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@Downgoat I read that u as i at first. I was thoroughly confused.
ಠ_ಠ I'm pretty confident that that would've been flagged ಠ_ಠ
@Mendeleev don't worry, canada did not get you for their 150th birthday :P
ikr sick burn :P
@Downgoat :(
0/10 not nice
:| was joke
@Downgoat not funny
just an insult
I'm tempted to flag that. I don't consider that really a joke, because it violates Be Nice in all ways possible, and it's not very funny at all very not funny. edit: I take ^^^ back
insult is when disrespect or contempt is conveyed or attempted to be conveyed or is connoted
if that was I would flag every message that called cheddar slow
or talked about "goats taste good"
Well that is true. But do those violate Be Nice as much?
I really didn't take that as a joke. Sorry.
ok, sorry if you felt insulted, I did not mean to do that
Question: do terminal support unicode bullet point
I know linux terminal go crazy on emoji
and bullet point is multi-byte char
@Downgoat terminal as in terminal emulators (which IME handle emoji just fine), or as in the non-X11 tty?
idk both (but mostly TTY), just wondering if I should use unicode bullet point or - for a list in CLI
can anyone who have node tell me if console.log("\u26A0") work on your terminal?
should display tiny warning sign
weird warning sign like ⚠ was displayed
does console.log("\033[1;33m\u26A0 Warning\033[0m") look alright too
⚠ Warning in yellow; hurts eyes very much
:| do you have white or black terminal background
light grey
hm, how about console.log("\033[3;4;33m\u26A0 Warning:\033[0m example warning")
@Downgoat gnome-terminal and console: displays the warning sign in yellow. xterm: displays " Warning" (i.e. whitespace instead of the warning sign).
[orange][warning sign] [i]Warning[\i][\orange] example warning
tty displays an "unknown character" question-mark-in-diamond symbol where the ⚠ should be.
Er, that should be "gnome-terminal and konsole", i.e. the KDE terminal emulatr.
Solarized makes yellow look amazing, but I can't see the warning sign
@Downgoat if you're going to set fg to bold, consider setting the background to black explicitly as well or people using light-coloured backgrounds will hate you
does this look decent
Er, set the fg to yellow
Wow I cannot type today
@ToxicFrog hmmm, ok
@Mendeleev do you know the exact RGB code, I think I might be able to check term capability to get exact colors
@Downgoat #b58900 on #002b36
how does this look: console.log("\033[1;38;2;201;157;0m\u26A0 Warning:\033[0m example warning")
:( ono no coloring
how about console.log("\033[1;38;5;178m\u26A0 Warning:\033[0m example warning")
I think 2;r;g;b is not standard for all 256-color terms which I guess makes sense because that would mean 16777215-color term
If you were to write a code-golf challenge disadvantaging the esolangs, on what idea would you base your challenge?
:D work
Which one is better?
yea, i don't think I can fix because terminal only allow certain color and above is closest color I can get
Argh. I keep ending up a state where I'm getting messages from the channel but can't send to it.
for a red color, do you have any preference to an above color?
@Downgoat ISO standard (supported by xterm and everything else I've tried) is CSI 38; R; G; B m for foreground, and replace 38 with 48 for background
CSI 2 m is "faint" and I'm not sure anything supports it.
@Downgoat top
my terminal's faint seem to work
@Downgoat Yeah, but it makes other terminals want to faint
@Downgoat Is there a difference? :o
top one is slightly more orange and bottom is very slightly on the pinkish side
wrong laptop screen angle lol
I like top one better
o now i see it
@Mendeleev what is your echo $TERM
@Downgoat putty-256color
@HyperNeutrino can you tell me what your echo $TERM is
@Downgoat xterm
Screenshot of the settings details page on my old laptop
how do you screenshot something that's physical
@HyperNeutrino is this on a mac or linux or window?
Linux [computer-name-and-model] 3.19.0-32-generic #37~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 22 09:41:40 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
why did you remove the hostname?
you're not supposed to say that now the delete doesn't work :( lol IDC :P
(Ignore the last part, my screenshot software did bad stitching)
I think SE chat has spoiled me in regards to conversation standards
Most discords aren't very coordinated.
