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oh, whoops, my accts are hidden right now
Riker, California, United States
5.4k 3 22 63
too lazy to unhide
random question: is it true that in general moderators can get more hats / hats more quickly because of mod permissions?
@Riker lol :p thanks
@HyperNeutrino not really no
@HyperNeutrino Just basic matrix exponentation simplified. That's the standard approach for calculating Fibonacci mod n.
@Riker well it wasn't a codegolf so i didn't try golfing it
@Poke nice explanation
have an updoot
think you get a hat now too :P
(2 of them, actually)
@HyperNeutrino idts
@HyperNeutrino Only in a few certain cases. Hats involving closing/deleting can be gained more quickly by mods because of hammers.
oh goat meme :P
@HyperNeutrino :p
i think i need to log in for a hat?
@Mego ah ok, makes sense. also your profile picture looks great :D
i guess i'll check
@HyperNeutrino "last"? It's "first".
@Riker Let's keep hat spoilers out of here, please
@user202729 oh ok :p
@HyperNeutrino Thanks!
@Mego ok? can do
@Poke yes :p
nooo D: i've seen it already
@HyperNeutrino Spoilers
wait i'm dumb
i didn't even realize that i was inadvertently spoiling it by mentioning the task for getting it :p
I'm not going to try to heavily enforce this room being spoiler-free (i.e. trashing every spoiler), but if you go out of your way to spoil things for others, that's definitely not Being Nice, and thus worthy of a kick.
I agree, yeah
well i logged in to the winterbash site and that didn't do it... unlucky
it might take a while
I just got "It's-a me!" earlier this morning even though I deleted the comments last night :p
(maybe overnight, I wouldn't know)
@HyperNeutrino overnight :p
ok :p
5 just returns 5 at 9 minutes 46 seconds. (A103, my solution)
(with some slight improvement)
I think I'll edit them in (with some filler)
Q: Help solve the this puzzle

John Does Please help solve this puzzle. First word - GOODLUCK.

ooo there they are
wait how did i get 2
@Poke the galaxy one is a secret hat, but the other was just for any silver badge
they happened to overlap in this case
that bumped us on the leaderboard a bit :]
Wait, when a secret hat is found, does it get revealed to everyone?
@cairdcoinheringaahing not at all
people just have to guess
tfw you earn a silver badge 6 hours before winter bash
I'm happy that didn't happen to me for gold badge xD
although, I see I'd get Civic Duty after another 10 upvotes
What does the 97% mean?
@user202729 hyper contributed 97% of the content on that community wiki post
he doesn't get any rep from it or anything, since it's community wiki
How is "content" measured?
how much text
> 8,999 questions
Please someone post a good next challenge
>waits for it to be spam
oh god
i need to turn off hats for a moment
i'm getting hat-spammed
@HyperNeutrino You're what?
did you set your hat to max-size
lol ... I really want to answer the latest Main post with "Yes."
^ known bug iirc
No one posts crappy questions when I'm online
I just want the vtc hat
3 were just posted m8
@Riker and I was asleep for the first 2 and driving during that last one
Someone is blackmailing the german branch of DHL by sending crude nail bombs to recipients near public places or bigger office buildings. The first bomb just burned, the second one failed to ignite and was exploded by the police. Troubling during these months, were many send presents via mail. Let's hope they catch them soon.
@mınxomaτ :/ that's no good
why DHL though?
@mınxomaτ DHL?
Biggest postal service, the German Post Office doesn't do parcels AFAIK
I don't think we have that in the US.
Well, actually they are sort of one company, DHL being used for bigger deliveries.
> Deutsche Post DHL is the world's largest logistics company operating around the world, particularly in sea and air mail.
why are they targeting dhl though?
@Riker They want the company to pay a few million EUR.
Send they stopped serving the US in 09
hm, just for money then?
@MetaEd nice avatar
Q: Is there a regex to match three consecutive integers if and only if the third integer is the sum of the first two?

Marathon55Is there a regex which matches three given numbers if and only if the third number is the sum of the first two numbers? These should fail: 0 1 2 10 20 1000 These should match: 10 20 30 28657 46368 75025 0 0 0 I have reason to believe it's possible based on the solution of Martin Ender for ...

