program in the least amount of bytes possible, that outputs the following. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickle...

Omit ; randomly is bad.
I have a problem, I love hats, but I also love having a horrendous profile image and the hats kind of cover it up.
The images >> doesn't have hats.
You can make the hat smaller, too.
I like using the hat to cover up parts of my name
Alright, I'm gonna try and add Break/Returns to Funky, this can only go well...
Q: Keep Decoding This Number!

Sherlock9This challenge posed an algorithm for encoding an integer n as another integer r. What follows is a succinct explanation of that algorithm, using an n=60 as an example. The original algorithm First, we encode the number as a string of brackets. If n = 1, return an empty string. Otherwise, we...

1 hour later…
Haskell question: is print x the same as putStrLn $ show x
._. there's a print fucntion
I've just been using putStrLn
@Pavel main=print$f args :P
So I realized this thing has been sandboxed for months. Any feedback on it?
@Mego I definitely agree with Peter
@WheatWizard Really? I think the compression aspect would make it an interesting challenge
I don't think so. But that's my opinion
@Mego I think it's significantly different from the binary one, and an intresting challenge.
It gives me this idea though: Arbitrary base logic gates where inputs are (base, gate_num, *inputs)
@Pavel I could refactor it into that
@Mego I don't know if it makes the challenge more intresting or just more convoluted.
I like it better than the current one
I do too, but I'm always concerned people wouldn't appreciate unneeded complexity.
I like it better fwiw
Well that's great then.
Does anyone know why my newest challenge has a close vote?
No idea why. But that's an unclear vote.
Hm, unfortunate
Q: The working time calculator

CharlieThis is based on how my company deals with the monitoring of the working times for every employee. Each one of us has a card that can be passed in front of a sensor, so that a clock registers the times at which the employees check in or out the office. Every time register is linked to a code: C...

Q: Finding all possible solutions of a Japanese sums puzzle

qwerty_uiopI'm trying to think of an algorithm that gives out all possible solutions to a japanese sums puzzle. So Imagine a 3x3 grid. You're given the total sum of all rows and all columns. All numbers in the grid can be any number between 1 to 9, and numbers could repeat. For example, suppose you are su...

2 hours later…
Someone is emptying a 5,000 BTC wallet to support charities: pineapplefund.org
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DLoscParse a list of signed unary numbers code-golf string parsing Unary numbers typically only represent nonnegative integers, but we can extend them to represent all integers as follows: A positive integer N is represented as N 1's: 5 -> 11111 A negative integer -N is represented as a 0 followed...

@Mego Your avatar makes me think of these
mmmh, cjam doesn't have a quickfilter? Like a pyth pfn for that
@Ven # or f in Pyth?
@Mr.Xcoder is f a pfn?
Oh didn’t read well
@Mego hey, have you tried your hat upside-down for an eyebrow +turban combo?
Q: Audio versus text

zx8754Make an audio file that says “Hello” (when played), then measure the size of this file, and output N. N is number of “Hello” files if it was plain text instead of audio. In other words, size of myfile.wav (or any other audio extensions) divided by the size of myfile.txt equals to output=N. Cont...

Q: Characteristic polynomial

Bruce ForteThe characteristic polynomial of a square matrix A is defined as the polynomial pA(x) = det(Ix-A) where I is the identity matrix and det the determinant. Note that this definition always gives us a monic polynomial such that the solution is unique. Your task for this challenge is to compute the ...

