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Millet Mage
@BusinessCat Or seer
But its not even illiterative ...
There's apparently a lot of 's' words for magical people
@EinkornEnchanter I meant Emmer Druid
but, thats also not illiterative?
Doesn't really matter ...
do you mean alliterative?
You're still WheatWizard for us ·˘·
ooh ooh
Maize Magician
Einkorn Charmcaster
@Mayube Maize Mage. Say that 3 times quickly.
Grain Necromancer
Amaranth Animist
@Adám Say ^ three times quickly
Woo I was right
technically somebody could see the results section of the strawpoll and get the answer there
oh no I got it wrong
someone got it wrong
I don't pay attention to stuff like that
silly danes trying to be special snowflakes
Spelt Sorcerer
I got it right >_>
it's a ratio of 1:3
@Mayube silly americans trying to tell china to invade north korea
@KritixiLithos Yes, 1/4 got it wrong and 3/4 right
@Mr.Xcoder try this
@dzaima Works and gives (()(())())
I have a fictional apocalyptic world set in the year 2022 where the riots after Trump's election escalated into all-out civil war, Canada occupied Alaska, and then Russia declared war on Canada over Alaskan territories, China and Russia allied, China funded North Korea's invasion of South Korea, South Korea fell and refugees flooded to Japan, who turned themselves into a defensive power-house, meanwhile Denmark and Norway are assisting Canada, and the EU are invading Russia from the east
@Mayube Sounds very accurate.
It's based on my complete ignorance of world politics
@Mayube I doubt EU will invade Russia though
@Mr.Xcoder Seems correct. You'll have to add comp/index.html after SOGLOnline/ for SOGLOnline to work :)
@Mr.Xcoder it's a reactionary move to assist Canada
@Mayube Denmark and Norway assisting Canada? With what?
@Adám Defense of Alaska
@dzaima Or you will add two links in your answer :P
@Adám snow
in return, Canada let Denmark keep those islands in the north atlantic
@Mayube you mean greenland?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mego would like it there
that too
@cairdcoinheringaahing No there are some disputed areas.
@Mr.Xcoder I could put that on answers where async isn't required
they already own greenland
@Mayube Denmark and Norway don't have any significant military power.
and Norway's helping out because... idk, norway and denmark are probably buddies
well maybe they will in the year 2022
@Mayube Hans island?
in a post US Civil War world
@Adám I agree with Adám
@cairdcoinheringaahing Denmark has no significant snow either. Not that Canada needs any. Denmark does have plenty of pork though.
@Adám pigs are almost extinct in canada
I know 1 danish word, which is one more than I know in chinese, thai, korean or finnish
@Mayube Tell!
Means spoon, or so I've been told
@Mayube spoon or happen?
:38555598 Yeah, it's pronounced [skaysharp]
one of my dev partners on a personal project who is danish goes by the username Ske
so he's called spoon?
as a result our dev team is called BentSpoon
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's a normal Danish first name.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because BendingSpoons is already taken
@Adám caird isn't a normal english first name
because we were following the convention of Adjective-Noun, and we happened to have a picture of a bent spoon
@Mayube I have to ask. Why did you have a picture of a bent spoon?
why not?
because one time Ske was being lazy on one of our projects, and we threatened him with it
a bent spoon containing snow
No relation to that magician who bends spoons? I forget his name - Uri something I think
magician who bends spoons.. aka every amateur magician ever?
Uri Gagarin :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's exactly the picture we used
its the first google search
and about a pharmacy award
is that a user here?
not that I know of
Det kan ske at det kan knive når han gafler dem.
It can happen that it can knives when he forks them.
GREAT NEWS: JS optional chaining was just merged :O :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing It can happen that it is tight when he fetches them.
@Downgoat What's that great?
@Adám google translate is brilliant!
