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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFRead a password code-golf string Your challenge is to read a "password" from standard input. To elaborate: Read a string s. For each of the characters in s, print a different character c. In realtime. Rules: c must be constant, i.e. it must be the same character. c can be any character, e...

Is it just me or are there 3 ways to answer this
you could just say x > 9. or the two "x > 5 and x > 9" ._.
Why are you taking a basic math test?
@MDXF it is for school
@Downgoat ??? what grade?
@MDXF "basic" is relative. Show that to a random person and they might call it hard
@HelkaHomba True...
"basic" for a programmer :P
@MDXF 3rd grade
@Downgoat Something tells me you're joking
It is an interesting question. Mainly about the two identical answers
@Downgoat Maybe the psychology is that you know you can't select both identical answers so they can't be right so you select x > 9
It might just be a meme :P
@HelkaHomba Don't you think that's a bit advanced for 3st grade?
I believe "3st" was a joke
And that testing psychology, if true, is subtle to the point of being unclear and not exactly math related, but it's the only reason I can think as to why the answers look like that
@programmer5000 If you got un-suspended, why is your rep still 1?
What's the LibreOffice version of Publisher?
@MDXF ¯_(ツ)_/¯
^ Yields a single monospace backslash in chat
@programmer5000 Hah
@programmer5000 If you install the chat commands tacoscript you can do / shrug and it will insert the emoticon automatically.
@Phoenix Where's that?
Does any (non-empty) string equal itself when base64 encoded?
Install all of those
@programmer5000 No? A string contains bytes from 0 to 255
:O borkalert works
@programmer5000 No, think about its length.
@Phoenix "any"
Q: Python Programming/Operators

Julsuse Python to calculate 11111111111111111111+22222222222222222222, but in one line of code with at most 15 characters. (Hint: each of those numbers is 20 digits long, so you have to find some other way to input those number)

You don't seem to have "I am Typing"
@Phoenix Just commands for right now
Rule of thumb: install all tacoscripts
Yeah I don't have that yet
26 weird faces moved to Sandbox
@DJMcMayhem Thank you
I was just about to ask Dennis
@MDXF They're all awesome. Except TeamSpirit.js, which is terrible.
@Phoenix What is it?
Install it and find out
I can't find the meta post
@programmer5000 For what?
Was it deleted?
Probably? It reached a score of -6 last time I checked.
Oh gosh
That's awful
Score is based on stars
It just encouraged starring crap
I don't like staring at crap
The "I am typing" script is amazing, though
How does it work?
ataco has a server
@programmer5000 it works by allowing XSS :P
That was fixed
But yeah you used to be able to send over arbitrary CSS
No JS was blocked
teamspirit.js caused this amazing creation, however:
Apparently, it was based on a challenge of mine
And I don't know my team
You're blue
@Riker @DJMcMayhem can starboard be clean
How are teams decided?
chat id
@Downgoat I'll clear the one with language in it, but the others just have 1 star
not really worth clearing imo
they'll dissapear when other stuff is starred
@MDXF chatId%2==0?'red':'blue'
How'd you get JS syntax highlighting?
You installed Prettify.JS
It attempts to guess the language of any code block
Oh. One of those userscripts
It sometimes fails: <some text here> is annoying af.
How do you operate it?
Press the button on a face to rotate that face (watch the video)
One of the userscripts is ChatJax.JS: $\LaTeX$
@HelkaHomba ;_; ono sheep dislike I think
@MDXF my rep is still 6 on meta ಠ_ಠ
ChatCommands is my personal favorite.
$\LaTeX$ => $\LaTeX$
Although Preview+CaretReply are awesome too.
What's preview?
Shows how your message will look after formatting is applied above the message box, and makes caret reply usable.
@programmer5000 You can ping yourself
@programmer5000 And you get notifyed
^?regex? lets you search messages to reply to by regex.
(if you use the caretreply)
^*n replies to the nth to last message
@Phoenix can you reply by search regex on username
^* stars the last message and can be used in combination with the other tools
@Downgoat Yes but I forgot how
Type ^?o_o? to reply to starbait
Anyone know, roughly, how to implement something like this in JS? Don't really know how to convert the min to JS
@programmer5000 You can do it normally by starting your message with :<id>, where <id> can be one of your own messages.
@StephenS Math.min()?
^?ಠ_ಠ?* is an excellent command ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@programmer5000 it's looking for the smallest i where A(i, Math.floor(m/n)) is greater than/equal to log2(n), I don't know how to map that to an array in JS
You can also do e.g. ^^^^ to reply to the fourth to last message
:37979299 Because you added a space at the end, I think.
@Phoenix thanks, fixed
Sandbox bot is taking too long
@Phoenix is on the starboard, mission accomplished.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf regex Regex that matches everything but itself (Related) You must make a regex that matches everything except itself, including delimiters. For example, /PPCG/ must not match /PPCG/, but must match everything else, like something, and PPCG. If your language allows compiling regexes ...

