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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

1 hour later…
o0 creepy Google Maps is showing stars on the places I went on vacation this year
@ATaco : Make the strawpoll sidebar thingy unescape HTML literals properly
strawpoll sidebar thingy?
yeah you might need to rebuild tacoscripts
it's called Strawpoll Widget
@HyperNeutrino link to infos?
oh thanks
and personally I find it annoying so I disabled it just now
@Downgoat np
@HyperNeutrino :O this is amazing
yeah it completely revolutionized the world of tacoscripts
what's Se Chat Preview and Chat Formatting
chat preview is that little box above the chatbox that shows what the message will look like after being sent, and chat formatting is idk
the box for me just shows ... is that normal?
:O it automatically expand
@ATaco btw MathQuill userscript still doesn't work when copy+paste. Maybe make $$ the command to start it? Also can u bring back /$$ to start MathQuill :3 (also can u add .message class to the preview so it is compatible with ppcg design userscript)
what is math quill
what is caret reply
@HyperNeutrino when you do $ it opens up math editor
oh that's why chatjax has been borking
@Downgoat type carets to reply to previous messages
you can also do some fancy regex thingy and star/unstar with it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoWhere do I live? code-golf geography* Given a coordinate pair, supporting at least 2 decimal places (precision .01), determine the country containing that coordinate pair. The coordinate will be on land and will be at least 0.5 degrees from any border or coastline. Input will be given as two de...

@ATaco is it possible to make the polls hidden by default
@Downgoat you mean the sidebar widget?
@HyperNeutrino I don;t like that one, really
@MistahFiggins huh I see. why not, if I may ask?
it makes it hard to agree with the person above you
yeah I guess that's true
if it was /^ that would be great
I find myself replying to messages a lot more often that agreeing with someone
And I don't really mind clicknig the thing to reply
/^^^ maybe but seems less convenient
@MistahFiggins yeah but moving my mouse takes effort ugh (:P)
I get that
but yeah I can see how it might be inconvenient
especially when I'm "replying" to a message but I don't want to actually reply+ping the person
Hi everyone, I had posted a popularity-contest challenge in the sandbox and after looking at the response, I have now changed it to a code-golf. I am asking for feedback from the users to see if the edited challenge is something that people will enjoy or not. Please leave your responses in the comments below the challenge. Here it is. codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
> But you are expressly forbidden from using a closed-form formula or a recursion relation to generate this sequence.
this seems a bit vague IMO
> If you use any library or package then its byte-count must be added to your total final byte-count.
Yeah that is not enforcable nor clear
that doesn't seem fair since if I want to be precise I might have to import sympy for python
which would add like a couple thousand bytes at least
or for Java if I want to be able to take input then I need to add the several thousand bytes for all of the libraries
Its also not very clear what is considered a library and what is not
Or if libraries are recursively counted
yeah that too
because that would be very hard to count
(cc @WheatWizard since you're good at math) is there a (dyadic) mathematical operator of some sort over the integers such that given the result of applying the operator on X and Y you can determine X and Y from the result?
I'm fairly sure it's possible but I'm not sure if something like that exists.
huh also challenge idea for that :P
I did think about the "counting the library byte-count" part long and hard and couldn't come up with a solution. What is the best thing to do here? Should I allow all libraries? Should I only allow the "canonical" libraries which are standard included? How do I phrase this? What is the best way criteria here and what is the best way to state it?
@HyperNeutrino Its called the Cantor Pairing function
Oh cool, thanks!
@FixedPoint I think just allow all libraries but say that you can't use a built-in for [list of objectively determinable tasks]
for example it's sometimes stated that you can't use a built-in that does the exact task of the challenge
@FixedPoint The best idea is to allow libraries. I don't know what problem you are trying to solve by penalizing libraries but I can say with a fair amount of confidence that it won't be solved.
@WheatWizard I'm fairly confident it is, but is it possible to design a pairing function that's commutative?
Hm... Now that's a question.
Not for finite sets
I meant over the integers
I'm pretty sure you can't design any pairing function for finite sets anyway?
Actually pairing functions are impossible for finite sets
Yeah I don't feel like it should be possible but I don't know why
Its not
Oh wait maybe it is
I mean of course given the result, you wouldn't be able to determine which argument came first :P
Excuse this horrible mess but I think it's possible?
I could be mistaking something though
I think you are asking is if there are as many finite sets of integers as there are integers
so in other words if we can enumerate the set of finite integer sets?
@HyperNeutrino Yes strictly speaking it would be impossible
But if we consider unordered pairs instead
I'm pretty sure it's possible

 Who shaves the barber?

