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proton interpreter is 800 lines long?
that is pretty long
need to be refactored
@Okx My current interpreter (not even finished) for Deorst (not including all the command implementations, just the parser and interpreter), is over 6000 bytes :P
r e f a c t o r y o u r c o d e
And it has 1 import statement :P
@Okx Sorry, I don't know what you mean but that D:
Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code—changing the factoring—without changing its external behavior. Refactoring improves nonfunctional attributes of the software. Advantages include improved code readability and reduced complexity; these can improve source-code maintainability and create a more expressive internal architecture or object model to improve extensibility. Typically, refactoring applies a series of standardised basic micro-refactorings, each of which is (usually) a tiny change in a computer program's source code that either preserves the behaviour...
basically make your code better
@Okx How could you? It's very readable! (kinda)
I would send a TIO link, but the link itself is over 2000 bytes long
a very long file is bad news
@Okx What do you think of this?
well, your if next = something should be split into different files, and you should have a map which represents the mapping of a character to the file
your function names aren't especially readable, like t_add and m_mul
what do they do?
@Okx Those are just filler functions for testing on TIO, you can ignore them
oh huh SOGLs source file with all the commands is longer in bytes than all of jelly.py
many of the ppcg user-created languages are all in one file
i'm sure it makes maintenance fun
and readability
What's a good place to start watching Star Trek?
@Poke I tried to split SOGL up in files. Though the balance is horrible and there's one 80kb file, and the rest are ~5kb or ~10kb
ikr, jelly, 05ab1e, proton, etc
@HelkaHomba The first episode of the original series
i know neim and rprogn2 have different files for every command at least
@cairdcoinheringaahing lulz i was just going to say "The beginning"
@cairdcoinheringaahing But it's so...60s
@HelkaHomba If you're going to start watching it for the first time, start from the beginning. It helps to understand all of the other episodes
CMC: Given a string of front/back slashes, put spaces and newlines in so that they all connect.
That's not clear at all, so here's an example: \\\//\/\\ should give:
You can assume that there will never be too many forward slashes to be possible to draw like this
@DJMcMayhem That's not a CMC, that a main challenge
I'd love to come up with a better description though
V, 14 bytes: Try it online!
Or even a title
@DJMcMayhem Doesn't work
Also, each line has a leading space
Well Try it online! fixes the first
Not just about the second though
I'll look into it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Fixed both, back down to 14
Can you think of a better title/description of this task?
@DJMcMayhem Take a chat upvote for fixing it, while not gaining any bytes
@DJMcMayhem Connect the slashes?
Turns out the correct way is actually simpler ha! :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thankyou! Where can I cash this in?
@DJMcMayhem If you actually make that into a challenge, its a guaranteed +1 (assuming its good) from me :P
Fun alternate solution: (also 14) Try it online!
@DJMcMayhem Join the dots dashes slashes
Unfortunately, I don't think SE allows strikethroughs in titles (believe me, I've tried :P)
I'm definitely planning on posting it, but I need to stew over the best way to interestingly describe it
Draw a path?
Jigsaw Path?
Path fixing?
Slash alignment?
Should I describe every single step in detail, or let people work it out from the examples?
Maybe a brief intuitive description followed by bullet points to prevent arguments?
@DJMcMayhem I'd explain each in some detail, but not too much
There might be a shortish way of fully specifying it
If they don't match, they are in the same column
If they do, the lower is one in the direction "pointed to"
Sounds good. Last question, should I have submissions intelligently move the whole thing to the right if there are too many forward slashes?
I think "connected" is already fairly rigorous though
So for example, \/// would give: Try it online!
@DJMcMayhem Why not? Makes it even harder :P
@DJMcMayhem That seems like a significant extra, but should still be a fairly small task (in terms of being likely to get lots of answers), I'd guess
I'm not a golfer, but I'd prefer reading the answers to the larger task
@trichoplax I don't understand how you have a third of my posts, but twice my rep ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's because I've posted bounties
Otherwise I'd have 1400 more...
