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I need a blog.
try putting something on the medium
I have written a description of how to play the game
can you guys help me make it better?
Q: Generating the perfect password

LiefdeWenStory I need to remember a lot of passwords and don't want to use the same one for multiple websites so I came up with a rule, but the rule shouldn't be transparent so what I do is: Think of a long-ish easy word or concept like : celsius or breadpudding Change the first letter based on what th...

Q: Fold a string into a triangle

Leaky NunGiven a string whose length is divisible by 4, make a triangle as demonstrate below. If the string is abcdefghijkl, then the triangle would be: a b l c k defghij If the string is iamastringwithalengthdivisiblebyfour, then the triangle would be: i a r m u ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ais523Implement Nopfunge Background Nopfunge is a very simple Befunge derivative, with no stack and no real form of data storage; all it has is an instruction pointer and five commands ("turn north", "turn south", "turn east", "turn west", "continue in same direction"). However, what it does have is ...

;_; I thought people had written messages but it was bots
I'm here, but not writing much, being on my phone.
ok can you review the text?
I need halp with HTML and CSS
w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=FGSVN7MO741N Why doesn't this work as expected?
It never does with HTML and CSS
@Qwerp-Derp what is it supposed to do?
The UK Brexit negotiation team https://t.co/kiQNfVnQG1
@flawr When I hover over the button, a div is supposed to appear.
I think this line does not work:
.dropbtn:hover + .dropdown-content, .dropdown-content:hover {
    display: block;
@Qwerp-Derp .dropbtn is in the same element as .dropdown-content so you cannot combine them with +
Argh, CSS is frustrating
How can I make this work, though?
Also I recommend using MDN instead of w3schools (<- there is a lot of bullshit)
@Qwerp-Derp place them in the same div?
put dropbtn and dropdown-content in drop-stuff
Yeah, but I need to group the p and the button as one group
Do I have to use JS for this?
you can still make a div around the p and button
but you have to use the :hover on that div instead
but I'm by no means an expert in CSS, I'm sure there is a ton of wizardery
But I want the hover to only work on the button
@Qwerp-Derp Try taking a look at this
@Mayube That's the website I got the thing from, I already read all of that...
@Qwerp-Derp Avoid W3Schools; they get a lot of things wrong.
@Qwerp-Derp what about this one? Has a working example on it too
btw guys, I lost 75 rep yesterday because a user got removed
did anyone else lose rep as well?
yep, lost 20
It is just so infuriating that they don't tell you which user was removed...
-35 ;_;
You hit repcap - user upvotes you - user gets removed. Do you lose 10 rep?
FYI it was HyperNeutrino who was removed
2 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
CMC: given a string of odd length, make a V shape. Example: abcde
2 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
a   e
 b d
I suppose my CMC got ignored
@LeakyNun Trailing whitespace ok?
@Adám sure
Can probably be golfed, but it is a beginning.
@Adám wow, 10 bytes golfed off
@LeakyNun Quite a different method.
@LeakyNun The first one build a matrix and rotated each column appropriately. The second pads each letter and then combines.
@EriktheOutgolfer hi
@EriktheOutgolfer wanna do my CMC?
just got in...yeah maybe
@LeakyNun APL (Dyalog), 17 bytes: ⍉∘↑⊢↑¨⍨(-⊢⌊⌽)∘⍳∘≢
Next version should be 9 bytes then ;-)
@Adám brief explanation?
@LeakyNun Sure. ⍳≢ are the indices, e.g. 1 2 3 4 5. (-⊢⌊⌽) is the negated min of the arg and its reverse, 1 2 3 2 1. ⊢↑¨⍨ take from each of the letters (taking too many pads with spaces). ⍉↑ combine list of strings in char matrix and transpose.
The s are just to tie things together for the right order of evaluation.
@Adám What is the reverse?
@Jim ⌽1 2 3 4 5 gives 5 4 3 2 1. By "arg" is meant the argument of the parenthesised inner tacit function.
Q: Is the current time or date with modulo random enough?

Olivier GrégoireSeveral questions have recently been asking about random. I see a lot of answers in those questions using the date not as a seed but as the random number that is then modulo'ed. Seen in Java: System.currentTimeMillis()%N System.nanoTime()%N Seen in JavaScript: new Date%N Doing so is random...

