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@Mendeleev reddit
@Phoenix Can't find it on karmadecay
Top post
@HyperNeutrino caching
Ah. Wait, I can't be suspended until caching happens?
or something
I don't really understand caching very well ;_;
oic my account is now at 1 rep
I may be gone very soon D: :)
Bye PPCG; see you in a week! o/
But chat didn't realize it yet because it doesn't check permissions every time you post a message.
:| I have no idea how to implement Longest using regex
Wait wat you're suspended
cya I guess?
Oh, alright
I see it now
@Phoenix Thanks... oh wtf you browse that too
Please rate my challenge!
(How the hell did I misspell it that badly?)
@Phoenix Dennis suspended me for one week upon my request. And yeah, cya o/
Have fun studying!
I'll try to have fun :I thanks! :D
@ASCII-only The Compute Card?
128GB SSD + 4GB RAM + i5 in a credit card o_O how is this possible
that's like a phone minus screen and battery
@ASCII-only There's all in one computer chassis that you can stick them in
And laptop type things
Schools should buy these for students :D
There is a lawyer named Sue Yoo
All you need is some lego and you can make yourself a supercomputer out of credit cards :P
@ASCII-only Or a 3D printer
> 2D printer
@Mendeleev do people named sue yoo have a a higher rate of becoming lawyers?
@ASCII-only My hand slipped
@DestructibleLemon idk
I imagine they would, among people who have the same background
My printer slipped a few dimensions
a 2d printer is just as good if you can super compress the Z axis
what do you guys think of this
A: Try to make a square!

Oliver Ni05AB1E, 7 bytes 3׶¹ðJû Explanation: # Implicit input 3× # Repeat string three times ¶ # Push newline character ¹ # Push first input ð # Push space J # Join stack û # Palindromize ("abc" -> "abcba") # Implicit output Uses th...

i beat the other 05ab1e guy ._.
I just noticed that answer before you posted it here, looks great!
Welcome back, btw
What happens if you try to do file I/o on tio
@totallyhuman If it's files created by the same process, you're fine. If they're not, it doesn't let you.
(I think)
Aww, I wanted to steal Dennis's files.
You should check with Dennis in the TIO room to be sure
@HyperNeutrino Well, you can read basically anything on the server
@HyperNeutrino /home is off-limits from the public TIO interface
Aww :( That sucks
You can modify/delete/create files in ~, all changes will be reset when your process is killed.
No, it really doesn't suck. That's a very good thing.
Proper sandboxing is good
@Mego True, but I wish I could read those files.
Other than the interpreters I don't see what Dennis would put there
I remember using the bash TIO to poke around in the interpreter files one time
I think I was looking for the wrapper he uses to run Cubix code, so I could add Cubix to the big polyglot runner
I mean, IK it's all open source on GitHub, but still.
How do we know the open source files are really the ones running online?
Dennis isn't a liar
That's how you know
@totallyhuman but HOW DO WE KNOW THAT??
@HelkaHomba cat /srv/wrappers/<language>
to verify just compare outputs + compare wrappers with github
@Christopher Hi Calvin
@ASCII-only o no u found my real name
Jun 3 '15 at 0:50, by Calvin's Hobbies
Calvin's Hobbies is Helka Homba
@Phoenix I know :P
@ASCII-only uh oh you found out I am a sock @HelkaHomba run!
No you aren't
you are a shoe
Wait what, my own creator abandoned me :(
@HelkaHomba That's just what the government wants you think.
IDK, something my friend says everytime he's wrong.
@Phoenix serious or ironic?
@DestructibleLemon Ironic
Language older than 2014 that uses any symbols
@Christopher ? C?
nooo like the commands can use any letters
@Christopher The interpreter is full of syntax errors, it doesn't work.
@Christopher BF?
@DestructibleLemon uhh I can't do that
@Christopher does befunge count?
a few years ago
someone told me to do rm -rf / and i actually did it
my computer died
@OliverNi that was mean.
