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@DJMcMayhem Its a bit complex. The basic idea is that any code that does not have loops is not Turing complete and thus can be compiled perfectly (perfect compilation is when any two programs that do the same thing always compile into the same result). The compiler cuts up the code into sections without loops and compiles these (close to) perfectly. It then stitches them all back together with loops.
It goes alot farther than recognizing common snippets.
Ah, so instead it recognizes every (non-looping) snippet
Yeah for the most part. Stack heights are currently a bit tricky
Hmm, I could see that
I know you dislike it, but [] is definitely my favorite of the 8 atoms
For example ([][[]]) and (<()>) do not compile into the same thing
Are you saying they don't or they shouldn't?
Because it looks like they should
They don't but they should
There is a lot of complicated math going on behind the scenes, hopefully I will nail down the stack height issues soon
BTW, I have a really fun golf with the stack-height nilad here codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/125117/diagonal-alphabet/…
I thought you might appreciate that
@DJMcMayhem I do, that is pretty nice.
I'm glad you think so, it was a lot of fun to write
My friend: What do you think of JavaScript? Me: +![]+(+![])
I tried it with several different stack heights, and it seems that 4 (5 really) is ideal
@FunkyComputerMan I don't know anything about how your code works, but it seems to me like all code containing [] but not {...} can be compiled perfectly as a monad (with the starting size of the stack as an argument). If you treat that snippet as taking an argument
I'm not sure what you are saying
yes that is True, it is possible, I just haven't done that, because its hard
The only issue I have right now is that positive and negative stack heights don't cancel properly
OK, so a snippet such as ()()()() can be completely compiled to evaluate 4 which is inherently nyadic (it's always 4 no matter the argument). But [][] could be completely compiled to given N, evaluate 2N, you'll just need to take an N (monadically)
@FunkyComputerMan Does (()()[()()]) cancel properly?
@DJMcMayhem yeah thats super easy
The problem is things like ([](())[[]]), which is the same as (<(())>)
hi does anyone have a language design idea i'm bored
preferably something not too hard because i'm not that bored :P
@HyperNeutrino Design a language where all programs are pristine
does that exist yet?
I designed a proof of concept a while back but never implemented it.
ah ok
seems too hard tho lol
Posted a new question on sandbox. Any feedbacks?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JungHwan MinMatrix Decomposition matrix array-manipulation code-golf Meta Duplicate? What rules should I add? Are my explanations sufficient? Any room for improvement? It's possible to "factor" any invertible (a.k.a. non-singular) square matrix A into a combination of a permutation matrix1 (P), a unit3...

Dang it
Some Croatian IP just tried to log in to my Steam account
Had to change lots of account passwords, should really stop reusing them
To people close-voting this, I would appreciate it if you could explain why you think it's unclear:
Q: Design a commutative injective function between any (restricted) infinite set and unordered pairs thereof

HyperNeutrinoRelated, but this only requires positive integers and does not have to be commutative The Cantor Pairing Function is described in this Wikipedia article. Essentially, it is an operation such that when it is applied to two values X and Y, one can obtain the original values X and Y given the resul...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JungHwan MinMatrix Decomposition matrix array-manipulation code-golf Meta Duplicate? What rules should I add? Are my explanations sufficient? Any room for improvement? It's possible to "factor" any invertible (a.k.a. non-singular) square matrix A into a combination of a permutation matrix1 (P), a unit3...

Now I understand why Steam Guard is so annoying about dynamic IP changes...
@Pavel Random question: Do you (typically) update the accepted answer when a shorter one comes in?
@HyperNeutrino clear enough for me, at worst this might be too broad, although i think it's well designed enough
@DJMcMayhem I've been trying but the internet here is so bad I can't even get an upvote through. (If you get this message, black magic has occurred)
No pressure though
@ATaco o ok thanks
@Pavel I have not received that message; black magic apparently did not occur.
does anyone have a good and easy language design idea? i'm slightly bored rn :P
So basically, chat is working flawlessly, but nothing else that uses internet works. This makes sense. I fully expect internet to work like this.
