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@HyperNeutrino oh that's a great idea; i'm stealing it
@totallyhuman yes
not quite half but ye
and @flawr I did look at the other links you sent I just havne't had time to respond before now :D
10/10 would recommend again
@Riker don't get old
@Christopher great advice..?
@totallyhuman From 2 weeks of work I lost about 80 bucks (expenses like gas)
I make 9.5 an hour
Working is rough
Stay in school as long as you can :P
@BusinessCat I am in school
@Christopher uh ok
That thing is so cool
@totallyhuman except I already started mine so now it's just a matter of whose is "better" :P
Well I have a bug that I can't post a question about it due to that bug.
@Christopher Sounds like a doozy
@HyperNeutrino i started mine too
let's go :3
@musicman523 Please send help
Can someone post this question on puzzle meta for me?
"I tried to post a puzzle and it tells me I can only post every 40 minutes. I have yet to post today or even in the last few months what is happening?"
Just say I found the bug and can't post
Q: Post rate-limiting without explanation

HyperNeutrinoThis post is for a fellow user, @Christopher, who cannot post a question about this issue because of this issue :P Essentially, he has not posted anything onto Puzzling.SE in the past while (last and only post on Mar 31), but when he tried posting something earlier today, it said "you may only p...

hi again
@HyperNeutrino Ty.
now we just wait for someone who knows things to address this
I did not know there even was a question rate limit
Q: Self Describing SVG

Owen JohnsonSpell something in leetspeak that is also valid svg code or any svg or svg-like markup or shorthand that draws something that looks like or is a picture of the thing you spelled in the svg leetspeak.

wtf even
what a great challenge
ok so it turns out that the A<id>/b<id> for oeis doesn't even have a static limit
it keeps changing
@totallyhuman I wonder if it's a sequence in the OEIS
great i just hit programmer's block
it's when you don't know what to name a variable
name it o
@HyperNeutrino That does not seem right. That was on a different SE
but you have under 200 rep
therefore you are limited on any site with under 200 rep
it's to prevent spammers from spamming every site on the network
Ah. Still dumb
it's not a bug
that's a very strange bug
"rate limit on all sites combined with under 200 rep"
hm must be accident
but yeah even mods get this issue
hey what should the name of an exception that indicates that the given number was too high be?
number out of bounds exception
as in you try to access index not listed by A.../b....txt?
well i mean...
For datetime builtins would it be better to write it as "a.m." or "am"?
@BusinessCat AM
...the hidden third option. I actually think that's the best
sequence of zeroes test:
(trusty)totallyhuman@localhost:~/Downloads/Workspace/py-oeis$ python3 oeis.py
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
definitely works
why would you use that as a test lol
best sequence
also can i see your code
i can show you mine too if it matters xD
one sec
also can anybody parse this timestamp: 1994-05-16T03:00:00-04:00
@totallyhuman Mon May 16 03:00:00 EDT 1994
oh lol nice
you actually use json
which I didn't know existed
Does part of that indicate the Mon? (other than that date being a Monday, obviously)
brb that's actually a much better idea
ye didn't wanna parse all the messy html
i've heard it's bad
CMC: given 2D square array, return the elements at the main diagonal
@HyperNeutrino o0 thanks
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 1
gives 1 5 1
@LeakyNun ŒDḢ?
@HyperNeutrino seems good
lambda x:[x[i][i]for i in range(len(x))]
untested: lambda l:[i[j]for i,j in zip(l,range(len(l)))]
oh ninja'd
with better code
@LeakyNun CJam, 7 bytes: {ee::=}
R again?
well, yes lol
I know LaTeX is old but the least they could do is not make errors look Perl code
Typical vote distribution on answers (with definitely no basis on reality):

