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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

wow, @Mr.Xcoder, 7 undeleted and 5 deleted answers...
Congrats on a tricky question
@AdmBorkBork Half of those are me >_>
@MagicOctopusUrn huh
only one is yours
ok, windows just hates me. The fonts have gone nuts
@EriktheOutgolfer Ohhh, wrong question. I had 2 deleted on his Cops and Robbers, just undeleted my other a minute ago.
um the cops and robbers is stewie's
@EriktheOutgolfer I have serious ADHD problems.
@dzaima reboot
the windows logo doesn't appear at the lower-left, that's weird
@AdmBorkBork IMO the challenge is so simple that many have overlooked the specs
@dzaima why is sogl written in processing? isn't that a visualization language?
@Okx it's the language I know the best :p
it'd be easy to port it to java and that would be a more appropiate language
since processing is kinda like java
@Okx eh, too lazy. And what's the point either? Processing is nicer and sometimes less verbose
@EriktheOutgolfer I'm using 7+ taskbar tweaker, that's why (it also adds seconds to the time, but that's not very visible). Restarting (as expected) fixed it, but it's still strange
because otherwise it would've represented some very urgent need for a reboot
(shutdown -r at "Run" prompt opened with Ctrl+R)
CMC: Given a list, return the elements that are not unique.
[4,5,5,5,6,7,3,2,7,3] -> [5, 7, 3] (irrelevant order)
Erm, isn't that ones that are unique?
@AdmBorkBork >.< corrected
@Mr.Xcoder 05AB1E, 4 bytes: ¢≠ÏÙ
@Mr.Xcoder PowerShell, 37 bytes
BTW it's a good challenge for Jelly learners (hint, hint @AdmBorkBork)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlipTackMoving Average of a List The moving average of a list is a calculation resulting in a new, smoothed out list, created by averaging small overlapping sublists of the original. When creating a moving average, we first generate the list of overlapping sublists using a certain 'window size', s...

I currently have 7 bytes, golfing.
@Okx Ohh, nice
what language for 7 bytes
oh jelly
Probably waay too long
@Mr.Xcoder I have 5 bytes
Q: #Is AutoCompletion Valid and Iff so, how does it affect Byte Count

Taylor ScottIs AutoCompletion Valid and Iff so, how does it affect Byte Count We shall first define AutoCompletion as being the addition of any code segments to the code before either compile or run time as the direct result a keystroke and independant of outside information. Note that this is not the same...

@AdmBorkBork Nice, let me golf mine too.
@Mr.Xcoder APL, 15 bytes
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 5 bytes
@AdmBorkBork Please I won't look at the spoiler but tell me you don't use œ^ again...
I do use that
Cause I have absolutely no idea how it works.
facepalm ಠ_ಠ
@AdmBorkBork CMC: Solve my latest CMC without œ^.
@Mr.Xcoder It's the union of the two sets minus the intersection of the two sets
what question is this for, again?
13 mins ago, by Mr. Xcoder
CMC: Given a list, return the elements that are not unique.
i.e., things that are in one or the other but not both
I got it. Basically (A \ B) + (B \ A).
Known as "disjoint union" or "XOR"
As a reference here is my 7-byter.
@AdmBorkBork Now I have 4 bytes.
i prefer the 4 byte one
Now comes the question which
Q: 8 programs in one

mondlosWrite a program that accepts an integer from 1-8 as an argument and executes the corresponding program from the following list taken from here. Print ‘Hello World’ to the screen. Ask the user for their name and greets them with their name. Same as 2 but only the users Alice and Bob are...

@Mr.Xcoder APL, 12 bytes with weird spacing
What is ⋄'' supposed to do? Join by spaces?
@Mr.Xcoder Try it online! - 4 bytes?
@Mr.Xcoder that has a "ternary operator" - 1≠≢⍵ is the condition, :⍺ - truthy case, ⋄'' - falsy case - return an empty string
@MagicOctopusUrn huh?
@dzaima I know what ternaries are, didn't spot the : though. Thanks
@Mr.Xcoder The CMC
@MagicOctopusUrn They must be deduplicated (see the test case)
Oh, 6 bytes then.
@MagicOctopusUrn 5 here
12 bytes with zeroes instead of empty lines
@Mr.Xcoder Try it online! (couldn't edit the old one). AFAIK, there is no 1-3 byte way to get non-unique chars in 05AB1E.
@MagicOctopusUrn I think ʒ¢≠}Ù would work for 5.
Oooo what's the command?
@MagicOctopusUrn Falsified (a ≠ 1)
Woo! Finally! Something other than _ for that!
@MagicOctopusUrn So it's been added recently?
@Mr.Xcoder Extremely recently, anything up at the top is basically within the last 2 months.
CMC: Take a string as input, and return the smallest substring you could remove to make it a palindrome. Example: `800233008 -> "2".
@MagicOctopusUrn Is there anything like "Intersection" in 05AB1E?
@Mr.Xcoder a.keep(b)
Sorry I meant difference
(set difference)
Errr, delta?
Mmm... no, because "a with no b's" would result in [3,3,4,5], [3, 4] -> [5]
@MagicOctopusUrn No, Bagwise subtraction. [3,3,4,5], [3, 4] -> [3,5]
IK... That's why I asked
Unless - vectorizes like that?
No, - subtracts each from each
I wanted to use that earlier too, probably for the same challenge haha.
[1,2,3][1,2,3]- -> [0,0,0]
@Mr.Xcoder м is push a.remove(all elements of b), but it seems to only work on strings
Hey Guys, if you haven't already, would y'all mind casting a vote on this question - it would be greatly appreciated
You could use sorted lifted a with no b's? If they're the same length list >_>
@Riley No, not what I am looking for. It should keep multiple occurrences ([3,3,4], [3] -> [3, 4])
> documentation
> .b = pop a push **letterified**(a)
Really 05AB1E?!
.b? That used to be á (and still is) wonder why that was added..
If 05AB1E would have better built-ins for array manipulation...
@MagicOctopusUrn Do you already have a working solution in 05AB1E?
@Mr.Xcoder the best solution I can think of is repeatedly replacing the first element...
It seems rather hard.
@Mr.Xcoder Which challenge?
@Mr.Xcoder That's definitely one thing it really struggles with
@MagicOctopusUrn The CMC.
@Mr.Xcoder Which cmc
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Luke StevensBudget my lunch! I'm a man of habit, but I also like to live quite frugally so every day I make myself the same lunch consisting of; 3 Falafel 2 Flatbreads A serving of houmous Some lettuce Now in order to make sure I always put aside enough money for my lunch I need a program that will calc...