Oh got it
@Adám nice
Good morning guys :)
@LeakyNun Thanks. If we are allowed extra (but even) horizontal spacing:
 H           o
    e     l
I'm working on a KOTH challenge (link if you're interested: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12742/69121) and I wanted to make it a JavaScript challenge since it's my favourite language and is also really easy, so I implemented the controller as a Node.JS program that runs submissions as modules
Is is a bad idea in your opinion?
I thought it could be ok since you can also use custom C++ modules in node
@Adám maybe you would want to do my challenge on main
I got 37 bytes for the pyramid challenge @Adám
@EriktheOutgolfer progress?
@KritixiLithos would you do my challenge on main?
@LeakyNun feeling sleepy
just woke up btw
Q: Make a cake quine

PyRulezYour job is to create a program which outputs the recipe of a cake with your program written on it. In particular, your program must output the following: Ingredients 1. 1 cup white sugar 2. 1/2 cups butter 3. 2 eggs 4. 1/24 cups vanilla extract 5. 3/2 cups flour 6. 7/19...

I think most of you remember Martin vs Dennis - Round 1: Who has more rep?. There was a Round 2, but I deleted it kind of instantly because it was boring. And I really want to make "Round 2" again. Is anyone willing to help creating that?
@KritixiLithos which challenge is that?
Q: Output a Pyramid

HyperNeutrinoGiven a non-empty string s, with even length, and a positive integer n, representing its height, compose a pyramid using the following rules: The pyramid should contain n non-empty lines; trailing newlines are allowed. For each 1 <= i <= n, the i-th line should contain the string with each indiv...

@LeakyNun Sure. Going to post?
but my solution is so verbose I haven't posted it yet
@KritixiLithos I'm sure it can be golfed.
definitely: {↑((' '/⍨⌊∘((.5×≢⍵)×(⍺-⊢))),⍵/⍨⊢)¨⍳⍺}
@Adám posted already
like 2 hours ago
@KritixiLithos I've got 31: {↑(' '↑¨⍨4ׯ1+⌽i),¨(i←⍳≢⍵)/¨⊂⍵}
There are quite a few things I actually like about Javascript.
@LeakyNun The triangle one? That's a different challenge than the V.
@Adám the centres aren't really vertically aligned for the bottom testcase though: tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///3/…
14 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@Adám maybe you would want to do my challenge on main
"my challenge on main" was a whole phrase
@ATaco The best thing about JavaScript is that I can mostly avoid dealing with it.
@KritixiLithos OP: with even length
@LeakyNun Maybe, but I think KL is more than capable. I do have other work to do…
ಠ_ಠ that's why my solution was too verbose
@KritixiLithos so read the instructions more carefully lol
I need help with rewriting my koth
would someone like to help me figure out how hackmd works and also help with my koth?
@Adám ooh, version 17
@KritixiLithos Yeah, I'm the second person in the world to install it (after JohnD, who built the install package).
Can we get this invalid answer deleted please? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/96950/…
@LeakyNun Pyth, 30 bytes: Kh/lz2jC.esm?q?<kKkt-lzkdb\ Kz
Not really happy with it though
@Okx I'll delete it myself, thanks, once someone properly explains to me exactly why it's invalid.
it's already been deleted
So people have now taken to arbitrarily deleting answers without explanation? What's happening to this place, at all?!
I strongly advise you to run the output you get from your program through a hashing function; the question lists the desired hash of the output, together with a base64 of the desired output
either would work in a way more effective than visual inspection to see whether it's correct
@WheatWizard: in case you missed it: you reviewed actual, red-flagged spam as "Looks OK"; please be more careful with your low quality posts reviews
I know it's important to clear the queue of legitimate posts, but that's no excuse not to read them
@ais523 I copied the exact string from the question to use to work on my answer and searched for the string it output on the question's page to ensure it was an exact match.
(also, even if you miss the fact that the post is red-flag spam, it's clearly NAA)
Q: Stewie's Game of Death

Stewie GriffinStewie's Game of Death is quite similar to the more famous Conway's Game of Life. The universe of the Stewie's Game of Death is an infinite two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, alive or dead. Every cell interacts with its eight neighb...

