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I think 9AM is very much so still morning :P
@DJMcMayhem Lua, 18 bytes print((...+1~1)-1)
More like 7 PM
Dennis agrees
@ATaco What does the ... do?
... refers to the unpacked arg table.
In this case, it's just getting the first argument.
Does anybody here knows how to GCD in Oasis?
@Pavel ...
@Uriel good luck doing anything in oasis at all
That was another joke lol
@Uriel I don't think it's possible
@cairdcoinheringaahing RProgN 2, 3 bytes 2*-
That was a lot easier than the challenge made it out to be.
Oh, it fails on the > case.
@cairdcoinheringaahing RProgN 2, 27 bytes x=y=«z=yz+xz+/]12/>\12/e|»é
That's a much more literal solution.
@MDXF Quining in this will be too much of a pain for me to even want to begin trying.
@LeakyNun Thanks for the fix to my Jelly answer; I'm reposting it though (with due credit to you still) because this one might get deleted by accident or on purpose so I want to avoid that :P
btw how does # nfind even work
do you have time for JHT?
@HyperNeutrino Nfind collects the first n values for which a certain link is Truthy
but it seems to start counting up from n as well. I'm not sure if that's intended (it seems like it is) but idk how to fix that?
Oh I get how my code was failing earlier then
I'm an idiot
Yes, that is the case.
I don't remember how to make it start at 1
apparently you do 1<link>#
or something like that
I just tried that
One day RProgN2 will be recognized for the powerhouse that it is!
i just got a really weird request from a coworker y'all can probably appreciate...
Probably not today because it's not great.
they want me to golf down my pretty advanced open-source Python listserv implementation...
to make it smaller with less of a system footprint...
:\ Golfing should never be used in a professional setting, minifying != golfing.
@ATaco true statement.
but that's just my opinion.
'course, this is an extremely advanced piece of software that's fragile, so minifying it isn't sane.
'cause things'll explode
Oooh, Exciting!
and it's still under development so minifying while it's still being developed to be compliant with all the email security things in the world is... not exactly sane.
I heard something about explosions
@ThomasWard lol developing minified things is like 0% possible 0/10 that is dumb idea lol
@HyperNeutrino @HyperNeutrino yes, that was the secret stealth bot I named ISIS exploding when it hit the force-field.
@HyperNeutrino @HyperNeutrino it's not minified yet :P
@ThomasWard ik but like golfing things in real life is bad idea
Codegolf has given me terrible habits, Perhaps I need to spend some time at CR.
yes i know right
that's what I said
@ThomasWard oh well 1. that's unfortunate and 2. why are you double-@-ing me lol
@HyperNeutrino because system bug?
my coding style is bad because a) I learned half of it from my friend whose coding style is bad according to him and b) because PPCG
@ThomasWard oh huh that's strange
it's been doing that ever since the site redesigns on SE via mobile chat
(fortunately it doesn't double-ping :D)
so I think it's an oddity in the mobile chat
@ThomasWard Use CaretReply, It's 100% bugfree 50% of the time!
@ThomasWard oh it's a mobile thing. makes sense; mobile everything about SE is... weird...
Oh, if you're on mobile that's not an option.
true statement
@ATaco so is it 200% bugfree 25% of the time? (lol /s)
@ATaco yeah well my computer is just turning on so...
in other news, I've recently been convinced to switch over to space-indenting over tab-indenting
@LeakyNun yea, it lacks too many boolean and comparative functions...
@Uriel in particular it isn't turing-complete
[start=0]<link>[number=left]# gets the first number elements that are truthy according to link starting from start I think
@HyperNeutrino no, if the number is not specified, it is taken from input
wait input or argument
that's why you put 15 in the input
I didn't even notice lol
so correction:
[start=0]<link>[number=python_eval(input())]# gets the first number elements that are truthy according to link starting from start?
@HyperNeutrino important question: why have you not been doing this already
@ThomasWard because pressing <tab> is easier than pressing <space><space><space><space>
@LeakyNun yay ok thanks!
and also I'm too lazy to change my editor settings to use spaces
@HyperNeutrino so when you're done coding with tabs, find/replace/sed all tabs with four spaces.
@ThomasWard too lazy that takes more than 1 second
I still prefer tabs over spaces.
i prefer spaces over tabs because spaces work better in python interactive consoles/shells
1 byte < 4 bytes. :P
@ATaco yeah but then for double indenting 1 + 1 bytes < 1 + 2 bytes :P
That's implying I'm using Python.
also the width of a tab varies; in my editor I have it set to 4, but in my browser it's 8. that's the reason that I was finally convinced to use spaces :P
I have it on 4 everywhere.
throws @ATaco into the Python Indoctrination Room, and locks the room
Python is the devil's language.
what is the PIR
@HyperNeutrino a very evil room.
very few who enter return from it having retained their sanity
Python was one of the first languages I learned.
so wait are you saying Python is good or bad?
@HyperNeutrino Python is good.
the PIR is bad.
or rather
the PIR is bad, if you aren't already converted to Python
ah ok
so PIR converts people to pythons
snek-maker 9000
@HyperNeutrino you traitor :c /s
@LeakyNun :c :P
blame my friend ethan
he convinced me to use spaces
since I was using tabs and he made me use spaces during the hackathon and he figured out how to convince me to use spaces :P
@HyperNeutrino SM 9000. Out of context, that could mean something else but meh.
@ThomasWard I'm wondering whether or not I should ask what else that means but I'll let you decide whether or not you should tell me :P
then it shall not be said.

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