@Riker Just trying to get into the spirit of things.
Is there a hat too? (Mobile)
@Pavel Domestic
@Pavel no
just the dalek with a santa hat (but that's the avatar)
@Pavel found an old question that just needs to be closed while looking for my old comments, here ya go
@mınxomaτ took me a moment
I thought you were hating hats or something
@Riker thanks, now we wait for it to be closed
One more CV needed
Already closed.
grats pavel
Aww yiss
Hat 2 obtained
@Pavel :) at 6 on ppcg, 7 network
4 on PPCG, 5 on network :P
waiting on next hat (pcpg) now :/
How long should I wait? / Do you think it's ready?
I'm going for the Electorate badge (and hat) :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I did that last year so I can't do it again :/
my only gold one that's remotely feasible is copy editor
I need 75 more edits in 2 weeks
Do you have Fanatic?
Or you post a 10k view/100 upvote challenge
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing or share a link with 1k (10k?) views but tha'ts infeasible
Go back in time and prevent Calvin from posting the first answer-chaining, then steal the idea :P
ಠ_ಠ I'm going to have to spend all 40 votes on questions for 12 straight days
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes, just make sure you use them appropriately
upvotes all the spam :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing same
Chrome got mad because I didn't terminate my buggy program before it gobbled up most of my memory. Chrome wants to be the only program that gets to gobble my memory.
@Mego Someone should make a web browser in electron.
old popcon, no objective primary winning criterion
Why the review button on top bar has the red circle if all the queues are empty?
@Rod came to ask the same thing
@Rod Because it's crappy and buggy
wait...it's gone now
and I earned a hat
I must have checked it like a billion times
@DJMcMayhem gasp how do you dare, jk everyone knows that it's buggy
I just got ooh shiny
how the heck
@DJMcMayhem that's the hat I earned, too...
I'll most likely hit 200 consecutive days on December 25th :P
I'm gonna hit 720 consecutive days on December 25th
Well you have been around for much longer
I have never related to this comic more
I'm running into an obscure QT error with exactly 5 results. No answers
Announcement: APL learning session in 11 minutes in the APL chat room. Tonight's topic: APL built-in functions' marathon (continued). Prerequisite.
has anyone made MetaGolfRegexEngine-N yet?
I'm specifically addressing regex golf puzzles that allows "any regex flavour" (which existed before this challenge)
hmm... I wonder how hard it is to build my own regex engine (soon: UNRE)
A friend of mine is taking a CIS class, and she just got the stupidest question I have ever seen:
Which of the following is the fastest rate of speed?

