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@MDXF no? are you sure you're using the right language?
Oh that's odd
either way it still has an error
throw new Error("popping from an empty stack");
if it's at the beginning, it's popping from an empty stack
Yeah. It has to be at the beginning. The first five bytes of my polyglot have been the biggest hindrance ever
but they're needed for C, C++, Bash, Forked, and one other 2d lang
@WheatWizard do you want to have another try at the Cubically quine?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Peter SchillingIntroduction This challenge is based on some work with ATA numbering, the standard way to index aircraft maintenance publications. It's a relatively simple setup, but I haven't been able to find anything quite analogous that's been posted already. ATA numbers are of the format XX-XX-XX, where X ...

Q: Parallelogram a Number

GryphonNow that we know how to properly square and triangle a number, we are going to learn how to parallelogram one. To parallelogram a number, we first arrange it as a parallelogram by stacking it on top of itself a number of times equal to the number of digits it has, and adding spaces to make it a ...

Darn you, repcap!
I got seven upvotes within an hour after the cap on the same answer
@Mr.Xcoder Your turn now
@LuisMendo you should try to beat 25 :P
Haha, no way
I'm just trying to find more languages
I've gone through every esolang on TIO trying to find ones that don't print anything nor exit on syntax errors
@MDXF Whitespace should be easy to add. Unfortunately the MATL parser rejects tabs as unrecognized char
@LuisMendo I don't have any so that's good
Ah, sorry, it won't be easy. You already have LF's
which will be seen as code by Whitespace
I'll look at MATL in a sec
btw, did you write MATL?
@MDXF No, my comment about MATL was about my code. Yours is too much of a mess to turn into MATL :-)
^^ Yup
Oh haha. And cool
any people who know ruby well in here?
@ConorO'Brien Don't you know ruby?
or is that Perl that you're good at
@ConorO'Brien kinda
I do, but I need to lean on someone
why is eval([]and"4"or"1") a syntax error, but neither ([]and"4"or"1") nor eval ([]and"4"or"1")?
@ConorO'Brien well for one the third one is eval foo where foo is the paren expression iirc
but isn't the first one that as well?
why not?
@ASCII-only MaybeLater is your lang, right?
it's ATaco's iirc
@MDXF no my only lang is charcoal >_> maybelater is ataco's (i would never write something that terrible :P)
@ASCII-only Ah. Somehow I get you two confused lol
@ConorO'Brien because ruby is weird
@ASCII-only that's mean
@DestructibleLemon not really
@ASCII-only thanks a lump :P
@DestructibleLemon and obviously sarcastic
ataco is perfectly capable of making it good he's just too lazy :P
I'd like to say I don't write bad langs but... I wrote Cubically
and and or have really low precedence
so ```````````````````and`````````````````` works on multiple statements basically
@ConorO'Brien o pls use backticks that looks really bad without them
@ConorO'Brien ????
I used backticks
@DestructibleLemon what is with Woefully's error messages >.<
@MDXF well...
nevermind this lang is way too complicated for polyglotting
@ConorO'Brien how do I output integer in Somme?
@MDXF yes it is... you cannot use any characters other than spaces, pipes and newlines
@DestructibleLemon exactly
@MDXF sommehow
it's almost impossible to polyglot... except maybe with glypho or something
@ConorO'Brien ...
what do you think I'm just going to give you the answer? :P jk I'll help
pls I'm trying to beat your polyglot here
lol. well if you're not going to write docs...
@MDXF actually the issue is it isn't complicated enough, isn't it?
I would actually not recommend using somme
it takes the sum's of the columns and uses those as commands
@ASCII-only hahaha
@ConorO'Brien yeah ok nvm
@ASCII-only it's for a polyglot
@ConorO'Brien yeah don't use and or or. don't use Ruby at all. don't use anything :D
yeah then just use a space
So... are there any more langs that are forgiving about syntax errors, or just ignore stuff they don't recognize?
I've started rewriting the polyglot since it basically just crumbled apart.
I can't be the only person who writes interpreters like this
@ConorO'Brien hey sounds like my life
check my earlier languages
ooh ok
@MDXF lol
@MDXF Actually, Charcoal
@MDXF Turtlèd sort of does this
@ASCII-only already did it
@DestructibleLemon I'll look at it
syntax errors are sooooort of forgiving
as long as you never run the code
@DestructibleLemon . . .
the code with the error
@ConorO'Brien Jext?
if you skipped past it with an if it's fine
@MDXF unfinished
no that's just J
you can have arbitrary amounts of ) if you aren't having a ( that's yet to be closed
@ConorO'Brien Betrothed?
(a]]]]]) doesn't error, I think
@ASCII-only why tho
@MDXF I entered that into the "maybe turing complete language" thingy
@MDXF glorified befunge
@MDXF dishonoured java-python
