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@cairdcoinheringaahing Unfortunately some people don't realize that the thing with CR is a joke, and cause problems
Yeah idk who would do that.
@Dennis does a suspended chat user still see pings?
@2EZ4RTZ Not sure. Probably.
@Dennis huh interesting. BTW jelly confuses me.
Why no order of operation modifiers?
> but it shows how slavery could sometimes be beneficial.
my history book is messed up
it says this in context of a man who learned how to paint after getting enslaved :|
:39927391I have no idea what you mean.
@Dennis Using () to modify the order that code is run it would make my life ez
IE 2*(R(2**n))
And how would you parse the chain inside the parens? Niladically? Monadically? Dyadically? Something else?
Yeah that makes sense, OK! Ty for letting me know what was wrong with my idea (knew something had to be wrong with it)
@2EZ4RTZ I'm assuming this should only work in TNB?
@ATaco Can it not require the /? I want to see all CMCs, not just those by people with the userscript.
I can make it not require it, but it may pick up people just mentioning CMC:
How about /[*_]*CMC[*_]*:.+/i
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fireflame241Draw my Contours code-golf matrix Given a rectangular matrix of elevations, draw its contours. Task Two elements x and y are on the same contour level if floor(x/10) == floor(y/10). For example, 52 and 58 are on the same contour level, but 58 and 64 are not. The act of drawing contours is ...

@HyperNeutrino [*_]?
@Pavel bold/italic
How about this regex: /^[*_\s]*CMC|\/[*_]*CMC/i
/^(@\w+|:\d+)?\s*[*_]*CMC/ is probably better.
If there's a /, always treat it as a CMC, otherwise only at the start of a line.
I don't believe a colon should be required.
And at that point I can no longer read it.
Remember to check for :\d+ replies though.
Come on, it's just a little Regex :P
I do that.
Honestly I don't know why I thought that might work.
Sometimes I have a thought that regex might not be the right solution. I proceed to slap myself and the thought goes away.
So like check to make sure it starts with a slash or optionally a ping/reply and then arbitrary spacing, and then might start with *_**_*_*_*__*_ etc
c'mon that's not that confusing :P
Also feature-request add a /RTL command to place an RTL control character :P
Actually don't because that just makes RTL trolling easier
@HyperNeutrino That's simple enough to write into your own version of the script
It's not that complicated :P
@ATaco You forgot to add the i flag
I don't want to match cmc:
Why not
Also some people have unicode in their name, \w isn't sufficient.
\S is a nice copout solution.
CMC: given a boolean array and string both of equal length, partition the string at the end of each truthy value in the boolean array: [0,1,0,0,1,1] and 'abcdef' -> ['ab','cde','f']
By the way, with the x flag, you can do #comment instead of (?#comment)
@miles is this a Jelly builtin
oh rip not exactly apparently
@HyperNeutrino that goes from the start of each truthy value, and includes an empty partition as the first value
gosh darn it
@Dennis what was the rationale for including an empty partition at the start for œṗ (partition and keep borders)
darn apparently UœṗUU doesn't work either :P
@miles i don't think it does?
o huh apparently L doesn't count that
oh wait it does
oh uh that only happens if the first value is truthy
which makes sense because you're making a partition from index 1 to index 1 which is just the empty list
RProgN2, 17 bytes. sy=ix={x‘³)y’?};y
@miles It only starts with an empty partition if you start with a truthy value.
oh huh I was right for once
Jelly, 10 bytes: T;@0r2\Ḋ€ị
I see, so I'm just used to thinking in terms of J's partition which excludes the partition before the first truthy value.
In retrospect, that might have made more sense.
@HyperNeutrino gj, but you can get down to 5 bytes
@Dennis TIO-request: Make a CMC copy-paste format option in the format #language#, #bytecount# bytes: [#code#](#url#)
@miles thx and o cool brb golfing now :P
This is like, the 90th time that's been requested :P
@miles Can I print each partition on it's own line, and assume that the input string doesn't contain newlines?
@ATaco o :(
I was just wondering since I'm probably going to add the ;. family of conjunctions next to Jelly, just wondering how to spread them out and combine some. Can never have enough looping constructs
@miles hints for <10 bytes?