 - Kilobits
 - Megahertz
 - Terabits
 - Megabits
She (correctly) answered Megahertz, but the professor said she got it wrong because the correct answer is Terabits. WTF?
Which is heaviest? A Square foot, a gallon, a cup, or a pound?
Uhm... a pound? NOPE! It's a gallon.
Even megahertz isn't really a unit of "speed"
But I guess it could be interpreted like that in some contexts
Sure, but it's close than "terabits"
It's a horrible question either way
Which of the following shapes have the most sides? A line, a diagonal, a point, a frisbee
I'd pick frisbee
haha a diagonal duh
Which language is the golfiest? English, Binary, Klingon, or Brain-flak?
"go" describes any action known to mankind
I once saw the question "what is the unit light-year a measure of" and the accepted answer was time
@dylnan Oh gosh
Start posting 2 byte "English" answers of "go"
TBH, that's kinda the same problem the prof had in this example. Confusing b/s and bits
Is a lot like confusing speed/time and time
speed* time and time
Oh yeah, true
Speed/time would be a very strange measurement
I guess that would be acceleration? Like M/s^2
@dylnan So what is MHz a unit of?
What is the something though?
It could be computer operations or vibrations on a string
It is technically cycles/second
But in the context of computers/data rates it can be implied that it is bits/second
E.g. you can specify the frequency of a (monochromatic) light wave as cycles/second
Or any wave
How many times does something complete a full oscillation
Although even in the context of computers people usually specify Mbytes/s or Mbits/second
Yeah, cause generally MB/s is for disk transfer rates, and Mb/s is internet speed
Which is really dumb IMO. We should just stick with MB because it's way more useful
Yeah I don't know why they change the standard between those contexts
Clock speed is in Hz
And it gets even dumber when you factor in Mebibytes/Megabytes
The whole thing makes me want to rip my hair out
Oh, and windows backslashes vs linux forward slashes
Now I'm just getting irrationally angry
Wow I've never heard of Mebi- or the other binary prefixes
Yeah it can make my blood boil
Notation conventions
IIRC, hard drives are measured in Gib (gibi, e.g. 2^30) but marketed as GB (giga, e.g. 10^9)
Or something backwards like that
I just discovered python requests and it's wonderful and amazing.
What is it
@dylnan library for python for making web requests
Super easy to use
@dylnan OK, I just figured it out. All Hard Drives are measure in Gigabytes. Linux measures the size of files on disk as Gigabytes. Windows screws everything up and measure both in Gibibytes
This is why we can't have nice things.
So when you buy a 1000 GB drive, plug it into windows, windows says Hey! That's only 930 GB!
Because it calls GiB 'GB'
XKCD Summarizes the confusion nicely:
huh I've never seen that one
thought I'd seen them all
@DJMcMayhem which of course needs the followup of xkcd.com/927
Of course
There really is a relevant XKCD for any topic
@DJMcMayhem That's pretty funny. I thought it was going to be a serious table when I started reading it
What are you talking about? It's completely serious :P
@user202729 b/c i want answers
@dylnan that was not a joke
I upvoted like 20 comments yet no hat???
winterbash is a horrible thing
wait for it :p (oh and click on the snowflake too)
I did it yesterday
yesterday wasn't winter bash
after it launched
i checked to make sure
@DJMcMayhem Windows always screws up everything
@Mr.Xcoder last i checked mac was the root of all evil
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ With Edge which borks all the websites, I don’t think Safari is worse...
@Mr.Xcoder who uses edge??
... Windows
last i checked my windows run on glass
@Mr.Xcoder Fedora comes with Thunderbird but that doesn't mean I use it.
Well that doesn’t meanI use Safari either (although I do, ‘cause I find it great)
@Pavel Yet it is the default browser
well there is the problem
I got a secret hat :P
pavel has it too
@Mr.Xcoder it's not actually a browser I just needed a crap piece of software that comes bundled
@DJMcMayhem FYI, Windows has supported forward slashes for path separator for ages. It's just been convention that "mandates" it to be backslashes
I know it supports forward slashes
But using back slashes as standard is still a horrible move
\o/ 4 hats
Now I dunno which to use
Poll: Which one should I choose?
It's only "standard" because people confused path separators for command-line options when running command-line programs.
Blame DOS 1.0 on that
Or I guess DOS 2.0, since that's when subdirectories were introduced
But that still wouldn't be an issue if command line options were a dash instead of a slash
@Pavel I was actually talking about Edge
@DJMcMayhem Some commands accept - instead of /
It's all IBM's fault anyway, since / was the option parameter that DOS 1.0 inherited. We'll blame them.
Nevermind that \ is the escape character for FINDSTR, REG and RUNAS, instead of the ^ character that the rest of DOS/Windows uses.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ... tha'ts not the hat
it's have 10 upvoted comments
@Riker RIP
Q: Electron Orbital Configuration Diagram ASCII-Art

tfbninjaSince MD XF stole my question idea (he didn't actually steal it, but still...) I am going to post an ASCII art version instead. This uses the exact same principle from his question, so I will be brief. Challenge Given an atomic number from 1 to 118 as input, output the electron configurat...