@Downgoat hey some other person did dumb linux stuff
@OliverNi No it didn't. It complained about permissions.
btw if you type unbindall in tf2 it will give you free hats
if I ever made a game unbindall would actually give you free hats
or something
Node.js 8.0 is out! :D
And even if you tried it with sudo afterwards, it complained about missing --no-preserve-root, and then you would have figured out what was going on.
especially if it was a valve source engine game
@Downgoat I didn't even know they were working on it, but yay :D Any changes pertinent to golfing ECMAScript support?
@Downgoat -1, did not shorten console.log
@Phoenix not sure who you are disapproving
well excuse me
Although Oliver Ni also
Come to think of it
or maybe if you can convince someone to type unbindall you get a prize
How do you verify who convinced the person to type unbindall
@Downgoat "Wow, the page is so huge, they must have packed some things useful for golfing in there!" notices the page is 75% commits "Oh..."
they probably said something about unbindall in chat
what is good font for viewing unicode with monospace
IDK about Unicode but Fira Mono is a good font for viewing with monospace
DejaVu Sans Mono?
@DestructibleLemon DejaVu sans &a Menlo are your go to fonts
This challenge is really not clear yet. The goal is basically to "attempt to translate" an input from English to one of the specified Unicode ranges/languages
@ETHproductions pls flag as spam and not NAA
But it's not spam, it's clearly related to the challenge
It's just not an answer
It's not like they're linking to a scam site or advertising for someone
@ETHproductions I mean if I start posting link to xxxgoatsxxx.com you will probably flag that as spam even if it leads to my legitamite website
Right, but they're linking to a generic hex color picker on a challenge related to hex colors
With credit, it is a useful tool.
idk, Alex/Doorknob told me to flag as spam in a similar situation before
If it didn't have anything to do with the challenge I would flag as spam, but this looks like someone who misunderstood the challenge, not someone who's trying to get more views on their website
Just posting a link to a website is spam. There's no attribution or attempt to write a meaningful answer.
Also <website> is a useful link <dots to pad out answer> is an extremely common spam template used on SE
OK, that's why it's considered spam
I'm kind of surprised Smokey didn't catch it
But if it's something like "there are plenty of tools for this online, why don't you google it?" would that be considered spam?
@ETHproductions Probably not - that's not unwanted commercial content. That's just VLQ/NAA.
But I don't see how this case is much different from e.g. "console.log is in the docs [here](link)" as an answer to a very specific question about console.log on SO
@ETHproductions Linking to docs isn't commercial content. Linking to a product is, even if it's a free product.
It's not a commercial plug, or at least it doesn't really seem like one to me
@Mego Just posting a link to promote a website is spam, at least that's what the flag popup window tells us. The problem is that only betazoids know for sure if you've posted a link to be helpful or to promote a service.
@Dennis Exactly. We tend to err on the side of spam, because the literal definition that SE uses says that it is spam even if the user was trying to be helpful, and we can't possibly know that.
Ah, OK. I'll be more liberal with spam detection in the future then
In CHQ we get way more experience with spam than we could ever want :P
Quetion: what symbols are allowed in typical binary (e.g. ELF) symbol table?
@Mego it is spam even if the user was trying to be helpful Do you have a link to that?
@ETHproductions looks great!
Awesome, glad I could help
@Dennis In a lot of cases, we can't possibly know that the user was trying to be helpful. Promoting a product or service is spam. Sometimes you can tell that the user was trying to be helpful (good answer accompanying the link, relevant to the question), but when you can't tell you have to follow the letter of the law.
I'll see if I can find the Mother Meta post I'm remembering
Well, this case was definitely more on the "it may not be spam" side than most spam cases
@ETHproductions You say that, but I've seen that exact template used in hundreds of pharma spam posts that Smokey has reported. Based off of my experiences, I'm more inclined to believe that a post is spam if it uses that template.
