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@Poke Then you're doing it wrong
@HyperNeutrino do you mind me being brutally honest regarding ^^^?
@ASCII-only (?<=S)p just outlines the input box in red
@Poke You broke it D:
@Poke What level
@Poke Not for me
Woah ES7 (chromium 60) has lookbehind
I guess it's browser-specific
im in chrome but there's an update
guess i'll try that
still no luck
on chrome 61
What .-.
> Lookahead assertions have been part of JavaScript’s regular expression syntax from the start. Their counterpart, lookbehind assertions, are finally being introduced. Some of you may remember that this has been part of V8 for quite some time already. We even use lookbehind asserts under the hood to implement the Unicode flag specified in ES2015.
I'm using Chromium 60, working for me
tfw Greenwich doesn't follow Greenwich mean time
@LeakyNun How is that different from the eastern USA not following EST
@ASCII-only Looking at my browser history, I spent about 9 minutes on #7. I spent the longest on #12, at around 11 minutes. It was frustrating, because I saw easy solutions that used lookbehinds, but those weren't allowed.
@mbomb007 >_> I used lookbehinds on 11 and 12
it wouldn't let me use them.
@mbomb007 You can just start the quiz again to see your times btw
I finished all 12 in ~40 minutes.
I have the experimental features flag on lol
in your browser, or on the website?
which flag?
Also, considering that I obtained that score without using lookbehinds, I am a boss at regex.
@ASCII-only which flag? Is it the Experimental JS flag?
@mbomb007 Yep
@Poke rip timezones
@mbomb007 Yes D: how though I took 16 minutes and only got better than 65%
Maybe it's the regexes I used
Or how efficient they were.
Over on Arqade, these posting times and vote counts are the same link.
@ASCII-only It's not actually the same regex, though. That solution in the answer only works because of the limited test case.
Lookbehinds cannot be simulated using finite automata
crap true
The "solution" added ^ at the start, which changes it.
I gotta say, #12 without lookbehinds was awful.
My solution looks like the kind of thing generated by a machine learning regex generator, so maybe that's why I did so well, lol.
Q: How to handle the repeat until convergence condition in time complexity and summarize the time complexity?

Animesh Kumar Paul I am a novice in complexity calculation. I need to calculate the overall time complexity. My attempt is given below: Here, N = number of data points (N>300), C = Number of clusters (2<C<30) For line 3 to 10, time complexity, TC1 = O(NC) For line 11 to 12, time complexity, TC2 = O(C) For lin...

Any final thoughts on this sandbox challenge before I post it to main?
@AdmBorkBork I think it looks good to post
Also, I have found the real way to caret reply. With , the actual caret symbol :P
@Mayube ಠ_ಠ That isn't a caret. Also, with the changes you've made to BrainFlump, is it the same for the version on GitHub?
@cairdcoinheringaahing nope, I haven't actually got around to making an interpreter following the new spec yet, but once I get around to it, yes
Wow. Only 2 users with >10k rep have a tag other than as their highest tag. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing :P
huh, I have 625 for
Q: Little Boxes on the Hillside

AdmBorkBorkThere's a satirical song called Little Boxes, originally by Malvina Reynolds, about suburban sprawl that has lyrics as follows: Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky-tacky, Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes all the same. There's a green one and a pink one ...

I almost have my silver badge.
:O TIL that Jon Skeet once got 870 rep in one day
And that he has more gold tag badges than I have normal badges :(
Q: How do I ask a teller for money at the bank?

Funky Computer ManI need to go to the bank and withdraw some money. I need to withdraw $30, $22 to pay my roommate for the internet and $8 for laundry. Since neither of these can make change, I need my $30 to be split into two partitions of the two sizes. That means when the teller asks me how I want my $30 I a...