Searching through the answers, every one of them contains the exact string included in the question so what makes them valid but mine invalid?
@Shaggy: your string base64s to `15DXkdeS15PXlNeV15bXl9eY15nXmteb15zXndee15/XoNeh16LXo9ek16XXpten16jXqdeq`, the base64 of the intended output is
let me reformat that so it's a bit clearer:
see the difference near the middle?
you could have done that step yourself, rather than complaining
@Shaggy note in the comments that somebody pointed out that the codepoints of the desired output are not perfectly in order, wheras the latin alphabet, which you used, is
@ais523 I'm not complaining, I simply don't understand. I used the exact string to build my answer, ensured that the output was that exact string yet, somehow, it still isn't that exact string.
it's because of the RTL nature of hebrew, copy-pasting doesn't always work perfectly
@Jim I'll see it later
@Mayube Therefore the problem is with the question asking us to output that exact string, no? When what they mean is output a slightly different string.
in fact that's exactly why there is a base64 and SHA hash offered
@Mayube If there's a need for them, then the word "exact" should have been omitted from the question completely.
And, I still don't comprehend how the 2 strings are simultaneously the same, but different! Can someone please explain?
They're not the same
@ASCII-only you cannot join the asciionly club because your charcoal language uses Unicode :(
@Okx iirc charcoal actually assumes any ASCII characters are literals, such treason :C
also I would still like help with my koth question
@Mayube :(
@EriktheOutgolfer Should be fixed, just need to wait for Dennis to pull.
I wanted to make ast of basically, and it was impossible
@EriktheOutgolfer :| sorry
it prints Program\n and then crashes...
@Mayube Then how is it when I search the page for the string I was outputting, it matches but when I search the page for the string Okx provided, which was different, it also matches?
CMC: Convert A String To Title Case. Catch: All-uppercase words stay all-uppercase and Words that begin with ligatures where there is a dedicated title case character must use those. E.g. U džunglu, MOĆNOJ džungliU Džunglu, MOĆNOJ Džungli
Q: Print the Russian Cyrillic alphabet

MayubeApparently, we really like printing the alphabet in different languages. How about the Russian Cyrillic alphabet? Print/output/return this exact text (trailing whitespace is permitted) АаБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя This is the Russian Cyrillic alphabet wi...

Q: Compressing RLE data to draw ASCII art

Carlos Alejo This question is based on what I came up with to answer another question. Sometimes the questions here ask to draw some ASCII art. One simple way to store the data for the art is RLE (run-length encoding). So: qqqwwwwweeerrrrrtttyyyy becomes: 3q5w3e5r3t4y Now to draw a big ASCII art yo...

the new eavesdropper comic is out!
@EriktheOutgolfer *Errors
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah ik I already fixed it on github
@ASCII-only as long as it doesn't do the job it's the same
@ASCII-only yeah ikr
but TIO still does that...not your fault
@Adám 05AB1E, 12 bytes: #vyD.li™})ðý
@Okx Wow. I didn't expect something that short - or any golfing lang. How does it work?
Loops through each word, checks if it is all lowercase. If so, title case it
yup, its confirmed. we've found the most secure password, guys. mostsecure.pw
A secure password is just another name for an uninteresting number.
you can use that password for all your accounts
I feel like there is a large portion of people who won't understand this is satire
So since that password is a bit long to type, I would like to know the shortest secure password.
Bash + coreutils, 32 bytes: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=20 count=1
@feersum define secure
CMC: Generate 20 random characters in the ASCII range 0-255
define random
@Okx That's not an ASCII range.
we cant generate 20 random things
@betseg head -c20</dev/random
@Okx What if only the second letter is uppercase
@Okx ascii range stops at 126
extended ascii included...
passwords you can type on a standard keyboard are too insecure
"Extended ascii" is not one thing.
@Doorknob /dev/random can close the pipe before even 1 byte is outputted
Well, a list with 20 random numbers each in the range 0-255 :/
Q: Is this another puzzle? 404 image in 404 page

Shadow WizardI just reached a question that was deleted here on this meta, probably for being really awful for the users of this site. (click at your own risk.) All good, questions get deleted all the time, but I couldn't help noticing something weird: Actually this is funny. Image not found inside Pa...