They're calling for mods to ban me for "not keeping up conversation flow"
Like, seriously, if you wanted to keep up conversation flow, actually have a conversation
Not xbox with food and texas instruments ordering pizza hut
are you Lemon Jello?
I'm alienpirate5
Completely useless admins
no onebox pls s.dk0.us/SR0a.png
@Mendeleev those screenshots are even more offtopic here...
like it has literally nothing to do with the 19th byte
There's a lot of offtopic stuff here
Downgoat's VSL stuff has nothing to do with it either
which is the reason many users have left, so please don't continue it
that said, can you not one box it takes up like the entire screen
and VSL has to do with programming etc. (though I guess color stuff is also off topic)
if it's programming, code golf, maths, etc it's okay
but that is just teenage drama we really don't care about
it's chat, this is a chat room...
i guess that's not a real reason
this make me think: do we not have a list of on-topic topics for TNB :|
or would having a list for that be a bad idea
it would
@Downgoat technically only one thing is truly on-topic
namely that OT stuff is allowed
but some stuff isn't.
so go read the chatiquette. :)
there's obvious things that aren't allowed, anything that'd violate SE TOS
or is just so questionable...
@ThomasWard it say "don't do off-topic" but it doesn't say what is on-topic specifically
the topic is right above the guidelines
@Downgoat I don't see that in there - the "don't do off-topic"
General discussion for codegolf.stackexchange.com
^ that
anything site related would probably come first
then any other OT discussion
like, I don't mind the occasional OT discussion
@Downgoat but I do not see "Don't do Offtopic" in the chatiquette.
nor did i see that in the discussions for the revised chatiquette.
but if I join this chatroom and I just see a dump of teenage drama screenshots or cringy jokes
I'm just going to leave
if there's that many screenshots I"m sure the "don't be an ass""don't make noise" policy applies.
I come here to talk about maths, programming and codegolf, because there are people here that are interested in it here
@orlp I'm not sure if I would consider it "teenage drama" since I don't know the age of the server admins
but I agree with you generally
A challenge
find g(n) such that g(g(n)) = d(n) = number of divisors of n
all functions have domain and codomain of N+
DO S3 basically?
which languages do you guys know of that have both concepts of "character array" and "string"?
@ConorO'Brien Swift has very strong differentiation of concepts
but don't like 99% of language do except C/other low level langs
@ConorO'Brien C++ kinda
Q: The Lehmer-Comtet sequence

Einkorn EnchanterThe Lehmer-Comtet sequence is a sequence such that a(n) is the nth derivative of f(x) = xx with respect to x as evaluated at x = 1. Task Take a non-negative integer as input and output the nth term of the Lehmer-Comtet sequence. This is code-golf so you should minimize the file size of your s...

@NewMainPosts Thank you. Your work is appreciated.
@EinkornEnchanter chat.stackexchange.com/… :P
:O you change your name D:
I did, they are both synonyms though
do @pings reset at the end of the month?
@ASCII-Only was here like < 1mo ago but I can't ping him :/
I thought it was 7 days
@Downgoat i.imgur.com/…
I saw this booth at comiccon on the weekend
Thought of you
(0, 0) == 0, 0   # results in a two element tuple: (False, 0)
0, 0 == (0, 0)   # results in a two element tuple: (0, False)
(0, 0) == (0, 0) # results in a boolean True
:/ and JS is the one with supposedly weird operator
@Mendeleev Yes, I got the email too. TIO is no longer on DO though.
@Downgoat I'm fairly certain JS has operator precedence as well.
@Dennis oh, are you self hosting now?
@Downgoat What language is this?
@EinkornEnchanter python
Thats what I thought. This frustrates me quite often
I can't se any reason that tuples are done after equality is checked
not sure why it was thought to be good idea to do 0, 0 being a tuple even without parens
its really nice for assignment
a,b,c="abc" works
I don't see why they couldn't do exception for destructuring.
@Dennis Oh, I didn't know that
A really nice trick is a,=[f] which is shorter than a=[f][1]
though now it's inconsistent with previous behavior whereas it should be doing (a, b, c = "abc") unless python can't do intermediate assignment
= just has lower precedence than ==, its not inconsistent
@DJMcMayhem I am trying to figure out how to compute ['a' 'b' 'c' 'd'] == "abcd"
I have a feeling that all these messages regarding starring / not starring messages in chat are useless or even counter-productive
I mean, it's working, I think
TIO is being migrated to Linode, which offers twice the RAM for the same price. https://www.linode.com/?r=1ea9f82e481e6646fee4739144eac412f8c50611 There should be no downtime.