OK. I'll trust you since I have very little experience dealing with spam (much less than you, anyway)
According to the Mother Meta FAQ post on spam, spam is an unsolicited advertisement. That question was not "what is a good color picker tool that gives me the hex code?", so the advertisement for that website was unsolicited. Ergo, spam.
Ayy my pull request to pacapt was accepted!
@ATaco feature-request for chat commands: /:<letter><n> where <n> is amount of <letter>s in emoticon, e.g.: /:O3 -> :OOO
@Downgoat Please no
it's OK not for TNB
Okay but why?
@Downgoat :OOOOO
I forsee /:O99999999999 being used, and then I have to hurt my foot kicking people, and then I have to take the trash out...
@ATaco because very difficult to show :Oness in VSL room without breaking O key
But /:O3 == :OOO
That's the same amount of characters.
what about /:O25
@ATaco He said :O not :0
I feel that's a bit spammy tbh.
@ATaco brb making PR
@ConorO'Brien wait where was it before
it was in a proposal
CMC: golf promisify
Node.goat, 44 bytes: f=>new Promise((s,j)=>f((d,e)=>e?j(e):s(d)))
uh, "Downgoat"?
sounds like an interesting language
brb making fork of node.js called node.goat
@Downgoat make the goat operator
wait what does goat operator do
define more operators
for that I need to fork v8
@ConorO'Brien can you give example of goat operator
goat(@) (x, y) => x * y + 1; 4 @ 5 == 21
something along those lines, idk
A difficulty in defining your own operators is operator precedence
3 instances of cmd.exe are using half my CPU
And I have 0 open
@ETHproductions meaning?
I don't think that's a good thing
@ETHproductions if I was seriously defining a new way to define operators, I'd do something like:
@ETHproductions isn't there a language specifically about that?
Ima try killing them, see if anything breaks
@Downgoat e.g. making a * b @ c be able to be equivalent to (a * b) @ c, or a * (b @ c)
operator "namë <precedence> {
    (a) => ...  ,
    (x, y) => ... ,
    (a, b, c) => ...
@DestructibleLemon I have no idea
@ConorO'Brien or just use parens :P
@ETHproductions ninja'd
parens are for quitters
@DestructibleLemon Interesting
I don't really get it
Um, wait, what
The integers are the operators
"You can leave out the , at the very beginning and very end of a Hev program." Gee thanks, as if you can golf in a language with only one value anyway :P
OK, I'm done trying to understand that language for now
yeah it is hard
Pet peeve: when 28899 gets "rounded" to 28.8k
what does ,10,5,10, evaluate to?
I have absolutely no idea, if you're asking me
how do you figure out the root node
oh i see now
root node is highest number
the next part down is the highest number on each side, and it works recursively
Should I stop ricing yet
ÆRŒ!Ẇ€;/µS=³µÐfLÞṪ, return (one of) the longest list(s) of unique primes which sum up to the input.
ricing, n. making your computing environment look as nice as possible.
sorry that's a gerund not a pure noun
> false face must hide what the false heart doth know
- me when I realise I was probably not supposed to be receiving cake
@DestructibleLemon ...I now have additional questions
@ETHproductions later I realised it was fine
Why did you receive cake in the first place though?
Or do you still not know?
because it's a special day for cake
oh. its cancer council or something
It annoys me that iPhones don't have WebM support.
@ATaco takes forever
@ATaco Me too
Anyone know if I can opt out of seeing deleted posts?
I really don't like seeing all the trash that mods didn't want people to see
there's probably a userscript for it
.answer.deleted-answer { display: none; }
just add that style to your styler if you have one
Yeah will do
@Downgoat Firstly, do you have PayPal, secondly, would you be willing to do a small commission?
@ATaco 1) no :( 2) sure, I do accept stack of tin can (exchange rate: $10/1 stack)
I'm not sure how easy it is to main tincans to a goat.
Anyway... I need an Icon for a-ta.co
The MathJaxified "favicon.ico" has long since been retired.
why not use your lego taco?
My Lego Taco is very much so stolen.

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