+100: the "themed"/"joke" answer, or, less often, the one answer to a hard qeuestion.
+33: the generally impressive answer, which took lots of time to produce, often aided with proof.
+8 to +100: the cool-looking pile of code that vaguely resembles an insane Greek philosopher trying to communicate: `ßæ×ɲ«Hµɱs`.
+4: the generic programming language answer.
+1 to +2: the generic esolang language answer.
+7 to +13: the fashionable new esolang answer.
> insane Greek philosopher trying to communicate
writes Jelly code
pretty accurate
but fun fact
that's invalid Jelly
so is it 05AB1E? :o
you know you can type your thoughts in one bigger message instead of 3 words per message :P
I'm pretty sure you only needed 1 or two messages for that >.>
better? :P
:| that made page more verbose beacuse remove message still show
i personally
don't mind
as long as you're not doing char by char
@Poke do not do this intentionally it's spam
@Downgoat how is that spam
especially if i was going to newline it in the message anyway
i'm still having trouble understanding the time stamp
if I spend about 3 seconds before posting to add my next thing in my train of thought on that might work better. hopefully
@Poke because you're flooding the chatroom with messages that are individually meaningless when you do it intentionally
@totallyhuman which timestamp?
@Downgoat 1994-05-16T03:00:00-04:00
O_o where is this from
how is it any different
than someone who just adds newlines
to their messages
It's not. It takes more lines and space than it should (sorry btw)
@Poke why do you do this what are you hoping to accomplish besides wasting space. But it's not?
folks seem to be easily perturbed
can anybody give me a datetime format string
@Poke Perhaps we like to avoid intentional spam/a waste of space
it's not always intentional now is it
is anyone in here familar with tikz by any chance?
hey i'm trying to test an answer someone wrote but i'm not familiar with mathematica, how do i actually use a mathematica answer
it ends with & which iirc means it's a literal function?
@totallyhuman oh. yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-<time zone offset>
ISO Format according to datetime.datetime(...).isoformat(), Python 3.4.3 GCC 4.8.4 on linux: 2017-07-13T15:10:00
well +/- timezone offset
I'm an idiot
@undergroundmonorail link?
@Downgoat Searching for tikz is:a brings up a lot of answers by @WheatWizard
clever ^^
aaaaa stack exchange chat unmuted itself that scared me
A: Java is to JavaScript as Car is to Carpet

Jenny_mathyMathematica, 94 bytes r=StringContainsQ;If[#~r~{"java","JAVA"}&&!#~r~{"javascript","JAVASCRIPTING"},"CAR","CARPET"]&