@Riker What trivial modifications can be done to e.g., the JavaScript answer, to make it competitive in the new challenge?
@Mr.Xcoder Ooh, shiny! is more harmonic with your avatar.
@Adám Thanks for the feedback. Will update in the morning, unfortunately you cannot change hats on mobile :-(
@Dennis Nice hat, +1
Hehe, unicorn Dennis :P
@AdmBorkBork ?
oh, for teh dupe
not many trivial ones, but I feel like it's a dupe of both the linked one and the book one we had today/yesterday
I just check the CV review and DJ broke a streak of 13 close votes in a row :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing heh
I'm just 12 close vote reviews from a silver badge
Oh, wow, we hit 9000 questions today.
Now we just need one more
CMC: Given a string 's' of an unknown length and an integer 'n', output the characters of 's' cyclically until it's 'n' characters long.
"Hello", 7: "HelloHe"
"Foobar", 2: "Fo"
Pretty sure jelly has a 1 or 2 bytes solution to this
@DJMcMayhem SOGL, 1 byte: m
@DJMcMayhem Haskell, 13 bytes, (.cycle).take
@Dennis Can you type all the characters in the Jelly code page from your keyboard?
I can!
But I wrote a custom keyboard for the codepage
@DJMcMayhem APL, 1 byte:
V, 7 bytes: DÀPÀ|lD
@Dennis Where do you get a keyboard like that?
@DJMcMayhem Husk, 2 bytes, ↑¢
Can we assume anything about the format of s? Eg. just a-zA-Z?
@ATaco Printable ASCII
Reregex solution is going to be ugly then
@cairdcoinheringaahing I consciously chose on characters that could be typed on my keyboard layout, US international AltGr dead keys. This particular variant may be Linux-only.
Yeah, windows intl Is win1252 based
TIL that Golfscript has no floating point type
That seems bad for a language made for golfing :P
A: Tips for golfing in GolfScript

DennisRational / Float / Complex I've read so many times that GolfScript has only integers that I started to believe it. Well, it's not true. 2-1? # Raise 2 to the power of -1. Result: 0.5 4-1? # Raise 4 to the power of -1. Result: 0.25 + # Add. Result: 0.75 The output is 3/4 with the standar...

@cairdcoinheringaahing GolfScript is a pretty bad golfing language for PPCGs standards anyway
Honestly, the standard for good golfing language is constantly constantly going up. PPCG used to be completely dominated by golfscript, J, and APL. Then, CJAM and Pyth were the big ones. Now, Jelly, Husk, osabie, SOGL are way way way shorter
Today is GolfScript's 10th birthday!
@Dennis So 4 bytes to do what Jelly does in one? (2-1? vs .) Why did people ever think that Golfscript was good?
@cairdcoinheringaahing there was nothing better at the time. The art of golfing was just beginning.
@DJMcMayhem V and Charcoal are pretty competitive at string/kc challenges.
@cairdcoinheringaahing V is specialized into string challenges, but even so, there are tons of string challenges V is horrible at. Honestly, it's very hit or miss (extremely short and competitive or not at all)
It also doesn't have a dictionary like some KC langs
Q: Can ROs and mods see who starred a message?
IMO using a dictionary is kinda cheap, so I'm OK with that, but if the challenge involves English at any step, SOGL/Jelly/Osabie will kick it's butt
@cairdcoinheringaahing For the same reason my first 40 MB hard drive seemed huge.
I mean, it did have the capacity of over 50 floppy disks.
@Dennis What's a 'floppy disk'?
5.25" diskette or larger
RProgN 2 would have been unfathomable in 2011
Now it’s just mediocre
@Dennis did you time your gold badge with winter bash?
It would be kinda fun to go back to the creation of this site and post a Jelly answer. I'd have more rep than Dennis :P
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Happy coincidence. I was two answers away from an gold badge.
From posting an answer in a language that doesn't exist?
@KSmarts Well, you'd take the interpreter with you and dominate code golf
TIL WA considers 1/0 to be complex infinity
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, but being discriminatory like that could lead to being suspended
(on christopher's part)
It's kinda funny going to look at old questions, where all the answers are in "real" languages.
and golfscript
@KSmarts And very poorly golfed at that :P Python averaged ~100 bytes back then, but 50 now
\o/ 6 hats!
"This challenge proposal has been inactive for over a month. I would like to take ownership of the challenge and make it ready for posting." (commented 5 years after the original post)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tfbninjaFind the nth fibonacci number This has surprisingly not been posted yet. Given an input n, output the nth term of the fibonacci sequence, Q's What is the whole F(n)=...

Q: Tips for Golfing in Standard ML

LaikoniStandard ML (or golfier: SML) is a general-purpose, modular, functional programming language with compile-time type checking and type inference. (from Wikipedia) Though you almost certainly will never win a code golf challenge with SML, (ab-) using it for golfing can nevertheless be quite fun (<...

Oh shoop, I got my Silver Code-golf bage some time ago.
Now just 600 more score until I get gold.
Hello, I'd like to post this challenge in about an hour or so: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14361/47581
Any last feedback?

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