@DJMcMayhem Charcoal has a 1-byte function for this, but it doesn't have implicit arguments, so it's 3 bytes as a full program: …SN
@Mr.Xcoder ike # yeah.
Request feedback for sandbox challenge (for the 4th time IIRC) - especially what constitutes a trivial solution and what types of input is allowed. Have we ever applied the proposal on any challenge?
@Rod Just tested it. It doesn't look good.
Don't be too surprised and refresh the page.
Some issues with resizing the window.
With proper timing you can get that. It stays for only less than a second, though.
I don't get it... What's that special to SE winterbash that nearly everyone loves it?
I don't know...
@AdmBorkBork We have a meme for everything, don't we? :P
@Mr.Xcoder It's harmless fun for the winter holidays
Also the community loves coming together and hunting down secret hats
Ah ok, that explains some of it. Never really got into a Winterbash before
[Again] Have we ever applied the proposal on any challenge?
Yes we have
Looks like that I've got another +1.
Anyone think that I'm too annoying?
@user202729 No, why'd you think that?
@user202729 Example that I could remember off the top of my head. I think there have been others.
I was looking for ^^, ninja'd
@user202729 This too (kinda)
@user202729 Perhaps a picture, even a simple example, would be good to reinforce what's going on. I know I like pictures for geometric puzzles.
@user202729 Well, when that is unfortunately the only way to get Sandbox feedback... I don't think it's fair to hold it against you that you want feedback.
Also, you say The absolute or relative difference must be less than 10-3 for the sample test cases below. is that intending to be a mandate on how accurate the output must be? If so, that should be made more clear.
@AdmBorkBork I don't understand, what's the problem? What should I say?
I think it's very clear - "must be".
That's to prevent overly-inaccurate answers.
@NewMainPosts ...?
Anyone have any idea why there are some extraneous newlines in the test cases?
@user202729 Maybe something like The absolute or relative difference between your output and the sample test cases mus be less than 10^-3 ... I don't think the restriction itself is confusing, just the way it's worded.
@user202729 Because you had </pre></code> instead of </code></pre>. I edited
Ok... Why does that make a difference?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ blame SE
@user202729 <a><b></a></b> is bad and you should feel bad
I know... But it is easier to copy-paste. (just add the /, no need to swap the tags)
You monster
Q: Intersection of two triangles

user202729Given 4 points on the 2D planes A, B, C, D, calculate the area of the intersection region of the triangles OAB and OCD, where O is the center of the plane, having coordinate (0, 0). Algorithms that runs in constant time complexity (in terms of arithmetic operations) are encouraged, but not force...

facepalm - New OEIS sequence and the answer hardcodes the first 1000 terms :(
No, that's invalid.
Downvote and I'll VTD please
@NewMainPosts Added image for illustration.
@NewMainPosts this question triggers my OAB
Don't remove it IMO
But it's not very well suited for the challenge
Because the task in itself isn't trivial
> I don't want my answer to have pre-downvotes
Hm... ?
Lol -3 in 23 seconds
Ok... there are already some arguments over the question&answers.
Why would someone downvote the challenge?
Not sure.
@user202729: Sry for hijacking your answer ;P
xnor's answer just get a downvote.
Fair enough, at least people are reflecting their opinion on meta
Q: What should be done about Community Wiki answers that serve as a place for combining trivial answers?

Mr. XcoderRecently there was a challenge and the OP immediately posted a community wiki answer which would serve the purpose of combining trivial answers. Citing the answer: This community answer is for collecting answers in languages with built-in do most of the works, according to this proposal. Ho...

