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@Sherlock9 Wait until 7pm to get a hat :P
7 pm in what time zone?
Any timezone
I'm waiting for 7 am in UTC+7 to avoid the daily reset
wait so you can post it at the hour mark anywhere? lol
no, it is 7:03 now
(except in newfoundland. that place is strange)
Want to see if I can get the 200 rep cap again
Only every gotten it once
Forget what it's called at this point
That's it. Thank you
anyone want to duel?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ?
@HyperNeutrino Wait, what happens in Newfoundland?
A: Rules for Duels

Christopher 2EZ 4RTZDuels may be sponsored by a user, who does not want to compete, for another user A user who does not want to compete may sponsor a user and supply the rep if they lose. a user challenges another user but the challenged user cannot put the rep forward. A kind user steps up and tells the challeng...

@cairdcoinheringaahing well newfoundland time is a half-hour away from UTC time :p
o0 sure why not
Q: Is this even or odd?

You Note: There is not been a vanilla parity test challenge yet (There is a C/C++ one but that disallows the ability to use languages other than C/C++, and other non-vanilla ones are mostly closed too), So I am posting one. Given a positive integer, output its parity (i.e. if the number is odd o...

we need to choose a language
do you know newline or brainflak?
I know brain-flak but not newline
how about a 2 to 1 duel?
in your favor
with whom else?
Who's sponsoring ?
@HyperNeutrino noo the odds
btw first duel so idk what's going on :p
nah 1v1 is more fair imo :p
ok basically if we use newline you pay me 50 rep if I win but you get 100 if you win
that is what the 2 to 1
but if we use brain flak it is 1-1
hm ok
You should do brain-flak
(makes sense since you made newline I guess)
yeah, only used it 2-4 times
@DJMcMayhem :P no bias
wheat wizard tied in a duel with me
I've used brain-flak a decent number of times before, not sure about you
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ None at all
used it for a bi
Wat happens if you tie?
what do you think? newline, brainflak, or let someone pick a language?
you are a better golfer then me
Hehe, I can pick one of my languages :P
I really hate the message speed limit, I feel it hinders my fast typing speed and ability to talk to several people at once
i agree
i guess it's to prevent spam? idk
but there's already the rep limit, so idk the point :p
yeah but I wish mods could turn it off for users that are trusted
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ It also messes with my chatbot :/
dorknob is watching us so we have to be good
AFAIK there's no way for even the mods to bypass the limit, right?
Actually perhaps?
don't think so
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ lol well the mods are always watching :3
@Sherlock9 That could be a good idea.
anyway, have we come to a consensus about the language? :P
I vote for Actually
actually i vote no
(1 byte solution auto-tie)
(most entertaining duel of 2017)
Oh wait, is it the parity question?
@HyperNeutrino you choose
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingThe Programming Language Quiz, Mark II A repost of this challenge. Meta discussion. Body of the question similar to the original [Tacky introduction] The Cops' Challenge The Cops in this Cops and Robbers challenge have to do two things: Choose a programming language. A valid programming lan...

wait it isn't?
nvm then in that case :P
@NewSandboxedPosts Finally :P
I vote Brain-Flak.
@cairdcoinheringaahing be nice to the bot :P
@HyperNeutrino for the even/odd question?
even/odd seems a bit boring to me IMO, but idk
find a better question? i guess
it would be harder for newline
IMO, there shouldn't be a rep award. Just post your answers and the community will upvote the better answer.
hm maybe then even/odd in newline then
Although, feel free to ignore me :p
Q: Generate Pascal's triangle

Peter OlsonPascal's triangle is generated by starting with a 1 on the first row. On subsequent rows, the number is determined by the sum of the two numbers directly above it to the left and right. To demonstrate, here are the first 5 rows of Pascal's triangle: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 The...

@cairdcoinheringaahing usually do
(not to be rude but the joke was too good)
@HyperNeutrino geez
that one for newline or brainflak?
whew, just hit 2k rep. Apparntly I get cursed by seeing deleted posts now.
that is a blessing not a curse
usually a blessing but quite often a curse
especially for sandbox :p
@HyperNeutrino well newline or brainflak?\
also, I intended that for brain-flak
ok sounds good
exact output format not strictly required. 50-50 duel or just glory and honor?
@Potato44 It's a curse. Seeing all the deleted crap that people post can really make you feel down :(
wait do we have to have the newlines?
I said brain-flak, not newline you need some sort of way of denoting the rows but not necessarily newlines
we send the sha 256 hash when finished
idk if i can do this
lol me neither
lets do the even/odd with newline
as a warm up
still doing 100-50?
if it's a warm-up I say don't do rep, unless you really want to
I don't care too much about the reputation, mostly just for fun :p
I have a lot of rep anyway lol
well my answers don't get votes so this is my way to 10k
well then pro tip: write more answers
ready setty go
if you have questions about newline ask
wait is this 100-50 or just honor and glory?
i was thinking 100-50
hm. since warm-up i'd vote to go with no rep involved but you can decide
lets go then decide
I decide no rep for the warm-up
I don't get this whole thing about legendre's connecture D:
it is turned
off so don't worry
just ignore it
wait so then how am i meant to do things
go down to the lang("")
put the code in the "", after each thingy you type such as + type \n
;-; I reached my vote limit today, and the message popped up saying "You have used all your votes for today, you can vote again in 34 minutes"
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ wait so essentially just any other stack-lang except there has to be a newline between every command?
SE is messed up
@HyperNeutrino yeah
@HyperNeutrino done
i still have not figured out how to do this
why is stack a single number
this language literally makes no sense to me whatsoever lol
halp je ne understand pas
numbers is you input and variables
use g to set the current number you are working with to the value of the input
almost every operation increments numbers but g does not, you can use 0 to increment numbers
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Why is Ç there? That's a hash right?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah
new hash (golf) 6052C8D5C8E8F2716B2B9429DF2787FD8E002AA7DFE15DA7198A9946A4B65413
dammit i tried to wipe the cedille off my screen
i'm smart
wait is that even a cedille
the 5 thingy under cC
in french, it makes c use the soft sound
anyways how is the code going :P
i am trying to think of how to do this
can I say 0 is even and -1 is odd
@HyperNeutrino yes, that is accurate
11 bytes lol

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