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12:09 AM
@ASCII-only do we want to use "Error" or "Exception"
oonooooo ;_______; y u link eivl snek
so "CyclicResolutionError" is OK?
@ASCII-only is CyclicConcurrentResolutionDependencyError too long of error name
@Downgoat yes
12:15 AM
hm, do we want to have cross-scoped root id candidates
func f(a: T) { ... }
if (goat) {
    func f(a: U) { ... }
    f(a: t)
we'd need to traverse for both candidates
wait nvm already doing wow i am good at this :P
@ASCII-only btw do we want to have different than (a, b) for tuple because python's (a,) is ugly
@Downgoat no
maybe Tuple(a) for 1-element tuple
ok that is good idea 10/10
@ASCII-only idea define operator overload like:
func +(lhs: T, rhs: T) { ... }
that would make reaaaalllly easy to do operators
we could just convert A + B to A.+(&A, &B)
wait bad idea
12:44 AM
@ASCII-only I'll use deferred dependence
> Make sure your negotiator is damn good for best results.
@ASCII-only do we want autoclosure
 func downloadGoat(ondownload: @autoclosure () -> Void) { ... }
then you could do:
downloadGoat(ondownload: print("awwwww yissssss gaots downlaoded"))
@ASCII-only ;_; ono did u go
@ASCII-only btw Int / Int -> Double atm
@ASCII-only btw can you add llvm block support, I want to test if basic 1 + 1 vsl program work
1:06 AM
2 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@ASCII-only also we need preprocessor for things like multithreading
@ASCII-only wait if you can make neraly for node can u make nearly for vsl :O
1:32 AM
@Downgoat but nearley is bad :|
shift reduce is better
but i guess nearley is fine if no ambiguity
3 hours later…
4:41 AM
@Downgoat are you still online
@Downgoat ????
@Downgoat if i understand correctly i'd prefer downloadGoat ondownload: { print("awwwww yissssss gaots downlaoded")) } (downloadGoat { print("awwwww yissssss gaots downlaoded")) } would also be allowed)
13 hours later…
5:13 PM
@ASCII-only yes
@ASCII-only yeah, that definetly sounds good but do we also want autoclosure which basically adds { ... } around value?
5:26 PM
@Downgoat Btw I am trying to create a lexer for Carrot and am taking inspiration from tokeniser.js. So from what I understand, you have several regexes and try to match them. So how do you determine the token type?
We'll we have a TokenType enum which looks like var TokenType = { string: 0, number: 1, goatLiteral: 2 }
and then in the token spec we just do like: [/regexToMath/, TokenType.goatLiteral]
The tokenizer outputs something like: [{ type: 1, value: "1" }, "+", { type: 1, value: "1" }]
so regex is used for determining types
so operators and commands don't get converted to tokens at all?
like print statements
well we have things like [/let|var|class|interface/, passThrough] or something like that
it'll basically just literally output ["var"] for input "var"
only things like strings/numbers which are very complex we decided should really be tokenized
@ASCII-only do we want functions do be able to inherit other function
10/10 highyl recmoend
@ASCII-only ranges are lazy right?
0..Infinity would be like doing Range(from: 0, to: Infinity)
that way you can do:
5:44 PM
wow, you have infinite ranges
(we did it first)
wat no
oh yes
pytek is not first language with lazy generato
It was one of the first things El'endia designed
5:45 PM
0/10 brb calling lawyer for libel
@Downgoat OK, we did it before VSL did it, let me put it like that
how do infinite ranges even work?
@KritixiLithos They're just generators
They keep giving the next number until you stop
@KritixiLithos we'll we just have a Range class storing start, end and we generate the numbers on an as-needed basis
we might do range differences, e.g.:
0..10 - 4..8
@ASCII-only function inheritance is good idea right
@ASCII-only wait sorry already pinged you about it
Question: is a cyclic resultion dependency ever legally possible?
@ASCII-only okay adding classes but will worry about inheritance later
@ASCII-only should interfaces be allowed to have static values
:DDDDDDD got class registration woring
now to do inheritance ;_;
@ASCII-only are we doing conditional protocol conformity
10/10 do reccomend
6:44 PM
aww yiss:
vsl:transform> class A{}
    class A: Object {

ok wat is next
oh yes inheitancing
okay and type deduction
i'll start on boostraping the STL
@ASCII-only can you add === operator
7:00 PM
what will be the difference between == and ===?
I hope it will not be like JS
@KritixiLithos == could call an overload. e.g. "goat" == "goat", ===, though checks references (i.e. if they point to same address in memory)
7:50 PM
@ASCII-only how do we want to handle overflows?
do we want to just allow it?
what about when down casting?
should we check at runtime?
@ASCII-only also what do we want as the equivilent to size_t?
if we want that to be Int, then we'd need 64-bit integers
also we really need a preprocessor
otherwise in the STL we're going to write the exact same code 8 times for each of the integer types
3 hours later…
10:35 PM
@Downgoat help too many pings
@ASCII-only pls see tnb pings first
Question: how to solve augment matrix
why propertyexpression recursive
@Downgoat how is nonrecursive big bottleneck
just how type deductor is design to work
10:56 PM
@Downgoat :( ok
11:07 PM
;_; ono y :(
11:49 PM
@ASCII-only idea: do import python and print out: EivlError: ;_; y u do dis eivl r u shep
@Downgoat ok
@Downgoat actually no
what if there is python.vsl in same folder
;_; ono y u sai dis
@ASCII-only wait i thought we are not doing module like that
@Downgoat ?????????
how r we do then
like java or c etc.
11:59 PM
brb one sec

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