@Pavel the input will only be [a-z] or [A-Z], and formatting the output doesn't count towards your byte total
I just need a way to seperate partitions
@HyperNeutrino see the new quick I added ƙ
Would taking the input transposed into tuples be too much too ask?
@miles oh so I was supposed to use that? :P I thought it wouldn't help me here
yeah, that's a bit much, they're meant to be interpreted as the boolean array being the control for the partitions on the string
@miles wait huh? how exactly does the new quick work I don't get it
Oh I see it doesn't do runs of equal elements it just puts them into "buckets" o I see
@HyperNeutrino it takes a monad and creates a dyad that groups the items of the RHS based on the classes of equal items on the LHS, then applies the initial monad to each group
So it applies the monad to the group of RHS elements, which makes the LHS elements ignored when the monad is processed?
So like lambda monad: lambda left, right: [monad([right[i] for i in range(len(right)) if left[i] == value]) for value in set(left)]?
(lol terribly inefficiently one-lining Python programs to explain things)
I'm confuzzled as to how that helps me for this problem though @miles
@miles C#: l=>t=>{var i="";return t.Zip(l,(a,b)=>{i+=a+(b==1?1:0);return 0;}})return i.Split("1");}
@miles halp I don't get how to use this thingy D:
@HyperNeutrino yeah the monad doesn't operate on the LHS, only on the groups of the RHS. The quick only uses the LHS to form the groups from the RHS
ah ok thanks
but I don't get how this helps for this CMC D:
@miles ^
@HyperNeutrino you want to transform the boolean array into runs of equal values to make it work with key
huh I'm confused as to how to do that rip
for example, [0,1,0,0,1,1] could become [0,0,1,1,1,2], but it could be any value there as long as they are exclusive to that partition
oh I see
Serverside half of the CMC widget is done.
@ATaco TeamSpirit is bork and has been for a few days, it's constantly been showing ?/?
Hmm, that's interesting.
I've had TeamSpirit off for a while.
@2EZ4RTZ Alright, I've created the CMC widget which as usual can be downloaded from Github or A-ta.co
@Pavel CC ^
(The /CMC functionality is turned off temporarily because of the amount we've used it recently)
CMC: Given a list of numbers, [a, b, c, d, e, f...], output a×b÷c×d÷e×f...
(Oh, the list is upside down)
@ATaco feature-request make the little reply button change your cursor to the hand thing when you pass over it
(Oh I thought I fixed that)
Also, how do I use MathQuil?
Type a $
@Pavel JS: a=>a.reduce((a,b,i)=>i%2?a/b:a*b)
@Pavel btw can u provide example test case
2, 4, 8, 3 => 3
fixed: a=>a.reduce((a,b,i)=>i%2?a*b:a/b)
@Pavel Patched :D
@ATaco can you make MathQuill start thing $$ so I can paste things which have $ in them :3
@ATaco Neat
@Pavel RProgN2, 22 bytes. ix=x‘xi{0#/#*?10-`0=};
@Downgoat Is Caretreply still borked?
@ATaco works for me
This is the fewest people I have seen in TNB, ever. The "Currently in room" display usually shows at least 3 rows, most times 4
1 hour later…
@El'endiaStarman Hi, I have a TNBDE/SQL question for you. How do I get every column in the "transcriptAnalyzer_message" with GROUP BY user_id and ORDER BY mid DESC? Everything I've tried so far has run into errors
@2EZ4RTZ I can tell you first hand that they do
Okay figured it out thanks to this: stackoverflow.com/questions/3800551/…. This is what I have so far: ppcg.starmaninnovations.com/tnbde/#vnJfjScuzQ
@Pavel it has 2 rows a lot of times
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, now there's two rows.
There was like 2/3s of a row an hour ago.
an hour ago there was also me having to stand for a long time at school so a priest can "bless the school"
really got dizzy to that
Too bad his prayers didn't prevent the storm from forming in the first place
Strange isn't it
iirc Erik lives in Greece? I don't really remember.