@undergroundmonorail you can 1) try Mathics 2) use online free mathematica notebook 3) use RPi 4) buy Mathematica
@undergroundmonorail yeah the ping noise sure is jarring
no like i have mathematica open right now but i don't know how to evaluate the answer
like i don't know what to type in to test it with an argument
5) sign up for ISEF or ARML and get free mathematica :3
speaking of which I should go download mathematica sometime
before the free license runs out :3 :P
@undergroundmonorail functionaName["input"]
you know what? i forgot that we're allowed to not name function literals
so i wasn't assigning it to anything
and that's why i couldn't call it
@HyperNeutrino you are neutrino aren't you always going :P
that makes sense, thank you!
@Downgoat what
CMC: given a list, for each element output whether it is the first occurrence of said element
wait do neutrinos have mass
3 1 4 1 5 9 becomes true true true false true true
@Downgoat they do
yes, though very little
@LeakyNun Cheddar v1: (=>:(l,i,a)->a.index(l)==a)
@Downgoat how?
wait shit soryr mean chedar
J, 8 bytes: i.@#=i.~
@LeakyNun Python, 50 bytes: lambda l:[l.index(l[x])==x for x in range(len(l))]
@Downgoat ==i?
shit yes that's what I mean
what's the colon for?
JS: []::map((l,i,a)=>a.indexOf(l)<=i)
@DJMcMayhem switch both sides of equality to safe one byte
@LeakyNun functional bonding, basically same as map (right bond to) (l,i,a)->a.index(l)==a
@Downgoat oh
I feel like there's got to be a better approach
@Riker snake :)
@LeakyNun why do none of i, i€, iĐ€, i@, i@€, and i@Đ€ work?
to get the index of each element in the list, in the list
@flawr speaking of snake there was a snake in my front lawn yesterday night and I almost step on it 0/10 did me a great frighten
I wanna try it in Jelly, so I'm gonna close TNB until I figure it out
@Downgoat do you know what kind of snake?
wait you are not doggo
@HyperNeutrino i@Đ€
only doggos get frightens done to
@flawr I am going to guess Gopher snake because other day there was gopher snake in pool
You put the list in input, not arguments :P
@Downgoat oh they look super cute! where do you live? (roughly?)
@totallyhuman bay area of california
I keep doing that because Jelly uses arguments but 05AB1E, Positron, and Python all use input (except sys.argv[?] and $$?)
wrong ping:) I've never seen those before, but wikipedia tells me they do only live on the westcoast of the US
well yesterday I almost killed two big blindworms
when I was mowing part of my lawn
@HyperNeutrino Also it seems the Đ is not necessary
oh right well duh
because left==right
@HyperNeutrino not really
@flawr oh, is a blindworm what is in your profile picture?
wait now goat is dog?
@Downgoat it is:)
probably the most snake-like creatures living in my area:)
@LeakyNun Aha! I figured it out! Try it online!
I'm really bad at jelly, so this was a win
@DJMcMayhem LR is equivalent to J, and you don't need Ç if you only have one command on the last line
this will make it 5 bytes
has dennis answered why jelly tio links have Nyan in them
Don't tell me exactly how yet
Is that what you had in mind?
I had J=iЀ in mind if you follow my two instructions
But that doesn't work
@HyperNeutrino you know Paintbrush? Teach it to Jon Skeet
@DJMcMayhem oh never mind then
right, I know why it doesn't work
wait, I don't know now
I'm trying to understand what that does, but it doesn't make sense
@LeakyNun ExtraC, 375 bytes: Try it online!
@LeakyNun J=~ works for your sample input :P
@DJMcMayhem lol, that's stupid
@cairdcoinheringaahing neutrino made paintbrush
@LeakyNun a=>{var s=new HashSet<int>();foreach(var i in a){Console.Write(s.Contains(i));s.Add(i);}}
Is that C#?
@LeakyNun Wrong language for the task, but 30 bytes in V: Try it online!
@DJMcMayhem nice
What is the var for? I figured it was a strictly typed language
@BusinessCat It is strictly typed, but because it's immediatly followed = new HashSet<int>(), the compiler can figure out what the type should be.
I couldn't later assign s to something that isn't a HashSet<int>
Explanation: Reverse every line. On any line followed by any number of lines, followed by the original line, change the whole line to a 0. Reverse every line. On every line that doesn't contain only a zero, change the whole line to a 1
Although strictly speaking, C# does have a dynamic type that causes the compiler to not check types.
And then you can do dynamic i = 0; Console.Write(i); i = "foo"; Console.Write(i); to get 0foo as the output.
@ConorO'Brien 266 bytes
@totallyhuman Try it online!
Note that var only works in the local scope of a function.
If for any reason you're golfing and need to declare a variable with a long type name in the scope of a class, dynamic is golfier than Dictionary<string,int>. This will likely be useful to no one.
hey I finally have more rep than Jon Skeet has silver badges :D
@ConorO'Brien 210 bytes
@LeakyNun C#, 89 bytes: Try it online!
@ConorO'Brien 194 bytes, bye
hi all
I updated my question for people with different keyboards
Hm, Youtube now has animated previews. Interesting.
not more draining >.>
is this diagram OK or are the boxes on top of the arrows weird
TBH when I first see it, it looks like a glitch.
hey so I have an object representing an OEIS sequence
what kinda functions would you expect from it
@totallyhuman If we say the object is named foo, at the very least support for foo[n] and for i in foo
actually I can add the whole slice notation support
@Downgoat you used digital ocean for your website, right?
or at least one of them
github recommends using an ALIAS or ANAME for hosting a github pages site
but I can't figure out how to do that w/ digital ocean
is it possible?
What's wrong with CNAME?
@Riker use CNAME
> Unless your DNS provider supports CNAME flattening, don't create a CNAME record for your custom apex domain! Doing so may cause issues with other services, such as email, on that domain.
and I have no clue what a cname is so I was hesistant to use that
@Downgoat is it as simple as making a file called CNAME w/ some text in it?
CNAME = A -> B
ALIAS = A -> B, but (C -> B works)
@Riker On GH repo yea IIRC
o ok
AFAIK CNAME won't let you have mysite.com and www.mysite.com though
maybe you could do mysite.com -> www.mysite.com -> othersite.com
idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ DNS is weird
@Downgoat huh
@Downgoat Sure it does
@mınxomaτ well they can't point to same thing right
The www. is a CNAME to the apex.
@Downgoat what OS did you use?
for DO? Debain
I don't like ubuntu and nobody cares enough to support other distros
that said packages are like almost always really out of date
it shouldn't matter too much for github pages right
TFW you add a dependency to parse timestamps
huh even DO is getting with the net neutrality day
what is a DO
@Downgoat Come on, like everything support Fedora.
opls nothing work on fedora when I used
also 0/10 very easy to break
@HyperNeutrino digital ocean
It's not harder than Debian
@HyperNeutrino Doat's Oranges
What's a doat
in case you don't know what a doat is:
Is it like a dogoat
that's creepy
@Downgoat did you have to go through something about changing the root pswd?
Oh it's like a duckgoat
excuse me it is greatest picture
I even made my twitter avatar
@Riker I tried but did not fix
I can't get past it
it doesn't work
it just prompts for my current unix pswd
Changing password for root.
(current) UNIX password:
what are steps you have taken so far (from very beginning)
and what OS
oh DO emails you inital root password
to log in, yes
does that password not work here?
did you create account yet?
o I'm an idiot
opls cats are smart they have 760 million neuron which seem like a lot
but human has like several billion
How many do goats have
@Downgoat kek
@totallyhuman i'm going with 2
not 2 million
@HyperNeutrino 100 billion
excuse me
what? tha'ts more than some people I know
Q: Fill the histogram with water

