@2EZ4RTZ Because the bounty was awarded to the best (only) answer. It was awarded before you posted the answer. However, clearly people (including me) thought that your answer could be better. There is really no point questioning voting however. Some people (like me) will given you a legit answer for why we voted, most won't.
You must be a bit wise (and a little less)
Using the bit-wise operators (>>and <<) subtract the two numbers inputted. And you may use addition (but no negatives!).
However when all of your code is bitshifted left once preform addition on the two numbers (no source restriction for this...
A serious contender is a submission which makes a serious effort towards optimizing the submission's score within the chosen language(s) and other choices (such as algorithm choice or optional restrictions/bonuses taken).
This is somewhat subjective, in that the best answer in my opinion is "you...
@2EZ4RTZ "had" Past tense, no need for another intersite challenge ;P
@cairdcoinheringaahing We never had beef with CR. We like CR. We just poke fun at each other because our sites tend to encourage completely opposite coding styles.