November was the ninth month of the ancient Roman calendar. November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning "nine") when January and February were added to the Roman calendar.
Berlin has one of the worst storms this year right now. I almost got hit by a falling street lantern. Also pretty terrifying to drive when trees are falling over on the sidewalk. Public transportation is on hold
Is it Odd or Even
For some a a number x is odd if there is a k such that k + k + a = x and even if there is a k such that k + k = x. A group is an even or odd group if there is an a such that every member of the group is either even or odd. For example the group Z4 is an even odd group if a = ...
D - Decimal digits
Œp - Cartesian Product of the items
E€ - For each, check if all are equal
Ẹ - Any; Returns 1 if Z contains a truthy value, 0 otherwise
Too many bytes in Pyth :-/ using my approach: .Emq1l{m/kdQs
just three different users in the same office all with different expectations of how this email rule should work and they're not communicating with each other. So, when I configured it the one way when the initial request came in, I was suddenly very in the wrong and upset the other users because their workflow suddenly broke or some crap.
This challenge is inspired by 2009 Putnam B1, a problem in an undergraduate mathematics competition. The problem is as follows:
Show that every positive rational number can be written as a quotient of products of factorials of (not necessarily distinct) primes. For example,
I have the following code which I've written to emulate Newton's method for deriving the square root of a number:
Where r(37) would result in 6.08276253029822 which is great given the limitations of my browser.
I'd like to g...