@Mithrandir O_o you shouldn't be in TNB :P
I'm just gonna look through Jeremy's languages
@ConorO'Brien jython
has anyone made a continuous 2d language?
@DestructibleLemon define continuous
@DestructibleLemon define continuous?
ninja lol
the commands aren't on a grid
they're just wherever
@DestructibleLemon Forked? ><>? Surface? MarioLANG? Befunge?
@DestructibleLemon what are they on
@ASCII-only no, I mean, say a game where you can move 1 space each turn, versus moving through actual space and not a grid
@DestructibleLemon yeah but how would you write the code
@MDXF I know most of those have grids...
if they're not on the grid
@ASCII-only physics engines and stuff
@DestructibleLemon guess I'm confused about what you're asking
maybe marbelous
nope, I'm pretty sure that has a grid
@ConorO'Brien how does NTFJ work?
the positions of things are floating point numbers
oh wait you actually documented! :D
@DestructibleLemon ... how would you write text code in a physics engine
@DestructibleLemon ... that's way too inaccurate
@MDXF most of my languages have readmes, some are just less helpful than others
@ASCII-only that's kinda the point
@ConorO'Brien yeah lol
the fps's seem fine with floating point numbers
@ConorO'Brien so how do I push stuff in NTFJ
I guess technically there is a grid, but it's an extremely fine grid
@DestructibleLemon yeah but not a programming language
hey, as long as it's deterministic...
@MDXF you did read the readme right
@DestructibleLemon well yeah but you can't run anything longer than a few thousand iterations
@ConorO'Brien Yeah all I see is how to push 1 and 0
you can always just put the new commands in specific places based on where it would end up, you don't need to calculate exactly
@DestructibleLemon seriously how would you write it in text
that's all you can push
Then how do you output ints
/ ?
> * - OUT - pops N, and outputs the character whose char code is N.
> @ - BYTE - pops eight values V1...V8 and pushes the number V1*(2^8) + ... + V8*(2^1) OR, if V1 > 1, pushes the bits in that number.
the one time I have docs
Cool, it's working
You have written like 50 languages, dang
@ASCII-only um, (right, 0, 0) (four, 1,0) (dupe, 2,0) (add, 3,0), (print, 4, 0) (halt, 5, 0)
@ASCII-only do you have time to work on VSL today
@DestructibleLemon ... that's the same as a normal grid
Does anyone here know what an "Excluded Invention" is? I'm signing a legal document and it's asking me to provide a list of them.
@ASCII-only yeah, but you could also use some floating points, and then also make rotations and stuff
maybe even rebounding off commands
@ConorO'Brien NTFJ added
That is a weird but cool lang
> Revision 36: added 1234 characters in body
@ConorO'Brien yup
@Pavel try law.se
I did not know that exists
I had another idea for a koth sort of
@ASCII-only yeah lol
so, torus playing field, gravity and stuff, you can move to the right, jump, and shoot to the left
so like a simplified version of towerfall somewhat...
@ASCII-only wat I found that link earlier but the webpage errored and didn't show anything ._.
I just realized how easy it is to do loops in bf: +++++++[>+++++++<-]>. is equivalent to var m1 = 7; while (m1--) m2 += 7;
@MDXF did it take you that long to realize >_>
yeah, I'd always thought there was some magic behind it
@ASCII-only yes lol
@MDXF ifs are a bit harder
#1 way to get rep. Answer my challenges :P I upvote 95% of answers XD
arr[i] +=7; do arr[++i] += 7; while (arr[--i]--); i++; printf("%d", arr[i])
is that a normal thing?
@2EZ4RTZ yes and no
I might have gotten my semicolons wrong in the do-while
If they're good, upvote them. if they're not, don't :P
Well duh. Also even with that I have 55% upvotes on CHALLENGES
I am the opposite of our voting culture
wow I have like 3%
You are the reason ais left...

that felt too soon
was that too soon?
I'm still trying to think of a koth...
@2EZ4RTZ I don't get the reference
@DanTheMan wat. Ais523 left here because of how bad voting culture was
How recently?
A month?
Yeah it was recent
do you guys have anything you want from a koth?
The ability to use a language that isn't Python.
what about the actual game?
The ability to use python
@Pavel well, js is bad, and I don't know js anyway
In the game
I was not talking about JS
mic drop
but then it will be slow ;_;
so make it fast
chess koth
I kind of want to make something about bees or something
dupe isn't it
Oh? Python isn't a very fast language.
so that I can put the quote
> Bees?
DO we have a chess koth?
DIBS if we don't
we have a reverse chess koth
lets be honest, a chess koth will not be very popular
Do you know Java or C/++/#? Those are faster than Python.
@Pavel java? fast? hahahhaa
no, I mean using multiple languages makes it slow
@DestructibleLemon oh make it in python then
@2EZ4RTZ It's not fast. It's faster than Python.
I will play
So 2.5?
I think you were already counted
then 1.5
how are you half
My python skillz.

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