@ConorO'Brien Huh? In C++? What are the types?
@EinkornEnchanter I'm pleasantly surprised you found another alliteration to match your previous username :P
@DJMcMayhem no, for a new language, lol
basically, 'asdf' is equivalent to ('a' 's' 'd' 'f'), and I was wondering if I should make 'asdf == "asdf" true or false
@ConorO'Brien WheatWizard, MilletMage, SorghumSorcerer, EinkornEnchanter, CornConjurer
I'm impressed XD did you use any of these at any point? I don't remember
I used Sorghum Sorcerer, and 1000000000 used Millet Mage when he was impersonating me for april fools
Q: Is this site down or is it just me?

Beta DecayChallenge The challenge is simple, using http://isup.me, determine whether an inputted website is up or down. If the site is up, you should return a truthy value and if the site is down, you should return a falsey value. Rules The input will be a web address such as stackexchange.com or googl...

I have a plan for lookaheads and lookbehinds - I'll split the code into three groups, the lookbehind, the main regex, and the lookahead (which will be three different regexes).
For the lookahead, I just have to match after the main regex. How would I implement a lookbehind so that it's fast?
Damn. /u/LinkReplyBot got shadowbanned
@ConorO'Brien Pretty sure it should error, given the uneven '
right, thanks for reading into that
@EinkornEnchanter SpeltSummoner?
^ good one
I should name myself that in 2018
I could keep going
@Qwerp-Derp Those are both good.
I want to find a word to pair with Barley.
"Barbarian" doesn't quite fit with the "magical" theme...
@Qwerp-Derp whey is not wheat...
@DestructibleLemon :( I'm bad with grains
@DestructibleLemon I think the category is just grains
Yeah whey isn't a grain whoops
wheyt a minute whey is not a grain
Amaranth Archimage
What about something for "Rice"?
@DestructibleLemon No, it has an i in it
hmm, both are valid forms
but when I search archimage, it gives me (on the side box thing) an art studio, when I search archmage, it gives me magicians
but then again, lemon juice searches return a page from harrypotter wiki
Maize magician?
Cereal Caster
@DestructibleLemon thats good
@EinkornEnchanter nah, but cereal sounds like sereal
How is revolutionary similar to wizard
IDK throwing words around
how about Corn Caster
CMC: Find a username for me that begins with Quinoa
41 mins ago, by Einkorn Enchanter
@ConorO'Brien WheatWizard, MilletMage, SorghumSorcerer, EinkornEnchanter, CornConjurer
@DestructibleLemon I already went with CornConjurer
or for short Cornjurer
Kamut Kaster?
@ConorO'Brien how does stakc have access to curl if run on browser
Spelt Shaman?
there's a node.js version of stacked
node stacked.js <file>.stk
:O cool
:O you could use babel + webpack for browser target brb PRinf
@EinkornEnchanter How are Kamut(C|K)aster and SpeltShaman?
@EinkornEnchanter quinoa quiche
@EinkornEnchanter ok, I'm gonna try: QuinoaQuixotebane
This is getting Rather Obscure
see how I also used a word where qui was pronounced Ki?
@EinkornEnchanter Quinoa Quack?
@ATaco "Quixotebane" I literally just made up
Quinoa Quester?
Quixote isn't very obscure
Quinoa Quibbler?
I honestly can't find a good word
a literary quibble is arguing over the meaning of a deal
@DestructibleLemon "Quixotebane" isn't exactly related either
I like Mayhem's one
@Qwerp-Derp Quixotebane = Enchanter
I personally like EinkornEnchanter.
@DestructibleLemon You can't just make up words like that, that's cheating :(
If you read Don Quixote, you would know that he complains of the enchanters persecuting him constantly. And -bane is a well-observed suffix
name 4 common words with the suffix -bane
I haven't read Don Quixote, is it a good book?
