I'm trying to learn about ai by creating a game where you fight against a bot that gets better and better at destroying you... After two weeks the bot still does nothing...
English > Re: monitors, because I ate too much that day and fell asleep, so I didn't have enough time to make them all have their own word, so i just made them all monitor. Same with those lizards...
This reminds me of Mathematica's feature where you can add @#& after a function that takes a single argument as many times as you want without changing its meaning :P
@LeakyNun hey, I'm applying to university. As part of applications I can submit documentation about projects. I was hoping to present SIL/S.I.L.O.S as a project I have been passionate about for a while. Since you have been basically the primary contributor, I wanted to reach out and make sure that you were ok with me using this project (acknowleding you of course). Also, is it representative of my abilities and interests as a computer programmer? Would it be good for my application?
@Mr.Xcoder someone could write a user script that could replace $TIME_DESCRIPTOR based on the time of day returned by the system clock of the given user.
The ’ has bold upper part and light lower part, and vice versa for ‘. So I think ’ should intuitively be -1. (at least for TIO font and chat.SE code font)
Create a program or a function that is valid in multiple programming languages, and when compiled/interpreted as a different language outputs "Hello, World!" in a different natural language.
For example, a valid solution might output Hello World! (English) when compiled and run as C, Hallo...
@user202729 haha yes I'm dumb I don't know how that happened. And yeah I should switch increment/decrement to match Jelly... (to avoid confusing people)
Also, Enlist/TIO is extremely old. It's like 2 weeks old, back when combining operators didn't work. I fixed that a long time ago lol. I should ask Dennis to pull sometime.
@Mr.Xcoder There are already Arithmetic-Triangle (which calculate n-th triangle number) : Æ<literal triangle here, I can't type because of Jelly keyboard>
why do you think I called the police when they were still going around 1AM
if i didn't have to wake up early this morning for work I'd have let them party and just waited until i just plain passed out from tiredness
but since I did have to wake up early, and they shouldn't be partying and going in and out constantly over several hours at night time (11PM - 1AM, 10:30PM is the township-accepted "quiet" period at night when you shouldn't be making noise that goes outside your apartment in a disruptive way) anyways...
Ok, so I think I am going to give up Cthulhu and start all the way from scratch. I want to have a vectorization engine common to all functions, and I really want to improve my current functions. That being said, Cthulhu is not a thing anymore.
Oh well actorialfactorial is broken for a while then I guess (since I won't ask Dennis to pull for another day or two as I make a bunch more functions and operators)
I really like precision for whatever reason so Ceres, Proton, and Enlist all use sympy numbers. It makes it really slow but precision :c I tried getting gmpy to work but it doesn't work on my computer for whatever reason; if I can use it on TIO I might use that instead since it's faster, but Proton is hard to develop on TIO.
(at least until developer pull is implemented on TIO)
Also exponents of primefac should be added aside from the usual ones.
@ThomasWard Yes, it is related to binary approximations.
@HyperNeutrino Is there any room for Enlist? If there isn't any, can you create one? I would like one to exist, since I am definitely going to use Enlist once you polish things up and have a ton of built-in suggestions and new operators in mind.
Cthulhu will Wake, Jörmungandr will let go of his own tail and rise up while Odin is consumed by Fenrir thus signaling the start of Ragnarök, and the Devil himself will be freed from his eternal prison and set the world aflame in the coming Apocalypse..
@RohanJhunjhunwala I'd suggest that you indicate that you had other contributors and acknowledge them if you can, if you use the project (because in the world, it's good to attribute where help or knowledge came from).
Given a textual representation of a month return the number of days in the month.
December, dec, DEC, should all return 31
February can return 28 or 29
No built in Date functions
Surprisingly I looked around and didn't see this already posted.