@cairdcoinheringaahing That's not a whole lot if you get a 500 rep bounty. I've had 535 rep in a day and I'm not even a big time user on ppcg.
@NewMainPosts don't close please, it's not spam
@FunkyComputerMan 18 accepts, 200 rep on upvotes and a 400 bounty :P
@EriktheOutgolfer brb, VTC'ing :P /s
@NewMainPosts Well, the method of asking is very different if you're using a gun or a debit card ...
CMC: Given n, convert n to hexadecimal, using the hex digits. Examples: 100 => 64, 1523 => 5F3 You may use either upper or lowercase letters. The output may not be preceded by 0x.
ಠ_ಠ 7 bytes seems too long for Jelly
@LeakyNun Yeah they can be super confusing when you're dealing with expirations and the like.
@mbomb007 ha, i stopped trying. i have work to do. Nice job on your score, though :]
@cairdcoinheringaahing 6 bytes: b⁴‘ịØH
@Neil Huh, I could've sworn that was what I had... Weird
@cairdcoinheringaahing Go ahead; I need all the feedback I can get. I have no self-esteem to be ruined anyway :D
Hi all
(I can see that it was an especially good idea to sandbox the question first this time heh)
Wow, many challenges posted today
(people apparently don't like it rip :P)
Prolly they're just sick of GoL
It would be helpful if people posted reasons though; if that's the case, at least I can delete it so it doesn't clutter sandbox :P
reads 3 challenges at once
one is off-topic apparently, yay just 2 now
One is about graphical output with colors, so no thanks :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing 05ab1e, 1 byte: h
Final feedback for this before I delete it? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/13949/68942
not really feasible imo...
like the challenge is too impossible?
@HyperNeutrino I don't think anyone else is willing to do something similar to the Tetris "Quest"
that's true
So, I'm deleting it. Anyone want to adopt it?
it's not very interesting imo
@HyperNeutrino Post it in the Secret santa if you want
what is that
where you put challenges for adoption
yeah nvm I'll just delete it. now that QFTASM is assembled it's really just another challenge except more tedious
@HyperNeutrino A place where people can adopt abandoned posts.
ah ok
I have 6 bytes: b⁴‘ịØH
Oh Nvm Neil did the same thing
@HyperNeutrino Nah, I couldn't think exactly why I didn't like it
@cairdcoinheringaahing PowerShell, 17 bytes -- "{0:X}"-f+"$args"
Any feedback on this?
radiation hardening is hard.
@AdmBorkBork I need some help, How do you create a .zip from a directory in PowerShell?
@Pavel There's a Compress-Archive cmdlet
@cairdcoinheringaahing why exactly did you ask if you could be brutally honest in that case :P
@HyperNeutrino I was going to post a comment, but decided against it
or is it so bad that you can't even describe how bad it is xD
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah ok
@HyperNeutrino Well, that too :D
@HyperNeutrino adds one to the count of pure :P messages by Hyper
@Pavel No, I'm not counting your messages :D
But TNBDE is
are you sure about that
CMC: Given a list of integers, divide each element by its index and output the list of floats.
[1, 4, 2, 5, 3] -> [1.0, 2.0, 0.666666666, 1.25, 0.6]
->a{a.map.with_index{|e,i|e.fdiv i+1}}
@AdmBorkBork R: function(l)l/1:sum(l|1)
Jelly, 2 bytes: ÷J
@HyperNeutrino Damn it, ninja'd. Testing kills
@AdmBorkBork I was really hoping for a zero-indexed list :(
@Geobits No infinity for you. :p
Python, 48 bytes: lambda l:[x/-~y for x,y in zip(l,range(len(l)))]
@AdmBorkBork Actually, 5 bytes: ruß♀/
@AdmBorkBork Levant, 2 bytes ÷Ĺ
MATL, 3 bytes n:/
@AdmBorkBork JS, 22 bytes: a=>a.map((a,b)=>a/++b)
oops, 4 bytes, tn:/
@AdmBorkBork SOGL, 6 bytes: {ēI/}¹
Proton, 48 bytes: l=>[x[0][0]/-~x[0][1]for x:zip(l,range(len(l)))]
@dzaima That's a lot of 6's
The golfability of the for i:sth and the l=>sth gets cancelled out by the errors.
->a{(1..a.size).map{|i|a[i-1].fdiv i}}
@AdmBorkBork PowerShell, 19 bytes -- $args[0]|%{$_/++$i}
Proton, 46 bytes: l=>[x[0][0]/-~x[0][1]for x:zip(l,0..len(l)+1)]
@AdmBorkBork APL, 7 bytes: {⍵÷⍳⍴⍵} - could probably be golfed but idk how
@AdmBorkBork Octave, 17 bytes, @(l)l./1:numel(l)
@AdmBorkBork a=>a.Select((v,i)=>v/i)
@AdmBorkBork Japt, 5 bytes Ë/°E (or [®/°T])
That should, of course, read "4 bytes"!
Q: 10 most popular characters in your core language system