@Qwerp-Derp it is very very good. You can get it for free, with the second part, too
The kindle store has the first and second part bundled together, as said, for free
@ConorO'Brien Wolfsbane?
@ConorO'Brien Wolfsbane, is a type of flower, not exactly common though
Not exactly "common"
good, 1 word
@ConorO'Brien no, you use it as a suffix
Oh good, I was thinking Wolfsbane but I wasn't sure if that was a real thing or not.
Wait why is star spam bad? Do the mods get pinged every time a message gets starred or something? Or does it just disrupt the star board?
Also, in fantasy things, a sword which defeats X's, will be called (X)bane.
@Qwerp-Derp it is just annoying
@ConorO'Brien urbane, is a word don't know if it counts
@DestructibleLemon Yeah I get that, but what exactly makes it annoying?
@ConorO'Brien Oh yeah "Brisbane" (but it doesn't use "bane" as a suffix)
I still don't think "bane" is a suffix >.>
I did a regex on a dictionary and here were all the mathces:
@Qwerp-Derp it is just grating to see a bunch of random messages on the starboard
'bane', 'bugbane', 'cowbane', 'dogbane', 'fleabane', 'henbane', 'inurbane', 'ratsbane', 'urbane'
well, again, it is a word forming element
Bane is a suffix, just not an often used one.
English words usually are just combinations of prefixes and suffixes on a root word.
You wouldn't be able to use it in scrabble, but you can use it in conversation
See: Antidisestablishmentarianisms.
so what does -bane mean ?
Most of the words with bane as a suffix are plants
@ConorO'Brien Anti something
@ConorO'Brien thing that is bad for thing suffix is attached to
So x-bane repels x almost
I think the suffix bane generally means plant that is bad for x
@ConorO'Brien To be the bane of, "a cause of great distress or annoyance."
Wolfsbane = bad for wolfs/ used against wolfs
I can't find a dictionary containing it...
@DestructibleLemon Wolves*
@ATaco I know what a bane is, I've just never heard of it as a suffix
though Wolfsbane is kind of Anyone-who-interacts-with-the-plantbane
Wolfsbane is the correct name.
Aconitum lycoctonum (wolf's-bane or northern wolfsbane) (Hindi : Bikh बिख ) is a species of flowering plant in the genus Aconitum, of the family Ranunculaceae, native to Europe and northern Asia. Lycoctonum is a rendering in modern Latin of the traditional name "wolf's bane". (Persian: اقونیطون، تاج الملوک، خانق الذئب) It is an herbaceous perennial plant growing to 1 m tall. The leaves are palmately lobed with four to six deeply cut lobes. The flowers are 18–25 mm long, dark violet, rarely pale yellow. Like all species in the genus, it is poisonous. == References... ==
Because it's Wolf's bane, not Wolves Bane
Wait are you replying to my message @ATaco?
Oh, I see.
You were correcting the wolves of the se- Yeah.
You can use it to make neologisms. it isn't on the same level as "pre" or "anti", I will acknowledge
@ATaco I probably shouldn't have capitalised the "Wolves"
Since all of the words ending in bane are plants, I think that Quixotebane would be a plant hated by Don Quizote.
Bane is also applied to fantasy weapons
Bane is basically extended to anything
"X is the bane of my existence", for example
@EinkornEnchanter well... Quinoa is a plant :P
"I hate this plant as much as I hate windmills"
@ConorO'Brien Actually, it is a misconception that he hated windmills
yes I figured as much >_>
I knew I was going to get something wrong with not having read Don quixote
Didn't he fight the windmills
He was just insane to the level he saw them as giants. After attacking, he proclaimed that the enchanters had transformed the giants just to deny him the glory of killing the giants
Ah, I have only read some of Don Quixote and I read it in Spanish, so my knowledge is pretty limited
he still physically hated windmills >.>
Spanish was the original
Yes but I don't know Spanish
yeah that wouldn't have helped
I thought that by reading a book in Spanish my Spanish would get better, but boy was I wrong.
Don Quixote also called himself "Knight of the Sad Face"/..."Rueful countenance", depending on which translation you read.
I might try reading it again. Perhaps two years of not practicing Spanish has made me better.
Also I like how it just randomly has another book inside of it for no real reason
It was actually a kinda nice book too

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