@icrieverytim (@INCOMING) why
CMC (possibly to main if it's well received): Create a bijective function that maps positive integers to fractions, where every fraction will appear once
huh interesting
I have no clue
@DJMcMayhem Is 1/2 == 2/4
Hmmm, I'm not sure
What would be more interesting?
1/2 == 2/4 would be more interesting and harder
Definitely harder
1/2 != 2/4 just use Cantor thingy
So then the revised wording would be CMC: Create a bijective function that maps positive integers to fractions, where every fully simplified fraction will appear exactly once
@HyperNeutrino Out of context, this is quite inane.
If they are equal use Cantor thing while keeping track of already generated fractions?
@El'endiaStarman lol yup
@Pavel You could do that, but it would be (moderately) difficult
(so of course it is starred, thus putting it out of context)
@El'endiaStarman Out of context quote of the day
quote of the day from my history teacher: "sometimes it's good to just get incinerated"
apparently our school used to do duck-and-cover drills for nuclear engagement where students duck under the desks to hide from nuclear bombs
because the city I live in was a target for Russia during the cold war
There's gotta be a decent way to enumerate simplified fractions. I'm trying to think what would work.
Should I sandbox this, or jump straight to main?
@HyperNeutrino since rational numbers are countably infinite, this literally cannot be an impossible task. So yes.
@DJMcMayhem Just main it imo
@DJMcMayhem oeis.org/A002487
@DJMcMayhem Neither, dupe
While that's not the only way to solve the problem, it's almost certainly going to be the most popular way
Well, the CMC still stands if anyone wants to answer it
And bonus points if you can beat an answer from that thread by using a different algorithm than Stern-Brocot
Is there a challenge to create a bijection between integers and complex numbers
I'm guessing every answer would just be a spiral
I mean that's probably the easiest way
I mean, it seems like that's probably the only way
huh true
I think every answer would have to follow a general spiral pattern even if it skips back and forth
(also, integer complex values, not including real coeffs)
Unless you did something unnecessarily complicated and fractally to avoid being a spiral
@HyperNeutrino I don't know if that is possible. Complex numbers have the same cardinality as the reals, which is greater than the cardinality of the integers. By Cantor's proof, creating a bijection between integers and complex numbers should be as impossible as creating a bijection between integers and reals.
true but that's just very unnecessary :P
I guess you could do something like golden spiral squares
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnBecome a Word-Pontif The french used to define the word pontif as one who builds bridges stemming from the conjunction of pons, facere which literally translates to a bridge, to create one. Your task will be, given a list of 1 or more lower-case words l (String Array), output the MAXIMUM length ...

Oh, you specified integer a and b for a+bi
(yeah I forgot to say that the first time)
> The site says, "those who have been paying attention will realize that this isn't really a change to how we're doing anything but rather making explicit what's already been going on,"
@HyperNeutrino It depends on what is mean by complex numbers
You could mean the complex extension of the reals, in which case no, the algebraics in which case probably not, or the complex extension of the integers in which case its probably equivalent to the one Mego linked
Everything will be fine, I am here. Oh gtg
Man I'm bored.
CMC: Create a full MMORPG with non-repetitive elements that can keep players entertained until they die (in real life, not the MMORPG).
Ok done: print("getALIFE");
@2EZ4RTZ Ouch, but well deserved, touche.
@ATaco ty for that userscript also poll userscript went by by
CMC Try this out
@MagicOctopusUrn ohh yep
@2EZ4RTZ I took a language processing class where we downloaded an entire website database of songs through web-scraping and tried to PoS to tag the entire vocabulary of the rap artist on an artist-to-artist basis... Then, tried to allow a user to select an artist and used HMMs to decide on the most 'prudent' route that artist would take given a random seed...
You run the python with the link to the words and stuff and input
@MagicOctopusUrn wat
Lets just say, if you ever do anything like that... do NOT take audience suggestions... "Gucci Mane" came up and almost made us racist.
We cached "EZLyrics.com" and tried to use AI to parse all songs from a single artist to make songs that the artist would probably produce.
Oh no
new challenge idea
do that thingy you said
Ended up in a tonnnnnn of racial slurs for black artists ._.
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Which, for an acedemic assignment, is basically social sucide.