Oh yeah right
Got confused because I had seen a video of people praying on the beach against Irma
@Pavel yes
@Fatalize let's say I was praying for the end of the praying there to come
afterwards there were municipality officials saying a word...man it keeps so long
and the usual stuff "This day marks..."
then I got the books...they were heavy to carry back to home
Is it a public school?
general high school, class A
the principal divided us alphabetically :p
it's what we usually call "grade 10"
at least last year I completed mandatory education :)
Glad I live in a country where public schools are forbidden to express any religiosity
@EriktheOutgolfer That's… a weird way of creating classes…
Could leave to very heterogeneous groups
@Fatalize what do you mean? we don't separate between male and female
@Fatalize you can exempt from religious education if your parents agree to
I mean all kids with bad results could end up in the same class
umm, that's just by chance though isn't it? unless they divide by historical performance
@EriktheOutgolfer That's not enough. I wouldn't go to a school that offered religious education in the first place
@Fatalize I use religious education for easy grades ;p
not that I believe everything they say
nor that I believe everything THEY say in the history book to try to brainwash us and make the next generation of people who believe in propaganda and vote for the parties that are betraying the county and hide the truth
and I believe in greece public schools teach religious education because we have an official religion (Orthodox) or something
through religion also comes brainwashing too
it's like they use peoples' beliefs to brainwash them
this seems wasteful...
especially the prefixes (p="...")
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrDetermine the Resultant code-golfmathabstract-algebrapolynomialsgeometry META: I'm not yet sure which one of the following two versions would be more interesting: Version a: Given two integral polynomials P,Q determine their resultant Res(P,Q). Version b: Given two monic integral polynomials...

@EriktheOutgolfer Hi, how's school there?
bad as usual
Yeah, expected that answer
It was a waste of time today (here)
yeah the blesses and book carrying
We don't carry books in the first day... It's even worse (we get them at the end of the year instead)
And i am quite sad cuz a great teacher left us :((
they died or just left?
@EriktheOutgolfer Left :)
Sorry for the very late response
because last year a teacher of mine did die of cancer
(that is, middle school back then)
@EriktheOutgolfer Sorry for your loss (?)
We've "lost" (they still live) some great professors over the years, but none of the bad professors ever left
Still, the greatest are with us.
@Mr.Xcoder she wasn't from my family, although I still respect it
she was fighting cancer for many years...
And BTW one of the best Physics professors in town died of cancer 2 years ago
Her son was a gold medalist at the international science olympiad, twice
Yeah, that shocked the entire school
yay my reputation is palindrome again!
If anyone is around, CMC: Given a matrix, get the prefixes of its columns
[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] -> [[[1], [1, 4], [1, 4, 7]], [[2], [2, 5], [2, 5, 8]], [[3], [3, 6], [3, 6, 9]]]
4 bytes for sure in Pyth.
3 bytes for sure in jelly
@EriktheOutgolfer How?
what are you asking?
I currently have 5
4 bytes in jelly
4 bytes
@EriktheOutgolfer Z¹Ƥ€?
Quite bad that you have to do prefix-identity to get the pure prefixes
husk, 5 bytes
Let me solve it in 05AB1E then. Brb solving in Husk first
darn empty prefixes
Meh... Yeah
@EriktheOutgolfer We should ask Zgarb or Leo to remove those
already done
@Mr.Xcoder Brachylog, 7 bytes: \{a₀ᶠ}ᵐ
@Fatalize Nice. What is the part that extracts the prefixes?
@Fatalize yeah a bugfix would be nice to bring to 5 :p
a₀ is prefix (a for adfix)
@EriktheOutgolferEr I'm on mobile, so can't check, but I think G (with a dot) : gives prefixes
I've been trying to solve some prefix related stuff in Brachylog lately
a₀ᶠ is find all prefixes
brachylog isn't very good with prefixes...
{…}ᵐ maps and `\` is transpose
@EriktheOutgolfer This is your 5 byter: motḣT
I guess
@H.PWiz What do you mean?
@H.PWiz it doesn't?
it actually accepts a function as its argument
x -> y -> y
and it returns a function
@Erik 3 bytes in 05AB1E.
y -> [x] -> [y]
@Mr.Xcoder ø€η right?
øεη yes.
technically, it is identical
practically it is
in this case
Yeah. It's like abusing implicit }
but and ε work a bit differently
I know
it's not just that accepts only one command while ε accepts more
But in this case
Well, the latter is apply each on a
Whilst the former is for each
@EriktheOutgolfer What else?
well, the former kind of splats the resulting stacks
while the latter picks the top element of each stack
Brb solving in Pyke
3 bytes.