Axiomatic set theory
Ah well its been frozen
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoDraw translucent boxes code-golf string ascii-art I'm not sure if this should be an ascii-art because it uses non-ascii characters. Given a list of four-tuples representing the corners of rectangles, draw translucent rectangles over each other in that order. What do I mean by "translucent re...

Oh rip.
I might ask on math.SE as well
(also for whatever reason I just got a bunch of challenge ideas so I'm sandboxing like 3 or maybe 4 things at once today :P)
Yeah they are probably better at this than I
there's a similar challenge here: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/8892/…
mine might end up being decided as dupe of that but I'm trying to make it different
Well if they are required to be abelian it probably wont make it a dupe
Yeah I made the challenge here, I don't think it's dupe but idk
Also the Cantor Pairing Function only works on natural numbers but my challenge requires all integers (though you can just use the bijection between integers and positive integers)
great I can't remember what my fourth challenge idea was
I have three sandboxed now oh well :P
I'm not sure if the all integers adds anything
Why not say any infinite set.
wait how would I incorporate that into the challenge
Instead of requiring integers just require a bijection on any infinite set
also my wifi's gonna disconnect me sometime in like 2 or so minutes so I won't be here for much longer
@WheatWizard so like answer poster can choose what set to use?
Also pairs has a specific definition and its not the one you mean
@HyperNeutrino yeah
@WheatWizard oh whoops. what would be the correct term?
@WheatWizard ok yeah I like that idea
@HyperNeutrino two-sets maybe? unordered pairs might work too
I'll stick with the latter because I'm already using that in the question body
anyway I gtg now thanks for the help o/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoDesign a commutative bijection between any infinite set and unordered pairs thereof code-golf math Related, but this only requires positive integers and does not have to be commutative The Cantor Pairing Function is described in this Wikipedia article. Essentially, it is an operation such that ...

oh hi there tnb
i just wrote some code so cool
listening to blank banshee for the 30 minutes i wrote it
hey gamer
what time is it where you are
it is 10:44 pm for me
Q: What exactly should be the format for the test cases?

Fixed PointWorking on my latest challenge, I realized that I don't know what is the optimal way of providing/formatting the test cases. So the question is, what is the best way for a challenger to provide test cases for a challenge? Consider that the formatting should be such that if people simply copy a...

1 hour later…
@HyperNeutrino I can only see like 3 thing on starboard with polls on by default :(
Q: Create an auto-cucumber program

Nobody Oops, Auto-correct. You have a word. But it's wrong. You wonder what word it would be. Thankfully, being a code golfer, You can make a code to take a rough guess. I/O You will be given a (wrong, all lowercase) word, and a '(All lowercase)Dictionary list'. You have to output the word with t...

