@JoschKraus Also, not every challenge on this site is about short code ("code-golf"). There are also other types of challenge like fastest-code, code-challenge and king-of-the-hill, which are more likely to use more familiar languages
I consider the output of a programming language the "art", and the language itself the means to create the art. Understand me there, I was just curious about your motivation
@trichoplax Yeah I know, I'm just saying more people would probably benefit from the fastest-code ones because they can be applied in more situations I guess?
@JoschKraus so if you know python :39020645 This is a current King of the Hill challenge every answer is in python (has to be for this challenge) you may want to try your hand
Also if your bot wins then you get 100 rep bounty
That is the only KoTH that is in python right now (afaik)
@ASCII-only I'd say they're both useful in different ways. Real world programming often doesn't need as much speed optimisation as people want to do anyway...
@trichoplax so how would you people consider me being part of the gang, do I have to be able to write a google replica entirely in Fish or whats a good place to start right here. Fish surely seems to be the most funny while not being flat stupid like whitespace
Reading @JoschKraus question, I wonder if a related meta question along the lines of "resources for discovering and learning obscure/golfing languages" would be helpful.. There's always the list of user-created languages, but that only scratches the surface...
@ASCII-only I don't think I've ever used Python before PPCG. After reading enough answers, I was curious enough, so I implemented my own languages in it: first ShapeScript (which is really simple to implement), then Jelly (which actually made me learn Python).
@Christopher Yeah I haven't been asleep much recently... Notice that I didn't remove the post, so it can still be useful as intended. It wasn't that post in itself that was the problem, just all the ones before
Charcoal, 1 byte, sum = 180 (Charcoal SBCS)
Try it online! In Charcoal's code page, ⁴ has a code of 0xB4 = 180, while the output is 4 -s which is 4 * 45 = 180.
@DestructibleLemon I might have mixed up the timeline a bit. I definitely didn't know enough Python to do anything serious in it before I implemented my languages in it.
lol if you look at my daily rep gain graph it's just a pretty rough "terrain" until the end where it's just a solid chunk of green. No idea what happened these past few days xD
@HyperNeutrino The profile says they prefer to keep an air of mystery about them, so perhaps you should check with them IRL before blowing their cover...
A trivalent graph is a graph for which all vertices have degree three. Makes sense. It has girth n, which means its shortest cycle is of length n. This part is trickier to understand for me, at least in terms of how to program it.
code-golf decision-problem
It doesn't work on TIO
Your challenge is to make a submission that when run on TIO outputs 1 consistent value1, but when run elsewhere outputs another consistent value1.
more to come soon...
1Any 2 consistent values work, truthiness doesn't matter as long as they ...
@StepHen Markdown needs two spaces after each line to signify newline, a single space is just a line continuation because Markdown recommends source lines <80 chars long
If you don't care about being sensitive to multiples, eg. abcc becoming abccba and instead accept abcccba you can use palindrome=gsub(text,"(.*)(.)",#(a..b..reverse(a)))
Dominoes, 122,000 bytes or 72 tiles
The byte count is the size of the saved file which is 0.122 MB.
Domino computing was the inspiration. I have tested all of these up to symmetry (and beyond!) via a virtual-reality Steam game called Tabletop Simulator.
Start - This is included...
The Board
The Board is a two dimensional array of cells. Cells are populated by Animals. Every day, all Animals on the Board simultaneously make one move. If two or more Animals move to the same cell, they fight until one remains. The possible moves and attacks are as follows:
Moves - { Move.U...
Cheddar is a high-level, functional + object-oriented programming language designed to make programming easier, faster, and more intuitive.
Due to the fact Cheddar is still in development, running Cheddar programs can be rather difficult. Ping me in chat, @Downgoat, and I'll help y...
This is sad ;_; I can't solve a Jelly Hypertraining challenge that I'm fairly confident I didn't struggle so much with when I first did it ;_; probably means I need to train/practice more ofter :P
So recently, a new user asked a well-meaning question, that was along the lines of "How did you learn all these things and at what point in your life/career did you make the decision to learn a golfing language." Although I don't think this precise wording fits on meta, it did strike me that we d...
In this challenge your task was to multiply two strings, this naturally introduces a way to take the square root of a string.
How does it work?
Given a string (for example pub) the first thing you need to do, is to determine the ASCII code for each character:
"pub" -> [112, 117, 98...
your bot has two parts: a simple automaton controlling the walker
and a watcher part that manipulates the grid
you get to move walls around while the walker moves around. you have to try and collect coins or something
how about a "build the wall" two sided koth? yeah I'm still trying to think things up
or maybe just team based with two walls
I also think it would be useful to have supplies in the base, so a team gets an advantage by allowing there to be a way back into the base, but only being available to their own team somehow
Your challenge is to make a program(less number of bytes than what the below program takes) that should print the map of India with any special character of choice.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 10, b = 0, c = 10;
char* str = "TFy!QJu ROo TNn(ROo)SLq SLq ULo+UHs UJq "
@ASCII-only Are you asking for an opinion or asking me to edit them in? Because if it's the former, I think any improvement to OEIS prompted by PPCG qualifies, and if it's the latter the answer is a community wiki so you can do it yourself without treading on anyone's toes.
def readInput():
i = input()
if i == 'sheep':
raise ValueError('Sheeps are evil ceatures that destroy our beautiful planet. Therefore, we cannot allow sheep to enter our field.\nAccess: Denied.')
return i
:| so apparently the notebook is supposed to be microwavable but apparently it's actually just the pen so you buy $30 notebook but actually useless because you need to buy their pen
2017: can launch a 130 ton rocket and have it land perfectly on a moving platform in the middle of the ocean and do it again 2017: cannot make text transparent on iPhone
Which reason is used to reject an edit on other's answer in code-golf? The edit uses a different method to solve the problem in same language. Should it be 'Clearly object to author's intent' or 'This edit was intended to address the author of the post and makes no sense as an edit. It should have been written as a comment or an answer'?