Vitaliy KaurovIntroduction Problems where a language has to compute something about itself are often fun and insightful. This is a simple statistical insight problem. It is also a problem on how easy a language can poke at its own architecture. When one codes in a specific language, a specific vocabulary is u...

For those of you who didn't get my joke and were delighted to quickly downvote my answer (deleted answer) If you want to post joke answers, face the consequences
@NewMainPosts This is going to be tricky for PowerShell. We have aliases, reserved words, cmdlets, CMD commands ...
It's also tricky for me, because I have no idea what is being asked...
I think I get what he is trying to ask, I'm just not sure how to do it.
Well, I didn't, after reading it three times, so I VTC'd
@LuisMendo it was a real answer... just one that was in the challenge. Challenge writers should probably not put golfed code in the question
@PhiNotPi You should update the Tetris in CGOL blog
@LuisMendo Suppose your language keywords are foo, bar, and baz. Then your tallies are a:2, o:2, b:2, z:1, f:1, and r:1.
@Poke Anyway, if you post a joke answer (which may be a "joke" for whatever reasons), expect downvotes
@AdmBorkBork Ah, I get it now. But the challenge wording doesn't explain that at all
What if my language doesn't have keywords per se?
@LuisMendo fair
That's my question. PowerShell has keywords, reserved words (which overlaps with keywords but has a couple differences), aliases, cmdlets, can run CMD commands and aliases, everything in the Resource Kits, etc. Where's the line drawn?
I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting, too.
Oh, type names.
Ruby has plenty of core methods that look like keywords but aren't.
Lisp has no keywords, a few native functions and a wide assortment of library functions.
Q: Make a zigzag pattern

Romulus3799Your task is to take in one integer input and print a zigzag pattern using slashes and backslashes. The integer input determines the length of each zig and zag, as well as the number of zigs and zags The pattern always starts from right to left Test Cases 4-> / / / / \ \ \ \ /...

Could someone explain why so much down-voting and close votes for: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/143442
@VitaliyKaurov language-specific, unclear, etc.
-1 for bothering me to click again
(cc @LuisMendo) I removed my close vote after seeing the answer to the question and it doesn't seem similar enough to me anymore.
imma stop now
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ stealth pings don't work anymore
@cairdcoinheringaahing not a stealth ping
(bcc @)
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Take it to here if you're going to continue
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hey BCC doesn't let you see my ping
It is a joke :P
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ What is BCC?
@cairdcoinheringaahing look
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ಠ_ಠ I saw "Bristol" and thought it was in the UK, then saw "Massachusetts"
CC stands for Carbon Copy and BCC is the same as CC but BCC cannot see or be seen in the mailing list
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Bristol, England. The original place that US towns/cities are named after
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Googling BCC shows a page for Bristol Community College for me
@MagicOctopusUrn please help
Did a java answer for the 10 most frequent bytes ._. that was the most ugly piece of Java ever written...
tio.run/##TY67bsMwDEVn@ysIT84Q/… < Just to list the keywords >_<
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ what am I to help with haha
@MagicOctopusUrn import keyword;print(keyword.kwlist)
Clearly Python is better
@cairdcoinheringaahing better is such a subjective word ._.
:D I got it wrong. The correct version is even shorter :DDD
@MagicOctopusUrn Not here. Better = shorter
Python poll: Have you ever used nonlocal in any piece of code?
@HyperNeutrino ^?
I need reddit votes XD
<- not a Python coder, so no
PS C:\Tools\Scripts> nonlocal
nonlocal : The term 'nonlocal' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a
path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ nonlocal
+ ~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (nonlocal:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
@AdmBorkBork PowerShell errors are so eww
I know, aren't they great? :D
NameError: undefined local variable or method `nonlocal' for main:Object
        from (irb):5
        from C:/Ruby24-x64/bin/irb.cmd:19:in `<main>'
> 189 UTF-8 bytes, 189 chars