@HyperNeutrino I'm making a kind-of regex parser and it's killing me :/ I really don't need a char by char parser for a lang with four chars though :P
Err, anyone gonna solve my question?
@Nobody it's Saturday night, give it some time
It's sunday evening here so I thought there'd be some answers
@Nobody Well you don't have enough rep to see the traffic charts but traffic, questions, and answers all spike down heavily on Saturday/Sunday
and sorry for me being so short, forgot about timezones :P
There's one, yay
Is there a way to increment a variable in a 2d list comprehension in python?
i = 0
arr = [[i++ for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]
something messy with emumerates probably can
actually iterators can do things
I've tried changing outside variables with list comprehensions. Python doesn't usually let you do that, but if you find a way, I'd love to see it
@HelkaHomba outside of calling a function that's preprogrammed to do that?
that's the only way I've found to get around that in lambdas
(Not so) fun fact: if you google arachnophobia you are greeted with lots of nice spider pictures
Google is evil
@Downgoat if you search any phobia you'll probably find pictures of it (I tried claustrophobia) because there's nothing associated with the lack of something scary :P
Good thing no pictures for ovinaphobia
Is cython taken for the Oeis challengd
@HusnainRaza what do you mean?
How do I make an interpreter for TIO? I am making a language(It's still in its concept stage), and I want it on TIO.
@Nobody Once your interpreter (kind of) works, you contact Dennis in the TIO chat room. Ask him to add your language, tell him where to find the interpreter, and how he should call the interpreter with the user's code.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

boboquackPythagorean Double Regex Posted by NH. in Zendo: though depending on the regex flavor, things like that pythagorean triple could be hard to do. The rule in question was: Given a pair of numbers, match if the two numbers are part of some integral Pythagorean triple, else don't match. ...

Anyone that knows Pyth around?
I wonder if :+Q1."2}M>åYà counts as 13 or 18 bytes. I saw Pyth seemingly uses ISO-8859-1.
or 15 bytes actually, nevermind
2 hours later…
(kinda late though)
Q: Sum the deltas of my matrix

Mr. XcoderBackground The deltas of an array of integers is the array formed by getting the differences of consecutive elements. For example, [1, 2, 4, 7, 3, 9, 6] has the following deltas: [1, 2, 3, -4, 6, -3]. We will now define the deltas of a matrix of integers as the deltas of each row and each colum...

2 hours later…
Q: Somewhere On The Tube ...But On Which Lines?

Jonathan AllanThe London Underground A.K.A. The Tube is the oldest underground railway in the world, it currently consists of eleven lines* servicing 267 named stations (strictly 269** stations since "Edgware Road" and "Hammersmith" each occupy two locations) The challenge Output the names of the lines servi...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GryphonNth Differences number math code-golf In math, one way to figure out what the type of a given relation (linear, quadratic, etc) is to calculate the differences. To do so you take a list of y values for which the gap between the correspondent x values is the same, and subtract each one from the ...

@JonathanAllan it seems your challenge has some big data
Yeah it's a big compression challenge, just thought it might be fun to try and find patterns in the noise!
maybe you haven't got any answers yet because people are still just compressing the data before writing the code
btw I think that you can use some pre/in/suffix mechanism instead of just literally writing the stations
for example with prefixes
Aldgate E
with some reordering more can be saved too maybe
then filter for prefix and take the first match
e.g. for input Archway you'd filter
then take the first
so hardcoding isn't essentially the solution :p
of course that only works if the filter function is shorter than writing the full names of the stations
(I'd assume it is)
the same can be done with suffixes, although they tend to be longer imo
I wasn't expecting a flurry of quick answers :p
of course for the suffixes case you must sort with something like jelly's ṚÞ
so as to group them together as much as possible
Does anyone know any languages where the syntax is Unicode based and not Emoji based?
you mean utf-8 or just unicode-alike chars?
@Potato44 ALGOL 60 used non-ASCII characters IIRC
Also APL
@EriktheOutgolfer utf-8 and non-ascii
@Potato44 many of 'em
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have alreday gone through that list in the past but I might go through it again
@JonathanAllan oh hey it seems you don't need to be that afraid, it's not that big
:'-( the esoteric IDE doesn't work on mac
Hey @DJMcMayhem, I have a Brain-Flak question for you in the Third Stack
you can ping him there btw...
no need to "wait to log on"
Ah, fair enough
@Sherlock9 okeyday
@betseg hey
2 hours later…
@JonathanAllan used the prefix logic I was talking about in my python answer :D
without the sorts, that is
yeah I'm looking at it right now :D
CMC: Given n, return the corresponding value according to the following mapping:
 1 =>     2
 2 =>     8
 3 =>    24
 4 =>    64
 5 =>   160
 6 =>   384
 7 =>   896
 8 =>  2048
 9 =>  4608
10 => 10240
@cairdcoinheringaahing 2Deorstv, 2 bytes: ¡T
@cairdcoinheringaahing SOGL, 4 bytes: 2.^*
ok finally gonna add 2^x builtin to SOGL
@ConorO'Brien do you know of an efficient method to add lazyily initalized fields in JS?
getters are pretty slow
@Downgoat please elaborate ?
@cairdcoinheringaahing dunno why but this works. C, 17
@ConorO'Brien like in swift I can have class A { lazy foo = computeComplexValue() }
so foo is like a normal field
but it's value (computeComplexValue()) will only be evaluated when I access it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly, 2 bytes: Ḥ¡ or 3 bytes: 2*×
@Downgoat I don't know swift, but I know JS ain't swift, literally and figuratively. You could try using a memoized getter, but outside of getters, I doubt there is much you can do while maintaining that syntax. You could try proxies, that might help
@Downgoat uh, from the docs it says that a getter defers the cost of calculating the value until the value is needed, and if it is never needed, you never pay the cost.
getters recalculate everytime though
unless you memoize it but memoization is slow
@Downgoat so what does Swift do then, that's not memoization?
Swift uses memoization probably, under the hood
@Downgoat so you're hoping JS has some magic? :P
what is magic about lazy fields?
@Downgoat well you seem to be hoping for lazy fields that are calculated once but not memoized
manual JS memoization is based on object reference capture which can be slow
btw does anyone konw diff. between .__proto__ = ... and Object.setPrototypeOf
@Downgoat still faster than recalculating a 1000-level deep recursive function
@TuxCopter s/1000/100000 f199000<c-a>
is there any reason why this:
Q: Weird grading system

