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but wait it would reduce functionality to have an atom and a quick to be the same character
and multiquicks
@ATaco Nah, has gaps, and too many letters.
I want to make it as typable (especially on mobile, much like Levant) as possible
@HyperNeutrino Yes. APL has four such, and it makes solutions significantly longer at times. Don't do that.
Win1252 is entirely typeable by a mobile keyboard.
(And I've made a keyboard layout for windows for it, too)
including soft hyphen?
also I need to look at how to make a custom keyboard layout for Jelly on my keyboard
Alright, mostly typable.
I also made a Jelly One!
how do you remap things in Linux
also win 1252 has gaps like adam said so I'm not using it :P
@HyperNeutrino MSKLC
@ASCII-only linux
@HyperNeutrino Or just install a US keyboard
halp how do you undo xmodmap operations
oh wait the script I ran is self inverting :P
@HyperNeutrino Wait Linux just make an X keyboard
ah ok
@HyperNeutrino How about CP437? Has glyphs for all 256 and a nice selection of letters, glyphs, and line drawing chars.
hm looks interesting. Not sure if I'd like the box drawing characters though
I might make a custom one and pick from random codepages as I go
For the flag: I think it's invalid; what do you think Adam
@HyperNeutrino Flag?
(it got deleted lol)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GryphonPrime Factorial code-golf math number For the purposes of this question, the prime factorial of a number n is the result of multiplying all prime numbers smaller than n, and then multiplying the result by n. Your Task: Write a program or function to find the prime factorial of a number, as o...

Q: BIU numbers (or Sumdivized numbers)

Jose ZamanHow to spot them Take a positive integer k. Find its divisors. Find the distinct prime factors of each divisor. Sum all these factors together. If this number (sum) is a divisor of k (if the sum devides k) then, this number k, is a BIU number Examples Let's take the number 54 Find all the ...

@HyperNeutrino CP858 gets rid of most box drawing chars in favor of accented Latin.
@Adám Ooh I might consider this one :D Thanks!
Q: Answer chain the English Alphabet!

arodebaughIn this answer chaining challenge, you will work together to figure out how to output all the 26 letters of the English alphabet! How does this work? For each answer, you must pick a new language (or a new major version of a language, for example, python 2 and python 3 are counted separately) t...

how do you do tags in comments?
I tried [tag:polyglot] but it sent me to the tag of "tagpolyglot"
Comments != chat
Also, I don't think you can tag in comments.
mebbe [polyglot] ?
SE has three different markdowns and it's annoying af
@Pavel yeah
I fixed it by doing normal linking
Markdown is annoying, and makes my CMC TIO userscript not work in all cases.
@Pavel that just does [polyglot] in plaintext
ok I forgot to use the sandbox
lol I was trying to list all characters that my phone could type and guess which one I missed
@ATaco Right, but you can build edge cases into your script to account for that.
Question: what does magenta highlight mean in git commit diffs?
^ picture
Maybe there wasn't whitespace before, and now there is?
is it whitespace but different type of whitespace?
The XKCD space -> spaaace replacement is making this fun to read.
@DestructibleLemon yea I think that was it, it seemed to be a tab (blame nano)
I did it
in return, please send your bank account info pls /s
@DestructibleLemon dont have credit card is ssn ok?
@Downgoat I need copy to, need to file invoice
btw downgoat do click that link
you could instead choose to help me make my koth thing?
@DestructibleLemon you should learn to do it on your own time
I need a second opinion thing or something
Ok i give
for SSN
super sweet number
Question: why can I not do: echo "${$@:1}"
ok so can we post not particularly on topic strawpolls things?
ok I would post but strawpoll.me is not working for me
wtf I have 444 Facebook notifications?
I broke it
it's sort of working
Is anyone else having problems?
whenever I type, it goes to the top of the page...
@MistahFiggins >.<
and are there 2 strawpoll oneboxes for anyone else?
Ok i fixed it
I think I had 2 userscripts doing the same thing
is strawpoll oneboxing by taco or normal?
i think the answer is yes
meaning both
are you doing the a or b = yes logic prank on me
@MistahFiggins oh ok
ಠ_ಠ then just say both
there were also 2 messages by me with the poll
ok so should my koth limit the speed of bots, and should it limit range of sight?
Strawpoll oneboxing is taco.
And that double onebox is a known bug.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mistah FigginsOutput an Anagram! No Not That One! code-golf anagram string Given a unique list of strings that are anagrams of each other, output an anagram of those words that is different from each word in the list. The strings will be alphanumeric, and there is guaranteed to be a valid anagram. Test Cas...

