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Run chatbot. Don't logout of SE
give it your auth info and then join a room with it
@HyperNeutrino but they told me not to give out my password!!!11!
@MartinEnder how to make retina always match caseless?
well then make an alt, get 20 rep, done
On whole program
Q: Is it a Cyclic number?

tfbninjaA cyclic number is a number of "n" digits that when multiplied by 1, 2, 3,...n, results in the same digits but in a different order. For example, the number 142,857 is a cyclic number since 142,857 x 2 = 285,714, 142,857 x 3 = 428,571, 142,857 x 4 = 571,428, and so on. Given an integer input, det...

@Downgoat I goat to be happy now.
Oh, Eggs.Current is blanked automatically...
Can you stop rating comments. It is just a bunch of noise.
16 messages moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
Question: should VSL have "Errors", "Exceptions", or "Borks"
Whoops, missed one
@Downgoat 1 and 2
I can do basically anything to a message besides edit it.
;_; sorry won't happen again
also was that an autokick
@Mego Does my message being trashed reflect badly on me?
I hope not. I have to trash my own messages all the time.
@Christopher Not really. There was just no reason to keep it around with the rest of the messages gone.
@Mego Ok. I am trying to stay clean. (No kicks/suspensions/real trashes)
1 message moved to Trash
also does the kick make me a bad person D: and was it an autokick
I missed yet another one
Strrrrike 2!
@HyperNeutrino There's no such thing as an auto-kick.
Ah ok
@HyperNeutrino There are no such things as autokicks. Being kicked doesn't make you a bad person. It just means "seriously stop it, take some time to think about what you've done"
ah. okay. point taken, promise it won't happen again.
Though auto-kicks would be an interesting idea... Adapt Smokey to be a room owner
D: that would be an interesting idea though.
C&R idea . Cops write a solution and make it verbose. Robbers try to make it as short as possible. It is cracked if they get it down to the cops original byte count or lower
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoMiller-Rabin Strong Pseudoprimes Given a non-negative integer N, output the smallest positive odd composite integer that is a strong pseudoprime to all of the first N prime bases. This is OEIS sequence A014233. Test Cases (one-indexed) 1 2047 2 1373653 3 25326001 4 321...

How is that "about" Dennis?
@Christopher I think this has already been done
All my ideas are bad or dupes these days.
Q: Can you outgolf me? (Cops section)

AdnanCops section The robbers section can be found here. Thanks to FryAmTheEggman, Peter Taylor, Nathan Merrill, xnor, Dennis, Laikoni and Mego for their contributions. Challenge Your task is to write 2 different programs (full programs/functions/etc.) in the same language and the same version (...

@Christopher A dupe of a rather successful C&R, which is nothing to feel bad about.
welp i'll be right back o/
@Dennis I guess. Well bah humbug.
Better to have "that's a dupe of a successful and well-received challenge" than "that's a dupe of literal stinking garbage, orbiting flies and all"
Hmm would it be a dupe with same outgolf idea but with a harder challenge?
anyone wanna help with my koth?
Depends. What do you need?
people to tell me that it is ok to use functions
@ASCII-only how are we going to do union types
@DestructibleLemon it is ok to use functions
I mean as the bots, when they have persistent memory
ordered dict (OrderedDictionary<K, V>) is basically sugar for: (Tuple<K, V>[]) right?
they both have O(n) search time
or do ordered dictionaries also do hashing
Ordered dict as it's usually understood has log(n) search time.
binary search?
should I just say that class variables are not allowed in my koth?
err actually it's not so clear, it can referred to multiple things
and use classes?
but definitely not O(n) search.
@Downgoat maybe dictionary + vector?
I probably should
also I need people to say they are interested in my koth
@ASCII-only ?
like every key and value would have Object *next or whatever
Interested in my koth
@ASCII-only so linked-list of (K, V)?
@DestructibleLemon sound good?
@Downgoat kinda, it's dictionary that also has a way to use as linked list
I can now edit messages with JS.

 Chatroom of botdom

Discussion of my dungeon of botdom koth
Expect some improvements to my Userscripts shortly.
Question: I basically have a set I, and set V (I subset of V), how to effectively binary search their difference?
if I is subset of V then isn't intersection just I?
sorry, not thinking, meant difference
do i just search through V, and if i is in I, then skip it?
that seem wrong because I'm doing whole set
@ASCII-only Whats the problem?
@ASCII-only What OS are you on?
@WheatWizard TIO
Ok, the problem is pretty easy
Klein programs are run on a square, so there is an invisible row on the bottom
@WheatWizard Oh thanks haha seems so obvious now
If you have a *nix terminal you can use the debug mode. Its really helpful
@WheatWizard yeah on windows so curses can't find _curses
That is unfortunate, If I had windows I'd make a port
Are you trying the topology identification challenge?
@WheatWizard Yeah
@ASCII-only Cool I'll check that out
Feel free to ping me with any questions, I'll be busy on and off for a while but I'll answer then as I see them.
@WheatWizard Half done :D I really hope I can keep it this golfy
gtg now but will be back later
I think mine can be beat. Moving things around after you get a solution also makes for a lot of good golfs.
Beware the 200s though, I found them tricky
Q: Opposite of the digital root!