officialaimmWeirdo Incorporates have a weird way of grading their staffs by the number of days they were present in the office: 0 - 13 : F 14 - 170 : E 171 - 180 : D 181 - 294 : C 295 - 300 : B 301 - 365 : A Note: The range is inclusive (i.e. 0-13 means 0 days and 13 days both will evaluate as grade ...

isn't a dupe of this:
Q: Integer mark into grade

TimGiven a positive integer (0 and above, no maximum), convert it into a grade following these rules: A = 100+ B = 90 - 99 C = 80 - 89 D = 70 - 79 E = 60 - 69 F = 59 and less. This felt a little boring, so make the grade a + if it's 7,8 or 9 and a - if it's 0,1 or 2. Ignore this for the...

just different numbers
@Downgoat lazy x = f() -> x = function() { x = f(); return x }
That is, it's calculated on first access and then that's what it becomes
Now I know little about Swift so maybe it means something else there
@quartata this changes from function -> variable so inconsistent accessing here
like first time to access value I have to do x() but next time x
Yeah but you get the point
That's why it's a language feature so you can have consistent syntax
And typing
Chat looks weird now
Don't think it's an improvement tbh
Is there a meta post or blog post regarding the update?
Wait nvm I think it's actually either the gradscript or a tacoscript that got updated
@Pavel turn off Settings > Chat Design
Still looks way better than without the script
It isn't better or worse now, it's just different
I was thinking of just creating an alternative SE chat web client based on @Quill's work on Chat API
@Downgoat Chat code-off? :P
@Downgoat Never mind
@Java Why is class A{class B extends A{B.B.B b;}} valid code?
@Java y u have no tail optimization or goto
@betseg Because it isn't a functional language, and because the authors believed it would lead to spaghetti code, respectively.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because B has an inner class B it inherits from A.
@cairdcoinheringaahing why is this so surprise
@betseg JVM does do tail call?
@Downgoat Because I'm used to clear and readable code, Python
@Downgoat Nope.
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol good one
@Downgoat does it? i remember as it doesnt
@Downgoat ಠ_ಠ No joke
It does not
@Pavel I'm like 99.98% sure Java does tail call (except mutual recursion)
@Pavel citation?
@Downgoat tio.run/##y0osS9TNL0jNy0rJ/v@/… stack overflows
Which it wouldn't with tail-call optimization.
No way!!! I found a challenge where R beats every single golfing language.
ಠ_ಠ TIL: C# can execute SQL
@cairdcoinheringaahing I would be disappointed if it didn't work.
@Pavel because this is more spaghetti than this?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why is that an ಠ_ಠ
@betseg I'm not defending Java, I'm answering your question
@Pavel Because it executes it as literal code, rather than execing a string
@Pavel k ty
lol... No way R beats Jelly
@Pavel all JVM optimizations are invisible so that's probably why
idk JVM is weird
@cairdcoinheringaahing LINQ is awesome
Obviously VSL is best solution
It makes operating on lists 10x easier
@Mr.Xcoder R be crazy :P
But... How is that a built-in?
@Mr.Xcoder You're learning Jelly. How are you surprised that a language has crazy builtins?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly really doesn't have crazy built-ins
@Mr.Xcoder I just realised, that that answer is a snippet, but to make it valid, they have to remove 5 bytes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Godaammiiiit
R beats Jelly by a frackin' 8 bytes
@betseg Java has a goto keyword. It throws RuntimeException.
@Mr.Xcoder I didn't even realise Jelly programs existed that were more than 8 bytes