@Mr.Xcoder: I agree with your answer to a certain extent. But adding CW answers for trivial answers to trivial challenges seems like a bad idea..
For example this challenge is fairly trivial and that would mean that there's one CW answer with 28 answers
@BruceForte I don't think anybody knows ~28 trivial solutions at once.
@BruceForte either as a community wiki or as an independent post
@user202729 Everyone can contribute to them, that's why they are CW's.
Who knows what other languages have.....? So in conclusion you can't know the triviality of a challenge unless you actually post it and gather 1e9 trivial answers, then you go collect them...?
Such posts should appear for challenges which are at least somewhat trivial and ports are obvious
I didn't word my idea correctly
@user202729 Your challenge is anything but trivial. I see no point in having such a CW. If you dislike Mathematica, just don't upvote and move on
Aren't we going to make a meta post "Whether challenge ABCXYZ is trivial" and then based on that make a CW? :|
What's the point in that
Assume I don't know a lot of languages I can't tell if a challenge is trivial in most languages.
Then you post your own solution and let someone else combine trivial solutions if they find any
Anyway, I have voted to delete your answer since it doesn't meet our policy on answering (since it doesn't provide a solution to the challenge), and having it a community doesn't make it an exception
In my opinion we should only collect answers for non-trivial challenges that allow for trivial solutions via powerful built-ins.
Let's wait for opinions on the meta post. Anyway, I can argue that checking if a regex matches a character is EXTREMELY hard in Pascal, C, Jelly, but it is easy to do in JS, C++, Python, ... If I only know the former ones I would not be aware that the solutions are trivial, and vice versa.
@BruceForte That's a better wording of what I was trying to say
Otherwise trivial challenges would become redundant
So, if I understand that message correctly, we are supposed to collect answers for this challenge, because 1 it's nontrivial, and 2 some languages have powerful built-in.
I think we have had enough trivial challenge...?
No, only collect the ones with built-ins that do the intersection & area computations
Any final feedback? Planning on posting in the next hour
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nitpick: you have Sonya and David left-aligned, but Hazel is right-aligned
Very good news from A gene therapy trial treating Haemophilia: bbc.com/news/health-42337396
Unrelated, but still awesome.
@AdmBorkBork Fixed. Do you see any other problems?
Aside from I'm American and thus don't understand Cricket, it seems OK.
@mınxomaτ That's pretty cool.
@AdmBorkBork It's basically a more interesting version of baseball (not really, but¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
@user202729 the normal phrase is "triggers my OCD"
If I've posted a submission to a golf problem that beats a previous submission in the same language, is it ethical to leave a note on that submission signposting to mine?
@mınxomaτ That's amazing.
I really like their tag line:
> Because once you have enough money, money doesn't matter.
@Unihedron It's up to you, some people do, some people don't
@cairdcoinheringaahing I want hats, that's why I'm here, but I don't want to step on any tails.
@totallyhuman Thanks I always forget to add + numpy
@Unihedron It's not unusual, so no-one will complain.
If there is a bash golf to a problem, say tr 0-9 pqwertyuio, and I submit a Ruby submission that basically acts as a bash wrapper (say, p`tr 0-9 pqwertyuio` ), is that an acceptable submission?
Does the Ruby code evaulate the bash code?
Yes, Kernal.` takes a command and executes it in native, I used it for today's adventofcode puzzle
I'd just post a comment on the bash answer
It's actually short for %x`cmd` and the execution details go to $?
so on one side it's a language feature (like C's system()), but on the other hand it's cheap as a competition
I searched for "c system()" on meta but couldn't find much results in quick enough time
Q: Play a game of Dice Cricket

caird coinheringaahingDice Cricket is a game I was introduced to as a child and have used as a way to pass time for years since. I couldn't find a Wikipedia page so I'll explain the rules below Dice Cricket Rules Premise Dice Cricket is a game similar to scoring a game of cricket as you watch it but rather than wat...

