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(like Maltysen just told me lol)
(Sorry, my mathematics is Highschool at best)
@ATaco Same here. All this "group theory" and "lemma". Honestly, trig is all a mathematician needs :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
once I prove -a = -1 * a it will be so much easier
@HyperNeutrino Also, a*0==0. Is fact. You don't need to prove it
It's fact, but not an axiom.
So we can't "assume" it.
@ATaco What about the fundamental rule that anything times nothing is nothing.
Still not an Axiom of the challenge.
We don't even have the Axiom of Identity, which I'm sure is a mistake.
@ATaco So what can we assume?
@ATaco uh yes we do
But do we know that a=a?
@HyperNeutrino Ergo, a=a Whatever maths you're doing, it doesn't look difficult
Or is that something we get as a freebee anyway, as I said, only Highschool maths here.
I think that's by the definition of = but I'm not sure
I still don't understand how a*0=0 is wrong
It's not wrong, it's just not assumed.
it's not wrong
it's just that you have to prove it yourself
This question lists what we can assume.
If it is not wrong, it is right. Logic. QED
!(!p) = p
@cairdcoinheringaahing Does the set of all sets not containing themselves contain itself?
It can neither be right nor wrong.
@HyperNeutrino "not containing themselves contain itself" I don't care what Maths you're doing, your English is contradicting your point
@cairdcoinheringaahing exactly my point though
@HyperNeutrino Then what is it?
if it does contain itself, then by definition it does not contain itself -><-
if it doesn't contain itself, then by definition it does contain itself -><-
Uhh, why twice?
I should rephrase that to the statement: The set of and only of all sets not containing themselves contains itself
@cairdcoinheringaahing read again, I stated it oppositely the second time
To rephrase, assume a list exists that contains all lists that do not contain themselves. Does this list contain itself?
(also I needed to add "contains and only contains")
@ATaco Assuming that it doesn't contain itself, then yes, it contains itself. See the problem here? :P
... Yes, that's exactly the point.
The fact that there is a problem there is what we're getting at.
So your point is that your logic is broken? Seems like a useless point
@cairdcoinheringaahing no the point is that your logic is broken
That's a rather hostile retort.
5 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
If it is not wrong, it is right. Logic. QED
That statement is not always true...
Although I'm pretty sure NOT(NOT(p)) == p is fairly accepted.
@ATaco Sorry if it came off that way, I'm just befuzzled
@ATaco Yeah because typically p is defined :P
See, the statement assumes that everything is either right or wrong, but there are statements that are contradictory and thus neither right nor wrong :P
Law of excluded middle
@JohnDvorak what is that exactly?
I'm just going to ask, is there any point in trying to get you to help me understand this, or should I just go to sleep?
IIRC modus tollens is a part of that law? or am I being dump again
The assumption of !(p=WRONG) = RIGHT assumes that p must only be WRONG or RIGHT
p || !p
@cairdcoinheringaahing In teaching, we ourselves learn (deja vu?) but you should sleep if it's bedtime hour for you :P
@JohnDvorak ah ok
so, for my koth, should there be a top speed?
However, as with the contradictory statement, p may be WRONG, RIGHT, or SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
and a range of sight?
(I kind of want sight to be limited so I could make a neural network)
@HyperNeutrino deja vu because you said it a few hours ago regarding JHT, and it's well past my "bedtime" (00:18 here) so... Toodles all o/
au revoir o/
It's in a sort of Superposition between WRONG and RIGHT :P
sure :P
but isn't a superposition both a and b not neither a nor b?
A superpostion is non-deterministic either a or b
Which, in this case, almost works.
@HyperNeutrino A superposition is a superposition of both of those?
A superposition is just a description of a perfectly determined quantum state. Non-determinism is a property of observation. Observation may or may not be a real thing.
have any of you played superposition 2048?
superposition can't really be described with regular words?
It can be described with rigorous proofs however.
you can't say it's a and b, or it's either a or b non-deterministically, you can only say it is a superposition
is what I mean
@HyperNeutrino no pls link
@DestructibleLemon Not exactly
I mean you can describe what superposition means I guess
@HyperNeutrino What is that?
IIRC a quantum state is basically like a unit vector in 3d space or something?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Binary BarriolageReverse-ish a string! Your task, given a string s, reverse-ish it. Example: 1) Input Hello, World! 2) Number unique characters in input. (Input string separated by underscores for readability) H_e_l_l_o_,_ _W_o_r_l_d_! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3) For duplicate characters, find the firs...