@StephenS golf or no golf?
If we add too many commands than self- xss css (chat star scripting) will become an issue
how are you finding minimum number in infinite sequence?
My rep on meta is still 6
you could do a Math.min(Array(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).fill().map(i=>A(i+1,m/n|0)))
@Downgoat Doesn't that allocate an array of size Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which is a lot?
@programmer5000 wait like 3 more minutes
@Phoenix yes
Isn't that stupid
So why?
you should probably work out how to find the minimum of your function mathematically
@Phoenix ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I answer quesiton
What does the .fill() do?
Fills it with values
I don't see any difference between Array(5).fill() and Array(5) in devtools
Also the same in JSON.stringify()
Can Haskell's if-then-else be short circuited?
@Downgoat It's been 3 minutes
@programmer5000 okay well now you can start to blame caching
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf regex Regex that matches everything but itself (Related) You must make a regex that matches everything except itself, including delimiters. For example, /PPCG/ must not match /PPCG/, but must match everything else, like something, and PPCG. If your language allows compiling regexes ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

L3viathanPrint all matching leaves code-golf natural-language parsing In Natural Language Processing, we sometimes interpret sentences as being context-free languages, and therefore as having a certain tree structure, also called constituency trees, or parse trees. These trees are sometimes written down ...

It's annoying that I can't upvote sandboxed posts
@NewSandboxedPosts That took too long
Over 15 minutes
That's normal
RSS feeds are slow
@ASCII-only wait should our arbitrary precision library suport trancendental number
idk how would work
@Downgoat A generator function to yield more digits when needed
As for should IDK
@Phoenix how do I know more digit are need?
like if I do pi/3 how do I know I need more digit than just 3.14159265
You store that as pi/3, you don't evaluate it until you need to print it or something.
It would have a toDecimal function that takes a number of digits as an arg
@Phoenix ok let's say I had put in entire equation for pi
You'd have to do Mathematica-like symbolic manipulation.
ono @ASCII-only you make mathematia for charcoal right need for VSL
TIL wikipedia has a "simple english" translation
function*(){c=0;for(;;)yield ++c} yields all numbers
@Downgoat hmm, that makes some sense. I think the intent is that it finds the smallest i where A(i, Math.floor(m/n)) is greater than/equal to log2(n). I guess I could loop, but that kinda defends the purpose of the min. Something like var i = 1; while (A(i,m/n|0)<=Math.log2(n))i++;return i;, would that capture the intent? I can't actually use it for what I want to use it for because of StackOverflow :/
@programmer5000 until it overflow
@Downgoat do you mean int overflow?
Because the stack won't overflow
@programmer5000 "it"'s antecedent was ambiguous but it could still refer to int, yes
Any more feedback before I post this:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-challenge integer math Emoticon numbers (related) Your challenge is to output the highest number you can. You can output as a number or as a string. You must output something that matches the regex ^\d+$, as in only 0-9. Highest number wins! The Twist Your source code must be: Same fo...

How about this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFRead a password code-golf string Your challenge is to read a "password" from standard input. Challenge: Read a string s invisibly. For each of the characters in s, print a character c. In realtime (as the user enters s character by character). Rules: You must print c in realtime. As soon ...

@MDXF would upvote but rep is messed up
imaginary score of +2
But does it have to be STDIN?
Can it be some other type of input (i'd assume so)
It has to be standard input, so for JavaScript this can be a text box or key event listeners or whatever
If it's not standard input then how would it be in realtime?
I thought you meant the STDIN stream only
Go ahead and post
I'll wait a few minutes to see if I get any more feedback
I'll post around 2:30
I know it's not a dupe, I just want to make sure it's as clear as can be
What time zone?
UTC-8, I think
Nope UTC -7
I was close :P
@MDXF stop right there
wait for at least 24 hours
even if it's just for the sake of it
and you're not expecting any feedback
there's going to be something you've missed
Yeah, okay... Do you see anything wrong with it btw?
haven't read it
@MDXF I've waited 1.5 weeks for my previous challenge, and months+ for others
@ConorO'Brien Congrats, you have more willpower than I do :P
While we're at it, any comments on this? Is it clear? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12782/21173
Oh @programmer5000 your meta rep is back
@MDXF that was more of a suggestion instead of a statement....
@ConorO'Brien I know, haha. I'll wait 24 hours but weeks doesn't really seem necessary tbh
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFRead a password code-golf string Your challenge is to read a "password" from standard input. Challenge: Read a string s invisibly. For each of the characters in s, print a character c. In realtime (as the user enters s character by character). Rules: You must print c in realtime. As soon ...