Net Neutrality was just repealed. :(
@DJMcMayhem almost starred for visibility
but then decided not to
Feel free too if you want
@NewMainPosts I am so sorry for caird.... TFW you put effort into a challenge and nobody even bothers to read it since it is too long
@DJMcMayhem nah, it'll just bring everyone sadness
@cairdcoinheringaahing Them's fightin' words. Baseball is great.
@DJMcMayhem link?
aaaand someone starred it anyway
bring on the sadness
in Enlist, 15 mins ago, by akostadinov
anybody can point me at the rules for answering colf quesitons?
Can someone provide an answer to this please?
what is a colf question
@DJMcMayhem oh no!
@Poke I assume golf
@H.PWiz do they mean the sport?
@H.PWiz well, sure, if I can make a list of all the meta posts regarding that
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes, that's basically what I was going to do. But couldn't search the right things
oh i see... enlist is a code golf chatroom
that would have been good context
@H.PWiz do you really have the time to do that o_o
Well, not really. Hence I posted here
@H.PWiz There's the Community FAQ and the New Users Guide
@DJMcMayhem I wonder how stack exchange will change.
As little as possible, I hope
@Mr.Xcoder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I got a hat from it
@AdmBorkBork Not the one and only game I watched. First pitch was a home run, then nothing else happened.
lol, that's highly unusual
@Mr.Xcoder Also, the hat I got meant that I'm joint first with Riker :P
On mobile, what hat did u get?
The Link one
I haven't changed hats since I got Ooh, Shiny! :P
I made a sandbox post a week ago that hasn't gotten any attention or feedback. Should I just post the challenge?
wrote a few submissions (by a few I mean two) still no hat yet :/
@KSmarts Post it here and ask for feedback
@KSmarts no, you shouldn't
@Unihedron Which hat are you going for?
I lack a direction
actually I want rep cap hat but after watching [regex] on stack overflow for a while I gave up
I couldn't get the repcap hat yet either
that makes two of us
I am going for the edit hat
I've capped twice in 8 months, I'm not confident of my chances to do it in 20 days :/
Anyway, I would have gotten the repcap hat exactly 30 times if winter bash would have lasted forever :P
the silver badge hat seems easy, I thought to myself, then I realize my easiest silver badge would be getting 10 stars in chat
which is next to impossible
@Unihedron What do you mean next to impossible
Arghhh I need one more star on my latest starred message :P
@Unihedron Go into the Sandbox room and post 'Do not star this'
because I'm uninteresting :p
I've hit the rep cap several times on SO in the past but that was some years ago, when I would be on stack daily and write so many things
Just post a bunch of starbait, it really isn't difficult.
how did I even have the time O.o
See, it's working already.
@Mr.Xcoder Already starred it, and it's 10 stars in total, so your probably already have it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Was joking :D
I have that badge
wow let me think of a star-worthy joke
I was going to implement a golf-oriented regex flavour / engine, but I sidetracked before I got to backtracking
@cairdcoinheringaahing I edited your challenge and literally just added two dots, hope you don't mind
@Unihedron You're doing it wrong. Just mention something about not wanting to get stars and the stars will come.
@Mr.Xcoder Why just two dots?
Aiming for a hat?
Because I didn't find anything else and want a hat
@Pavel how intense should I not want the stars? should I write a sob story?
@Unihedron Let me put it this way. The most starred message in the history of TNB is this:
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
sry im noob only been on 86 chat.SE chat rooms and posted under 20k messages all-time
Ummm, I should have gotten a hat but I didn't
@Mr.Xcoder Mad Hatter takes a while
@Mr.Xcoder No clue
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Comrade SparklePonyTranspose the Notes! Your task: given a series of musical notes, transpose them up or down n semitones. In music, there are 12 different notes: A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G# after which, the cycle repeats. Each note going left is one semitone higher then the previous. For example, ...

I should also get taco tuesday any day sometime soon. Wait I need two more +3 answers... Eh I'll get them
I can has hat! Thanks for the stars!
Haha Luis' hat fits his avatar very well
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have posted it here and asked for feedback
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

KSmartsShow a Chess Piece Range Write a program or function that, given a set of movement rules, shows the available moves for a fairy chess piece. Movement Rules: This will use a slightly modified version of Parlett's Movement Notation: A number, 1, 2, etc. shows how far a piece can move in a given...

with me only answering only in SOGL and my average of 25 rep/day I'm not getting any of the non-trivial hats :p
time to make another golfing language :p
@Mr.Xcoder You just took over the active page with those edits :P
Oooh, looks like Jenny_mathy has found a secret hat!
@Dennis congrats Prof. Dr. @Dennis
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