4 bytes, in fact
3 bytes again
@EriktheOutgolfer yep, nice explanation
2C 46 BE in Pyke (hehe, I love those hex encodings :)) )
@EriktheOutgolfer I challenge you to solve that in Python now
In Python 2, I have 58 bytes
Huh, rain just started passing through my area (North Georgia)
monring btw
@Mr.Xcoder me too
@LegionMammal978 Hello
lambda x:[[i[:j+1]for j in range(len(x))]for i in zip(*x)]
Yes, lambda m:[[r[:i+1]for i in range(len(r))]for r in zip(*m)]
A few characters away
@EriktheOutgolfer should that i[:i+1] be i[:j+1]?
@Mr.Xcoder Hello, kind sir, I hope you have had a most excellent morning this day
@Mr.Xcoder sure
@LegionMammal978 Thanks a lot! Unfortunately not the best morning ever because it is the first school day >.>
@LegionMammal978 Sorry to interrupt kind sir, but I do appreciate your kindness
@Mr.Xcoder Would be the start of the sixth week here, but they cancelled it for 2 days due to the hurricane
However, I've been through not the best of times
We're only projected to get a few inches of rain
@LegionMammal978 Hurricane in Georgia?
@Mr.Xcoder Hurricane(/future tropical storm) Irma
Came up from Florida, will be going to Alabama
I know of Irma lol
the whole world probably knows of irma
@LegionMammal978 Oh the state Georgia... I thought it was the country Georgia lol
Yeah, there's literally nothing else on the cable news channels :P
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, been trying to find a good noun clause to indicate "the northern section of the U.S. southeastern State of Georgia"
I now feel good I am too young to not be interested about news :-)
I mean, I haven't had cable TV for years by this point, but was at a restaurant the other day
I think television is a waste of both time and money
@Mr.Xcoder waaaat?
The only two topics there were "Hurricane Irma" and "medication commercials"
that's where EAS resides
@EriktheOutgolfer What waaat?
True, EAS
@LegionMammal978 the latter is telemarketing right?
I like watching stuff on the internet
EAS isn't on the internet afaik
@EriktheOutgolfer No, like regular TV commercials, but for random medications
even though if you have a phone you get a warning message from your provider
And it's on all the radio stations, too (at least in my area)
@LegionMammal978 it's like more people will flock towards the medications because they saw the commercial event though they might not even be sick at all
@EriktheOutgolfer Nah, just a bunch of mutually unrelated stuff for chronic disorders and the like
All with random stock footage, though
@EriktheOutgolfer On a slightly unrelated note, did you manage to solve the last CMC caird posted on JHT?
@Mr.Xcoder ?
@LegionMammal978 Sorry, forgot to ping erik
@LegionMammal978 BTW JHT = Jelly Hypertraining
it's for learning jelly
apart from the tutorial, that is
gtg now, bye
@erik just ping if you get to 5 bytes (or lower?) too, if you solve it
Did anyone make an update to the graduation script recently? It seems to be messing with chat on other sites too
I got around it by changing // @match *://chat.stackexchange.com/* to // @match *://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/240/* but I'm no expert so I don't know if that'll cause any further problems.
@TheLethalCoder It hasn't been working for me at all since Chrome was updated to v60 possibly before).
@Shaggy I am on Chrome v61 so maybe that affected it as well. It seemed to be fine on friday and then I opened up chat over on scifi today and it was bugging out.
I turned off the script and it was fine again
Although after editing the script with the more restrictive match it's fine again. I haven't had any other problems with it though.
@TheLethalCoder Now that I look into it more, none of my userscripts are working - looks like the problem is with TamperMonkey. Gonna try reinstalling it.
Aha, that was the problem - sorted now. No problems viewing any other chats, though. Which version of the script are you running?
wtf why is sed '$ a test' not working?
Ah, welcome back leaderboard; I'd missed you!
@Shaggy 3.13
there's no cjam room, right?
@Ven you just requested access to jelly hypertraining?
@EriktheOutgolfer did indeed
it's for exercising jelly...I'll put you in
@EriktheOutgolfer I forked the gist

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