Produces error:

186 UTF-8 bytes, 186 chars
Either you are wrong or the userscript is
@cairdcoinheringaahing Uh whaaaaaaaaaat what does that even do
Welp. It's two months old. Do I edit it at this point?
Q: Python nonlocal statement

oobooWhat does the Python nonlocal statement do (in Python 3.0 and later)? There's no documentation on the official Python website and help("nonlocal") does not work, either.

@AdmBorkBork Nah, it should be fine. No-ones except me cares :P
so it's between local-scope and global-scope
what if I do this
x = 0
def a():
    x = 1
    def b():
        x = 2
        def c():
            nonlocal x
            x = 3
            print("inner", x)
        print("middle", x)
    print("outer", x)
print("global", x)
maybe I should try it... online...
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's still the longest on that challenge. I mean, even ArnoldC and Shakespeare beat it ... :-/
huh nonlocal only affects the scope immediately outside of it
Oh, Ruby's variables are always non-local, except @instance variables, @@static variables and $global variables
huh interesting
or if they don't exist in the surrounding scope
proton variables are scoped but there's no way to modify outer scopes lol
I'm considering making a math language (not for golfing) that doesn't evaluate things until needed... iirc that's how haskell works though
IOW, ordinary variables get created in a scope if they don't already exist in a surrounding scope
except that method and class definitions don't leak in/out.
also in haskell = is more like define than assign right?
because I remember doing y = 1; y = 2; will cause errors
Haskell's variables are immutable but they can shadow each other
y = let y = 2 in y + y
CMC: Given a 16 line string, each of which has 16 characters, transform it into a markdown code page. Example:
PowerShell has global, script, private, local, and numbered scopes. But the numbering is weird. 0 is current scope, 1 is parent, 2 is grandparent, etc.
let ... in defines a variable scoped to a single expression
Also, variables are visible to all descendants unless private.
@cairdcoinheringaahing explanation pls without like filling my whole screen lol
Kinda big for a CMC, but wth :P
Haskell also has where, which is essentially a postfix let..in
@JohnDvorak Results in y = 4?
@AdmBorkBork yes
$y=($y=2)+$y ... PowerShell equivalent
Now that I think about it, that's really weird.
You can also use y = (let y = 2 in y + y) :: Num a => a, at which point y becomes a polymorphic variable.
@AdmBorkBork y = 4 Python equivalent
Python doesn't have in-line assignment for this very purpose
$y=($y='foo')+$y+(($y=2)+$y) ... guess the output
Correct. Now how about $y=($y='foo')+$y+($y=2)+$y
Ugh, Python is the only language that actually cares about where assignments can happen
no surprise here
@cairdcoinheringaahing try getting Java to compile that
@LeakyNun No, I don't have (or like) a Java compiler
Pretty sure Java has assignment expressions
@cairdcoinheringaahing tio
@JohnDvorak yes, but defining the same variable?
@LeakyNun too much effort
@cairdcoinheringaahing dmd errors when there's an assignement in the condition of an if or while block
@TuxCopter What's "dmd"?
Digital Mars D compiler
Ruby raises a warning if you do assignment in a conditional
CMP: Linux users, what WM (and DE if any) do you use?
@ConorO'Brien Wow, that hurts my eyes. Why that colour?
let me consult my personal friend who owns that website /s
It is #ff5242.
@ConorO'Brien I stand by my words :P
@TuxCopter explorer.exe ;-)
Windows Shell
explorer.exe isn't the window manager, though, just the desktop and taskbar
fair point
The window manager is called DWM

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