how dare dennis delete our memes D:
@betseg It might take longer, but it'll still work. (A tradeoff worth making for a byte saved. :P)
i love modern music... aplay</dev/urandom
can everyone star user165474's message :p? thats hyperneutrino
why did they delete his account?
@KritixiLithos no idea, he's made a new one since
@KritixiLithos Because he joined SE while he was too young.
the other account is not a new one, it was his sock's account
Oh, age restrictions
Jun 10 at 3:32, by user165474
I turned 13 1 year 11 months ago.
the other account was chatbot
How old must you be in order to have an account here (theoretically)?
13 at the time you join
Ooh, what a release.
Fun fact: The comment I deleted earlier was saying: "Is [this](link...) the same HyperNeutrino? If so, what happened?"
i hope Riker's account wont get removed :P
why did you have to say that ;_;
@betseg Keep "your mouth shut" :P
but Riker's a mod, so I don't know how that works out
hi @LeakyNun
o shit i opened my account when i was 13
It's okay then
that should be fine though
oh its before 13?
You should not be younger than 13
Yes, if you are 12
Your account gets deleted
@Lembik hi
@Lembik What's going on with "hi @LeakyNun"? Have I missed anything?
@LeakyNun I hope you don't mind.. I went edit mad on your math.se question
it wasnt' getting much love
@Mr.Xcoder You mean what's up with people talking to each other? :)
No, it's like a habbit although you are not both present in the room at the same time... Really, don't take it seriously
I like people talking to each other
@Mr.Xcoder :) It's just a way to start a conversation
I never know who is really here
@Lembik Fine :)))
@LeakyNun Someone approved the edits.. if it was you, thank you
@Lembik no i didn't
I left in "Link to original question, and link to approval of original author." even though I don't like it :)
but well I approve the edits.
@LeakyNun in that case whoever approved it did it before understanding the changes I suspect :)
No one answered this CMC: Given a string of odd length, e.g. "World", return:
I did answer it
@Lembik Noticed be both have around 350 rep on Math.Se, you have 2.4 k on SO, I have 2.3 k and you got 2.3 k on PPCG and I have 2k... We're close on nearly all the sites we are both active on. You have a slight advantage, thougj
@LeakyNun Really? My bad.
22 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
@Mr.Xcoder except I have given away thousands of rep on PPCG
but these should be the only two answers to your CMC
I'm so sorry.
@Lembik Yeah, I know.
and also I am terrible at coding :)
and math
so it's all fake news!
@Adám so what is the size of the string?
oh, it's 5 by 5
@KritixiLithos Yes, with the original string in the middle vertically and horizontally.
lol I came back this morning and saw "+375" on my profile and I was like "yay!" until I realized that 100 of that was the assoc bonus to another site after I gained enough rep and another 100 was the assoc bonus given to me on PPCG lol
@HyperNeutrino I am very sorry that your account was deleted... It is quite unfair :(
@Mr.Xcoder thanks for your condolences. I'm still waiting to hear back from SE. Out of curiosity, how much rep did you lose from user-removed?
@HyperNeutrino A lot. Looking right now and I'll come back
@HyperNeutrino I lost 40 rep
@Doorknob can I say that the article is... leaky?
@Mr.Xcoder ah. that sucks :I
@HyperNeutrino It's kind of important for my current rep, I could of been 2k right now
@LeakyNun ಠ_ಠ why lol
> In one of the more outlandish schemes, Rice says, “We had 8,000 enclosures stolen a long time ago by women putting it in the underwire of their bra.”
@Mr.Xcoder oh yeah, rip.
@LeakyNun I was trying to think of a worse pun, but I think there are nun.
@HyperNeutrino Wait... I made a mistake
> We had 8,000 enclosures stolen a long time ago by women putting it in the underwire of their bra.
Was your account deleted yesterday?
oh yeah Leaky Nun is a good ninja...
...who brought her pals there too :P
Then, I've only lost 30 rep
That was another user I was looking at
Ah. Wait two user removals?
The day your account was deleted, my overall rep was + 45
@HyperNeutrino Yes, two user removals
the other being voting abuse iirc
Whose account was deleted on May 25th?
@Doorknob also...yeah pretty much App£€ €xpo$€d
@Adám Pyth, 15 bytes: jm<>.[ylQQ;dlQU
@HyperNeutrino Actually 3 user removals, though I only lost 10 because of the last one
...and that is how Pyth outgolfed Jelly by 8 bytes
@Mr.Xcoder oh wow D:
@LeakyNun Very nice.
@LeakyNun one thing for sure, both suck at string manipulation
@KritixiLithos Don't be discouraged from trying for an APL solution, but just fyi 16.0 (out this week, God willing!) has it built-in: {⊢⌺(≢⍵)⊢⍵}
most useless builtin APL's ever had?
@HyperNeutrino Calcultating my final rep, I would have had 2030 or so (from all three removals)...
@EriktheOutgolfer No, it is the Game of Life operator!
Darnit, this is the second time I've been ninja'd in comments :(
LeakyNun is too fast :I
yes he is
that's why he sometimes times his submissions too
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes, for "stencil code":
Stencil codes are a class of iterative kernels which update array elements according to some fixed pattern, called a stencil. They are most commonly found in the codes of computer simulations, e.g. for computational fluid dynamics in the context of scientific and engineering applications. Other notable examples include solving partial differential equations, the Jacobi kernel, the Gauss–Seidel method, image processing and cellular automata. The regular structure of the arrays sets stencil codes apart from other modeling methods such as the Finite element method. Most finite difference codes which...
@LeakyNun Since you seem to understand this, can you explain it to me? I have no idea what on earth it is
Q: Impossible cube maybe

LiefdeWenProblem Given an input a where a is a truthy/falsy value output the exact impossible cube below if truthy and the exact normal cube below if falsey. Input truthy: ___________________________________ / _______________________________ /| / / _____________________________...