2 votes now
Btw, does anyone want to join my C room?

 The C Programming Language

General discussion about the C programming language, usage, sy...
Q: Fully-palindromic triangles

Conor O'BrienConsider the string 160615051. It can be "triangulated" as such: 1 606 15051 Then, each row is a palindrome. Also note that each side on the perimeter is also a palindrome: 1 | 1 | 6 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 15051 Therefore, this string can be considered to be a fully...

8 more rep and i haz mod tools :3
Wait 2k is the threshold?
I know you can see deleted answers at 2k (no-design)
but what other things
You can't use Sandbox effectively?
I just remembered something... We need to rewrite the bytecount standards for Minecraft because of functions.
@HyperNeutrino Unless you opt out :P
like meeeee
@StephenS Very true D: it's a pain because like 3/5 of them are deleted
@MDXF wait you can do that?
@ETHproductions I was wondering... °T¬ would never make sense, correct? So might it be a good idea to transform °T<x> to (°T)<x>? (for japt)
@HyperNeutrino Yeah with a simple CSS injection
Good ol' Alt-C
>_< You meant that
@ConorO'Brien Yeah, that's a good idea
I thought you meant you could get it done serverside
Give ° higher precedence in other words
@HyperNeutrino if you're running a userscript or something like that you can fork it and do it automatically
@ETHproductions yea basically
Ah I see. Interesting.
But it still loads them...
@ATaco question: what is the JS function to send a chat message?
@HyperNeutrino something like .deleted { display: none; }, that wouldn't load at all AFAIK
William is our go-to userscript master :D
@StephenS Oh really? Interesting.
@StephenS It still shows them in the answer count
which I hate
@HyperNeutrino do you even CSS bro
ಠ_ಠ Actually not until very recently.
I mean another issue is if you try to load Sandbox on mobile, regardless of rep your phone will become very slow
How to waste rep: Keep putting bounties on the Tetris in Game of Life question
@HyperNeutrino go stick that onto the PPCG Mobile App meta post
@HyperNeutrino and do an extended bounty?
@Downgoat ETHbot does it by setting the content of the message box and clicking the Send button
dunno if that would work on a userscript
Can site metas and Mother Meta be in the HNQ?
@StephenS well there is an unbounded-bounty meta post but I mean just keep putting +500 bounties until you run out of rep
@programmer5000 I wouldn't be surprised if Mother Meta could (fun fact: Mother Meta is the only SE site without a meta site) but I have never seen other site metas. For that matter, I have never seen Mother Meta questions either...
If HNQ was by answers and not post date, sandbox would be there all the time.
@Downgoat success?
@HyperNeutrino actually mother Meta is a Meta. It is the only Meta without a main site
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's a fully graduated site though, AFAIK
@HyperNeutrino I don't think Mother Meta can
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh? Hm. Weird.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Are you sure?
'cause if it was a meta (due to the new change) it would be meta.meta.stackexchange.com
@MDXF IMO Mother meta should be meta..stackexchange.com
@StephenS Exactly
I wonder if that's actually possible
enough httpd.conf tricks can work wonders...
Yessss I got my question tweeted
Longest run of a character in a string https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/125377?atw=1 #codegolf
@Downgoat postMessage()
@MDXF It was near the top of HNQ right? So it'll be tweeted sooner or later
I think any hnq post gets tweeted
CMC: figure out what:
@StephenS I posted it like an hour ago
(don't include last line)
I want to paste this into console, but I really don't
Explode the Box https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/125031?atw=1 #codegolf
Me too :P
@StephenS what is the worst that could hapen?
Hmm... I wonder how many questions of mine have been tweeted @HyperNeutrino
their box could explode
@Downgoat I'll go on a wild goose chase trying to figure out what I should click? :P
: Make the onebox linking to that "explode"
Wow six of my q's have been tweeted
lol I still don't have the "curious" badge yet even though I have 24/5 well-received questions, because apparently my question record is negative D:
@StephenS nothing happened
Huh, if your post doesn't have any edits, you can't see that it was tweeted in the edits
@Downgoat nice try
@HyperNeutrino Me too, I think

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