On the downside my job isn't the most exciting work in the world, but on the upside I now have an indepth knowledge of US and UK telephone systems
@Mayube not gonna ask, not gonna ask, not gonna... what do you mean?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Try Det kan ske at det kan knibe når han gafler dem.
hook, line and sinker ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I work in Telephony
I develop phone systems
@Adám Oh no: "It may happen that it can bother when he forks them.". This is what it gave.
And by that I mean I mostly develop a front-end configuration UI for Asterisk, an open-sourced PBX solution
Convert this (on Google Translate), from Gujarati to English: ફેસ ચથુલહુનો ક્રોધ!
CMegaChallenge: Given a string, detect whether it is in Norwegian or Danish.
@Adám Braingolf: 2r Outputs 1 for Danish, 0 for Norwegian
under very rare circumstances, outputs 2. This summons Swedish Cthulhu to devour the world
@Adám lambda n:[0,1]['Adám'in n].
@Mr.Xcoder surely you could just do lambda n:'Adám' in n?
Yep, but that's boring
mine just uses python's RNG to generate a random float from 0 to 2 (inclusive), floors it, then outputs it
there is a > 0 probability it will generate exactly 2, which floors to 2
CMC: Randomly output 0 (with a 49.5% probability), 1 (with a 49.5% probability) or 2 (with a 1% probability)
rough probabilities, 0 and 1 should be evenly distributed, 2 should be roughly 1 in 100 probability
import random
Sorry. This one is valid:
import random
@Mayube APL: .495 .99⍸?0
@Mayube CJam, 12 bytes: {XT}99*YY]mR (Tester)
Bye, gotta learn Pyth
Random integer in Pyth?
@isaacg Random integer in Pyth?
> O <int> If A > 0, random int below A. If A == 0, random float 0 to 1. If A < 0, random.seed(-A).
@BusinessCat Danke
@Mayube Pyth, 24 bytes: @++*[2)2*[1)99*[0)99O200
@Dennis nice
Can't you do ³Ḥ instead of 200?
CMC: 50% chance of 0, 50% chance of a random 0<float<1.
@Adám APL: (?0)×.5⍸?0 (untested)
@Uriel .5⍸?0 is the same ?0 in ⎕IO←0.
@Adám if my language can't support floats can I output 1? :P
@Mayube Then output a random int in its strictly positive int range.
What if the language does support floats but doesn't have a traditional 0 to 1 random?
@Adám D: but it's int range is python's int range
Can I do like random 1-100 divided by 100?
@BusinessCat Yeah.
@Adám so (?0)×?2?
@Uriel Yes, but you can golf that even more. I want 3 chars.
from random import*;print randint(0,1)*random()
apparently edits aren't in place on mobile >.<
Q: Generate a box based on user input

pagie_Your task is to create a box based upon user input. Let's say I inputted 2. The box generated would look like: -- -- As in, two by two long. Or, if I entered 7: ------- | | | | | | | | | | ------- So, seven by seven. Notice the box generated above has 5 bars up and seve...

@Adám ??2. if ?2 is 1, it would result in 0, otherwise in ?0.
@Adám CJam, 14 bytes: 2mr100dmr100/*
@Uriel Yup.
@NewMainPosts That was fast. gj
Oh wait, apparently CJam can do random floats
Golfed to 8 bytes: 2mr1dmr*
a customer using a windows 10 laptop just asked if they can store our device config files that we send them on a floppy disk
the files range from 90 bytes to 110 bytes, so if they wanted to they could store them on punchcards
@Mayube APL had a significant advantage in the punch card days.
@Mayube How about tweeting them or sending them by sms?
carrier pigeons
Question: In my language, the multiplication operator is overloaded for (string, string). What should the result of that be? My best idea currently is Cartesian product of the characters
That's probably a good option. What's multiplication for lists?
@BusinessCat How do you do cartesian product of numbers?
@HyperNeutrino Cartesian product
@BusinessCat Then yes, same thing for strings.
@Adám You'd have to make them ranges first I guess
(If that's what that means)
@BusinessCat I'd keep the overloading consistent between iterables in that case then, so same for strings.
