@Okx eh, too lazy. And what's the point either? Processing is nicer and sometimes less verbose
@EriktheOutgolfer I'm using 7+ taskbar tweaker, that's why (it also adds seconds to the time, but that's not very visible). Restarting (as expected) fixed it, but it's still strange
Moving Average of a List
The moving average of a list is a calculation resulting in a new, smoothed out list, created by averaging small overlapping sublists of the original.
When creating a moving average, we first generate the list of overlapping sublists using a certain 'window size', s...
Is AutoCompletion Valid and Iff so, how does it affect Byte Count
We shall first define AutoCompletion as being the addition of any code segments to the code before either compile or run time as the direct result a keystroke and independant of outside information.
Note that this is not the same...
Write a program that accepts an integer from 1-8 as an argument and executes the corresponding program from the following list taken from here.
Print ‘Hello World’ to the screen.
Ask the user for their name and greets them with their name.
Same as 2 but only the users Alice and Bob are...
Budget my lunch!
I'm a man of habit, but I also like to live quite frugally so every day I make myself the same lunch consisting of;
3 Falafel
2 Flatbreads
A serving of houmous
Some lettuce
Now in order to make sure I always put aside enough money for my lunch I need a program that will calc...
Downgrade to a Palindrome
Given a string s, return the smallest contiguous substring you can remove to create a palindrome.
Sandbox Question: Should I also allow people to return the longest palindrome?
800233008 -> 2
racecarFOOL -> FOOL
abcdedcba -> (empty string)
ngryL Myrgn ->...
@AndrewHill we have a whole sandbox! https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/sandbox-for-proposed-challenges?cb=1 Post your challenge as an answer to that meta-question.
@AndrewHill The bot will then pick it up and post it here, which we'll see. If you haven't gotten a response in a day post it again here.
@AndrewHill Lmk when you do! I can help review it with you.
I have seen many a trivial answer in jelly, so i wish to propose:
Challenge: A non-trivial answer
Input two strings
If the two strings are integers and are equal, output a truthy value.
Otherwise, output a falsy value.
You may receive non-integer inputs.
You will never rece...
A special case of Ramsey's theorem says the following: whenever we color the edges of the complete graph on 18 vertices red and blue, there is a monochromatic clique of size 4.
In language that avoids graph theory: suppose we place 18 points around a circle and draw all possible line segments c...
Is AutoCompletion Valid and Iff so, how does it affect Byte Count
We shall first define AutoCompletion as being the addition of any code segments to the code before either compile or run time as the direct result a keystroke and independant of outside information.
Note that this is not the same...
Polynomial Partition
Given a finite list of at at least two points in the plane ℝ², your program should find a polynomial f in ℝ[x,y] whose zero locus Z(f) := {(x,y) ∊ ℝ² | f(x,y) = 0} partitions the plane such that each of the inputs is i...