Filip HaglundImagine a histogram. Pour an infinite amount of water on to it. Then stop. How much water does the histogram hold? Let's say we have a histogram with columns of these heights: 1 3 2 1 4 1 3 That would look like this: # # # # ## # # ####### 1321413 If we pour an infinite amount of wa...

@Downgoat what do I put in the CNAME
it's just the github pages address right?
i.e rikerw.github.io or similar
user image
oh no
@Riker yes
@Downgoat o-O
@Downgoat do you include the repo name? or not
i.e. is it rikerw.github.io/test or rikerw.github.io
you can only do custom URL for main github.io page IIRC
ah ok
2 seems excessive
wtf a pig has more neuron than a cat
yeah pigs are smart
> Recent discoveries concerning bird intelligence have called into question the usefulness of brain size as an indicator
anyone know why this was self-deleted
I don't expect anyone to know other than op but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Welcome to Scrappers v0.1! The changes are in and Bombard does indeed self destruct now. I hope this version provides a more balanced challenge. — Rip Leeb 20 hours ago
1 hour ago, by totallyhuman
hey so I have an object representing an OEIS sequence
1 hour ago, by totallyhuman
what kinda functions would you expect from it
First N, Nth, next, prev, contains
@Riker oh
what do you mean by next and prev?
do we have a challenge that asks for the largest number that cannot be formed by sums of multiples of numbers from a given list
@DJMcMayhem ^^?
@mınxomaτ turbo.js gives this error on my computer (Safari 10.1, macOS Sierra):
> There was no error compiling the test kernel or running it, but the numbers don't check out. Please report your browser (+ version) and hardware configuration to us, so we can try to fix this. Deviation was 0.0050000000434617204.
@DJMcMayhem How would you write Contains
It's not possible
huh deviantation changed after I refereshed page
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoLargest number that isn't a sum of multiples from a list code-golf number Given a list of unique integers larger than one, determine the largest number that cannot be formed as a sum of multiples of numbers from that list. Examples input -> output 2, 3 -> 1 3, 4 -> 5 3, 4, 5 -> 2 META I s...

I don't see a reason to support Apple's outdated drivers. They have at least 5 years of OpenGL to catch up to.
3 years, mac support 4.1 and latest is 4.4
Standards say nothing about what they actually implement
There's a gaping support hole in high precision texture formats, which have been available for a long time on almost every other platform
@Phoenix It's not necessarily impossible

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