@Mr.Xcoder I'm still working but I was thinking Œʒ¹õ.;ÂQ}, did not work as expected.
Whooooops... All I needed was a swap: Try it online! - 12 bytes.
Actually, that's more complicated of a challenge than I initially thought...
That answer isn't correct.
CMC: Given N, solve the Coupon Collectors Problem for N coupons
Because if a substring exists multiple times, it can give an invalid answer.
@Mr.Xcoder I honestly cannot think of a good way to do it in 05AB1E now, that was my only idea.
gtg o/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnDowngrade to a Palindrome Given a string s, return the smallest contiguous substring you can remove to create a palindrome. Sandbox Question: Should I also allow people to return the longest palindrome? Examples: 800233008 -> 2 racecarFOOL -> FOOL abcdedcba -> (empty string) ngryL Myrgn ->...

Holy crud, sorting by "votes" and going to the last page is lolzy: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/123808/… Poor kid got -30 and +3 on a simple challenge lmao.
@Mr.Xcoder huh, chat gets formatting you can't use in answers?
@Neil I think it has to do with the HTML-based tags not working in chat. Maybe not, that doesn't work anywhere, odd.
unrelated, but not knowing when chat will scroll up and when it will open the transcript is annoying
I wonder if my answer is 1/2 of the uncracked because nobody knows groovy, or if it's actually good: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/146926/…
I spent awhile on thinking of the most annoying way to do it.
hi, is there a good place to check if a new challenge is a reasonable one?
@AndrewHill we have a whole sandbox! https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/sandbox-for-proposed-challenges?cb=1
Post your challenge as an answer to that meta-question.
@AndrewHill The bot will then pick it up and post it here, which we'll see. If you haven't gotten a response in a day post it again here.
@AndrewHill Lmk when you do! I can help review it with you.
done :)
any feedback for this sandboxed post? It seems like it would have been done before, but I can't actually find anything that makes it a dupe...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Andrew HillI have seen many a trivial answer in jelly, so i wish to propose: Challenge: A non-trivial answer Input two strings If the two strings are integers and are equal, output a truthy value. Otherwise, output a falsy value. Clarifications You may receive non-integer inputs. You will never rece...

Q: Demonstrate a lower bound for the Ramsey number R(4,4)

Misha LavrovA special case of Ramsey's theorem says the following: whenever we color the edges of the complete graph on 18 vertices red and blue, there is a monochromatic clique of size 4. In language that avoids graph theory: suppose we place 18 points around a circle and draw all possible line segments c...

Q: Is AutoCompletion Valid and Iff so, how does it affect Byte Count

Taylor ScottIs AutoCompletion Valid and Iff so, how does it affect Byte Count We shall first define AutoCompletion as being the addition of any code segments to the code before either compile or run time as the direct result a keystroke and independant of outside information. Note that this is not the same...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrPolynomial Partition code-challengepolynomialsgeometrypartitionstest-battery Given a finite list of at at least two points in the plane ℝ², your program should find a polynomial f in ℝ[x,y] whose zero locus Z(f) := {(x,y) ∊ ℝ² | f(x,y) = 0} partitions the plane such that each of the inputs is i...

Most of these are just Guides to NodeJS
Especially the first one.
Anyone know what "Can" means as a title? Title as in Lord/Lady/Mrs./Professor/etc.
Golfing language with built-in kologmorov complexity features baked right in?
Stuff like base64 or similar text->binary literals, the ability compactly define and apply huffman encodings, etc
Something like bubblegun but actually useable for non-trivial input-dependent code golf challenges
@eaglgenes101 Generally the best languages for kolmo are 05AB1E, and SOGL, and less frequently V. Jelly also tends to be pretty good at it
Cinnamon gum was specialized for kolmo, and it's kinda like a more advanced bubblegum, but I don't know if it's still super useful
Oh yeah, and of course charcoal. Especially if it's more specifically ASCII-art kolmo
Is cinnamon gum still maintained?
@eaglgenes101 I don't think so. But if you're interested in using it, you can always ask @quartata about it
Why does the New Sandboxed Posts bot have such an odd icon?
is it user-made?
@DJMcMayhem Code formatting doesn't prevent ping
@NoOneIsHere Yes
Same with NMP
Meta or Main?
@Pavel Are you sure about that? Could you try it with mine?
@NoOneIsHere Both
Languages who constrain themselves to a byte-based code page aren't really amenable to extension
And besides, if you have the source code compressed, nobody really cares that UTF-8 has more overhead than is really necessary for source code
Any golfing languages that are taking feature requests?
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