So the final result should be a list of 2-character strings?
@BusinessCat Either that, or you could do this (In Jelly, strings don't exist)
Well in Jelly that basically is a list of 2 character strings
Basically, yes. Depends; what's the main purpose of the language?
@BusinessCat What about other cartesian operators, like cartesian difference or cartesian sum?
@HyperNeutrino Golfing
@Adám Not even sure what those are
@BusinessCat Probably strings would work better then, idk
@BusinessCat I see the PPCG effect has taken over you as well
Wait a sec, not a single Canada Day question was asked? :o
mm bet there's gonna be an American one though
@HyperNeutrino There was, but it was closed. I quite liked it too
Wow. I was vaguely planning to do one but I'm not good at coming up with challenges
@BusinessCat Try it online!
Oh okay.
@Adám Oh I see. What I was referring to was the Cartesian concatenation. There'll be a command to do that sort of thing with any arbitrary operator
I mean, 150 years of confederation, and not a single challenge about it? :P
Guess there's not enough Canadians active on PPCG :(
Hm, how about a 4th of July fireworks code-golf?
That was something I had in mind too :P
I have an idea for a challenge involving creating fireworks based on user input, but I don't have the specifics yet.
@HyperNeutrino I'll work on something
And sandboxing it would cause it to be posted at least 2 days from now which would make it too late. :P
@Adám Okay yay ^-^
The next event for me that's decently close is my birthday but there's no need to make a challenge about that :P
well beta decay got away with that ;)
C+ question: is there anyway to do macro of qulalified member?: #define foo(x) Goat::x example: foo(goat) == Goat::goat
> C+
It's not a golfing language this time :P
@HyperNeutrino Then why‽
@Adám I want to try to make an actual language with normal people syntax
@HyperNeutrino There are not enough already?
Readability is overrated
And I was too lazy to figure out how to make lists work properly so I just made the comma traverse up one node on a tree, which sets the node back to the list head :P
@Adám Practice :P Don't know for what though :P
show example code pls
btw lang.py is very borked right now because I haven't figured out how to do thing yet, so run interpreter.py and type in each line of code separately.
The most improtant question of them all @HyperNeutrino: How to print "Hello World" in C+?
@Mr.Xcoder carefully
What's the code, I meant @HyperNeutrino
@Mr.Xcoder I don't know C+...
what is C+?
it's a type of soft drink
there's C and C++ and C# but what is C+
@HyperNeutrino Sorry, In your language
>_> the c family is weird
@HyperNeutrino How about this? given dimensions, animate (or output each step, or a list of steps) a sky of thos dimensions. In each step, every sky cell has 1/1000 chance of becoming a *, and in the step after, the 8 surrounding chars become \|/--/|\ (if they don't become stars.)
@Adám Good idea. I like that. Maybe also given the probability instead of hardcoded?
@HyperNeutrino Sure.
@Mr.Xcoder There is no printing yet; there's nothing but literals, operators, assignment, and identifiers. No functions even :P
So it's just "Hello World", 'Hello World', """Hello World""", or '''Hello World'''
wait the multiline strings don't actually support multiline because regex >.<
that's what I get for building my tokenizer on regex I guess :P
now I want to make a normal language D:
Oh well, multiline strings are overrated
actually now I still want to implement them >.<
@Mayube I finally got around to making that heresayliesslander.surge.sh
> heresay
Isn't it heresy?
hearsay is a thing
yes +1 :P
> Deploy anything in six keystrokes
> There’s only six keystrokes between you and deployment: Type surge and hit enter in your project directory to get it online immediately.
That's actually 11 keystrokes.