But we had a black kid in the class who just literally was crying laughing by the end of our presentation, and is quoted to have said, "Leave it to computers to **** up racism."
(He was the one who suggested gucci mane to mess with us)
Then again... we really shoulda seen that coming...
His rhyme schemes also... don't... really rhyme... so... our rhyme caculator was broken when he rhymed "whip" with "took a giant sip".
haha that is funny. I know some SUPER racist humor because my black cousin (need to be specific as you will see why) was racist against black people and told some messed up funny jokes.
Nahhh... It wasn't supposed to be about race.
We put in emeinem and it was literally a 20 minute monologue about haley.
Not dr. dray?
And REALLY random angry rap.
The mockingbird song and like 4 other songs where her name is predominant crushed dre references.
It was both haley and dre that came up, but dre was counted as an adjective... so haley was prominent.
Ohh my Asian cousin when we were hanging out sent a picture of 2 people in KKK suits to his friend (white) and said me and him were at the meeting. ._.
He has no shame
Ah, not the purpose... of our assignment in the least. That was a major mistake. We forgot the 'N' word was a part of the Part-of-speech tagging.
@2EZ4RTZ s/ay/e
Dr Dre
I don't get it
We would've excluded it but we decided on a cussword list of like "***/*****/****/****/etc"... Never even considered the "N" word lmao.
:P good job
@2EZ4RTZ That's how you spell Dr Dre
Yeah, was a huge stupid and hilarious mistake.
@HyperNeutrino How about ;#Q, the quine version of ;#?
@DJMcMayhem huh
This is a story I'll tell my grandkids lol.
@2EZ4RTZ :| have you not seen beats before
I will tell them too ಠ__ಠ
@ASCII-only beats the veggie? yes
As DJ doesn't seem to have noticed/care, can we stop talking about times we were racist?
@2EZ4RTZ awesome! I don't plan on having kids, so your grandkids can keep me alive!
@2EZ4RTZ No, Beats by Dre
@ASCII-only As an audiophile, beats are overpriced trash
@MagicOctopusUrn I will keep you living forever
@DJMcMayhem Everyone knows that :P
Well not everyone I guess
@DJMcMayhem Shhh, if Dre hears you, he'll destroy the world trying to find you :P
Well i mean most people use them around the neck so sound quality is not a issue
@2EZ4RTZ Ha... LMK if you want to learn more about Part of Speech Tagging I can maybe help a little. It'd be a re-learning experience for me, but I still miss those complex problems.
@cairdcoinheringaahing but... Dr Dre's dead, he's locked inside my basement!
I love AI ad wish this site had more of an audience for AI and optimization problems that were less objective.
@2EZ4RTZ Ha! Sadly, that's actually pretty accurate
@DJMcMayhem s/Dr Dre/2pac
@DJMcMayhem Does it also bother you when people lightly sing to music on speakers so you can't here them fully but the audio is off?
@DJMcMayhem Then please stand up
@2EZ4RTZ Yes, ASL to music drives me crazy :P
@DJMcMayhem XD
But rly does that affect you?
@2EZ4RTZ Not really. If anything, I'd be more likely to be the one doing that and annoying others than being annoyed by it. I hum songs to myself really frequently
But I also have a song stuck in my head pretty much 24/7
:D I just noticed the main chat room's name for Interpersonal.SE. "The Awkward Silence" Not as good as TNB, but pretty nice :D
You welcome
Interpersonal SE?
I voted on that
@DJMcMayhem We can't be friends. It bothers me so much. My sisters do it with a 350ms delay or so and I slowly go crazy
Talking about non-challenge BS?
@DJMcMayhem My school played Pharell's Happy in assembly today, now I will never get it out of my head
Because your happy?
@2EZ4RTZ It used to bug me a lot. Especially when my sister would do that too
@MagicOctopusUrn No interesting challenges, he says with his challenge being the newest one :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing is confused, wat?