no, they were backwards
weird chat things
I would type something, and it would go to the very top
it's all good now
most strange
and it was all client side anyways
@DestructibleLemon yes, very
@MistahFiggins Mine did that
@ATaco team spirit hasn't been working for a while
I know the problem, I just haven't gotten around to patching it.
I'm a busy Taco.
Whoa @KennyLau how come you changed your name back?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Lua, 11 bytes string.gsub
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ohm v2, 1 byte \
Two backticks, a backslack, two backticks.
> backslack
@MDXF bugs (something to do with his other account name overriding Leaky Nun)
huh interesting
Rename KennyLau KennyLua when?
is backslack when you move your team to some other platform but then realize you like slack better so you move back to slack?
i'm a comedy genius, trust me
running star citizen is hard :P
ok so what language do I make my koth in, anyway? if I choose python, very few people will consider playing
I could try the new lang idea
maybe I'll just make some sort of forth-y thing
make it so it supports all languages
no that is laggy
laggy < no answers
just leave it running overnight
too laggy
way too laggy
like even with bots doing literally nothing but returning a constant it lags
actually forthy things might be annoying to program
I'm not entirely sure what paradigm my language will be tbh
Don't tell me about lag
I am running star citizen
I reckon it will be imperative actually
yeah I'm gonna make a custom language unless that turns out to be laggier somehow
I decided to reconsider my life choices after getting almost 350 rep on SO yesterday
In star citizen i just shot a window out and jumped into space, I then flew through space with my rockets and on the move took out another window and ninja rolled in jumped a balcony and kept going
@HyperNeutrino Congrats in advance for getting almost 350 rep on PPCG today
This is the best game
@Mego :P thx but not gonna happen :P
1. I'd need bounties and I've gotten like a grand total of 2
2. Or, I'd need accepts and good luck with that on PPCG

The only reason I managed to get over 200 (way over 200) was because like 10 accepts :D
PPCG accepts?
that's why
I've gotten like 2 accepts maybe? not much more than I have bounties
actually I just remembered I don't really know how to make parsers and stuff
I made a lisplike interpreter thing once
I've made two different parsers but don't ask me for help or you will end up a terrible programmer
I have no accepts, but I have the shortest solution on a problem
so I guess the language might be like that
ppl pls answer
Q: "KNOT" or "NOT"?

squeamish ossifrageWrite a program that processes an ASCII art representation of a tangled string and decides whether or not it can be untangled into a simple loop. The tangle is represented using the characters - and | to represent horizontal and vertical segments, and + to represent corners. Places where the stri...

I has bounty you can get :3
I'm surprised nobody has attempted this bounty yet
I don't know knot theory without it being in a program
@Mego tbh it's more surprising it hasn't been closed
CJam looks like it has many braces
GS seems to have many numbers
Pyth seems to have many capital letters
you also have to consider cases which are none though
That bounty is far too difficult for me.
vtc unclear /s
@HyperNeutrino It's very nontrivial isn't it
Anyone up for some contact?
@ASCII-only yes
nvm I would play but I have like 3 mins
@Mego I'd do it but too lazy to make a spec of the syntax for each language, and I can't find it anywhere
@HyperNeutrino I don't think many could do it in just 4 days
yeah I maybe should've added to the infinite bounties
but I mean mostly if nobody else makes an answer I was initially planning on just awarding the existing one but I thought to give everyone a chance so I specified as such :P
The Mini-Flak indefinite bounty is not very hard and its worth 1000, just saying
@ASCII-only All 3 of them are on TIO. All you have to do is click the name of the language on their TIO page to go to the repo, then go to the docs.
In fact, with TIO, the challenge is much easier - I had to download and set up all 3 languages when I wrote my answer.
gtg now anyway, cya! o/
@FunkyComputerMan That isn't very reassuring coming from the master of brain-flak :P
NMP incoming
@Mego Well yes but I want complete syntax not docs :P
It's possible rn but you'll have to read through all the docs and I'm too lazy to do that :P
@ASCII-only The syntax is simple and the docs teach you. Pyth is a prefix language, and CJam and Golfscript are stack-based.
Yeah I know >_> I meant for this you don't need to know what they do, but I guess the CJam (?) cheatsheet lists out all the functions/operators anyway
Q: The Three 'R's: Reverse, Reorder, Repeat

DJMcMayhemWhile doodling around with numbers, I found an interesting permutation you can generate from a list of numbers. If you repeat this same permutation enough times, you will always end up back at the original array. Let's use the following list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as an example Reverse the array. ...