can anyone help me with my koth idea pls
@Adám like normal 2048 but some tiles are in a superposition of two values (one is the next value after the other (double)) and the superposition isn't determined until it needs to
so like a/2a + a/2a = 2a/4a
So it has a certain chance to be a and a certain chance to be b, depending on what you use to measure, the more aligned it is the closer the chances are to 0 and 1?
@HyperNeutrino pls. link.
also it's not always two adjacent values nvm
@HyperNeutrino This is a terrible idea because it's very misleading
@HyperNeutrino ... you used the wrong name
well I haven't played it in like a year :P
also quantum chess looks cool
@HyperNeutrino Looks much easier than normal 2048.
you usually have more chances to save yourself (?)
got 13600 with mechanical play
I can give myself infinite score in quantum 2048
yay bug
@ASCII-only how?
> quamtum
@Adám Should have taken a screenshot
Not sure why but the tiles didn't merge
from the top right corner down, it was a 2, 2/4, and 4/8 IIRC
@ASCII-only m is a superposition of r and n
So maybe a conflict
@Adám Ah I see
can anyone help me with designing my car fighting thing koth pls
@HyperNeutrino idk, I think you can as long as you use them only for substitutions like the axioms, but we'll have to wait and see
yeah ok; I was hoping lemmas would be allowed but idk
@ASCII-only of a particle or system
name idea for a number/list based golflang?
@HyperNeutrino lum?
@HyperNeutrino lst
uh how about a metal umlaut too
@HyperNeutrino Cartographer
list -> map a list -> creating map -> cartography
hm. lum sounds interesting (reminds me of something to do with luminescent) I think lst also sounds quite nice but I don't like it that much because SO people who don't know that they should name variables after that they're used for always name lists lst (assuming they don't rename list and not get why things break)
@HyperNeutrino scorecard
like in golf
@Downgoat huh interesting idea
it has lists of numbers
@HyperNeutrino Carto might be more distinct though
I personally prefer to make my language name typable for most (english) people
also get a metal umlaut on that
so like Cart(o:)?
cart(o:) looks like a cool stylised name
especially if it resembles the syntax
I must have more information about this lang.
but no I don't think it would resemble the syntax
@HyperNeutrino or that
could also get some kool letters on that
now give the a and o accents
like give the a a grace or something like that
actually maybe I can use that for my programming game
@HyperNeutrino List.
(I was going to use grave but acute works too)
speaking of which please help me with that
(that is called acute right?)
@DestructibleLemon 0/10 you've asked like 10 times in the last hour and nobody's offered to help which at least for me means I'm not particularly interested enough in a KoTH enough to devote time to designing one
@HyperNeutrino Yes. I should know.
@Adám might consider
It's too complex for me.
@Adám :P ah ok
ümläüts förëvër
@DestructibleLemon Wouldn't be surprised if that was an island in Sweden.
@HyperNeutrino cart(o_O)
Nono, cart(ಠ_ಠ)
@HyperNeutrino Or maybe Lst stylized to LST.
oooh maybe lst with brackets as letters
@HyperNeutrino [_ST
This'd be easier to name if we had any idea of the syntax.
yeah I should spec it first
just stack-based with postfix adverbs
@DestructibleLemon goo.gl/maps/zwEVh2U6V4s
0/10 doesn't actually have umlauts
@HyperNeutrino Adverbs? What about the verbs?
so postfix
I'm debating over whether to call them atoms/quicks, verbs/adverbs, or functions/operators (essentially whose naming scheme to steal :P)
but that's not important until I've actually made it :P
call them umlauts
RProgN2 calls 'em Concepts.
I might also make it prefix/infix and postfix operators (like APL)
@HyperNeutrino Jelly's, J's, or APL's.
@Adám yup :P
@DestructibleLemon Actually not a bad idea. Call them vowels and umlauts.
(Nah, call 'em Concepts)
In that an umlaut modifies a vowel (like an adverb modifies a verb)
@ATaco What about the concept-modifiers?
Most things in RProgN2 can't effect other things, so it's just more concepts.
that's an interesting idea
If they do, they're doing it at a post-compile stage.
but most consonants don't have accents
I'd need to pick a good code-page for this
Windows-1252 or CP-1252 is a 1 byte character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows in English and some other Western languages (other languages use different default encodings). It is likely the most-used 8-bit character encoding in the world. As of August 2017, 0.8% of all web sites used Windows-1252, but at the same time 4.7% used ISO 8859-1, which by HTML5 standards should be considered the same encoding, so that 5.5% of web sites effectively used Windows-1252. In addition most web browsers will correctly render it if encountered in text...
I thought of making an APL with colorful icons, where the atoms/verbs/functions were called icons and the quicks/adverbs/operators were called effects.

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