@trichoplax That still doesn't explain it :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing The simple answer is answers to this question
I think it was Tweetable Maths
Without that single question I'd have much less rep than you
My first ever post also made a big difference.
@trichoplax Hmm, I'm torn because I agree that I like the more advanced task, but that will more than double my V answer... :/
Depends what you want to see - it's your challenge
@trichoplax Yep. Not counting rep cap, you got ~4340 rep from that one question
@DJMcMayhem Would longer answers have more spread of scores and fewer ties?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I see you're done with BrainFlump
@Mayube Yep. I've also golfed it as much as I can, but you could always ask Xcoder if you want even more. Do you want to get it on TIO?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, and most of that is for the answer I'm least proud of, just because it was posted before the others
@cairdcoinheringaahing The more explanatory answer is I got a lot more rep for my graphical output and pop con answers than I did for any others.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ye, that's the plan
@trichoplax I think you're one of the few very active users left who has as their top tag
Mainly because I hardly ever golf...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Looks like you have a lot of very well received questions though. Have you just suffered from the rep cap a lot?
ಠ_ಠ Dennis almost has more gold tag badges than I have silver badges
@trichoplax Like what? Aside from the OEIS one and ;#
@trichoplax I've never rep capped from a single answer, and the only questions I could have capped from are ^
You have 12 questions with over 10 votes...
@trichoplax 10 votes = 50 rep. Half way to rep cap.
I didn't check whether any were posted on the same day...
@trichoplax just ignore me. Ask others, I have a tenancy to (unrightfully tbh) complain about my rep earnings. :P
Also, I have lost about 300 rep to my sock accounts getting deleted (not a complaint, just a comment)
One other difference is I rarely post (questions or answers) so I tend to put a fair amount of effort into them. Some of my posts have been in the sandbox for years
You shouldn't be interacting at all with multiple accounts you own
@muddyfish Yes, but the whole point of sock accounts is to boost your own rep
Do you just mean you put effort into answers to gain rep for them, which is now lost?
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's really not
Oh. No that's the reason sock accounts get deleted. Valid sock accounts never exchange rep with your account
They're to test things like bugs and to interact with the community annonymously
@muddyfish Personally, I think of an account to corrupt rep are socks, otherwise they're just alternate accounts
@Mayube Can I ask Dennis to add it now, or do you want to hold off for a bit?
go for it
ಠ_ಠ just realised I need a Hello, World! for it
@cairdcoinheringaahing ... you what
@Downgoat 355 to be precise
how many sock accounts did you have O_o
@Downgoat 2
Those were the good old days. Back when I was getting rep every hour :P Too bad it all went
Q: If my calculator saves empty programs as 32 bytes, can I subtract 32 from my bytecount?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Only if it can open and run the program successfully with those bytes removed
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jon Skeet used to have more Silver badges than I had rep
@cairdcoinheringaahing Halfway? Huh?
@HyperNeutrino so did I :P
Introducing Math:The esolang (concept)
@HyperNeutrino Didn't you know that I have a special rep cap of 100 rep? All dogs do
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
also why has the disapprove face template in @ATaco Scripts changed
There'll be 5 vartypes in Math: int,flt,fnc,set,seq
no complex?
will consider
I mean it's something that many practical languages don't support and I think it would be nice, especially in a language made for math.
@HyperNeutrino Try /o_____o
Example:you need nCr? Just fnc f(a,b)=aCb and done
ಠ_ಠ why
@Nobody See: math.js
oh huh must have been strange temporary issue thingy
b,bu,but I'm adding calculus too (If I can)
huh so largely symbolic?
If you're curious, I'm hosting a math.js interpreter on a-ta.co
@ATaco how to solve algebra equation with mathjs
@DJMcMayhem Brians-Flak
I don't remember much about calculus, but there's the docs.
Just curious, would ({}) be an effective stack peek in Brain-Flak?

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