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Hey guys, paste this into your console if you ever need to quit chat: $("html").remove()
you should paste this into your console to foil all evil sheep plan to destroy world: sendPasswords(downgoat)
@Downgoat Make us write a golfed implementation first, there's no point in sending my sick passwords to undefined
You should paste this into your console just for fun clear(this)
@StephenS +1 jQuery
@MDXF but that's JavaScript, my thing doesn't use JavaScript, so it doesn't do anything. $ is undefined in JavaScript unless you declare it first
@StephenS Try it :P
@MDXF shhhh
@MDXF clear in console is actually overrided to jsut clear console
jQuery wins again, always use jQuery for all of your HTML wants and needs
have you *tried* jquery?
it has everything
CMC: Write a userscript to inject clear(this) into PPCG whenever you log on during work hours
Anyone knows if there is still a MATL-chatroom? Or is it dead and frozen?
It's called MATL CHATL
Prolly frozen
@Phoenix *ba dum crash*
My C room is not yet frozen :D

 The C Programming Language

General discussion about the C programming language, usage, sy...
@StewieGriffin s/the/it
That's cause you made it yesterday
Yeah but I wasn't sure if mods would like it or not
Mods delete, not freeze.
@MDXF hehe. The only userscript which is guaranteed to increase your productivity.
@MDXF A variation on that userscript is one which does the same during off hours. Guaranteed to improve your relationships/family life etc.
@Adám CMC: Write a userscript that injects clear(this) to PPCG whenever you log on
@Phoenix Thanks :) It's not frozen :) Last message six days ago...
o0 what did phoenix do to get so many messages starred
I tricked people into using caret reply's starring feature on my messages
@totallyhuman Wrote a bot
(not really, those were already cleared)
Ya know, on that topic, would mods know if you unobtrusively used sock puppets to star your stuff in chat?
@StephenS Mods notice literally everything about socks
@MDXF Right, but I'm wondering if they get the data from chat too, obviously there's mod tools and all that for voting irregularities
@StephenS Well stars aren't really private anyway
Anyone can see who starred messages
There's a script
I think there's a post on Mother Meta about that
but I'm too busy lazy to find it
oh god
"covfefify a string" just beat "tweetable mathematical art"
that's such bs
@totallyhuman It did this morning
Or yesterday
does time matter
Yeah, it definitely should not be 12TH ON THE SITE
time is an illusion... and... stuff...
CMC: Given a PPCG user ID, determine how much reputation they've given out as bounties (on PPCG).
@totallyhuman CMC: Write good sock bots that get enough rep to cast delete votes. Then delete "covfefify a string"
@HyperNeutrino that's more of an actual challenge
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Chat Mega Challenge?
Main Mega Challenge
@MDXF then don't post it here :P
Just wondering if it's good
they'll FGITW the heck out of it
@ConorO'Brien Done, thanks for the idea
@MDXF excuse me while I post that...
@cairdcoinheringaahing No
I'm actively sandboxing it :P
@MDXF so clode
Q: I'm seeing stars! (I can see who starred a message and so can you)

DoorknobSo I was making a chatbot in Ruby for SE chat, and I discovered that I could find out the starrer of a message. I'm pretty sure stars, like votes, are supposed to be anonymous. Although this knowledge would help for cases of star trolls like this. Here's the specific slice of code that do...

@Poke Yep :)
got there eventually
CMC: output my username in the shortest code possible
@cairdcoinheringaahing echo boring? (just kidding)
@MDXF 4 bytes for you: print('MD XF')
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's not 4 bytes
Text, 22 bytes: caird coinheringaahing
@MDXF i play by my own rules
I just realized that the fifth line in my answer is completely useless because I first remove all newlines and then split on newlines... I may or may not have written that code at too late at night... :P
I don't actually know if I ever use that variable...
holy mother of god
@HyperNeutrino You've got a lot of unnecessary spaces
where'd you find the time for that
@totallyhuman er... I may be slightly behind on homework... heh
@MDXF wtf. literally wtf
@HyperNeutrino computing homework?
@HyperNeutrino And this is why you banned yourself :P
@HyperNeutrino I thought about bountying +500
But then I remembered, I'm selfish about my rep :P
So I golfed a couple hundred bytes off instead
@MDXF I feel the same way
Well I mean all you have to do is write another one of those repbait answers and cap like 10 times (binary ;P)
I've ony downvoted 2 things on this site
@HyperNeutrino Gee, thanks ;P
@MDXF I do?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I DV questions all the time
but only answers if they're total trash
(answers) I've downvoted questions
@HyperNeutrino I think so? I mean, you've got newlines at all and you've got spaces at the start of lines
I've DV'd a bunch of questions, but not many answers. I'm not too selfish about my rep (not enough to care about the -1 rep) but I really want my rep to be a multiple of 5. I'm tempted to seek out a terrible answer to downvote because I'm at a multiple of 5 +1 rep right now :P
@HyperNeutrino Hahaha
@MDXF It's called indentation...
@HyperNeutrino It's , right?
I can use semicolons
I thought I needed those
Excuse my stupidity as I go fix that.
@Phoenix Did you really?
@HyperNeutrino I'm on 1605 and never downvoting or accepting until I get off of a x5
huh i out-golfed ovs and then xnor out-golfed me
@totallyhuman And then comes the Dennis
Jelly, 16 bytes “Ñ1ɦ+£)G“½ċṭ6 Ỵ»
@cairdcoinheringaahing which cmc?
@cairdcoinheringaahing If that's to mine, I'm gonna flip...
Oh :P
CMC: Given a string of non-space ASCII characters, snakify it.
For example, Hello_world should become:
H l o w r d
 e l _ o l
Q: Emoticon numbers!