But after moving out, 98% of the things they do that used to bother me, now I couldn't care less
You must live in Colorado
Wow someone wants a join
@MagicOctopusUrn I just said that there are no new interesting challenges. I'm the last challenge poster :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing link teh challenges.
i can't edit it
Edit button is gone
@MagicOctopusUrn Because of the weed? Calm down man :P
@MagicOctopusUrn That requires changing tabs, which I don't want to do
@MagicOctopusUrn It is pretty great here. The Rockies are a five minute drive from my house
@cairdcoinheringaahing weed is a constant everywhere you live... because it's legal doesn't mean it's any more-or-less available, it just means nobody openly speaks about it. It's like prohibition. That being said, no, I do not smoke weed... It makes you okay with being bored, which is boring.
@2EZ4RTZ Oh. Yeaaaaahhhh, I'll take a hard pass on that personally
@DJMcMayhem I don't think that's why he wants to go to Colorado :P
@MagicOctopusUrn I think they're trying to legalise it here, which would be awesome.
Ok, could we seriously stop shouting?
@MagicOctopusUrn That's not a state, I don't know where that is. Damn America. Too many places.
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's an area in Colorado. Like an hour and a half north west of Denver IIRC
I used caps once :P
@ThomasWard Thanks, that's a huge pain from mobile
@DJMcMayhem I went out to meet a girl I knew from OK in CO, and it... It was awful... They were all there to binge on drugs. After the first night I ended up leaving and renting a tranquil cabin in Estes park, it was the most amazing experience in my life... As an ohioan I don't get to see mountains much... Also, did I just get banned for 60 seconds for saying I DONT smoke weed?
@MagicOctopusUrn no you got kicked for the all-caps-rage
What is going on?
which DJMcMayhem and me both saw simultaneously but he was faster with the hammer
let's stop shouting, mmkay?
@2EZ4RTZ tha'ts spelled "beets" just fyi
@ThomasWard I... Want to be mad, but I also respect authority... So... Yessir?
o/ @Riker
@MagicOctopusUrn I went to Ohio 3 times and all 3 have been skiing. In the mountains.
how's life going @ThomasWard?
@cairdcoinheringaahing what mountains.
still lazering things with those eyes?
@Riker chaotically, but that's not new :P
@Riker Always!!! >:D
@ThomasWard <3
@MagicOctopusUrn The ones in Ohio
Chaotic good, neutral or evil?
it helps purge flags queues over on Ask Ubuntu with extreme ease
@DJMcMayhem neutral
evil would be permaban all the things
@MagicOctopusUrn patience, accidents happen with laptops :p
good would be "stern talking to"
@ThomasWard lol
@DJMcMayhem @Riker Totally depends on whether I'm drunk and whether I've had my caffeine for the day.
Too much mods. Too much pressure to be good
@ThomasWard you literally gave me my first "you've been banned temporarily" message since I used to play runescape 8 years ago.
@DJMcMayhem Chaotic Neutral when i'm properly caffeinated.
@MagicOctopusUrn wasn't me, but whatever
@ThomasWard <3 doesn't matter. I feel honored to be a deviant ;).
Ohh good a normal user @Downgoat hi!
@DJMcMayhem Chaotic Evil if I'm drunk. Chaotic Good if I somehow got adequate rest, satisfaction of physical needs, and coffee.
that happens once in eternity though :p
anyways, back to stabbing code.
@ThomasWard I'd say I'm always neutral, but the amount of caffeine pushes me further towards lawful
Well if you lazer a mirror box what happens?
@2EZ4RTZ I think that calling someone who started the hatred of sheep on a website "normal" means that you need a new dictionary :P (no offence @Downgoat)
@MagicOctopusUrn I personally think word challenges have been done too much, but that's just my 2 cents
@cairdcoinheringaahing You are here on PPCG so the standards of "normal" is pretty lax
@DJMcMayhem You are more fun without caffine
@cairdcoinheringaahing I want to use github.com/carusocomputing/wordListsByLength in some challenges.
@2EZ4RTZ Come on, that was uncalled for
I am going insane slowly. I have AP calc so plz forgive me if i just like break
AP Calculus is so much fun.
@cairdcoinheringaahing $\text{uncalledfor!=false}$$$
Back in my day we had AP stats because "calc was too hard for young minds". AP Stats was WAY WORSE and was a 300 equivalent in my college...
@MagicOctopusUrn I have to agree but it is hard
I am going to go eat cake. Bye!

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