tfbninjaThe digital root of a number is the continuous summation of its digits until it is a single digit, for example, the digital root of 89456 is calculated like this: 8 + 9 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 32 3 + 2 = 5 The digital root is 5. Given a digit input, print/return all of the possible two digit numbers th...

anyone think this sequence could make a good challenge?
Generate might be more fun than check imo
well obviously
maybe take a list of numbers, and convert each of them to that "number system"
:o someone doesn't like my dennis challenge?
Question: should Int -> Double conversion be implicit (where the type has been explictily been specified as Int)
@DestructibleLemon I'm not a fan, I like take n get the nth smallest one.
maybe generate an infinite output
@Downgoat I don't think so. Only when doing arithmetic with a double should an int be implicitly converted to a double
:( A lot of esolangs can't do that. These challenges are most fun for esolangs in my opinion.
@WheatWizard hmm, fair enough. how about up to an input number
@Downgoat Do you want me to move those messages to the VSL room?
@Mego oh, definetly, thanks
e.g. 4: 2 11 20 101
2 messages moved to VSL
@Downgoat Done :)
Seems ok to me
might be easier than just convert n
How cold of a temperature can a penguin go down to comfortably? (Rough estimate :P this is for a challenge)
it might be
what is the consensus on unary input for languages that can take decimal input, (but where it is very much simpler to take unary input, based on how the language arithmetic works)?
@DestructibleLemon If like in JS I took 11111 that would be eleven thousand, one hundred and eleven. Not 5
do you mean something like retina?
nope, specifically Turtlèd
I mean it can pass a unary number which is interpreted as decimal natively as "unary", but if it actually is a base-1 number than sure
turtlèd can get decimal input
@DestructibleLemon off-topic: why call turtlèd and not goatèd :(
because it is the standard
maybe if you went back in time and got the turtle called a goat instead...
speaking of goat named languages @Mendeleev Question: did you go with Turtlegoat that the anonymous google doc user suggested or did you abandon :(
@Downgoat "anonymous"
@DestructibleLemon did I misspell? :P
So I've made the ability to use sed-like syntax to edit messages.
@ATaco Question: how much did it cost to register a-ta.co
Like, 12 bucks a year.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fireflame241Log Scales are for Quitters code-golfascii-art Everyone knows log scales are for quitters. Therefore, you must write a program or function that de-quitifies a bar graph with a log scale given a base. The bar graph input is taken as a single string which is a list of bars, where each bar of th...