Because you have s down, s up, u down, u up, r down, r up, g down, g up, e down, e up, [enter] :P
well actually it's way more than that
Well that's because you had to change the domain :P
Around ~50 I supoose
Besides, instead of [BACKSPACE*20], you could do [ALT][BACKSPACE*3] if you're on Linux (I think that's true for most distros)
@HyperNeutrino ctrl+backspace here (windows)
@LeakyNun interesting, okay.
ctrl-backspace just does a single backspace in the terminal :P
@Adám chat + formatting = death :P
But from what I saw, yeah that looks good :)
@HyperNeutrino How is this? hastebin.com/silacidaqa.vbs
@all Please review ^. Can't wait for sandbox.
vbs? visual basic?
It tries to guess what syntax highlighting to use :P
it has a strange tendancy to use vbs, even for me
@Okx It should have guessed APL due to the ×.
i mean you could've just clicked 'view as just text' but ok
but word wrap
also looks good to me +1
error cannot upvote own thingys
no I mean the challenge :P
though you might want to specify that the code should not output the frame @Adám
how would the probability be given? 0-1? 0-100?
@HyperNeutrino frame for clarity
@dzaima Yeah.
@Adám specification for clarity
@HyperNeutrino Should it say frame for clarity only?
@Adám that would be a bit more clear in my opinion.
@dzaima taken as a base 2i semi integer
why does base 2i exist.
@Uriel Yup, or as a character in 128th.
Take it in base i+1
challenge idea: convert between bases, including imaginary ones
mathematica would win tho
I'm having hard time trying to decide whether numbers in my language will be inserted as quarter imaginary base numerals, roman numerals, hebrew numerals or egyptian numerals. any ideas?
what i thought was a interesting quirk in my language actually lengthens code by a third
bijective base e was also an option
@Uriel make it different different for each function
@Adám cheddar: random() outputs a random number if norwegian and outputs a random number if danish
@Downgoat It should actually be fairly detectable:
Danish and Norwegian Bokmål (the most common standard form of written Norwegian) are very similar, but significant differences between them exist. The languages are mutually intelligible, with the primary differences being in pronunciation and in the sound system as a whole. == Mutual intelligibility == Generally, speakers of the three largest Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) can read each other's languages without great difficulty. This holds especially true of Danish and Norwegian. The primary obstacles to mutual comprehension are differences in pronunciation. Dani...
@HyperNeutrino I need to go shopping. If I post now, can you answer questions and edit the OP as necessary? I trust your judgment.
@Adám Alright, I can do that. Thanks :)
Q: 4th of July fireworks

AdámGiven, in any way and order, dimensions (in whichever order you want) a probability (in whatever format you want) number of iterations (you may choose whether to count the initial state or not) do one of the following: animate, or output each step of, or return a list of states of a space...

Fun Fact: If you do 1 = 2 in my language, then the literal 1 now evaluates to 2 :P
@Adám yay nice :)
Not So Fun Fact: If you do a = [1, 2] in my language, then the string "a@1" will evaluate to 1. I'm trying to figure out how to fix this without bad code design and without breaking the eval operator.
why is that not fun?
What does @ do?
@BusinessCat It's the get_item operator :P
@dzaima Because it's a bug >.<
make it a feature
but it's annoying
Also if you do a = [1, 2] without doing anything before that, then "6@1" will also evaluate to 1 >.<
When the list [1, 2] is created, it gets an ID from the UUID generator in the parser. :P
why 6?
1 is a, 2 is =, 3 is list, 4 is 1, and 5 is 2.
And 0 is HEAD (which is the root of the tree)
a = [1, 2] becomes this:
|    operator:[Node content = = type = <class 'str'>]:2>0
|    |    item:[Node content = <identifier:a[<class 'str'>]> type = <class 'tokenizer.Token'>]:1>2
|    |    item:[Node content = list type = <class 'str'>]:3>2$!
|    |    |    item:[Node content = <number:1[<class 'sympy.core.numbers.One'>]> type = <class 'tokenizer.Token'>]:4>3
|    |    |    item:[Node content = <number:2[<class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'>]> type = <class 'tokenizer.Token'>]:5>3

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