@trichoplax oh, you have to do more code-golf then :)))) - Who needs all those KoTHs :P
I've never been much of a golfer :P
@trichoplax I invite you to join us
Tweetable Mathematical Art is my only non-trivial contribution to golf(ish) answers
(And that was closed eventually...)
@Mr.Xcoder I found a builtin in R which is clearly redundant: p3d(bunny,p=99) outputs this
@cairdcoinheringaahing >_>_>_>_>_>
@Mr.Xcoder :P brb, making a Jelly
@cairdcoinheringaahing PLS no
@trichoplax Admittedly, that was a pop-con, so that was doomed from the moment it was posted
Also, its a shame I can't upvote your post on that, it looks amazing :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I agree, but I enjoyed working to a strict byte limit even if the output was open ended. It seems that similarly broad popcons have escaped closure...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why thank you! But if you're talking about the one with most votes, that's just because it was the first one I posted so it went to the top and gathered votes. Others that were posted later (both my own and others) were far more interesting (and challenging - hence posted later). I answered 6 times altogether...
@trichoplax Yeah, I meant the fabric one. Have a cookie: 🍪 :P
I quite like looking through that challenge sorted by oldest, so you can see the gradually improvements as new ideas were introduced
Well, are there any bad popcons that escaped closure?
@trichoplax The only problem I have with it, is that on both mobile and computer the images take up so much of the posts, rather than the code
My favourite of my own is action painting which took the help of 4 others in chat to get it to fit the byte limit...
@Mr.Xcoder let the pop-con hunt begin :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Unfortunately that's Dennis' job
@trichoplax That is brilliant. If it were unlocked, I would warn you for an incoming +60 :P
@Mr.Xcoder If broad counts as bad, then the allrgb pop con was equally broad as tweetable mathematical art: strict restriction but no specification of the output
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you solve this?
in Jelly Hypertraining, 2 hours ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
Given a matrix of signed integers, replace each number with the sum of all of the numbers of the matrix excluding itself.
@Mr.Xcoder FS_?
@cairdcoinheringaahing It was great fun. Somewhere there's a dedicated chat room with days of golfing leading up to it being posted...
Yeah... Should've spoiled
@Mr.Xcoder No, it's fine. I've done the same thing to you :P
Well, I found a bad which is still open
@cairdcoinheringaahing From other people's, if you liked the tablecloths they are nothing compared to this raytraced checkered sphere, and my personal favourite is the buddhabrot
Q: What do people think is the vote boundary for a good question (how many votes does a question need to have to be a "good" question)?
In general, rather than for the badge?
@trichoplax In general. I'm looking for good pop-cons
Ah. Pop cons might get more votes (even on the challenge) due to being about popularity, so hard to say. A pop con with 20 votes might not be as significant as a golf challenge with 20 votes...
Also more popular (upvoted) pop cons aren't always more interesting/well written
The stats on can be found here
Yes, that was done by hand. Don't ask :P
Q: Erdős–Straus conjecture

Anthony PhamThis is a conjecture proposed by Paul Erdős and Ernst N. Straus where it simply defines for any x >= 2, then: 4 1 1 1 --- = --- + --- + --- x a b c where a, b, and c are whole numbers (positive integers). For example, if x was 5 then: 4 1 1 1 --- = ---...