@WheatWizard Hmm they should be doable with +?
@ASCII-only I don't know what you are thinking, my strategy broke down for the 200s because they don't have the behavior that I was exploiting.
@ASCII-only I'm trying to add unicurses support for Klein. Do you know anywhere I could find the docs?
@WheatWizard idk, they say it's mostly ncurses compatible
Ok maybe I'll try running the existing code in unicurses then
Ok its not
@WheatWizard hmm this may help?
@Downgoat I'm sorry, but your suggestion was bad. I'm staying with Tomato.
Wait... since when is Trash a gallery?
@Mendeleev Like a week or so ago
@Mendeleev So people don't continue conversations in Trash
@ASCII-only I've added unicurses support to Klein, can't test it on windows but it works for me
@Mendeleev 'cause trashy conversations are not welcome anywhere, even in the trashcan
But if it's the trashcan...
Why not?
BTW, can messages be moved from SE rooms to SO rooms?
@DJMcMayhem Congrats on passing Martin in low quality answers.
s/in/in reviewing/
lol that sounded bad
'cause passing martin in submitting VLQ answers is not that hard
As bad as "necro contest"?
dumb question: how to factor quadratic equation in form of ax^2+c, surely there is easy way for special case where b = 0
is there a single word for "strictly increasing, and contains no jumps"?
@Downgoat There is x^2-c
@Mendeleev pls tell secret to solve such equation
@Downgoat sqrt(-c/a)
not how to solve, solve is easy, how to factor
@NathanMerrill What do you mean "jumps"?
which is (x+sqrt(c))(x-sqrt(c))
If you have a solution, you have a factorization.
@Mendeleev oh
where a=1
@Mendeleev thank you very much 10/10 also work for > a if c is factor of -a
What math class are you in
@Mendeleev honors pre-calc
there is this review thing and i forgot everything frmo algebra 1
I'm also in pre-calc... kinda
nobody cares about you quadratics, goatratics are obviously better
It's my second math class this year so I'm going to be finishing it over the summer
but I finished algebra 2 so that's my main class this year
>_> so we are in same boat then :P
are you going to physical school or doing online
online math and language, everything else is physical
@Mendeleev what additional class are you taking that you have to take math and language outside of school O_o
This is a tough question
My school is "innovative" uses project based learning thing so I do everything else through projects
Alright, Sed based message editing now works!
@Mendeleev am I supposed to know wat project base learning is >_<
learning through projects
so do you still have like normal school where you have like 1st period, 2nd period, 3rd period, 4th period, ettc.
A pushed it as an update, as usual, you can still just normally reply to the message by using ^ s/a/meme
question: what do you call sqrt(b^2-4ac) part of quadratic formula
the discriminant is what's inside
"advisory" 8:15-8:55, 2:45-3:15. project work 9:00-11:45, 1:30-2:45. lunch 11:50-12:30. math and language 12:30-1:30.
on wednesdays the afternoon project thing is removed and everything after it is pushed back.
we can also take 1-3 week long classes that take place within the morning project time
ey first review
@WheatWizard Hahahaha, I know what you mean, but that sounds really funny
@ATaco Where can I get this userscript? :D
@Mendeleev brb moving to washington sounds great
With the rest of my Userscripts On the Github, This is CaretReply and ChatPreview.
they only accept 50 9th grade students per year
and you have to be in the issaquah school district
oh it's part of caretreply
s/tr/t r/
hold on
wait so i cn use it now or do i have to update it somehow
You may need to refresh, obviously.
@totallyhuman s/cn/can/
@Mendeleev brb moving to issasquatch school district
Oh foey, I forgot to increase the version numbers.
update caretreply
@Downgoat just it's pretty obvious who it was
> issasquatch
> is sasquatch
then refresh TNB
> washington state
You may want to update both CaretReply and SeChatPreview.
do regex flags work?
and is it /g by default?
Yes and yes.
ooo yay
so it's case-sensitive usually
^s/match/replace/flags, or ^s/match/replace, or ^s:match:replace, or ^s^match^replace^flags... You get the idea...
ooo nice
And it supports all the CaretReply lookups, like ^?ATaco?s/./blep
that is strange. but cool :D so does that find the most recent message by ATaco?
By or referencing ATaco.
Ah. Okay. So if I did @ ATaco and you did ^?ATaco? it would reply to that message I posted?
I see. Is there any way to ignore mentions?
No, but Adding ?s will look further back
i haz found a bug
You can search any text, not neccesarily names
ooo ok
Wut bug?
So even if I just typed ATaco without the @, it would find this message?
@ATaco here
how is that a bug?
it went from *bop* to boop
it lost the emphasis
Oh, I suppose it won't support markdown, let me work on that
next thing you know, there's a terminal client for TNB
... there is
@WheatWizard Nvm too lazy to finish, I'll only continue if the genetic algorithm fails :P
@totallyhuman Pushed an update that keeps markdown in mind.
what if you did bop
This should work
then s/bop/boop/
@HyperNeutrino u fail
Q: The Take-back counting algorithm

Nathan MerrillKids who are learning how to count often know runs of numbers, but can't seem to put those runs together properly. For example, they might say: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10 Sometimes kids will realize that they skipped some numbers, and go back: 1,2,3,4,7,8,5,6,7,8,9,10 This is clearly the superior pa...

welp anyway be right back ~15m
@flawr +1 lol
assuming it's the "don't move"
@ASCII-only Have you tried the updated interpreter?
my ide is telling me random is not used
but it is
and the squiggly line is annoying
@WheatWizard Not yet
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
# now there are no annoying squiggly lines here
import random
i fixed it now
Is there any way to edit a question with a pending edit? I want to edit a question to improve some confusion, but there is currently a frivolous edit pending on the question.
Solution: Go to edit history, select edit on the most recent edit.
how should I score my koth?
I mean, should I just check who wins most often?
and then do I count when a bot wins 10% of games against another bot?
@ASCII-only you know this stuff?
@DestructibleLemon why 10%
@DestructibleLemon Yes
@ASCII-only arbitrary number
Do a round robin, see who wins most often
@DestructibleLemon doesn't 10% mean loss
so, I count every single game, not the result of matches?
@DestructibleLemon Hmm the result then
actually, there is no specific result
match is the highest level of competition between bots. it is 42 games, which are made of rounds until someone loses 5 rounds, or wins 5 rounds, and rounds are made of turns
hmm, I guess I already filter with games anyway
Is there a golfy way to call lambdas in ruby? right now I am using (lambda).call
@WheatWizard TIO link?
wait, so you can't just (lambda)(arg)
@WheatWizard (lambda)[args]?
@DestructibleLemon No
@ASCII-only Try it online!
@ASCII-only Oh cool that works. Thanks
I just figured that out
from an answer
Thats odd syntax
should the bot list be given during init, or during the matchmaking function?
@WheatWizard Isn't all of ruby odd syntax
@DestructibleLemon I'm pretty sure most of these choices are up to you
yep. just asking what good practice is
you are python expert, yes?
The sandbox really stinks :(
you know classes and stuff
@MDXF then stop smelling it
@DestructibleLemon i guess
@DestructibleLemon hmm so what is the matchmaking function
@DestructibleLemon sounds like it should be passed during init
it calls the match function on all possible pairings of bots
it could easily be passed during the matchmaking function

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