programmer5000(related) Your challenge is to output the highest number you can. You can output as a number or as a string. You must output something that matches the regex ^\d+$, as in only 0-9. Highest number wins! The Twist Your source code must be: Same forwards and backwards 3 bytes long The middle by...

Wait will deleting a bunch of my own messages in quick succession raise autoflags?
Probably not
but it will get you kicked
@DJMcMayhem Could you move all our deleted messages to trash?
28 messages moved to Trash
Thanks :)
Bye @HyperNeutrino
@DJMcMayhem beat me to it :D
One step ahead of ya
Bye @caird
why are we saying goodbyes?
You know @DJMcMayhem, I think more/less everything since this has been generally spammy
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFHow many stars? code-golf Given a StackExchange chat user ID, find the total number of starred messages that user has. Rules: Your program must return the total number of starred messages, print it to standard output, or save it to a file. If one of the latter two options are chosen, only the...

Q: Who has the most stars in The Nineteenth Byte?

GamrCorpsNote: this challenge involves downloading and sifting through HTML webpages. If your language cannot handle this you might not want to participate in this challenge. Introduction There are always discussions over in The Nineteenth Byte Chat about who leads the starboard. So, lets help everyone ...

@MDXF because @HyperNeutrino was going to et kicked? I don't know just ognore me
anyway bye!
@cairdcoinheringaahing The recent emoticon challenge does have objective winning criterion...
@cairdcoinheringaahing s/et/get s/og/ig
Darn, ттe would work so well for 05AB1E but it's post-fix based so the e has to go at the end :(
@ATaco Was the bug fixed in the iamtyping userscript, so that I can leave a space in the text area without everyone thinking I'm typing?
Because 100 choose 100 is 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915‌​608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000
@DJMcMayhem Ruby, 52: ->s{puts s.gsub(/(.)./,'\1 '),s.gsub(/.(.)?/,' \1')}
@ConorO'Brien retracted vote
I'm back!
@programmer5000 took the words right out my mouth
@HyperNeutrino beaten by Jelly anyways
oh wait...
e is nPr
but yes still beaten by Jelly
@programmer5000 You think that's weird? Try this
well-known revision 38?
@programmer5000 100% accident. I even put a comment on why
@ASCII-only can you make negative integers have own type in tokenizer call NegativeInteger?
mods please don't kill me
that's not something you should be proud of nor state willingly >_>
@Downgoat idk what you're doing, but wouldn't it be easier to just develop a isNumberTokenNegative function for numeric tokens? negative integer tokens seem a little extreme
@ConorO'Brien Well only non-negative numbers can be candidates for unsigned types
@ConorO'Brien Not proud but well yeah.
@Dennis uhh can you 11 the number on my serial voting boundaries?
I realized that was a bad idea to mention
Q: Multiply two strings

caird coinheringaahing This was inspired by a function I recently added to my language Add++. Therefore I will submit an (very) short answer in Add++ but I won't accept it (it wouldn't be fair) Don't you hate it when you can multiply numbers but not strings? So you should correct that, right? You are to write a func...

yes 2k!
@totallyhuman Congrats!
@Christopher Sure you fixed it. :P
i'd like to thank all the people who got baited by me brainfuck answer on the "how high can you count" question
44 people o0
(hint it was my 43 sockpuppets) you're welcome
ok tbf i spent a fair amount of time on the explanation
@Christopher sorry I was wrong; the ^ command is used to multiply strings and I'm a couple of minutes off finshing the relevant section in the README
@Christopher there you go; specs updated
Any Python golfers with lots of golfed Python lying around somewhere? I have a project..
@cairdcoinheringaahing ty
@cairdcoinheringaahing output?
h i think
'h':lambda: print(self.stack),
@Christopher function. Just return the value but either as a list or a string
@L3viathan any good?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks, I'll include it in my corpus
Is there a programming language that lets you modify its interpreter?

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