Q: How do i echo one row multiple times with each diffrent result

Faith AniefiokI have a page that echo same result multiple times just according to query quantity example: id | qty | name 1 | 4 | gun 2 | 3 | jet 3 | 5 | cup result: gun gun gun gun jet jet jet cup cup cup cup cup code: <?php session_start(); include "mys...

I don't know R, but I doubt this is valid.
A: Golf the K-means algorithm

rturnbullR, 6 bytes As a statistical programming language, it's not surprising that R has a built-in for k-means clustering. kmeans This is a function with two obligatory arguments, x (the points, i.e. P) and centers (the number of clusters, i.e. K). More details here.

@H.PWiz probably is - if you can set it equal to a variable and then call that variable, it's valid
The question requires a specific algo though
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillCollectibles, Inc king-of-the-hill Collectibles, Inc is going out of business! They maintained the largest collection of collectible items, and now they are all going up for auction. You want as many collections as possible. There are P players, each with 30 gold. Collectibles, Inc has P*2 c...

Q: Most powers of 2 printed with only 7 characters

Epic8009Print as many powers of 2 as you can with just 7 characters in the language of your choice. You lose 0.1 points for every non-power of 2 printed, and gain 0.5 for every power of 2 printed.

@icrieverytim Hey my answer is ready for another bounty ^.^
I wonder how many answers are +6 with a 500 rep bounty
@DJMcMayhem you know jelly right?
@2EZ4RTZ If you need help with Jelly, I'm here
@cairdcoinheringaahing hey! ty
@2EZ4RTZ aye, a wee bit
Well you can fight for it :P
Fight for what?
Helping me with jelly :P
2*⁹R i want that to return $$2^n$$ with the range 1-256.
I'll pass. Doesn't seem like something worth fighting for
@2EZ4RTZ no offence to DJ but I probably know more :P
But I can't find order of operations editors for jelly
> order of operations
> jelly
@2EZ4RTZ Do you want to make the range 1 to 256 then raise 2 to each number?
@cairdcoinheringaahing what did I do wrong
@2EZ4RTZ In that case, first return 256 with then make the range (R) then raise each to the power 2 with 2*
I don't have TIO open but ⁹R2* should work
Yeah it works
Sure no problem
Q: should I bother adding Add++ to the Showcase?
@cairdcoinheringaahing what does ** do? I did 9** with the little nine AKA 256 and it made a huge number. Is that 256^(256)?
@2EZ4RTZ Yep. 2** for example computes 2*2*2 where * is power
AFAIK it applies * to 9*
Ok well challenge closed
Lol my rep graph is trippy
@2EZ4RTZ You VTC'ed it, why are you trying to do it?
I didn't know if it would be closed before I answered
The rules are unclear not the challenge
You shouldn't answer questions you think will be closed
I don't see why not. I suck at golfing so an easy challenge is nice
@2EZ4RTZ The main problem is the number of loopholes that can be exploited. The OP probably has never heard of golfing languages and was thinking mainly about Perl and production languages that can golf
@2EZ4RTZ Because VTC says that you have a problem with answering it, that something is stopping you from answering it. You can't then VTC and go ahead and answer.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I posed an answer
@2EZ4RTZ blame caching. People can still downvote though :P
Also, you didn't read the scoring. Read it again.
I mean if the downvote a double correct answer then their problem not mine
@cairdcoinheringaahing opps
Well I fixed it
Plus you can make the score practically infinite by adding another * before R for the Jelly one
@2EZ4RTZ FYI I would remove the Husk answer. You didn't actually make it, which is why people have downvoted
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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