hey what if I try and make a silos derivative for my koth challenge?
actually now that I think about it there's like java vm stuff involved there or something
@Mego gonna try it maybe
2 hours later…
@MDXF I didnt; hopefully it will have been fixed by now
yes, it is
Can someone give motivation why should I use class in python ?
In golfing or in actual pythonics?
In actual python.
I mean, class doesn't adds any functionality, does it ?
It's best if you want to write code that's easier for other people to understand.
You can overload operators and such, and instance it obviously.
@AlexKChen You don't have to
No I mean say only I use the code, but the code does use using a same thing. Is class natural to use here? (Will I show you an example ?)
@AlexKChen You don't have to
But when you want multiple things to behave similarly, classes are very useful
OK, I'm giving you an example.
@AlexKChen You don't have to
But when you want multiple things to behave similarly, classes are very useful
I wrote something that only gets used once and I think I recall @ASCII-only bothering me to use a class...
Classes are absolutely unnecessary, if that's what you're asking.
But they're unnecessary in C++ too.
in terms of turing completeness and functionality (like bonus non-tc stuff like i/o and graphics and such), yes they are unnecessary
also it prevents people complaining about global variables?
@AlexKChen can I rant about finite fields?
@LeakyNun "rant" ?! (Of course go on :P )
@LeakyNun You probably messed up the two rooms right :P ? This is TNB lol
Screams in mathematics
(No well Mego cares he kickmuted me lots of times for discussing off topic tasks)
@AlexKChen go there then
I am so incredibly tired.
CMC: (OOP langs only) create a class.
this works in python? class x:pass
yeah I guess that works too
Java, 9 bytes class c{}
however the codegolf criteria was not specified
so there
@ATaco Java ties Python.
@DestructibleLemon What do you mean?
Describe, "Class"
it's codegolf by default @DestructibleLemon
technically you said create a class without mentioning size
C, 9 bytes struct{}; (Depending on your definition of "Class")
@ATaco That's not a real class. C isn't an OOPL by default. Try C# or C++.
magic number 9?
@DestructibleLemon APL is incredibly verbose on this one.
Hence i said, depending your definition of class...
@ATaco Hence I answered…
C++ needs 10 bytes, class c{};
Sadly you can't have an unnamed class.
@ATaco Can any language?
@ATaco well obviously >_>
Well if struct counted as a class you could, however you seem to firmly believe it does not.
@Adám There's really no benefit in unnamed classes, they're pretty much always something you instantiate
And without a name you can't really do that
@ASCII-only Right. APL also requires classes to be named, although namespaces (think JSON objects) can be unnnamed.
There is a few reasons, but they're not really good ones.
@ASCII-only Couldn't you use a reference instead of the name?
@Adám well yeah but isn't reference = variable (basically a name) anyway :P
Lua, 2 bytes. {}.
Kind of.
Also classes need to be compile time for compiled languages (well at least the ones with overloads) so no references I think?
@ATaco Does that have any OO properties, or is it just a simple object?
Kind of?
You can supply metamethods and such: {__add = function(a,b)print(a,b)return 0 end}
However, these classes are applied to objects, rather than instances being spawned off them.
setmetatable({}, your_class_here)
@ATaco Sure, OK, but can anything be hidden when seen from the outside due to being private?
If you know what you're doing, definitely.
@ATaco Applied to objects? No instances? Sure sounds very different from C# style OO…
It is definitely a stretch.
But functionally, it's identical to something like a JavaScript prototype.
It isn't a class at all...
Worth a shot.
And now, for the most verbose (?) of them all, Dyalog APL, 26 bytes: ⎕FIX':Class c' ':EndClass'
Lua, despite having a chapter on classes says it doesn't have classes, but it can emulate them.
Alas, rest in piece the 2 byte class definition.
CMC: Given a class (or the name of a class or a reference to one, etc.) return an instance (ir its name, or a reference to it) of said class.
Preprocessor solution anyone? :P
Wasted whitespace is sin.
@Adám Dyalog APL, 4 bytes: ⎕NEW
Oh the irony: a tacit (points-free) functional way of creating an instance of a class…
OK, so should why should I use class in python ?
@AlexKChen Nobody is forcing you to.
Ya I know, but they say you should use them for elegance as usefulness and mental chunking and what not. is it so ?
@AlexKChen No. It is a matter of style and taste. Some people prefer abstraction through OO, some people prefer purely functional programming.
Do you know about finite fields (or, primitive roots) so that I can show you an example code using those and if you can tell how to improve that using class (in python)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RenzoIt’s raining numbers! Better to get a good umbrella! code-golf ascii-art Your task is to take in one integer input and print a “raining” alternating pattern with that number, and an umbrella of appropriate size to protect yourself from such a rain! Examples 1 _|_ / \ ----- | C 2 ...