Q: Digital numbers operations

SHRLYInput will be digital number in format 3x5 of 0/1, 111000111 001010001 111111001 100010001 111000001 = "2+7" You should recognize operation as +, -, x, /, represend by 000000000000000 010000101001111 111111010010000 010000101100111 000000000000000 = "+-x/=" ...

I was just about to close-vote...
But I realized that I can't ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino You seemed to have understood... Can you explain it to me as well, please? I still don't get it.
@Mr.Xcoder visual pattern.
The 1s form "2+7" visually, LCD-esque
What? I still don't understand
I am so dumb
It isn't your fault at all
111     111
  1  1    1
111 111   1
1    1    1
111       1
But the pattern is awful
Better VTC
I would, but didn't see code-golf and voted, and retracted for "off-topic"
Until the last close vote was casted, It was like that question with the Code-Macro-Challenge, which has 4 reopen votes for more than 3 days :))
TP3: Code Golf Hackathon
Roger Hui, Marshall Lochbaum, Jay Foad and Adám Brudzewsky
Join us for a light-hearted but deadly serious Code Golf Hackathon with problems designed to help you learn to take advantage of recent language features.
Anyone here willing to teach me how to play Spyfall?
@Adám would you post your string CMC on main?
@LeakyNun Which the square one?
@Adám yes
@LeakyNun I'll sandbox it if you're willing to help write a description of the problem.
@Adám ok, go ahead and link me
@Adám I should start solving it :))
I finally gave up creating that programming language... I ran a couple of challenges with it, and once it was outgolfed by Java ಠ_ಠ
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdámSuper acrostic Given a string of odd length, e.g. World, return: Wor Worl World orld rld stringcode-golf

@Adám ok
@Adám Can I help as well?
I like this challenge.
@Mr.Xcoder Sure, I'll add a note about editing.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdámSuper acrostic Given a string of odd length, e.g. World, return: Wor Worl World orld rld stringcode-golf

@Mr.Xcoder okay I'll let you edit first
@LeakyNun No, I like making polishings at the end/
Go ahead @LeakyNun
@Mr.Xcoder ok, then I'll tell you after I finished editing
Fine :)
and I'll try to make it irreprehensible :p
@LeakyNun That's wicked.
Maybe I should post one of my pipelined challenges?
@Adám Can you reply with one here? I don't remember them
@Adám maybe add another example
@KritixiLithos On which one?
@Adám Hm? I saw my ID
Oh were you doing user:me?
@Adám Broken link
oh wait, before that, you should specify how long the input string will be
@LeakyNun You ping me after you are done, but I'll most likely be offline. I'll come back later.
@Mr.Xcoder done, and I haven't added the description because I also don't know how to describe it
> Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
@EriktheOutgolfer how silly; I have a 11-byte solution now in Jelly
wait no it's borked
it's 14 bytes now
solution to what?
57 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
22 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
57 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@EriktheOutgolfer to the sandboxed challenge
wait it has been sandboxed?
I wonder; what's the longest non-self-recursive chain of permalinks?
wow it's like just past UTC noon and I'm almost at my repcap
14 mins ago, by New Sandboxed Posts
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdámSuper acrostic Given a string of odd length, e.g. World, return: Wor Worl World orld rld stringcode-golf

@EriktheOutgolfer oh and it's 11 bytes now
but it's borked again right?
no it isn't
I golfed 3 bytes off
@Adám it's a start: {↑((B×(×.5+⊢))↑⍵↓⍨⊢)¨(⌈B÷2)-⍨⍳B←≢⍵}
@EriktheOutgolfer do you have any idea how to describe the challenge?
Q: Fold a string into a triangle

Leaky NunGiven a string whose length is divisible by 4, make a triangle as demonstrate below. If the string is abcdefghijkl, then the triangle would be: a b l c k defghij If the string is iamastringwithalengthdivisiblebyfour, then the triangle would be: i a r m u ...

@Adám I think your question is good to go
I also didn't describe my challenge.
@LeakyNun Why 4?
@HyperNeutrino the bottom side has twice as many characters as the other sides
... oh wait whoops lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen SGenerate a Locationalized US License Plate code-golf decision-problem Given one of the following: AK,AS,AZ,CA,CT,DC,FL,GA,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,MD,MI,MN,MS,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,MP,OH,OK,PA,PR,RI,SC,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WI (with quotes) "AK","AS","AZ","CA","CT","DC","FL","GA","IL","IN","IA","KS","K...

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