@AlexKChen I can try if you want, my python is probably a bit rusty.
@HyperNeutrino basically you consider the usual polynomials, but your calculate "+" with "min(,)" and "*" with "+".
So e.g. 3x^2 + 5 would actually be evaluated as min(3+2*x,5)
@flawr I wouldn't use * here: 3x^2 + 5 = min(3+x+x,5)
The tropical semiring (ring without additive inverses) is a semiring $\langle \Bbb R \cup \{\infty\}, \oplus, \otimes \rangle$ with $x \oplus y = \min(x,y)$ and $x \otimes y = x+y$.
1 hour later…
brb inventing the arctic semiring.
@flawr lol
oh it already seems to exist
what the hell
The natural number with +infinity under the max (as sum) and + (as product) operations
ah, it makes sense as the tropical semiring is sometims also referredt to as the natural number with min and +.
I know it doesn't, I just wanted to see who else knew. — mathreadler 1 min ago
@orlp right
why is this not A000001?
> (Formerly M0652 N0241)
It's getting there
@orlp Why is A000027 not A000001???
@flawr fair enough
The actual A000001 is ... less fun.
@JohnDvorak It is fundamental :D
Fine then. Write a function that computes it.
wouldn't it be boring if they wasted A000001 to something trivial?
@JohnDvorak it is not that difficult - what would be more interesting is writing an efficient function
@LeakyNun totally wrong. nwm
Probably missing something obvious
@Emigna 05AB1E has no partition @_@
Not that kidn (afaik)
Fixed at 15 bytes: ÓεDÝDgã€{ÙOQO}P
Might be a better way to get the partitions, but this was the first I though of
In Jelly it should be just over 6 bytes. Unfortunately I can never figure out how to link stuff together properly
For [fastest-code], does compile-time count?
@Ven I don't think so
...So a challenge could be implemented at compile-time via metaprogramming?
There's probably some rule about doing work in preprocessing or soemthing
also CTFE
Pretty sure there is a disallowed loophole regarding that
@Emigna I proposed one a while back, but it's been controversial.
@LeakyNun Jelly 7 bytes: ÆEŒṗL€P
@Emigna nice
@Mego Interesting
1 hour later…
@Lembik Notable that no-one noticed that the only example given was wrong.
Q: Creepy Corridors

Ian H.This challenge is inspired by a board game I played some time ago. The story of this challenge doesn't necessarily have to be read, the goal of the challenge-section should explain everything necessary. The Story People are locked inside a large room with a human-devouring monster. The walls of...

@Adám oops.. is that my example which is wrong?
@Lembik I edited it for you.
@Adám thanks!
your answer looks awesome and incomprehensible by the way :)
I want to pose a communication complexity puzzle but it seems this has never been done before on PPCG that I can see
@Lembik Oh dear. I thought my explanation broke it down in edible chunks. Which part is hard to understand?
no you did a great job ... "ɩndex selfie of X" .. that' already mysterious to me
even the first line "Takes X as left argument and Y as right argument." The question doesn't talk about right and left arguments
but I can guess from the TIO example
"enclose to we can look for that entire pattern" What does "enclose to" mean?
@Lembik It's a dyadic function. Dyads in APL (like in Jelly) take arguments from the left and the right.
@Lembik 'abcd' ⍳ 'abca' looks for the first occurrence of each letter of abca in abcd. ⍳⍨ 'abca' looks for the first occurrence of each letter of abca in itself.
@Lembik typo. fixed. thanks. ("so")
why do you write ɩndex ?
instead of index?
@Adám So f⍨ a is functionally identical to a f a, modulo the different rules for monads and dyads?
@Adám It would help if you added at the start which algorithm you were implementing
@Mego yeah. for dyads, ⍺(f⍨)⍵ means ⍵f⍺
Good to know
@Lembik to indicate that is mnemonic: is Greek Iota ≈ Latin I as in Index.
CMC: write a function that when given two natural numbers x and y, return whether x<=y, where <= is an ordering on the natural numbers such that the order type of the natural numbers become $\omega^\omega$
does ⍳⍨⍺ start with Iota too?
they look different to me
@LeakyNun -1 for mathjax
@Adám :c
we just need a nice easy link to mathjax here
for people who like to copy and paste
@Lembik In the code I use a Unicode APL Iota, in the description I use Unicode Greek Lowercase Iota.
I mean what that thing is that you have to run to be able to see it in your browser
@Adám ok so that's just confusing
but I am sure APL lovers will love it :)
@Lembik It is because the fonts are not so well designed. The Greek one looks nice with Latin letters, while the APL one is positioned/sized wrong: ⍳ndex versus ɩndex
@Adám what was wrong with the answer "abda" that you edited?
@Lembik It isn't the first substring of matching pattern/
@Lembik abda stands out as obviously analogue to adca, so I assume you missed the fact that your (probably random) letters caused a pattern to occur 1 char earlier, namely dabd.

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